
Hahaha, it worked!

We finally made it.

In the laboratory on the 77th floor of Yujing Building, three extremely powerful momentums suddenly rose into the sky.

A group of experimenters collapsed on the ground, looking at the trio of protagonists floating quietly in the air with great shock and excitement.

S-class, a true S-class strongman is born.

We finally did it!

Hahaha, our Yujing Group has finally artificially created an S-class strongman.

Three visions of authority surround the trio of protagonists, and unrivaled aura emanates from them.

All the experimenters stared at the vision of authority with great greed and intoxication, which was the evidence of their success.

Only a truly S-level powerhouse can create visions.

In the world of [Purgatory Ghoul], the division of the power system is very simple and crude.

S level, A level, B level, c level, d level, e level, f level.

The three protagonists have been fighting for so many years, but they are only A-level.

But now, together they have crossed the S-class, which is regarded as a natural barrier by countless ghouls.

This is naturally the credit of all the experimental personnel of the entire Yujing Group.

It actually succeeded?

It actually succeeded?

This is how the same thing?

Seeing the trio of protagonists who had completed the upgrade, Yan Wenxiong, the helmsman of the 27th Biochemical Dao Group, was so shocked that his jaw nearly dropped to the ground.

Although they are the initiators of all this.

But Yan Wenxiong really didn't expect that he only tried once, and the three-protagonist team was successfully upgraded.

If it were so easy to improve the strength of the three-protagonist group, the experimenters of the biochemical path in the past would not have failed so many times.

Lao Yan, what's going on?

Could it be that we are in good times, rebounding from the bottom, and having good fortune?

Every time we upgraded in the past, the protagonist group would go on a rampage, and then they would find out our identities and start hunting us down.

All the experimenters who participated in Experiment 001 in the past failed like this.

Although we have summarized the lessons from all failures, there is no reason why we can succeed in the first time, right?

This is too unexpected.

Bai Zeming, the leader of the 28th Group, also found it difficult to accept the fact that he had succeeded.

This is so unreasonable.

What do you two guys think so much about?

This is a good thing! It's a great thing.

We entered [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul] this time because we had no choice.

I thought what awaited us was a bloody battle with other invaders.

Unexpectedly, after we searched for a long time, there was no trace of the intruder. It seems that the other party really just broke into [Purgatory Ghoul Legend] accidentally.

What does this mean? It means our luck was very good from the beginning.

The fact that we can succeed now just proves that our luck is really good.

Radmon, the leader of the 30th Group, really couldn't stand the shocked behavior of his companions.

When faced with unexpected surprises, you should be happier.

Radmund is right, it's just S-level, but it's equivalent to a Silver Apostle!

The reason why past experimenters failed was because we didn't show up personally.

Now that we have seven Silver Apostles leading the team, it is normal for us to succeed.

The remaining four group leaders of Biochemical Road accepted their success naturally.

They don't care why they succeed, as long as the success is real, that's enough.

With this achievement, they were able to return to the headquarters to report.

Even this achievement is enough to keep them on the credit book for half a lifetime.

What a joy!

S-level, Jin Kelang and the other three were promoted to S-level?

This is a plot that has never appeared in [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul].

But that group of outsiders actually did it?

How can this be?

And why [Purgatory Ghoul] didn't go berserk and voluntarily correct the plot.

The powerful aura coming from the Yujing Building was clearly felt by Gallith who was inside.

Relying on her familiarity with the three auras, Gelis immediately determined that there was something wrong with the protagonist group.

Unfortunately, due to the limitations of the plot and the tight defense of Yujing Building, Gelis was unable to witness the promotion of the three people.

But the sudden increase in intensity of those three auras made Gelis absolutely unmistakable.

S-class, real S-class.

But how is this possible?

Originally, although Gelis paid some attention to those outsiders with weaker strength, she did not pay too much attention to them.

Their strength is naturally not worthy of Gloria's concern.

What Gallith cares about is why they can integrate into [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul].

Why can the plot be greatly tampered with, even though it is only limited to strength improvement.

But even so, Gelis believes that they can only raise the strength of the protagonist group to A+ level.

As for S-class, how is that possible?

S-level experts are the ceiling of combat power in [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul].

Until the latest plot, only 10 S-level combatants appeared in The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul.

But those characters are all the leaders of the three major forces.

Although the protagonist group has developed, they are still far from that level of characters!

However, now, the protagonist group has suddenly become an S-level combat force.

This increase in strength has been able to break the balance of power in [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul].

But [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul] still did not produce rejection.

This is unreasonable, very unreasonable.

Lady Gloria, it's not good.

The many fogs in [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul] are beginning to show signs of dissipating.

Especially the biggest fog has also been loosened.

What's even weirder is that the second batch of invaders actually entered the fog.

They only went a short distance though before being forced to turn back.

But we have clearly tested it before, and the fog cannot touch it at all.

