I Have An Altar Of Luck Chapter 98


Chapter 98 ended

On the way out of the cave, Yue Shan was admonishing Chen Yuan and telling him , if you want to go further on the Marital Arts Path, it is best not to nest in a small county.

Only life and death tempering can be promoted to higher realm.

Heaven Patrol Department is the best way out for those Martial Artists with no background.

As for Yue Shan's advice, Chen Yuan did not reject it nor agreed, but just said to consider it carefully.

And he was really ready to think about it.

Perhaps, joining the Heaven Patrol Department is also a good choice.

If nothing else, the fact that Ping'an County can't find a lucky person is a big problem, after all, Ping'an County is really small.

When Chen Yuan and the others returned to the Mercy Temple, there were basically no disputes. More than a dozen Mercy Temple monks were guarded by bailiff yamen, and most of them were trembling.

Chen Yuan swiped one after another on these monks, trying to find the silhouette of the previous azure robe monk, but there was none in the crowd, nor among the monks who had been brainwashed before.

Walking forward, a Little Monk closest to Chen Yuan was called to him by Chen Yuan:

"Why don't you see the Master who is looking after the Hidden Scripture Pavilion?"

Little Monk was taken aback:

"Are you talking about Martial Uncle?"


In my impression, the azure robe monk is this law.

"The Martial Uncle disappeared the day before yesterday," Little Monk said hastily.


Chen Yuan frowned. Could it be because he told him about the mountainside?

No, Chen Yuan didn't reveal anything about the monk to anyone, and Mercy Temple has been very calm these days and has no precautions, apparently didn't know in advance that the trace had been leaked thing.

"Yes, before disappearing, Martial Uncle was drunk, and was reprimanded by Martial Ancestor, and then disappeared. I searched for it in the temple, but couldn't find it."

After listening, Chen Yuan subconsciously looked towards the direction of the mountainside blood pool.

Wouldn't it be that in just a few days, the false words were killed by the people of Lifeless Religion?

If that's the case, that's really unfortunate.

He mourned for a moment of silence in his heart, but even if he died, he could rest his eyes, because Chen Yuan was indirectly avenging him.

Although the monk was greedy for money, it was undeniable that he helped Chen Yuan a little.

Patted Little Monk's shoulder, Chen Yuan said to the bailiff who was watching:

"This Little Monk just ask, he has nothing to do with the monster in Lifeless Religion. ."

"Yes, I will obey my orders."

The bailiff said quickly.

"Many thanks to this lord."

Little Monk's excited words were a little knotted, and his eyes were full of gratitude. He thought that this time could not escape.

Chen Yuan ordered nodded and turned to leave.

As for the other monks, Chen Yuan has no interest in taking care of them. Even if they are not thieves of Lifeless Religion, their looting of believers is true.

You deserve some punishment.

On the way back.

Li Mingi rode on his horse, his face pale, Chen Yuan, Wang Ping and the others followed, reporting the mountainside to him.

"That is to say, those thieves of Lifeless Religion have not been eradicated?"

Li Mingi frowned.

This time the county government has suffered heavy losses. The casualties on 1/4/2022, the pension alone is a huge sum of money. If the thieves of Lifeless Religion are eradicated, that's all.

But, with so much energy, there is still a fish that escaped the net.

Not very good to cross upwards.

"My lord, I guess that Lifeless Religion is in my Ping'an County domain, and I am afraid that Mercy Temple is not the only one." Guess to speak out.

"Chen Constable, it's an exaggeration, this time Lifeless Religion is also a heavy loss, even if there is a fish that escaped the net, I won't dare to make trouble in a short time."

Li Mingi glanced at Chen Yuan, with a faint tone, telling Chen Yuan not to offend those guys too much.

As soon as that Lord Zhang is gone, who in Ping'an County can stop those demons?

His injuries are not light.

Lifeless Religion is a monster regardless of the law and of natural morality. Before, there was a precedent for capturing the county government and killing everyone. Li Mingi didn't want to get in the way.

Chen Yuan: "What the adults said also makes sense."

After the Lifeless Religion demon in Mercy Temple was exterminated, the county magistrate will circulate the notice throughout the county, County Magistrate Wu Qingfeng impassioned Anger at Lifeless Religion The demons are the source of the scourge.

On the other hand, Zhang Xuan pressed the four black robed men back to Prefecture City on the same day and did not stop in Ping'an County.

It can also be seen that the Heaven Patrol Department is indeed busy.

Before leaving, Yue Shan approached Chen Yuan and told him that he had time to go to Prefecture City to meet him for a drink. As for joining the Heaven Patrol Department, he had to think carefully.

But try not to delay too long.

After sending off the Heaven Patrol Department, Chen Yuan returned to the arresting room and began to deal with the pensions and rewards. Fortunately, the money collected in the Mercy Temple was not small.

After all, the county government won't be able to make too much money.

In addition to the pension, Chen Yuan also learned the news of Zhao Shuping's arrest. After being severely tortured, Zhao Shuping confessed to the crime. Since several years ago, he has been controlled by Lifeless Religion with a special poison. .

For Lifeless Religion, many missing persons were secretly crossed out from the household register. If someone hadn't checked it out, they wouldn't have found the tricks.

And Zhao Shuping also issued a strict order not to arbitrarily search the household register in Ping'an County.

The whole Ping'an County can ignore the people who hinder the investigation, only Li Mingi and Wu Qingfeng.

And they.

seem to ignore this aspect deliberately.

Ping'an County is safe and sound every time I file a complaint.

To be honest, Chen Yuan didn't believe this statement at all.

Li Mingi and Wu Qingfeng definitely knew something long ago, but they chose to ignore it. As long as things didn't come out during their tenure, it wasn't their fault.

Safe Northern Part of City.

Within a restaurant.

At this moment, the sky was already a little dark, and most of the people on the road hurried home.

This is the first time Chen Yuan didn't get off work on time. After he came back today, he was dealing with the affairs of the yamen's pension, and it still hasn't finished.

But you still have to eat.

Looking at the black tattoo on the wrist of his left arm, Chen Yuan's eyes flickered.

Although he is very quiet in his body now, today Chen Yuan has seen the evilness of this thing.

Full of baleful aura and extremely bloodthirsty, it seems that every time he is urged, he must be fed or he will suffer backlash, which is his guess based on today's experiments.

“Brother Yuan, what are you ordering? Why is it so unpalatable”

Wang Ping picked up a chopstick and put it in his mouth to chew it, brows slightly wrinkle.

“Is it bad?” Chen Yuan lifts the head and glanced at Wang Ping.

“It’s unpalatable!”

Wang Ping clicked nodded heavily.

Chen Yuan pointed to the picture below the restaurant where two runaway rams were touching each other:

"It can hit the sheep."

(End of this chapter )

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