Both the Earth Wolf and the Yellow Wolf couldn't help but glance at Sirius, and then the Yellow Wolf said: "Sirius, are you **** it?"

"What kind of stealth change? Am I that kind of person? Hurry up, each of you, hurry up and post." After hearing this, Sirius couldn't help but urged: "It's okay for you to have poor skills, and you are still here to blame. Good people."

"I'm pooh." Xuan Lang couldn't help but said: "You stinky shameless, every time you play cards, you belong to your chicken thieves, play every day, don't doubt who you suspect."

"that is."

"Sirius, I feel that there must be something wrong with your hand."

"Yes, yes, no, no, let's play next."

"Yes, I also feel that this round should not be counted."

"Fuck, you guys are playing tricks, you won't put stickers on this, you old rascals, all give me stickers. If you lose, you will lose upright. Every time you lose, you all play rascals."

For a time, the whole scene became a little noisy and yelled, and for the rest of my life, I was even more dumbfounded.

For the rest of my life, I feel that this place is almost the same as the vegetable market. I have seen nonsense, I have never seen such a nonsense, you shit, just such a sticker, can you do it?

What is this called?

I was speechless for the rest of my life.

These people froze for a while, and finally they stopped playing cards. These people stretched out and said casually: "Damn, I'm exhausted."

"I don't know when that person will arrive."

"Yeah, or Yellow Wolf, go and see."

"It's okay. I'm idle and I'm idle, just go out and have a look."

After that, the yellow wolf left here, and Yu Sheng looked at these people, staring at these people. For a while, Yu Sheng didn't know what to say.

At this time, the land wolf came over and sat next to Yu Sheng. He couldn't help but said: "Boy...Have you played landmines before?"

"Played for a while." Yu Sheng hesitated for a while, and then slowly said: "A small part of it has been demolished."

"My mines were really demolished by you?" The wolf couldn't help asking.

The mines he laid out were not a simple way of mine-laying, and...when he was laying mines, he also took advantage of surrounding environmental factors and so on. It was very difficult to find the mines he laid out, let alone de-mining. After all, some of these mines were made by himself.

It is too difficult for others to dismantle.

When Yu Sheng heard this, he nodded slightly and said, "Yes, there are 218 mines in total, and I removed them all."

"Really demolished by you?"

The Earth Wolf was slightly surprised. He couldn’t help but glanced at Yu Sheng, feeling a little unbelievable. Unexpectedly, Yu Sheng actually demolished him, just as Yu Sheng said. There, he buried a total of 218 landmines. Saying this exact number proves that Yu Sheng already knows where the landmine is.

The Earth Wolf couldn't help but look at Yu Sheng twice, and for a while there was a little heartbeat, and then the Earth Wolf said: "Boy, are you interested in learning about landmines from me?"

"Yes." Yu Sheng was also moved when he heard the words. His method of mine-laying was too stupid and not so flexible. If someone could teach it, it would be the best.

"Okay, I will teach you later."

The wolf was a little excited.

"Your name is Yu Sheng, right? How old are you this year?" Sirius suddenly interjected.

"Twenty years old." Yu Sheng said.

"20 years old?"

When Sirius and others heard this, they were all taken aback, and said: "Twenty years old, that's it? Who trained you before?"

"Fan Tianlei, Chief of Staff Fan."

"Fan Tianlei?"

Hearing this, Sirius and the others looked at each other and couldn't help but said: "Is that old fox? This shameless shameless man, didn't he say that he was not his own soldier."

When Sirius said this, Yu Sheng also looked confused, and looked at Sirius in front of him a little puzzled, and didn't understand what it meant for a while.

What does it mean to send soldiers who are not their own? What is the situation? For the rest of my life, I always feel that this thing seems to be a little bit wrong...

"Fuck, I was deceived by this old fox." Xuan Huang said suddenly.

"Damn, this old fox..." Sirius gritted his teeth when he heard the words. For the rest of his life, he was inexplicable. How to mention the chief of staff, these people are like a different person.

Could it be that the chief of staff offended these people, this shouldn't be...

For the rest of his life, he even suspected that he was a dream.

Let's not talk about this lazy Five God of War, and then the chief of staff's business, how does he feel that the last person to be pitted seems to be himself.

"Forget it, I will settle the account with him when I come next time." Sirius took a deep breath and couldn't help saying: "This old boy, day by day, see if he won't be killed next time."

At this time, Sirius looked at Yu Sheng again, and said casually: "Boy, I have something to say to you."

"Training with us, life and death are up to fate, if your kid dies here, don't blame us for being cruel."

Sirius did not scare Yu Sheng, but spoke very solemnly.

After all, they have to warn the rest of their lives. This training method is very dangerous. One who is not careful may die here. They also have the obligation to inform the rest of their lives in advance.

When Yu Sheng heard this, he smiled and said casually: "Instructor, I don't like other people, I like challenges, and I like danger. I also invite instructors, just show it."


After hearing this, Sirius laughed and said casually: "I like a soldier like you. I hope you can stick to your ideas when you train tomorrow."

"Go, let's go out and take a look, I think the second person should be coming soon."

With a word of Sirius, everyone walked toward the outside one after another. As everyone came to the outside, at this time, Yellow Wolf walked toward this side with a person.

For the rest of his life, he saw the woman in the camouflage, the person here is a woman.

This girl, wearing a camouflage outfit, looked heroic, and, with a beautiful face, with a little bit of coldness, this girl looked a little unusual.

"Huh..." Seeing this, the wolf was slightly taken aback, and said in surprise: "Why is it a woman?"

"Don't underestimate a woman, this woman is sometimes very powerful." At this time, Sirius laughed and said casually: "This woman is extraordinary."


As soon as he said this, it actually aroused the interest of the people present. Yu Sheng also looked at the woman in front of him with interest, and didn't know what was unique about this woman.

Soon, the yellow wolf came to them with this woman.

(End of this chapter)

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