Ancient Heaven, inside the manor.

Chen Qi had just smashed the ninth divine object into pieces and integrated it into Bubble Bobble's body when he received a notice from Gu Yunqing asking him to go to work quickly.

Chen Qi knew instantly that something big was about to happen.

Otherwise, Senior Gu would never urge him to go to work.

Bubbles, Kuno is a very special number.

“Everything that wants to be [reborn] must go through a tribulation.”

Originally, I thought you would be an exception, but I didn't expect that the universe is selfless and shows no mercy at all.

Hurry up and get used to your current body. I guess you will have to defend justice again soon.

Chen Qi put away the tenth artifact that was about to be destroyed, and knocked Bubble Bobble's knee with regret.

Today's Bubble Bobble is no longer a piglet, but a 20-meter-tall purple and gold Tyrannosaurus rex.

This is the root transformation derived from the divine object.

Bubble Bobble's size was the first to break through its own limits.

God, don't worry.

“From now on, it’s up to me to maintain the face of Heaven!”

From now on, I will be the face of Gutianting.

Bubble Tianjiang responded with a loud sound, his voice was like thunder, which made Chen Qi's ears buzz.

Although Chen Qi's appearance here is just a projection of power, it can be seen from this that the Bubble General is definitely not what he used to be.

Okay, okay, Bubbles, you really haven't changed your true nature of justice.

Master didn't train you in vain.

Looking at General Bubble's bright aura of justice that blinds people's eyes, Chen Qi also felt that the person responsible for the facade of Gutianting must be General Bubble.

Chen Qi has already decided to wait until General Bubble goes to war again.

Be sure to take a group photo in front of Nantianmen.

This purple and gold dress perfectly complements each other when paired with the Money on the other door.

Instructing General Paopao to exercise well at home, Chen Qi rushed to work at the speed of a 100-meter sprint.

Half an hour later, Chen Qi finally returned to Nantianmen.

Senior Gu, what happened today?

Could it be that some college leaders came to inspect?

Chen Qi, who squatted on the door again, took a look around. Although the spiritual dimension seemed to be full of smoke, this was actually normal.

In recent days, the demon has been stirring up trouble everywhere, and everyone has long been used to it.

So why did Gu Yunqing ask him to come to work quickly?

Junior, something extremely important is going to happen today!

According to the information the academy has received from [Huse], it is very likely that the demon will launch a full-scale war today.

So we have to work hard today.

After all, only the [Surveying Eye] can see the overall situation.

If the spiritual dimension is really fully opened, we may have to work overtime!

Gu Yunqing spoke solemnly, and Chen Qi felt as if he was struck by lightning when he heard the bad news that he would have to work overtime.

He has been very busy recently, and it was really unlucky for the devil to not choose a good day to start the war.

As for the demon going to launch a full-scale war, there's really nothing surprising about it.

It can only be said that the boots hanging in the air have finally landed.

If the fight really breaks out, everyone can have a peaceful sleep.

The only interesting thing is that the demon has not yet started, and the human side has already mastered the accurate time.

But considering that there are many traitors in [False], they are instigating such an all-out war.

It's really not surprising that humans know as much as demons.

Senior Gu, this demon really doesn't understand the ways of the world.

If a fight breaks out, wouldn't it delay the senior's renovation of his new house?

Chen Qi spoke out in anger with the same hatred as the enemy. He wanted to upgrade the generals and analyze the data from Dickens.

At the same time, we have to keep an eye on [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul].

This was already very stressful, but the demon was still adding to the chaos.

They deserved to die.

Um, junior, my new house has been decorated.

Even Tianjiang took out a loan to buy three of them.

I'm just waiting for the war to start, and then let those three generals work to pay off their debts.

Gu Yunqing spoke rather embarrassedly.

After all, his new house was so poorly decorated that he was embarrassed to invite his juniors as guests.

As for the juniors, who has nothing to do to visit the factory?

