I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 128: Leading Beyond Generations

‘How could it be? Let’s forget about the near-perfect Buddha Jumping Over the Wall dish before.’

‘This is such an ordinary dish, how can my gourmet cells feel the appetite? ? ! ! '

With a highly developed gourmet cell, even if he has become a gourmet king, not all dishes can fall into his mouth.

Quite a lot of food, before it entered his stomach, was directly strangled by the powerful cells and turned into pure energy, which would not affect the taste of the food cells in his body.

But this time, it was just a simple and extremely simple soup, without dreamy ingredients, and without amazing cooking skills, which actually aroused his appetite.

You know, to satisfy his appetite, even Lin Chef can only just do it.

Although Zhao Fuyu may not be much worse than the average Lin chef, but he has not mastered the taste of the ultimate domain, and it is not possible to attract his gourmet cells to such a degree.

'etc? ! ! '

‘What if it involves the extreme field? '

The seasoned Senzaemon quickly realized a possibility that he had overlooked.

It is also the fundamental possibility for Zhao Fuyu to have such a source of confidence.

Zhao Fuyu has not only mastered the taste of the ultimate field, but also a lin-level giant who has already reached the peak of the lin-level, so he dabbles in it. The ultimate perfection of mastering a certain taste! !

‘Impossible, the Uncrowned King is already as good as ever at this age. '

'If it really involves the extreme field.'

When Nakiri Senzaemon thought of the geniuses under the age of 20 in the entire world, he couldn't help but show shock.

‘This is a whole position ahead of the current generation! '

Secretly calming down his excited emotions, Senzaemon never thought that at such an age, his blood would boil because of an imaginary possibility.

'You will know if you taste it'

Taking a deep look at Zhao Fuyu, at this time Senzaemon was actually very grateful that he came here ahead of time and had such a competition.

If it wasn't for this accident, he would have known that Zhao Fuyu had really started to get involved in Lin Chu's field later, and missed such a super evildoer who could be called a kitchen god.

I'm afraid I will regret it for the rest of my life.

Although he has invested a lot in advance, but compared to the size of the whole Yuanyue, his investment is not much. If other old fellows of the same generation make up their minds, they will pull Zhao Fuyu to their side.

As long as you are willing to be cruel, it is not impossible.

'So, is Erina's recklessness a good thing? Let me see the roots of boy Buyeo’

Recalling all the cooking process that he saw just now, Nakiri Senzaemon suddenly discovered something, something that is almost impossible to appear in young people.

That thing is called 'rhythm'!

The rhythm of cooking!

Just when Nakiri Senzaemon was still trying to see through the fog to judge the progress of Zhao Fuyu's cooking from the details of his cooking, a voice suddenly sounded.

Mr. Nakiri, try it.

This soup can't be eaten cold, it should be eaten while it's hot!

With a movement of his eyelids, a pot of tea soup-colored soup appeared in front of Xianzaemon's eyes, trembling like congealed nectar, and the pieces inside were floating like clouds, which was the protagonist of this soup, mullet roe!

Braised mullet egg soup, please eat!

In less than two hours, Zhao Fuyu waited for quite a while before presenting this dish.

Just like the previous dishes, there is no abnormality, nothing special.

It seems that even the resonance of the ingredients is hard to feel, but this also shows that the degree of completion of Zhao Fuyu's cooking has almost reached the level of returning to the basics and obscuring the fetish.

The purpose of the small spoonful of sesame oil added at the end is to keep the aroma and temperature of the cooking firmly sealed.

Only when diners enjoy it can they get the most complete and specific feeling.

The overwhelming deliciousness!

The old man is impolite!

Without hesitation, I picked up a little bit of the three kinds of onion, ginger, and coriander floating on it, and put it in my own bowl.

Put the soup spoon into the bowl, scoop up the full ingredients and soup directly from the center, and the spoon that plunges into the soup bowl in an instant seems to have pierced the indiscernible membrane.

The rich aroma burst out vigorously, like a volcano that had accumulated to the extreme, and the smoke billowed up, forming a scene in the air like a squid swaying in the sea.

But it just passed away in a flash, and did not really form a vision of the kitchen environment.

But just like this, the maximum effect of the resonance of the ingredients has also appeared, and now the brown soup has golden streamers from time to time.

It's as if a ray of sunlight remains in the soup, which makes people dazzled and fascinated by the smell.

The first thing that rushes into the nasal cavity is the pungent, sour, and saliva that almost made Senzaemon's saliva uncontrollable and began to spread continuously.

The outer robes have even begun to loosen.

This is also a very rare phenomenon in the Demon King of Food, who has not left Kyoto for a long time.

'It really does feel that way.'

After a little stirring with a spoon, Senzaemon made a judgment, and then put the spoonful of soup ingredients into his mouth with a big mouthful towards the bowl in his hand!

'puff! ! '

Suddenly, there was a sound like a deflated ball, and the elusive servant of the Nakiri family rushed in from the door again, blocking Nakiri Senzaemon with a curtain.

And the moment they opened the curtain, countless rags began to float in the fire throughout the night.

It is the 'clothes burst' that is almost completely shattered, reappearing in the world!

Hot and sour, pungent and spicy, and so exciting to the taste buds.

The mature vinegar that enters at the end brings the sourness to the extreme, but it doesn't last long.

After the sourness in the mouth, the hotness of pepper is followed immediately, not only the spicy white pepper, but also the spicy aroma of red pepper, and the freshness of green pepper.

It all exploded in the delicious soup at the same time.

The spicy power directly activates the taste buds, making the whole body start to heat up, as if... as if it is directly shining on the sun!!

The comments of the Demon King of Food came out, and it was obvious that Zhao Fuyu's cooking had shocked him quite a bit.

This is not performed to boost the confidence of the ten elites of the Yuanyue Group, a self-controllable skirt burst, but a clothes burst that can only appear because of the resonance of all the food cells!

But the most important thing is the soup base. The deliciousness of the soup base keeps the sourness and spiciness from the main axis. It will not make people feel uncomfortable. Instead, after the sourness and hotness, the taste buds and spirit are awakened, and they start to enjoy the uniqueness of squid eggs. sweet and delicious.

It's a kind of food that can't be imitated by other ingredients. After feeling the smoothness and tenderness in the tongue tip and teeth, the squid is unique and even more mellow and sweet!

“Extreme sweetness!!”

As soon as these words came out, even Nakiri Erina, who devoted herself wholeheartedly to her cooking, raised her head very differently.

This sentence is too heavy.

How could Zhao Fuyu's cooking be called the word 'extreme'? !

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