I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 668 Heroic Spirits of the Past

Where is the light?

Are you really sure you can control him?

Not long after Tokugawa Mitsunari left Zhao Fuyu's cloud top, a slightly aged voice called him, causing his expression to change slightly.

Growing up, he had always been intensely sensitive to this person's voice because it was his sister.

A woman with super spiritual power. Tokugawa Hanko!

This kind of spiritual power is not a spiritual power that comes from acquired practice, but a natural talent. With such a talent, Hanzi almost has the ability of anyone after the passing of the psychic.

Therefore, she regarded this as a revelation from God and gave up the easily accessible position at the helm of the Tokugawa Group. Instead, she traveled around the world and became a goddess-like existence.

But in fact, it is sending the comfort that may only be once in this life to every sad person who has lost a loved one.

However, not long ago, she returned to Dongying, because she seemed to have foreseen some crisis and came to the underground laboratory of the Tokugawa Group in advance.

There, she saw a majestic body that had completely recovered. There was no trace of spirit or soul, but it seemed to have the courage of a martial artist who had been tempered for thousands of times.

This is the cloned god of martial arts, Miyamoto Musashi!

At that moment, Tokugawa Hanzi understood why he was attracted.

In fact, Tokugawa Mitsunari and his sister both have the same hobby, which is to appreciate the duels of fighters.

And if Miyamoto Musashi, who has the physical ability at his peak and the soul of martial arts skills at his peak, appears in this era, what kind of monster will he create?

In fact, they've already done it!

But precisely because it was completed, Hanzi Tokugawa was afraid.

Because she didn't know what kind of monster she had unleashed.

The strength shown by Miyamoto Musashi, who was still in the adaptation period, could easily kill a powerful dragon-level fighter, and he clearly only had the aura of a tiger-level fighter.

This makes it even more difficult to understand what level his martial arts skills have reached.

Would such a true dragon really be willing to leave the world again after a hearty battle?

Not only Tokugawa Hanzi was unsure, but even Tokugawa Mitsunari didn't know the answer.

The only thing he can be sure of and promise is that even Miyamoto Musashi will not be invincible in this Fist Wan Jue Mie Knockout!

Just that is enough.

Everyone has his own little calculation

Hmph, very good!

The president of Daito Sakura Bank smiled coldly, as if he was well prepared.

In addition to the undefeated martial artist ‘Destruction Fang’ who has won 157 consecutive games, he also bought back a rare item from North America.

Because he is blocked, his life span is definitely under the limit of 28 years old. Although he is only a dragon-level existence, he only has the hunting instinct of the beast and his superior learning ability.

In the opinion of the president of Daito Sakura Bank, it will be a more stable insurance than Miedo Fang.

With double insurance in hand, it can be said that he has firmly grasped the location of the cavity in his own hands.

This time.

I want to see which of you can suppress me!!

Thinking of the many times he had been secretly suppressed because of the incident in Paradise City, the president of Daito Sakura Bank became extremely angry.

This time he must show those guys what the real horror is!

Unlike ordinary competitors, Kuroki Genzai did not enter the boxing competition. Instead, he sat among the tops of the clouds. After noticing the extraordinary situation here, this man with the extreme martial arts 'The reputation of a superb warrior has a more serious look on his face.

Because he could clearly sense that among the participants this time, there were not a few who could threaten him.

There are even three or two auras that can really make him feel that he needs to treat it with caution.

Sensing the subtle changes on Kuroki Gensai's face, Katahara Mitou, the current president of the Boxing Club and one of the leaders of the Dark Killing Boxing Circle, asked in surprise.

What's going on?

And Kuroki Xuanzhai just shook his head slightly.

It's just that the opponents we will encounter are much stronger than expected.

It's not a big deal.

Acknowledging the strength of his opponent is only a matter of course for a truly strong person, but being confident in his victory at all times shows what level his martial arts skills have reached.

Although the aura on his body is only tiger level, everyone knows that as long as he wants, he can break through to dragon level at any time, or even step into the realm of god level with one foot.

But this is not enough for Kuroki Gensai. What he wants is to completely complete his martial arts training, reach the ideal martial arts state, and then cross all the barriers in one step to reach the current domain of Fuulin Temple Hayato.

The realm of the Martial Saint!

Kuroki Genzai, who is ambitious and has always pursued martial arts, may have never worried about what his opponent would be like because of this.

Because for him, all opponents are honing his martial arts.

Seeing him so confident, Katahara Mitou was relieved. Even though he seemed to have some relationship with Daito Sakura Bank, in fact, the two parties were only slightly related by blood.

You must know that mastering the Boxing Club is equivalent to temporarily controlling the inflow and outflow of many unknown funds. For the dark murder boxing world, it is an unimaginable benefit.

Drawing commissions is a trivial matter, and knowing the actual strength of each party is the most critical thing.

Therefore, Quan Yuanhui is naturally unwilling to lose this position.

Inviting Kuroki Gensai out this time is, to put it bluntly, a deliberate demonstration by the Dark Killing Boxing community. They want to make money just by standing still!

At that time, we will see what the mainstream martial arts community has to say.

Please note that the first round is a team competition. Each participating team will send one person to participate in the knockout round.

The winner is qualified for the next round, and the loser is eliminated!

The simple and clear rules of the first round aroused heated discussions among countless contestants.

Although it may seem like there are a lot of people, in fact there are not many qualified people in Dongying. After all, there is a basic condition for the Quan Yuan Jue Ming Knockout Tournament. To participate, you have to pay a price of about 5 billion.

Without this price, it is impossible to sign up, so once the so-called hundreds of people are divided into groups of three, even a group of a hundred will soon be far away.

But even so, so many contestants still surprised many people.

It’s natural to understand why the first round of the knockout round chose such a trivial rule.

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