If the order is passed, all the power of the family will be fully reduced.

All family members are preparing for the clan sacrifice ceremony with all their strength.

Whether it's the Song of Hell or the outsiders who broke in, it has nothing to do with us.

After Wang Wanfu felt melancholy, he finally made a decision.

The most important thing for the Wang family now is to tide over the difficulties themselves.

As for the rest, it's not that important at all.

Follow the family's instructions.

Family head, Elder Wang Guchen just sent a message that they will be able to return to the family in half a month at most.

Although the Imperial Viscount did not come with Elder Wang.

But we should arrive at Azita Stone Forest at that time!

Wang Dalu kept the family master's instructions in mind and reported the latest information at the same time.

This was the reason why he appeared in front of Wang Wanfu at this time.

More than half a month later?

It's still too late. It seems that Gu Chen is also trying his best to rush back.

Hey, it's a pity that this time not only was there no harvest from the Demon Eye ruins, but we suffered heavy losses.

The speculation failed and made things worse, all because of my incompetence as the head of the family!

After hearing the news about Wang Guchen, Wang Wanfu's face became melancholy again.

He blamed himself especially and constantly conducted self-examination.

Wang Dalu quickly said that the head of the family was extremely wise and everything was the fault of those expatriates.

Without the head of the family to strategize, it would be impossible for the Wang family to persist until now.

Wang Wanfu was very pleased with Wang Dalu's statement.

Sure enough, everyone still sees what he has done for his family.

This is the will of the people!

Convey the news of the Imperial Viscount's upcoming visit to all members of the family.

Let them adjust their mentality and don't cause any trouble for me.

Although the top ten super spell academies are annoying, if you need help, you can still rely on them.

Knowing that Chen Qi was already on the way to Wang's house, Wang Wanfu finally relaxed a little.

The imperial viscount had just wiped out the snake-people civilization and was at the peak of his power.

Even if you can't move reinforcements through him, you can still use Chong Chong Sha.

Time passes little by little.

The chase in the cave is still ongoing.

It's just that the chasing battle currently going on is not one, but still two.

Damn it, there is indeed a big problem with the stone statue that Zheng Junxiong turned into.


In the underground tunnel, Dickens was running for his life in a hurry.

In his hand, the blood-red eyeballs kept flickering, and the frequency was getting faster and faster.

This means that the chasing monster, or stone statue, is getting closer and closer to it.

Faced with that weird thing, Dickens had no intention of committing suicide.

Because his true eyes cannot see through the other person at all.

In fact, as long as Dickens is willing to throw away the blood-red eyeball in his hand, the stone statue will most likely let him go.

But this thing was left behind by Zheng Junxiong with all his life.

The secrets contained in it must be of great value to the master.

Even if he dies, he must fulfill Zheng Junxiong's instructions.

Dickens, how are things going over there?

When Dickens was at a loss, Gloria's voice suddenly came from the bloody eyes.

After the ancestor virus was upgraded, the blood-eye connection between the two was restored again.

Lord Gloria, relying on the power given by the Lord, I successfully defeated my opponent.

But I myself also suffered heavy losses, and my combat effectiveness is reduced to 1 out of 10.

There was a problem with Zheng Junxiong, and he died together with the enemy.

But he seems to have discovered some secret of Aztar Stone Forest and left it in the remains of his Blood Eye.

After I got his notification, I took away the eye.

I didn't expect that the stone statue transformed by Zheng Junxiong suddenly came to life and was chasing me.

There is a high probability that I won't be able to escape.

Dickens reported his situation truthfully. If the stone statue was not staring at him, it was not himself, but the blood-red eyes.

Dickens really wanted to hand over Zheng Junxiong's relics to Gloria and fight to the death with the stone monster.

Things are very bad on my end as well.

That Burns is very weird. I killed him several times without being able to kill him.

There is some kind of power within him that can resonate with the relics left by No. 1.

He has now locked onto No. 1's relic.

The situation at Dickens was beyond Gloria's expectation.

The reason why she contacted Dickens this time was to meet him.

Then let Dickens escape with No. 1's relics, while she stayed and was responsible for blocking Burns.

Only in this way can the task be completed.

However, I didn't expect that Dickens was also being hunted here.

After thinking for a moment, Gloria finally decided to carry out the original plan.

It would be nice to have one more monster, maybe it could delay more time.

It would be better if the snipe and the clam can compete with each other and the fisherman benefits.

Faced with the plan given by Gloria, Dickens naturally had no choice but to execute it.

Half an hour later, the two people, who narrowly escaped death, finally met successfully.

Lady Gloria, this is what Zheng Junxiong left behind.

Dickens handed the blood-red eyes to Gloria, who sensed them but did not notice anything unusual.

Dickens, I leave the relic of No. 1 to you.

Next, I will take the initiative to snipe Burns with this bloody eye.