Senior actually bought the general?

Senior, we have to have a good chat about this.

Let me tell you, I am quite experienced in upgrading the Heavenly General...

Gu Yunqing's efficiency really put Chen Qi to shame. Fortunately, he and his senior had a common topic.

When it comes to cultivating generals, Chen Qi has too much bitterness to talk about.

You must not let Senior Gu step on the pit that you have stepped on again.

So Chen Qi began to talk endlessly about the pitfalls he had stepped on.

At first, Gu Yunqing listened very seriously.

After all, the abilities of junior students are obvious to all, and those who are masters are teachers. There is no shame in learning more.

As he listened, Gu Yunqing felt that something was wrong.

Aren't all upgraded generals trained step by step over many years?

How come the junior is like pulling out a seedling? This is not an upgrade of the general, it is clearly a re-creation of the general!

And it also needs to be integrated into a divine object. What the hell is this?

He's just a general, so why spend so much money?

What stunned Gu Yunqing the most was what Chen Qi said about the various matters that need to be paid attention to when integrating divine objects.

How many divine objects did the junior smelt before summing up these hundreds of experiences?

Although these experiences are indeed very valuable, they can even be regarded as secrets that are not passed down.

But the crux of the matter is that Gu Yunqing took a look at his lonely plaque of Mounting Financial Resources.

He can't use it!


While Chen Qi was talking endlessly, the ancient heaven suddenly shook violently.

No, it is not the ancient heaven that is shaking, but the entire spiritual dimension that is shaking.

With such a big change, Chen Qi could only regretfully end the course.

Then he and Gu Yunqing turned their attention to the billions of spiritual worlds.

This, the news about the traitor is indeed accurate!

The demons are really in full riot.

The moment he looked outside the ancient heaven, Chen Qi was shocked.

In his eyes, countless dense ant colonies surged out like black tides.

They are overwhelming, rushing like a flood towards billions of spiritual worlds.

The scene was really like the sea capsizing and hundreds of millions of isolated islands about to be submerged.

There are too many demons.

There has never been a moment when Chen Qi was so shocked by the number of lives.

If these demons really fell into the real world, their corpses would probably cover the entire inner world.

And if we consider that every demon is transformed from the death of a living intelligent life.

Chen Qi couldn't help but feel his scalp numb. The Fourth Heavenly Dynasty was too murderous.

For the first time in his life, Chen Qi felt the cruelty of war between intelligent races.

Don't look at the current inner ring world, which has a population of tens of trillions.

But if human beings are defeated one day, this will mean counting 10 trillion corpses and 10 trillion demons.

That kind of scene makes people shudder just thinking about it.

This, there are too many demons here.

They actually didn't focus on the attack direction, but launched attacks on all spiritual worlds at the same time.

No wonder the entire spiritual dimension is in turmoil!

The demon is completely crazy!

On the other half of the door, Gu Yunqing was also shocked and lost his mind.

Although he had experienced a demon riot before.

But nothing compared to this time.

Damn it, with so many demons attacking together, they won’t go to heaven again, right?

Warning, warning, all extraordinary beings please be aware!

From this moment on, the spiritual dimension officially enters a state of war.

According to the laws of the World Government, the Ancient Heavenly Court is in charge of the [Devil-Slaying Order] and is fully responsible for combating the demons.

All extraordinary beings who enter the spiritual dimension should report to the [Devil-Slaying Alliance] and carry out the assigned tasks.

The moment the demon launched a full-scale attack, a broadcast suddenly spread throughout the entire spiritual dimension.

All extraordinary beings in the spiritual dimension received the broadcast almost at the same time.

This method is incredible.

The devil actually launched a full-scale attack?

The day has finally come.

Damn it, I'm surrounded by demons!

Retreat, retreat quickly!

Within the spiritual dimension, although all transcendent beings have received the broadcast.

But everyone's reaction was completely different.

