I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 643 Experiment

I already know the secret of the [Magic Eye] ruins!

The parallel time and space of the snake people's civilization may be different from what you imagine.

On the top of the giant pyramid, Vilia danced casually, and a string of subtitles flew out of her hands.

This is the unique way of communication of the Ke family.

The KE family is forbidden to make any sound unless necessary, even with the help of other devices.

Wang Guchen and others had known this for a long time and were staring intently at the flashing characters.

With Vilia's narration, the operating mechanism of the Magic Eye ruins and the current state of the Snake Man's parallel time and space were revealed to everyone.


The ability of [Aphasic Man] is really a bit weird.

That Vilia actually asked about all the secrets of the Magic Eye ruins.

Some details are even more detailed than the information provided by the Kingdom of Chrollo.

In the time and space mirror, the exchanges between Villa and others were clearly presented in front of Chen Qi.

Especially if the other party uses subtitles to communicate, it is more convenient for Chen Qi to obtain information.

Of course, this is also because the other party is in public and does not cover up anything at all.

Because it is completely unnecessary. After all, the bloodline family knows the least about the Demonic Eye ruins.

Chen Qi, do you understand the ability of [Aphasia]?

The little swan boss on his shoulder looked at Vilia on the screen with disgust.

This is not just because people of the same sex repel each other, but the main reason is that the other person's voice is too unpleasant.

As long as a normal person hears it, he will feel sick and have nightmares.

Senior, the method Wei Liya used just now seems to be to activate the treasures in the ruins, allowing them to automatically answer questions.

But it's not at all.

The method used by that woman is somewhat similar to our academy's [Art of Refining], but it is too simple and crude.

The sound she made was like an iron brush, violently scraping off a layer of information structure from the treasure.

But her ability is really weird, and she can actually scrape the information she wants accurately.

Not only that, she can actually use the correlation between information and use the scraped information structures to induce information in the sea of ​​information.

No wonder it is classified as a golden bloodline.

Chen Qi gave his opinion, and the Little Swan boss nodded appreciatively.

The essence of the method that Villa just showed is indeed like this.

But the aphasic bloodline definitely doesn't have this little ability.

What extraordinary people are willing to show in front of everyone is always just the tip of the iceberg of their own abilities.

Old Wang, parallel time and space have lost their authenticity.

That means we can't get any treasure out of it at all.

Aren't we just rejoicing in vain?

On the giant pyramid, Regis looked depressed after listening to Villa's story.

The same is true for the other Silver Apostles, and everyone's expectations were in vain.

The unreal parallel time and space is really not worth traveling through.

Strange, is the Chrollo Kingdom just for cultivating a group of masters?

That doesn't make sense!

By going through all this trouble, aren't they taking advantage of the Lingjiu Society?

Wang Guchen was also a little puzzled that these bloodline families had abandoned the new method.

No matter how long you stay in parallel time and space, there will be no feedback on your own spirituality.

As for evolving one's own bloodline in parallel time and space, it is indeed good.

But the key is “I don’t know what’s true or false, I don’t know what’s right or wrong.”

Their bloodline families all have a fixed evolutionary path, so why bother themselves.

Therefore, among the missing people, members of the bloodline family must have benefited the least from the parallel space.

On the contrary, there is the Lingjiu Society, a group of guys who specialize in new techniques.

In terms of spiritual feedback alone, the harvest is definitely greater than that of Chrollo Kingdom.

But how could the Chrollo Kingdom, which has always been stingy and stingy, make wedding clothes for the Vulture Society?

They must have a bigger plan.

[This eye tells me that someone came out of parallel time and space more than 20 years ago.]

Villa, who had been silent, pointed to the huge eyeball hanging on the pyramid and released the news again.

What, someone actually came out of parallel time and space?

I see.

That guy must have fallen into the hands of the Kingdom of Chrollo.

It must not be an accident that the Chrollo Kingdom found this place.

It's those survivors. The bloody painting in Wang Tianlang's hand originally came from a survivor.

Wang Guchen, who was awakened, instantly woke up.

It seems that if you want to find out everything thoroughly, you still have to start from within the Kingdom of Chrollo.

It's a shame that Chen Qi is so imitated, otherwise I would have to get all the information from him.

No, that's not right!

That guy Chen Qi closed the door, maybe he really has an ulterior motive.

What information did the Kingdom of Chrollo give him?

No, we have to move faster!

Otherwise the benefits will be taken away by others.

Wang Guchen glanced at the Golden Gate fiercely, and a sense of urgency arose in his heart.

Now Chrollo Kingdom and Tianwu Curse Academy each have their own plans.

Only the Wang family was a step slower.

If we don't catch up quickly, not to mention not getting any benefits, we might even suffer a big loss.

The family must be reported immediately, and the entire bloodline alliance must be mobilized to obtain information from within the Chrollo Kingdom as soon as possible.

When it comes to wooing and corrupting kingdom officials, as long as the bloodline family is determined and willing to spend a lot of money.

They are even better than the top ten super spell academies.

After all, they can use special genes to transform each other into members of the blood family.

If the number of special genes were not limited, the power of their bloodline family could expand infinitely.

