And on the other side!

Chen Shanming, Wang Yanbing and others, all staring wide-eyed, looked over here!

At this moment, they have also come to the edge of the bridge. At such a distance, it is not easy for the enemy to find them.

"What kind of people are these people in front? Why did they suddenly fight with the Blue Army?" Wang Yanbing glanced at him puzzledly, and the sound of gunfire made his scalp numb. With such a heavy weapon, It's not something that you can get casually. I guess it's the Blues that these people grabbed.

The great man has something to say well.

We have no guns, no artillery, the enemy made it for us.

Obviously, the other party played the words of the great man to the fullest.

"You said that with such a stunned and fierce army, will Sirius people be possible?" Xu Tianlong thought for a while, and suddenly said.

He thought of Sirius. Sirius was very strong, and each of them was very fierce. Therefore, Xu Tianlong couldn't help thinking of Sirius.

As for the Tigers and Oriental Excalibur, they felt a little unlikely. These three troops, not long after they had just met with them, should not have come up so quickly.

"Not very much." Chen Shanming frowned, shook his head, and said.

"Who could it be?" Xu Tianlong couldn't help but vomit: "The fight against the Blues is fierce at this moment. The Blues must have noticed here. We have to go over, I am afraid it will not be easy."

"Yeah, this unit is also wicked enough to deliberately attract the attention of the Blues. Doesn't this make us never get through." Song Kaifei said with resentment and dissatisfaction: "It is obvious that this is deliberately blocking us here."

"Indeed." Xu Tianlong also murmured: "Isn't the exercise a fool, I got a few machine guns there to fight, the enemy must not be able to come, and we will guard against this side. For a long time, none of us can get through."

"I feel that this unit is short-sighted, and there is no one who is right in front of the Blue Army. After all, the Blue Army is known as an army of 30,000. Once the army arrives, they have to finish playing."

He Chenguang held the sniper rifle in his hand. He glanced at it and said helplessly: "Now it's useless to say anything. The enemy is covering up very well. We can't see it at night, and we have no chance to hit the enemy."

"Now, I can only hope that the rest of my life will be able to reach the other side quickly and lead these blues out."

He Chenguang's words also caused everyone to sigh. They all knew that they could only wait for the rest of their lives. As long as the rest of their lives passed and attracted the attention of the Blues, they could attack directly from the bridge.

But prerequisite, the rest of his life has to attract a large number of the main force of the Blues.

At this time, the rest of his life was still about ten meters away from the shore, which was already a very close distance. For the rest of his life, he could even hear the sound of gunfire, as if he was not far away.

He knew that the Blues should be here.

From the perspective of the number of blues, there should not be a lot of blues. If a team of a thousand people is formed here, they don't need to fight. If they just guard the bridge here, they will win the game.

But thinking about it, he feels unlikely. There are at most a hundred or so people here, no matter how many people, it is a waste here, and the enemy can be regarded as having no omissions, so naturally it will not build too many troops here.

After all, putting too many troops here is really a waste. As long as more than a hundred people are placed in this place, then the people on the other side of the bridge will not be able to come over. Even if everyone is united, they may not be able to survive.

As for the situation of uniting, they can directly call for support. When the enemy helicopter comes, they will become turtles in the urn.

So, more than a hundred people are enough.

Yu Sheng swiftly crawled towards the shore, a distance of about ten meters, for Yu Sheng, was only about thirty seconds.

This is because his arms are already a little numb. If he changes to the period of his victory, the speed will be faster, and it will take about ten seconds to pass.

When Yu Sheng came to the bridge head, Yu Sheng used his arms and looked at the bridge head cautiously. At the bridge head, Yu Sheng saw the number of cars and the obstacles built by the Blues. Obviously, these are all. It was prepared to prevent people from rushing to the bridgehead.

Yu Sheng glanced at the side, there was a stone beside it, Yu Sheng jumped on the stone, Yu Sheng followed the stone beside it and climbed onto the bridge head.

Because the sky was a bit dark, the Blues focused their attention on the edge of the bridge, so they didn't even notice Yu Sheng's side.

This gave the rest of his life a chance.

Yu Sheng glanced at the cars of these people. The cars of these people were all intact. After thinking about it, he cautiously touched the cars.

At this moment, a blue army came over from him, and when he saw it for the rest of his life, he directly hit the blue army on the back, knocking the blue army out.

Yu Sheng quickly checked the equipment on the Blues. What made Yu Sheng a little pleased was that he actually found a few grenades, plus a few grenades on his body, there are a total of five.

This made him somewhat happy.

"These guys are really well equipped... they even have grenades."

For the rest of my life, I also knew that this grenade is a trainer bomb and will not kill people. However, this thing is thrown in the past. As long as it is within the scope of this thing, the sensor device on the enemy will smoke. Once it smokes, it naturally represents being disuse.

"The use of five grenade is limited. It seems that they can only blow up their car."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng's eyes flickered, and in a moment, he threw the grenade toward the nearest car next to him.


With a muffled sound of the grenade, the car exploded, and the grenade flew around casually. Some blue soldiers who were close to the military vehicle were directly affected, and yellow smoke appeared on their bodies.

"No, there are enemies."

The Blue Army also apparently discovered the existence of the rest of their lives, and immediately yelled: "There is an enemy, and an enemy is approaching us."


In the next instant, the remaining four grenades for the rest of his life were thrown towards the other cars. As the rest of his life was thrown over, the remaining four grenades fell into the car's fuel tank.

Now, Yu Sheng throws a grenade with his own strength, to 70 or 80 meters, it can be said to be easy, very easy.

Therefore, these grenades were accurately thrown into the fuel tank not far away, which caused yellow smoke from the car, and yellow smoke from all the surrounding blue forces.

When Yu Sheng saw this scene before him, the corner of his mouth was raised.

But at this moment, Yu Sheng's remaining corners curled, and he saw a figure...



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