Those large-scale forces, as well as the small and medium-sized forces that went to Ancient Heavenly Court in advance to pay homage to their eldest brother, behaved very calmly.

Because they had been informed a long time ago that the demon would launch a full-scale war today.

Although the global broadcasting method of Tianwu Conjuration Academy surprised everyone.

But that's about it.

If he didn't have such means, how could he become the leader of the alliance?

As for those forces and individual people who did not join the [Devil-Slaying Alliance] in advance, they were of course shocked and desperate.

Because they were caught off guard by the demon.

I don’t know how many unlucky people were killed by the demon in an instant.

Global broadcast, our Tianwu Conjuration Academy actually has such a method!

Looking at the posture of the demon, he will definitely fight to the death!

They are also [smart] and know that no move can escape our surveillance.

So I stopped playing the art of war and just acted recklessly.

But it shouldn't be that simple, right?

At least the delusions won't be so upright.

The global broadcast was obviously coming from the ancient heaven.

Chen Qi squatted on the door, uploading observation data and looking into the ancient heaven.

However, it was quiet in the ancient heaven at this time, and it was impossible to tell what was making the sound.

It was only then that Chen Qi suddenly realized.

There is no one in Heaven, at least in the new area.

The seniors and true disciples from all walks of life had obviously gone down to the realm early to make preparations.

Chen Qi, on the other hand, was left behind because he was working in Gutianting.

Junior, the Demon Killer is not in a hurry.

On the entire battlefield, our current work is the most important.

Especially junior, you have the best eyesight.

If we can lock the location of [Fantasy], it will be a great achievement.

Considering that the junior is a novice after all, it is his first time to experience such a large-scale war.

While Gu Yunqing was busy working on his own, he kept giving Chen Qi various precautions.

Gu Yunqing was quite confident in his junior's vision.

His only worry is that his junior is too passionate and wants to go to the battlefield right now.

After all, my junior has invested so much money in Tianjiang, so he is obviously planning to do something big.

Senior, don't worry, I know the severity.

But it's basically impossible to find illusion in this environment!

Senior, what are you saying about these falsehoods? Will you take the opportunity to sneak attack on the heaven!

Chen Qi expressed his worries. After all, Gu Tianting's defense is now empty.

Visible to the naked eye, they were the only two people watching the gate.

It doesn't matter, junior fellow student can sit back and relax.

Don't say that Heaven is not a kind place in the first place. The mere fact that Xu Huan's people are not united is enough to make them give up any idea of ​​taking risks.

The illusory people are still waiting to follow the demon to take advantage.

Gu Yunqing was not worried about Xuwu at all, after the Poxu Mirror was born.

Humanity's greatest enemy in the spiritual world has become a demon again.

The delusions have taken a back seat.

Chen Qi and Gu Yunqing were chatting and uploading data at the same time, looking extremely leisurely.

Other extraordinary beings in the spiritual dimension, including the true disciples of the top ten super spell academies, are not so leisurely.

They are leading their own troops and fighting on each line of defense.

Those defense lines are like breakwaters, reducing the impact of the demon step by step.

But there are so many demons that almost every line of human defense is under attack.

Once there is a loophole in the defense line, the demon will flood the area and directly flood the spiritual world in that area.

Damn it, the demon is so despicable and shameless, he even used the brown sugar tactic.

These guys are really awesome. They no longer hide, but anchor their demonic realms in spiritual worlds.

Gu Yunqing, who was paying attention to the demon the whole time, let out a burst of exclamation.

The demon was originally compressed by humans to the vicinity of the Netherworld.

Now as they break through the defense lines, the demons once again invade the spiritual world of billions.

However, unlike previous sneak attack battles, this time the demon did not leave.

They directly drove the battleship and fell into the spiritual world.

This is almost equivalent to engaging in a life-or-death hand-to-hand combat with the spiritual world.

The demon is binding himself to the spiritual world.