If I can survive, I will naturally take this bloody eye back with me.

But if I die in battle, the secret left behind by Zheng Junxiong will only be a pity.

After some consideration, Gelis decided that it was more important to keep No. 1’s relic.

After all, the power of the seal here is related to the Song of Hell.

That is the goal of domination.

As for the secrets of Azita Stone Forest, Zheng Junxiong can discover them.

After the Lord arrives in person, it will definitely be possible.

Please take care of yourself, Ms. Gloria!

I will definitely deliver this relic to the master.

Dickens took the relic and left immediately without hesitation.

They now need to race against time, and no time can be wasted.

After Dickens left, Gloria looked at the blood-red eyeballs that were flashing more and more frequently, and went straight back to the way they came.

You can really run!

But can you escape?

My body has gradually adapted to your power and discovered the mystery.

Hurry, your power will soon be unable to cause any harm to me.

In the underground tunnel, Burns moved forward at great speed.

He also didn't expect that just a simple pursuit of the intruder would lead to the current situation.

He was the only one left among the 6 members. If word got out, he would probably be laughed out of the blood family.

We must complete the recovery of that power.

That plan must not be exposed.

And as long as the plan succeeds, Azita Stone Forest will be our paradise for Hell Songs from now on.

Not only that, in the inner world, we will no longer need to rely on others.

Burns was filled with excitement as he thought about the glorious prospects that were about to emerge.

The birth of their hell song originated from an accident.

An elder of a certain bloodline family had a sudden idea when he was cursed by a demon.

Can he fight poison with poison and use the curse of Hell's Ouroboros to completely whitewash himself and wash away all the demons entangled in him?

Being haunted by demons can range from mental disorder to obsession.

If it were worse, then life would be worse than death, suffering in endless despair.

If you only have to pay the price of losing your memory, you can get rid of the negative buff of the demon.

It's definitely worth the risk and try.

As a result, the power of the Hell Ouroboros was indeed powerful, and the demon that entangled itself was really washed away along with the memory.

You can imagine what a significant discovery this was.

From now on, the blood family will no longer be trapped by the devil.

Thus was born the original Hell Song.

It's a pity that such a significant achievement is not very popular within the Bloodline family.

Too many people struggle with who am I and why am I who I am.

They would rather fight with the devil and even suffer in despair than wash away their own memories.

But when faced with a life-and-death decision, how many people can die calmly?

This is also the reason why the Song of Hell always exists within the Bloodline Family.

Everyone needs a way out, and people will always compromise in the face of death.

However, the power of Hell Song is still forcibly suppressed to a certain scale.

The reason for this is because they lack top-end combat power.

The ringtone of Hell's Ouroboros seemed to do more than just wash away the memory.

It also has a wisdom-lowering halo.

Anyway, after reaching a certain number of times, the wisdom of the members of Hell Song will only be slightly higher than that of the orcs.

The orcs are trapped in their bloodlines and thus engage in crossbreeding.

The same is true for Hell Song, it would be surprising if it could bear fruit.

The evolution of their bloodline source looks wonderful.

But in actual implementation, it is basically impossible to achieve it.

On the contrary, the risk of refining magic is indeed higher.

But the benefits are also greater!

Benefiting from this, the Bloodline Family has steadily suppressed Hell Song in terms of high-level combat power.

But everything will soon be different.

As long as that plan can be realized, Hell Song can unify all blood families.

At this critical time of the plan, there must be no accidents.

Hahaha, why don't you run away?

Are you going to die in despair?

After turning a corner, Gloria's figure suddenly appeared in Burns' eyes.

This was actually somewhat beyond Burns' expectations, because it was within his perception.

The thing still kept moving forward.

So this is a treasure exchange?

The other guy took the treasure away, while Gloria was responsible for stopping him.

A bunch of trash.

They were just two weak chickens, but they were not completely killed.

Burns scolded his pig teammates, saying it was just adding to his workload.

But it doesn't matter, he will be able to deal with Gloria soon.

The little mouse in front still couldn't escape.


Gloria raised her hand casually, and a ray of red light flew towards Burns like lightning.

Subconsciously, Burns grabbed the red light in his hand.

He was not worried at all about what kind of secret plot this was, after all, he couldn't be killed.

What is this?

Blood eyes?

It looks exactly like what Gloria and the others have.

After seeing what was in his hand, Burns was confused.

Is Gelis planning to bribe herself?

But why do these blood-red eyes blink so frequently?

Is this going to explode?


Burns sneered disdainfully, and with the force of his palm, he planned to smash the bloody eye.

And the next moment, bang!

A gray-black stone statue suddenly appeared and knocked Burns away.


How could that be?

Burns, who was flying upside down, finally saw his attacker clearly.

However, after seeing the appearance of the stone statue, his head was about to explode.