Wang Guchen, who made the decision, first cheered up the disappointed people and told them not to be discouraged.

There must be other benefits in parallel time and space.

After everyone returned to the camp disappointed, he immediately reported the new situation of the Demon Eye ruins to his family.

At the same time, Wang Guchen began to gather warriors and decided to travel through again.

After all, it's the best way to figure it all out.

But the first thing to solve is how to forcibly recall the consciousness of the traveler.

After traveling through parallel time and space, it will definitely be difficult for consciousness to return to itself.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for none of the thousands of people who disappeared before to come back.

But if you make all kinds of preparations in your consciousness in advance, you may be able to give it a try.

The most indispensable thing in this world is, Under heavy rewards, there must be brave men.

Wang Guchen still didn't believe it. They counted 10 Silver Apostles and worked together. Could it be that they still couldn't handle this small matter?

It seems that the Bloodline Family is going to start messing around.

fair enough.

There are some things that I can't do conveniently. It's a good thing that these guys are willing to take the initiative.

Chen Qi withdrew his gaze from the time and space mirror.

Now that the Kingdom of Chrollo is lying flat, the Bloodline Family is catching up.

He also needs to speed up the progress.

After watching the show, the little swan boss no longer turns back into a goose feather fan.

Instead, he happily flew to the wine glass of eternal life and stared with interest at the purple ginseng being brewed.

It is rumored that Chen Qi is the new tycoon of Nantian Society. When I saw him today, he certainly lived up to his reputation.

Not to mention the luxury inside the spaceship, there are so many strange and weird treasures.

This time her eyes were really opened.

Chen Qi was her friend.

One party lies down and the two parties work hard.

Rarely, the Grand Cross Canyon fell into calm.

However, this is only on the surface. Lu Mingke, who has been staying high in the sky, does not think so.

Xiao Gu, who is the first person here to watch the fun?

Is the world really so busy now?

Why are they all gathering here?

Inside the Sword of Judgment spaceship, Lu Mingke put down the teacup in his hand and glanced at the sky rather speechlessly.

That's about it, it's already crowded.

A few more came, and there was no place to stay.

Section Chief, including the one who just arrived, there are already 9 people who are eyeing the [Magic Eye] ruins.

Four from the top ten super spell academies came, and three from other kingdoms!

Two people came from the Bloodline Family, but one guy looked a bit familiar.

While Xiao Gu was checking the information, he truthfully reported to Lu Mingke.


“It’s such a narrow place, so it’s not too crowded for everyone.”

There's no need to check that guy.

The Bloodline Family is actually hooking up with the Skull and Bones Society again.

If it weren't for being quiet now, we could really catch a big fish.

A cold light flashed in Lu Mingke's eyes. He had not been sitting in the office for so many years in vain.

He knew all the wanted criminals who were registered in the Sword of Judgment.

If it hadn't been for the Skull and Bones Society to close the net yet, that ghost-like guy would never have left alive this time.

Section Chief, do you want to warn them?

There are a few guys who are already ready to make a move and seem to want to attack the Eternal Sleeping Snake.

The strength comparison between the two sides is now 5:4. The top ten super spell academies and the one from Chrollo Kingdom have joined forces and barely suppressed the other four.

But if there is another one, the balance will be broken.

Xiao Gu was a little worried. If these guys started fighting, the Abala Kingdom would be gone in an instant.

This kind of thing must not happen.

No, it's not time for us to show up yet.

Those guys can still endure it for a few more days.

Watch the show, watch the show!

I'm curious now, which side can be the big winner?

Come on, come on, the undergraduate director is the banker, let's have a bet.

Lu Mingke was very confident in his own face, even if those guys really wanted to start a fight.

As soon as he showed up, some people immediately ran away.

Hearing that there was going to be a bet, everyone who had been bored in the spaceship immediately became excited.

Crash, crash, the best spiritual stones poured out.

This month's salary is all paid.

As time passed, Wang Guchen's report shocked the Wang family and the entire bloodline family alliance.

Then each family used their magical powers and began to inquire about the inside story from within the Chrollo Kingdom.

At the same time, Wang Guchen's plan to travel again received approval and strong support.

A group of villains from the other world were whisked to the Cross Canyon.

Traveling through something so dangerous, especially in the initial experimental stage.

Of course, the Bloodline family would not take risks with their precious family members.

But in front of the Tianwu Conjuration Academy, they couldn't use good people to conduct experiments.

As a result, the Bloodline Family can only capture some villains who meet the harvest standards of the Tianwu Conjuration Academy.

For these guys who have no human rights, Tianwu Conjuration Academy will definitely not meddle in their own business.

For a bloodline family that often wanders in gray areas, catching these guys is really easy.

We are all acquaintances, can we still run away?

The Wang family of Langya Pavilion, you white-eyed wolves, insidious and despicable villains.

It's in vain that I trusted you and treated you as my comrades.

I didn't expect you to turn into pugs!

Hahaha, you guys who are so dark to the core, you want to clear your name?

I bother!

In the Wang family camp, more than 100 villains looked desperate and trembling.