Just as Gelis recovered from the upgrade of the protagonist's trio, Wang Guji and other 10 team captains sent messages one after another.

Just after the protagonist's trio successfully upgraded, the world of Purgatory Ghoul unexpectedly changed.

This time, instead of fixing mistakes, the story world automatically adjusts.

Weird, really weird.

Such a change is simply unreasonable.

Did I understand it wrong?

It was not the upgrade of the three protagonists that triggered the changes in [Purgatory Ghoul].

It's rather that some changes in [Purgatory Ghoul Legend] led to the upgrade of the three protagonists.

Those outsiders just got lucky and happened to follow the trend?

Gelis fixed her eyes on the game panel of Dimension War and couldn't help but think deeply.

At this time, there was a piece of information about the outside world on her game panel.

To be more precise, it is information about Lu Shen, the author of [The Biography of the Purgatory Ghoul].

And it also has the master's personal annotation on it.

[The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul] is probably going to undergo a huge change!

All members gathered together and targeted the Yuanjing Group's underground lair.

Be careful of the second group of outsiders, don't let them notice our presence.

With all kinds of thoughts running through her mind, Gelis made a quick decision.

Although she didn't know why the three protagonists were promoted to S-level.

But what exactly they will do after being promoted to S-level, Gelis can know without thinking too much.

And the next plot was exactly as Gelis had guessed.

The trio of protagonists broke through all obstacles and headed towards the Yuanjing Group's lair.

The blood feud has been suppressed for so long.

Now that they have the strength, even if the protagonist group is not human, they will definitely not be able to bear it anymore.

The plot really started to change.

It seems that Lu Shen is making some moves!

But this is just the beginning. The real big changes will have to wait until the new volume of [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul] is officially released.

The fog representing purgatory has begun to dissipate. Apparently Lu Shen is going to reveal some secrets in the new volume.

Jade Yuanjing represents a small team wandering in the fog of purgatory.

The reason why they were able to enter the fog was not just because Lu Shen started writing.

But they themselves know some secrets of the mist.

After all, all this was planned by their Skull and Bones Society.

It's a pity that [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul] does not recognize their knowledge.

Otherwise, they can completely pass through the fog and reach the city of Purgatory, Angsa City.

Sparta, please log off and inform the big bosses about the situation here!

Let's just say that we haven't found any trace of the intruder, but [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul] has begun to transform.

We will continue to lurk and pay attention at all times!

The squad leader leading the team gave an order to a subordinate next to him.

The next moment, this subordinate disappeared.

Let's go, let's go to the Yuanjing Group's home base and see the excitement.

Perhaps when the protagonist group goes berserk, the Yuanjing Group will be completely destroyed!

The captain of the Skull and Bones Society chuckled. In his field of vision, three figures streaked across the sky like shooting stars.

That was naturally the three men of Jin Kelang who were attacking the Yuanjing Group.

Captain, if Kinkuro and the others destroy the Motokyo Group, won't the manga [Purgatory Ghoulden] collapse?

The biggest villain boss is suddenly wiped out. The appeal of this comic will definitely decrease.

This should have an impact on our follow-up plans, right?

Among the team, a senior comic book fan couldn't bear it.

It would be a pity if such a masterpiece failed to finish.

I don’t know how many fans are going to be furious.

Ironically, [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul] is not only popular among humans.

Even among Skull and Bones, there are a lot of fans.

It’s really because the three views of this comic fit so well with their Skull and Bones society.

Human beings are inherently sinister and despicable, and are the most evil beings in the world.

All oppressed lives should unite to overthrow the evil rule of mankind.

You must know that their Skull and Bones Society is also very aggrieved.

The vast majority of their members were once human beings and wanted to be human beings.

However, the [World Government] is arrogant and unreasonable and deprives them of their rights as human beings.

In this case, the only option is to rebel.

It sucks? How is this possible?

If the Yuanjing Group is destroyed, won't there still be an evil human government?

Human beings like to be treacherous, stab their allies in the back, and kill their donkeys.

After the Yuanjing Group is destroyed, the human government will definitely take action against the Yujing Group.

Then the three protagonists will discover that they have broken the balance of the world and will only bring more suffering.

At this time, Purgatory began to appear and invade the human world. The world returned to the three-legged pattern.

I can think of the plot, how could Lu Shen not think of it?

You fake fan, don't underestimate Teacher Lu's creative ability.

The team leader unceremoniously showed off his abilities as a professional fan.

All members of the entire team were immediately frightened.

Yes, humans are the biggest villains!

How did we forget this?

The Crimson Earl, the bloody wolf girl, the bloodthirsty tyrant, and that stupid bear, come out and die for me!

You guys, these ogres, have done all the bad things you can and don't deserve to live!

Today we will avenge all our dead comrades and cut you into pieces.

In the sky over Jade Yuanjing, the underground lair of the Yuanjing Group, the trio of protagonists appeared with murderous intent.

This scene immediately became the focus of the entire Yuyuanjing, attracting countless eyes.

