It succeeded.

The rest of my life is filled with joy.

In the medical training room, after constant experimentation, he finally found a countermeasure for this poisonous gas.

What Yu Sheng didn’t expect was that this week’s Madman was really not so powerful. He actually used his chemical knowledge to create a brand new toxin. This thing will not cause any harm to the human body, but will only cause People keep having diarrhea, but even so...

If this lasts for a day, it can also bring people out of prostration.

Moreover, it is basically impossible for them to hurry. In this way, Madman Zhou can lead the Blue Army and continue to harvest them from behind.

After all, they can't run far, and even leave marks on the ground.

This made Yu Sheng slightly surprised. He wanted to solve this problem in a doctor's way at first, but he found that it was not impossible to use a doctor's way. It just needed medication and was extremely slow.

At least it takes half a day to solve it, and it is still in the case of sufficient medicinal materials.

But in the current situation, where so many medicinal materials came from, he could only find another way and use other methods to solve this matter.

Fortunately, he really found it.

Yu Sheng looked at the crowd and said in a condensed voice: "You are here to wait for me for an hour, and I will come as soon as I go."

"Yusheng, what are you going to do?" He Chenguang said with a pale face.

"I'll find a solution." Yu Sheng said.

"But the Blues will catch up soon." Wang Yanbing couldn't help but said.

"Will not."

Yu Sheng shook his head slightly, and said in a condensed voice: "Here is covered with fog. Although they have many advanced instruments, it is impossible if they want to come here so quickly."

"If you wait for half a day, they might arrive, but it's definitely not now."

Yu Sheng had a lot of confidence, even with such a big fog in this marshland, even Madman Zhou did not dare to come here easily.

Because this might cause some damage to the Blues, they must be very careful. Moreover, their time is still long. Even if the speed is very slow, the Blues can slowly clean them up.

After all, the existence of this toxin is not very short.

"Okay, you go." Chen Shanming said: "Be careful yourself."


Yu Sheng nodded slightly, and then quickly left here. After Yu Sheng left here, he quickly moved in one direction.

Soon, Yu Sheng found some plants. Yu Sheng looked at these plants with a smile on his face. He hugged some and rushed back.

At this time, Chen Shanming and He Chenguang have reached their limits. If they continue like this, they will all have to be unconscious.

This feeling of diarrhea is really uncomfortable.

"Damn, I've been pulling this for more than two hours, and I'm so uncomfortable, why won't I come for the rest of my life." Song Kaifei asked tremblingly.

"You ask me, I ask who to go." Wang Yanbing couldn't help but said, "My legs are trembling now."

"I'm shaking too, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for a while."

"This week's madman, it is simply too nasty to use such despicable means." Xu Tianlong gritted his teeth.

Everyone is prostration, even Xiaozhuang and Lao Pao, etc., are also doing the same, and they have no choice but to wait for the rest of their lives.

If not, they can only wait to die here.

No way, they are too imaginary.

"I am back."

At this moment, Yu Sheng's voice resounded loudly, which made everyone look happy. Then, when they saw Yu Sheng holding a lot of things, everyone was puzzled.

"Now I want to light them, but light them will definitely attract other people's attention, so you don't have a lot of time. You must leave here within ten minutes."

The words of the rest of his life made everyone look solemn and said: "Does it have to be lighted?"

"It must be lit." Yu Sheng said.

"Okay, we all know."

Gao Dazhuang and others nodded their heads, and they all knew that it was a battle now, and if they were not stable, they would die. Although it was an exercise, they were in the exercise as a real battlefield.

Therefore, every detail is taken very seriously.

"Then I'll start ordering."

After the voice fell, Yu Sheng moved quickly.

For the rest of his life, these combustibles were lit, and then, he spilled something on these combustibles! There are some green grasses in it.

As the combustibles burned, Yu Sheng thought for a while, and he took out a knife and made such a small stroke on his finger. The blood flowed down his finger, and the blood dripped on the fire for the rest of his life. NS.

Everyone stared straight at the scene in front of them.

"Does this thing work?" Song Kaifei couldn't help but vomit: "If it doesn't work, we will be in a big trouble if we bring in the Blues at that time."

"Yu Sheng said it works, so I think it must work."

"Wait patiently, it's not a short while."

As time goes by, the smoke here is a bit big. After absorbing the smoke, Gao Dazhuang and others gradually feel that their stomachs feel a lot more comfortable.

After waiting for about five minutes, everyone felt that the feeling of turning over the river in their stomachs, disappeared, and for a while, this made everyone look happy.

"It seems to work."

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them with surprise, and said excitedly.

"It really works."

"Great, that feeling finally disappeared."

Speaking, everyone hurriedly cleaned up and put on their pants, but the moment they stood up, they staggered and almost fell to the ground.

For a moment, they were a little dizzy.

Obviously, this is because they squat for too long, which will cause such Yu Sheng saw that everyone has gradually recovered, Yu Sheng said: "Five minutes of recovery time, you must leave here to complete the recovery. , It’s not too late to rest in a certain place."


Following Yu Sheng's order, everyone nodded and immediately rested quickly.

Five minutes, the time is really not very long, not to mention, their legs are numb, so five minutes is just a little rest, and can not restore their physical strength.

After all, the time is too short.

"Let's go!" Yu Sheng said with a flash of eyes.


Immediately everyone is heading forward. At this moment, even if they are ninjas, they must leave here.

However, just before they walked on their front feet for less than half an hour, at this time, a team came quickly towards this place...

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