They were not frightened by the Wang family, but saw the logo of Tianwu Conjuration Academy at the opposite door.

It's definitely over this time.

But after all, there are still some people who have the guts to die standing up even if they die.

Everyone, don't be so angry.

We were all friends before, why did we have to make such a fuss?

Our Wang family invites you to come this time because we want to give you a great opportunity.

With all your sins, you are living like gutter oil in the inner world. Why bother?

The inner world is now controlled by the top ten super spell academies, and there is no room for us to survive.

Instead of living in fear here, it is better to go to another world to show off your skills.

Our Wang family has discovered a parallel time and space, and we are willing to selflessly share it with everyone and give everyone a ride.

Wang Guchen smiled and looked at the old friends who were yelling at each other. He was not angry at all.

After all, the property of these guys has become his.

Parallel time and space?

How can you, the Wang family, be so kind?

No, I can't go to parallel time and space.

I can't either. I chose Article 3 of the Spirit World Declaration.

The topic of parallel time and space was so explosive that even the villains who were already in despair were instantly shocked.

good very good.

Since everyone agrees, let's start now.

I wish you all a pleasant journey.

Here, let's drink a bowl of snake bath soup first.

This is made from the scales of a ten-thousand-year-old snake, and mixed with mud rubbed from the body of the eternally sleeping snake.

Wang Guchen waved his hand, and the Wang family's children came out with a bucket of dark swill and gave each villain a bowl.

The damn Kingdom of Chrollo.

I don't even want to spill some snake blood.

Looking at the dark snake bath, Wang Guchen felt angry.

To achieve time travel, you not only need to use the magic eye relics, but also need to cooperate with the power of the eternal sleeping snake.

Only the power of the Eternal Sleeping Snake can make people fall into a complete sleep and realize the conscious body leaving the body.

Wang Guchen and others originally wanted to cut a few kilograms of flesh from the eternally sleeping snake in the name of experiment.

Unexpectedly, the Chrollo Kingdom refused to give an inch, not even a fresh snake scale.

The two sides almost met each other in battle. Fortunately, at the critical moment, Chen Qi, who had been behind closed doors, appeared.

Chen Qi, a good old man, took it upon himself to collect a pile of blood mud from the eternally sleeping snake.

Naturally, these blood mud was left behind when Chen Qi opened a barbecue stall last time.

You can imagine how wonderful Wang Guchen's face was at that time.

He originally wanted to be tough, but he didn't expect that Villa, who was the main combat force, cowarded first.

According to what Vilia said afterwards, she sensed the aura of golden blood from Chen Qi.


Although the blood mud was a little less effective, considering that it was not for his own people, Wang Guchen tolerated it.

To be on the safe side, Wang Guchen reluctantly donated the ten thousand-year-old snake scales he had collected before to make this pot of snake bath soup.

Not bad.

It really works.

After being fed a bowl of soup, the villains who were eager to bite immediately became confused.

Gradually, their breathing became slower and slower, and they began to fall into a deep sleep.

But the strange thing is that they did not fall to the ground, but started sleepwalking.

Hundreds of villains rushed toward the ruins of the [Demon Eye].

Hurry up.

Do it while it's hot.

Seeing that the medicine had taken full effect, Wang Guchen immediately called on the Silver Apostles to take action.

The next moment, various spiritual lights bloomed.

The Silver Apostles used their own methods and began to attack the consciousness and bodies of the criminals.

After a week-long discussion, Wang Guchen and the others could not come up with a way to 100% restore their consciousness.

After all, it was a parallel time and space, and everyone had never been exposed to it before.

In the end, Wang Guchen and the others decided to try all methods.

Anyway, even if they can't come back, those who die are still scum, not one of their own.

Is it finally starting?

Sure enough, there is naked hatred between colleagues.

The Bloodline Family is really professional when it comes to catching criminals.

On the head of the eternally sleeping snake, Chen Qi stopped his busy movements.

He shook the goose feather fan a few times to cool down his head, which was beginning to glow with golden light.

Chen Qi has completed more than half of his preliminary preparations, and the next focus is the Eternal Sleeping Snake.

Or the thousands of cells inside the eternally sleeping snake.

If not, Chen Qi wouldn't bother to break up the fight.

Brother Chen, please take it easy.

You've already drilled hundreds of holes in the snake.

If you weren't an expert in the field of life, brother, I wouldn't dare let you go through such trouble!

Dorante, who was in charge of supervising the work and had been staring at Chen Qi, stared curiously at the slowly closing hole.

He had no idea what Chen Qi was doing.

Dorante was carrying an iron bucket in his hand, which was filled with fresh blood mud.

Naturally, he was very compassionate and collected this for Wang Guchen and others.

The previous conflict left him a little frightened, and that Vilia actually made him feel a fatal threat.

In order to prevent the situation from getting out of control again, Dorante decided to work hard on his own and help Wang Guchen and others prepare goods in advance.

As for whether they can use it?

Don't worry, it will definitely come in handy.

Dorante didn't even need to look to know that Wang Guchen's time travel experiment was going to be discontinued this time.

How could it be so easy to recall the consciousness from parallel time and space?

How much we look down on the snake-people civilization!

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