I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 1330: Boiled, Stir-fried and Fried 3

Making this golden lion head dish is actually very simple.

Simple seasonings, onion, ginger, aniseed, star anise, dried chili, sauté for a while, then cook with soy sauce and cooking wine, until you smell a strong aroma of sauce mixed with spices, it represents the early stage The stir fry did the job.

The boiled soup base is mainly for the flavor of the lion's head, so you have to add a little broth, dilute the taste with water, and wait until the soup is boiled, then put the hot lion's head go in.

It is necessary to know that it is necessary to put the soup after it is boiled, because if it is cold water, it will go down. Under the stimulation of cold and heat, the taste inside the meatball will be sealed, and the meat juice inside will also be lost.

Basically, this kind of ingredients need to go through the cooking process of the soup base, so if the previous dishes are raw, it’s okay, if they are cooked, please remember to put the ingredients after the soup base is boiled.

This can ensure that the meat ingredients will not get stuck in the teeth, and the soup inside will be better preserved.

Seeing that the lion's head is starting to be fired, Zhao Fuyu also prepares the golden soup that will be served later. The broth is used as the base, pumpkin puree, yellow bell pepper sauce and yellow gong pepper are paired. The solution to the greasiness of pure meatballs.

And all three are golden yellow, which is consistent with the color of the meatball itself. Even if it is more rosy after being fired, it will only make this dish more attractive, rather than making people feel respectful.

Several dishes were cooked at the same time, and Zhao Fuyu didn't relax because he only needed to adjust the heat for a short time.

On the contrary, it was because of this that he wanted to finish processing the pipa meat and leg meat of the golden-winged roc.

Pipa meat is a bone horizontally on the upper layer of the leg bone, with lean meat.

Generally speaking, it can be regarded as the thigh part, and the meat here is one of the leg meat parts of many people's favorite poultry.

Considering the tyrannical ancient emperors such as the golden-winged roc, the proud supernatural powers themselves are mainly fighting with the claws of the roc, and they are extremely muscular.

This special ingredient will be particularly gratifying in terms of taste.

Because the chewing feeling is very strong, you will not worry about losing the taste of the ingredients if you cook for a long time.

Therefore, Zhao Fuyu chose some particularly heavy-handed cooking methods, using the special method of turning the dragon pot, under the condition of heating, and the method of kiln roasting to hang the pipa legs brushed with the secret sauce marinade in it .

Finally, a special taste experience with crisp skin and tender meat, but also extremely tough taste is achieved.

As for the remaining leg meat, Zhao Fuyu chose to remove the bone and take the meat. After beating it continuously, he threw it into the Tanlang pot and cut it into bite-sized pieces without any complicated seasoning.

Pepper, light soy sauce, and salt are mainly for infusing the flavor and enhancing the aroma, so you don’t need to waste energy to remove the fishy smell, and there is no such thing as coating powder.

It fell directly into the oil pan, fried until the shell was crispy, then supplemented with dried chili soaked in water, Chinese prickly ash, and peppercorns, and stir-fried together in a hot pan, and finally sprinkled with a little salt, sugar, pepper, and prickly ash oil , chopped green onion and cooked sesame seeds.

A very traditional spicy chicken diced leg meat is finished.

It can be said that after such a frying, the strong taste has spread to the point where no one can control it.

Zhao Fuyu also knew this, so he directly brought over the several dishes that had been completed.

Especially the Xianhuang Wing Claypot, which is the main dish, is steaming hot, as if there will be no change.

You eat these dishes first, and I will serve them later.

But don't get too full, remember to taste every dish.

It should be of good help to you all. Fellow Daoist Changsheng can do whatever he wants.

For different people, Zhao Fuyu also has different arrangements. The path of the Emperor Changsheng has already been determined, and he can't let him intervene. Therefore, his ingenuity in cooking is nothing more than ordinary to this fellow Taoist. Just common tricks.

It can make him understand by analogy, but it is already difficult to gain something on the road.

Unless it is a foreign object that fits his avenue, it is only a matter of time before the realm of detachment. At that time, his full cooking may benefit the Emperor Changsheng a lot, and increase the hope of entering the realm of void power by two points.

Hearing Zhao Fuyu's words at this time, many diners present, including the newcomers Meng Qi and Gu Xiaosang, looked like they could finally eat.

It's as if the side dishes that I ate before didn't exist at all.

That exuberant appetite gushed out, completely engulfing the four dishes present.

The steamed soup pot was surrounded by prepared fairy phoenix wing meat.

Some of them can be eaten directly by rinsing, while the other part can be eaten by steaming. The same ingredients can be eaten in two different ways. It is only under Zhao Fuyu's hands that there are so many tricks.

As a cold dish, Static Peng Claw has also attracted the attention of many people. The just-baked spicy Peng Claw is also hot and tangy.

Everyone stretched out their chopsticks impatiently, and at the same time, visions rippled out one after another, and the moment the food was put into their mouths, everyone already felt what it means to have a shortcut to cooking skills.

This kind of shortcut is not close to the ordinary way, but already similar to the great way.

It is the continuation and development of Tao itself, and this is the essence of Zhao Fuyu's cooking style.

He did not create the Dao, but the derivation and development of the Dao, which is exactly in line with the trend of human nature and the means of the world of mortals.

When entering the mouth, the rich aroma is rippling, no matter which dish the diners taste, they only feel that their souls seem to be pulled away, and then they enter a world of grotesques.

The diners began to enjoy the delicious food, and Zhao Fuyu didn't intend to stop. The last remaining golden lion head was specially left by him, including the meat of the arched mouth, the brain flower, and the most tender part of the tongue.

After he picked out the excess blood of the brain flower, what was left was the thick white part. After simple cleaning, he added broth and put it in the oven, followed by frying a pickled pepper-flavored sauce.

When the brain flower is halfway roasted, put the pickled pepper sauce on it again, and then simply season it, then continue to simmer.

The face meat and arched mouth parts need to be marinated first, and then stir-fried to make a twice-cooked pork. There is still a lot of brine made before, but there is no need to make brine again.

It's just that it's a new dish after all, so Zhao Fuyu specially fried a sauce base mixed with sweet noodle sauce and soy sauce to change the taste of the marinade, so he marinated the cheek meat and mouth parts together.

As for the tongue part, it actually requires a little more thought.

After removing the old skin of the tongue coating, Zhao Fuyu cut the tender middle section into thin slices

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