Soon, the trio of protagonists will challenge the four old demons.

The news that Yujing Group and Yuanjing Group were going to war spread.

Faced with the provocation of the three-person protagonist group, the four crimson Earls, who are the strongest evil bosses in [Purgatory Ghoul Legend], rushed out of their lair in a coordinated manner and planned to challenge the protagonist group in a one-on-one duel.

This is the power of the protagonist's taunting halo.

It turns out it's you guys who are running away!

You cowards, how dare you appear in front of us!

Sacrifice friends to heaven, the power is boundless. Your relatives and friends have all been eaten by us!

So are you planning to sacrifice each other now?

The crimson Earl spoke his lines without any shame.

At this moment, what he represents is not himself, but countless fans who are annoyed by Jin Kelang and the others.

The resentment of many fans was projected onto The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul, which led to the creation of this truth-telling line.

Old devil, I will die for you.

I will kill you now, I want revenge!

I have to say that the sarcastic ability of the new version of the lines is not weaker than the sarcastic aura of the protagonist.

Gao Tianzhu, one of the three protagonists, immediately went berserk.

After all, dozens of members of his family were eaten by the Crimson Earl.


The battle started instantly, and the careless Earl Crimson had one of his arms removed by Gao Tianzhu.

How can it be?

You actually got promoted to S-level?

The slightly blind Earl Crimson didn't realize the upgrade of the protagonist group until this moment.

Hahaha, Crimson Old Devil, you didn't expect that!

We are no longer the same.

Today I will avenge dozens of members of our Gao family. I will cut you into thousands of pieces and eat them piece by piece.

Gao Tianzhu vented his hatred wantonly, and then launched a desperate attack on the Crimson Earl.

At the same time, Nami, another member of the protagonist group, also started a battle with the bloody wolf girl.

Her peerless appearance was destroyed by the bloody wolf girl.

At first, the bloody wolf girl was jealous of her beauty and ate her face, but left her alive.

How can you not avenge such a deep hatred?

Bloodthirsty tyrants, earth demon bears, you are wreaking havoc on the human world and devouring life.

Today I will seek justice for all the lives that have been lost!

Everything I lost in the past, I will get back today!

Jin Kelang said his classic lines, one against two, fighting against the two bloodthirsty tyrants.

Regarding Jin Kelang's classic nonsense, the bloodthirsty tyrant almost laughed when he heard it.

Young people, just dream and go to sleep.

Every time you say you want to get back what you lost, you end up losing more each time.

Gambling is wrong, let alone gambling with other people's lives.

You have lost even your kindergarten friends.

Young man, stop it and leave a way for your two remaining friends to survive.

However, this time, the bloodthirsty tyrant and the others clearly misjudged.

Jin Kelang was so strong that he kept pressing the two of them and beating them violently, as if he had eaten Jin Kela.

If they weren't already thick-skinned and thick-skinned, and had enough health bars, they would probably be taken away in a wave.

Padilla Kingdom, inside the studio.

A decisive battle is unfolding in Lu Shen's writing.

And the picture it depicts is of [Jin Kelang] in an explosive state, violently torturing the bloodthirsty tyrant.

In his writing, Jin Kelang's hatred that he had suppressed for countless years was vividly vented.

In other corners of the studio, there are some plots that have been drawn.

In the new volume of [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul], a new force [Purgatory Apostle] appears.

It was with their help that the Yujing Group completed the final experiment and promoted the protagonist group to S-level.

Swish, swish, swish!

The brush kept waving, and a new plot unfolded in front of Lu Shen again.

Lu Shen, who had completely entered a state of concentration, had no thoughts at all.

All the plots appeared in his mind out of thin air, and then his brush subconsciously depicted them.

Many times, Lu Shen couldn't tell whether he had created the new plot.

Or was it that the plot in The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul was already pushing itself, and he just recorded it.

Maybe it’s both!

After all, [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul] has turned into a real world, even if it is illusory.

Under Lu Shen's brush, three battles were going on at the same time.

For such complex battle scenes, other cartoonists tend to focus on one aspect and neglect the other.

But as a top cartoonist, Lu Shen handled it with ease.

This battle is the climax, so the protagonist Jin Kelang must fight to the end.

But a crushing battle without twists and turns is simply not enough to vent all the protagonist’s suppressed emotions in the past.

Therefore, Gao Tianzhu and Nami must suffer a miserable defeat.

Only the power of friendship can make Jin Kelang explode again.

Next, naturally, Jin Kelang cheated, one versus four.

Lu Shen had designed Jin Kelang's hacking method a long time ago.

As Lu Shen's brush moved, the eyes of the protagonist Jin Kelang changed.

Originally, Jin Kelang's eyes were the same blue as ordinary people.

But now, it is as scarlet as blood and filled with darkness.

This is the power originating from purgatory and is also the true source of power for the ghouls.

Jin Kelang [opened his eyes].

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