How is it possible, that one is not still sleeping?

Why did it come?


The golden light flashed, and without any courtesy, Gloria began to add insult to injury.

This was the best and only chance to kill Burns.

Damn it, you dare to trick me!

But if you think you can kill me just like this, you are too ignorant!

Die, die to me.

Burns became angry and used his bloodline true form for the first time.

It was an extremely ugly monster that had been hybridized so that its true appearance could not be seen.

No wonder Burns has never been willing to release his true bloodline form, after all, it is too ugly.

But the strange thing is that the true shape of Burns' bloodline is actually covered with dense ancient characters.

Those ancient words were like maggots, constantly moving in and out of Burns' true bloodline form.

If people look at it, it will cause mental pollution and discomfort.

what is that?

Could it be that those weird ancient characters are the kind of power sealed by No. 1?


Why didn't Burns lose the bloody eye?

He should know full well that I'm trying to divert trouble.

Thick doubts arose in Gloria's heart, but the next moment she had no time to think about it.

Burns actually launched attacks directly at the gray stone statue and Gloria at the same time.


A terrifying big explosion suddenly rose, and even though Dickens had escaped hundreds of kilometers, he still felt a sense of terror.

He simply couldn't withstand an attack of this magnitude and would definitely die.

Gliss, you are the leader's top thug.

Don't be embarrassed!

Without stopping at all, Dickens continued to run away desperately.

Soon, soon!

As long as he is given a little more time, he can escape from Hell Song's sphere of influence.

Once he enters the territory of other families, he will have more room to move around.

Boom, boom!

Violent battle fluctuations continued, and such a large movement was already close to the sphere of influence of other bloodline families.

Logically speaking, people should have jumped out to watch the show.

But the reality is that all the surrounding bloodline families turn a blind eye and ignore it.

Even some members who were wandering out went home and closed the door.

This is obviously the tacit understanding and unspoken rule of Azita Stone Forest.

After a few minutes, the fighting finally stopped!

Burns' figure walked out of the battlefield, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

At the end of the battle, the opponent was gone!

And it wasn't just Gallith who disappeared, but also the stone statue that had been completely shattered by him.

But no matter what, he was the winner in the end.

And this is a matter of course.

Luckily, only 2/3 of the power was consumed, and there was no backlash.

Burns played with the blood-red eyes in his hands quite happily.

This thing appeared at just the right time.

After their Hell Song unifies the blood family, the next person to deal with is the one hiding in the maelstrom.

Originally, everyone did not interfere with the river.

However, Azita Stone Forest is too small to accommodate two behemoths.

This bloody eye is enough to make up for the mistakes in this mission.

Running pretty fast.

But can you run away?

Burns, who was in good condition, subconsciously used the power in his body.

As countless ancient texts continued to be annihilated in his body, Burns seemed to be teleporting.

Directly in front of Dickens.

How can it be?

How could it appear out of nowhere?

Did Lady Gloria fail?

The moment Burns appeared, Dickens was enveloped in deep despair.

They didn't expect that after working hard for so long, they would end up like this.

I am really unwilling to do so.

He has not yet delivered the thing into the hands of the Lord.

Ant, you must feel your own powerlessness.

How dare you break into our Hellsong headquarters!

It's time for everything to end!

To avoid any surprises, Burns decided to make a quick decision and use that power again.

He is in very good condition today and has simply reached the peak of his life.

Burns plans to take this opportunity to practice more and deepen his mastery of that power.

This is crucial to his future.

Ant, let's see what real power is!

Covering the sky with one hand!

Dense words appeared in Burns' left hand.

The next moment, Burns' palm began to expand infinitely.

Dickens looked up at the sky in disbelief. A terrifying giant hand actually blocked everything in the world.

The spiritual energy that was originally surging freely in the surrounding space was suddenly restricted and began to flow along the palm lines projected by the giant hand.

Dickens found himself instantly losing all control of the outside world's psychic powers.

What exactly is that method?

I can't understand it at all!

Dickens's eye of truth was operating to its limit, but he still could not see through the giant hand.

It's as if it is real, but how is this possible?


The giant palm fell slowly. Burns admired the despair in Dickens's eyes with great satisfaction and planned to slap him to death completely.

However, what surprised Burns was that when death was imminent, the ant actually smiled.

Do young people today regard death as such?


The next moment, a golden sun suddenly appeared.

It occupies the sky and spreads its light into the world.

The giant hand that originally covered everything disappeared under the sunlight.

Also evaporated was Burns, who was proudly on the ground.

The peak of his life was so short that it was gone as soon as he said goodbye.

Welcome the Lord to come!

May you illuminate everything in the world!

The moment the golden sun appeared, Dickens prostrated on the ground and prayed devoutly.

As for Burns' end, it didn't matter that he didn't even look at it.

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