In other words, they have kidnapped the human spiritual world.

This should be the way the demon came up with to deal with the Broken Void Mirror!

After all, the Broken Void Mirror cannot attack the spiritual world!

Chen Qi had naturally seen what the demon had done.

Chen Qi even guessed their purpose.

It's just that Chen Qi was distracted and busy looking for illusions, so he didn't say much.

As for this sexy operation by the demon, Chen Qi could only say that drinking poison to quench thirst was very stupid and naive.

Human beings are not at all afraid of demons invading the spiritual world.

Especially since the demons are now flooded with water and completely dispersed.

Not to mention that the demons are now stubborn and don't want to escape. The truth is that even if they want to escape back to the Netherworld, it will be impossible.

Human beings have spent thousands of years carefully building up lines of defense, but they are so easy to break through.

Especially all the plans of the demons are still controlled by humans.

The reason why human beings' defense line was breached was obviously because they deliberately released water.

It was easy for the demon to break through the defense line, but it was impossible to turn around again.

I don’t know if the demon is really smart or if he just hit it by mistake.

Their behavior of refusing to look back and vowing to fight to the death with humans is actually the right thing to do.

But the ending won't change.

The demons are really useless!

False is nothing to worry about.

I'm afraid the Tianwu Cursing Academy will really succeed this time.

I didn't expect that the demon and Xuwu would be so unbearable.

Just when Chen Qi was commenting on the battlefield, he was in a palace in the spiritual dimension.

Representatives from the other nine super spell academies are also commenting on the battle situation.

And their views were exactly the same as Chen Qi's.

Don't look at the devil's joy now. When the momentum fades, he will be a plate of fish and meat for others to slaughter.

It's no wonder Tianmo and Xuwu are so arrogant.

It's really because they have nowhere to go!

We are aware of every move they make, and the vanity leaders have been eliminated with great emphasis.

The demons can think of this kind of strategy now because they have worked very hard.

The representative of Huangtian Curse Academy gave a fair word of justice to the demons.

It's not that the demons are too useless, but that humans now have an overwhelming advantage in the spiritual dimension.

not that simple.

The trapped beast still fights, and the rabbit bites when it gets angry!

Tianmo and Xuwu will definitely make other moves.

But this has nothing to do with us. This is something that Tianwu Conjuration Academy should worry about.

Our issue this time is still the [Nittlez].

Although the spiritual dimension is mired in all-out war, the stakes of this war are far-reaching.

But just from the relaxed expressions of the representatives of the nine families, we knew that they really didn't take this matter too seriously.

After all, no matter how much the spiritual dimension twists and turns, it is impossible for the devil and the illusion to come back.

They are exhausted.

On the contrary, it is the various disturbances brewing in the real world that make them even more worried.

The Academy of Magic and Magic takes the lead, and everyone works together to destroy the demon and illusion.

This is something that has been discussed among the 10 companies for a long time.

After Tianwu Conjuration Academy put most of their energy into the spiritual world, the burden of the real world naturally fell on them.

And the most important thing among them is the [Nittlez].

While our people were chasing that bastard from the Flying Immortal Society, they found traces of the [Nittlez].

That ghost ship seems to be targeting that bastard.

It's a pity that they are so good at running away that there is only one sighting record.

But from this, we can also draw a conclusion.

Then the [Nittlez] has a purpose. It is not wandering around the inner world at will.

This is the only time the Jiu Family has seen the [Nittlez] after struggling for so long.

[Nittlez]’s entry into the inner ring world can be considered a complete confirmation.

Otherwise, after searching for a long time without any results, they would have thought that the Nittlez had already left.

But this meeting was obviously not a celebration.

They have more important things to decide.

Everyone, vote now!

Should we lock [the future] in order to anchor the [Nittlez]?

Thanks to the delay in all-out war, the celebration of the Sword of Judgment has been greatly advanced!

And this is our best chance!

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