After meeting Zhou Xuanji, the daughter of Sword Emperor, he spent another 100 years in peace.

For 100 years, he was given the highest level of Divine Sword, only Apex Origin Court, without Divine Sword, a vascular court, let alone Divine Sword.

Divine Sword has no substantive breakthrough, but his body has been growing.

This day.

Heart lungs are finally coming.

Qingsson began to appear in front of Zhou Xuanji and also mentioned an Emperor cage.

He smiled, and he said, “You’ve become a lot stronger, and it seems that the time’s heart fight is very promising to win.”

He right hand waved directly into Zhou Xuanji’s income Emperor’s cage.

Zhou Xuanji did not resist.

Now he can feel the power of the Aegean Lord, and if he wants to resist, he’s not that easy to take him.

“Smile, your death will come.”

Zhou Xuanji expressionless, with a smile in mind.

It’s only here is a person who begins.

Whether the Sword Emperor side wins or the original party, the vast majority of the original owners will certainly fall.

Now, this young master doesn’t look like he can live.


Qingsson started with Emperor’s applause and flew quickly out of here, Heaven and Earth.

Zhou Xuanji, once again open his eyes, remains the blue sky, the clouds, the sea layers, the beauty of the universe.

There’s a huge round table ahead, surrounded by Divine Bird, spreading all sorts of colors.

Qingsson began to come in, and a laugh came out.

“It’s time for a lung fight, it’s definitely my treasure that can win.”

“Just your worm, no.”

“The strongest part is my pet. Do you know how much I’ve spent?”

“As soon as you start to pet, you know the weakness.”

“Don’t argue, dare you bet?”

Zhou Xuanji listens to those beginners laughing, not shaking their heads.

Don’t say it’s the Lord, these guys don’t even deserve mortal world gods.

Take creature as a toy, and not hide at all.


seems that these prime owners do not understand that water carries canoes.

Sword Emperor created them to manage the creature of the world on all sides, and they thought they were all alone.

Zhou Xuanji saw other Emperor cages in which different creature was held and only he maintained a human face.

The rest of creature looks vicious, some roaring, some napping, some quietly looking.

Zhou Xuanji quickly attracted the attention of other prime owners.

He saw the black clothes man, each other expressionless, and he didn’t look at him.

One of the primers came around and started looking at Zhou Xuanji.

At the corner of the stage, the Führer observed the other primacy in silence.

He quietly shakes his head and sighs in his heart and says, “It’s unbearable.”

He didn’t mention Emperor’s slap cage because he didn’t want to argue.

The Big Star, say, “Now that we’re all here, we’re ready to let go of each other’s first pet fight.”

“As in previous rules, the primacy of the lungs must be shown directly by the beginning of the war, which will eventually lead to the victory.”

hearthis, the beginners turn around and go to the edge of the round table.

They opened the Emperor’s slap and released the original pet.

Those vicious beginnings came out first and started fighting in the air.

Strange that these guys didn’t recover their size, they looked like sparrows.

In this way, there is a sense of pet struggle.

Zhou Xuanji shakes his head, secretly thought, “I can’t think that way, I’m the same as they are.”

And suddenly he made it clear that the Lord temperament.

They are not fraudulent evil, they are just too simple.

Like kids like ants, they don’t take into account how ants feel, they just want to enjoy themselves.

Because Zhou Xuanji found out what these prime owners didn’t mean at all collusions, their original pets were in a war of war, no target.

“Get out of here!”

The Qingsson Lord frowns and reminds him that he does not want to be spoken to by other beginners.

Zhou Xuanji only has to fly out.


One coldly snort came, Zhou Xuanji looked up, and only Sword Emperor’s daughter stood up in the air.

And next to her, there was a white clothed man, handsome, crafty hair, long hair behind her head, just like young Master who came out of the painting.

Starters kneel, cup one fist in the other hand.


jumped on their faces, and they used to invite Emperors seed girls to watch their lungs, but they were rejected, and they didn’t expect this time to come.

Big Star laughed and said, “What are you doing here? Where’s Sword Emperor?”

At this point, the ceremony is on your knees, and there is no specific division on the title.

“Huh, you don’t know!”

Shouted in a deep voice, the daughter of Sword Emperor, has arrived with a tremendous wave of repression that starts with complexion greatly changed.


big master, complexion sank, asked: “What are we guilty of?”

white clothed man lifted right hand, a long sword appeared in his hand.

“Evidence is on stage!”

white clothed man coldly said, “Take your left hand and put all the original pet income sleeves, except Zhou Xuanji.”

Zhou Xuanji, who had taken note of the sight of the girl of Sword Emperor, knew that he had been deliberately left behind.

Next he’s going to be a witness.

hong long long…

The round table was shaking, and Zhou Xuanji suddenly felt a pressure, and his legs were shaking, and he almost kneeled, and he immediately took out the pressure on Divine Sword to absorb it.

Others cannot afford to kneel directly.


round table creates a crack that can be broken at any time.


A mighty sound, even Zhou Xuanji, heard courage.

He looked up and saw only a silhouette flashing in the air, as if it were the day he was up and couldn’t see his true body.

Sword Emperor

Zhou Xuanji noticed that other prime fathers had shown a sense of honesty and fear.

“Father, you see, they play creature as a joke, compared to your great grace to us, and they’re selfish and pointless.” Sword Emperor’s daughter says solsolsolemnly.

The original owners are afraid, some unknown, so.

They did the same before. Sword Emperor didn’t say anything.

“We let Jean wait to control the world of the parties, and hope that it will take good care of the people and lead them to the right path, but what does it do?”

Sword Emperor’s voice goes down, it’s cold, it doesn’t sound angry.

The prime master spearheaded the answer: “The world is stable and human race is not extinct, except for those beasts who have no reason, but you said that they also have meaning, that we have let human race live with beasts, is it wrong?”

The other prime fathers followed the adhesion, each and everyone were angry.

The Führer was silent.

Sword Emperor’s daughter said, “There’s no rational beast to understand, but human race is hidden by you, nurtured in each and everyone tribes, and warned them not to go out, which is coexistence?”

“Father, you can only stay in your own world. Are you not allowed to travel?”

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