I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 1291 Restoring the Legendary Cuisine

It's obviously not an important arrangement, but it can be deduced to this level step by step.

It's only a matter of the finale, and it can completely shake the dense network that is intertwined with the two culinary methods of food spirit and food bully.

If Mr. Fuyu is willing to enter the fixed stage of chess, I am afraid that he will have to be on the ninth stage, which is eleventh.

Zhu Twelve's praise must be incomprehensible to those who don't know how to play chess, but those who really understand will feel that this kind of metaphor is extremely appropriate compared with Zhao Fuyu's handwriting.

To put it bluntly, the meaning of 9-dan is that the ordinary Go 9-dan can no longer describe Zhao Fuyu's layout skills, and he has hope to compete for the qualification of the 10-dan chess master.

As for Xu Shiyi, it is a further compliment to Zhao Fuyu, if the so-called ten-level chess master goes one step further, there will be no more titles, only the title of Xu Shishi.

After all, the ninth rank is the highest rank in Go, and the so-called tenth rank master is already a title that high-level chess players are fighting for, not a title in the true sense.

It is more similar to the meaning of the annual champion, the strongest Go player every few years.

It can be said that Zhu Twelve's words can already be regarded as arty and boastful, and in terms of his status and status, it is even more difficult for people not to feel complacent that he can say such a few paragraphs.

But this kind of emotion is just a flash in Zhao Fuyu's place.

The key is that what Zhao Fuyu has the most is self-knowledge. He just arranges many things according to his heart and his own personality.

It cannot be said that his layout is good, it can only be said that he is sincere, so God helps those who help themselves.

Since he is a self-help person, Zhao Fuyu will definitely not let go of such an opportunity. In fact, he has already thought about the first restored legendary recipe.

It's just that many details cannot be copied, because he doesn't have the conditions to copy them.

So he is also discussing this recipe with several gourmet kings present, to see if there are any inspirations and methods that can be used for reference.

What he wants to teach is the cooking details contained in the recipes left by the chef, so this aspect must be displayed vividly, and on the other hand, it cannot be rigid, so that people watching the live broadcast feel that it is enough to just completely imitate the original recipe up.

How to handle the two dilemmas is also a point of Zhao Fuyu's confusion at this time.

And he is the first one, so he must make this standard point, so that the heavenly kings who start the lecture can pass it on more smoothly, and finally can subtly let the cooks who can watch this live broadcast gain something .

The key lies in the starting point. Destroying the existing standards is actually the least important goal. The key lies in how to let more cooks understand the mystery that can improve the level of the current cooking industry.

This is the most important thing.

So Zhao Fuyu's thinking is not actually how to show more things, but how to use the simplest principles to make people understand the deep meaning behind these seemingly ordinary actions, and after understanding, he can do it personally.

This is the key to this live teaching!

But Fuyu, do you really choose to restore that recipe?

Don't think about it any more.

What if there is a problem with the climate by then, or your changes are not recognized?

Nakiri Senzaemon knew that Zhao Fuyu's choice would not change, so he still couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Can't help but ask.

That dish is just right, with the end of the old era as the chapter, and the next is the real new era.

From the perspective of Chef Liu's life, that cooking also bears such responsibilities, doesn't it?

He gave the reason for his choice, and even Nakiri Senzaemon didn't say anything this time.

On the other side, Nan Dou and Zhu Twelve both showed extremely appreciative eyes, because this also represented Zhao Fuyu's mind, seeking common ground while reserving differences, linking the past and the future, instead of blindly giving up everything in the past, his path is higher and higher step by step. Strongness is developed on the basis of the way of cooking in the past.

Just relying on the special existence of gourmet cells, the established way of cooking really cannot be completely unimpeded.

Because the main world used to be a world without a trace of gourmet cells.

The arrival of the gourmet cell power from beyond the sky is actually more like an invasion of this world, but the sudden emergence of Liu Chushen and other existences restrained the invasion, but turned harm into treasure.

Otherwise, you just need to think about it a little bit, if it is a world without a relatively good cooking foundation and extraordinary heritage, once the power of gourmet cells invades, what will happen to this world?

Just looking at the comparison between the main world and the gourmet world today, one can understand that the whole world will become a hotbed for the development of gourmet cells, and super gourmet creatures will run rampant.

It is estimated that it will be even more difficult for human beings to preserve the seeds of civilization.

In the end, either human beings will return to the primitive era and want to go to the top of the world again, then their opponents will be the top predators who have been killed among the super gourmet creatures.

Either it is difficult to maintain civilization, and then integrate human civilization into the power brought by the gourmet cells, and eventually become a vassal civilization of the gourmet cell power.

In fact, there is already a second trend in the main world. If it weren't for the existence of the extraordinary world, the Zhongzhou cuisine circle, as a unique cultural circle, has been resisting the continuous erosion of this force with its own cultural influence.

It's hard to say what the main world looks like today.

Fortunately, this persistence ushered in the dawn.

The birth of Zhao Fuyu not only fully integrated the power of gourmet cells into the cooking, but also formed a civilization circle capable of resisting the power-shaped civilization built by gourmet cells.

Based on Zhongzhou culture, he has developed his unique cooking culture system.

This time, what Zhao Fuyu will thoroughly show to many cooks lies in this point.

It is not that you need the help of fantasy ingredients to become the top cook. On the contrary, fantasy ingredients need the top cooks to sculpt and bloom to a brilliance beyond their own limitations.

The order of these points cannot be changed arbitrarily, otherwise it will lead to another path.

Once the decision is made, it will not be changed. What Zhao Fuyu is thinking about at this time is how to deconstruct that recipe, and then continue to restore it according to the current actual situation.

But when Zhao Fuyu decided what the topic of cooking was, and they intentionally spread it, the discussions from all walks of life also became more heated.

It should be said that apart from the big event that the food association did in Western America back then, which sparked so many discussions among people in the culinary world, this is the second time that Zhao Fuyu has selected a topic for the live broadcast.

Because he chose the cuisine of the chef Liu who was considered epoch-making and completely defeated Kaiyou, the leader of the dark cuisine circle in Zhongzhou.

Mother Sunball! !

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