I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 635 Snake Man


Chen Qi's spaceship finally reached the sky above the Cross Grand Canyon.

Looking at the deep canyon torn out below, Chen Qi was also a little shocked.

Don't think that it is incomparable with the Dark Isthmus, but it is because it was just born.

It can bring more impact to people.

How powerful is that big black snake? It can actually cause such terrible damage!

And it seems that all it used was brute force, which is even more incredible.

This guy's height of more than 9,000 meters has really not been in vain.

Although Chen Qi did not have detailed information about the ruins, he still had basic information about the big black snake.

After all, he has also been an Internet celebrity for a period of time, and he relied on his huge size.

Terrestrial creatures with a body length of more than 9,000 meters are probably unique in today's inner ring world.

At least this is the only one that appears in public.


The spaceship slowly descended, and the ruins of the [Magic Eye] were completely exposed to Chen Qi's field of vision.

It was a huge pyramid covering an extremely large area. On the top of the pyramid, there was a pearl, or eye, hanging.

This is probably the origin of the name [Magic Eye].

At this time, the big black snake was coiling around the upper half of the pyramid, falling into silence.

It's exactly the same as what was depicted in that weird blood painting.

“Unexpectedly, after going around and around, I finally saw this ruins in person!”

Looking at the extremely familiar yet unfamiliar Demon Eye ruins, Chen Qi felt quite emotional.

When he was on Shengxian Island, a mentally ill underground explorer predicted the destruction of Shengxian Island.

Of course, that's not the point.

The point is that after Wang Tianlang arrested this guy, he painted a picture with his own blood in the cell.

And the scene inside is the ruins of [Magic Eye].

At that time, Wang Tianlang's spirituality was only slightly affected, and he had nightmares one after another, and he felt haggard.

Now that I think about it, the root cause should be the strange aura leaking from the big black snake.

The book Journey to the Center of the Earth is really harmful!

Perhaps it does describe the real underground world, but it should not be known to mortals at all!

Fortunately, things are no longer the past. After the establishment of the World Government, all kinds of weird civilizations in the underground world have disappeared.

Nowadays, ordinary people only read Journey to the Center of the Earth as a novel. However, there are always curious humans seeking death.

The mentally ill underground explorer did not enter the underground world from the crater alone.

At that time, it was an entire expedition team that entered the underground world.

They were lost in the underground world for three or four years, and then suddenly appeared in the surface world.

The original survivor was not just the underground explorer with a brain problem.

It's a pity that Chen Qi was busy surviving on Shengxian Island at that time and didn't pay attention to this matter at all.

Now times have changed, and even if Chen Qi mobilized the channels of Nantian Society, no other survivors were found.

Considering the series of actions of the Chrollo Kingdom, Chen Qi had to suspect that other survivors fell into their hands.

Even the Kingdom of Chrollo learned something more important from the survivors.

Otherwise, why would these misers be interested in a poor place like the Abala Kingdom?

Chen Qi's spacecraft continued to descend.

The rescue team, or rather the headquarters of the Loluo Kingdom and the Bloodline Family, also appeared in his eyes.

Looking at the two stations that exuded a terrifying aura, Chen Qi was a little hesitant. Should he go and say hello?

After all, he seems to be alone now, and the rescue must rely on the efforts of those two families.

But if you take the initiative to say hello, which side should you choose first?

Now that Chrollo Kingdom is the main force, it seems like we should talk to them first.

But the relationship with the Wang family seems to be closer, and Chen Qi himself is more interested in the blood family.

Chen Qi, who was really unable to make a decision, shook his fan, but unfortunately the boss remained silent.

But soon, Chen Qi no longer had to worry.

Because at the moment the spacecraft officially landed, an icosahedral bronze die suddenly appeared in front of Chen Qi.

The bronze dice that Chen Qi had almost forgotten about came online automatically!

And what this means is self-evident.

The ruins of [Magic Eye] are actually related to bronze dice.

And this relationship should be quite unusual.

“Back then, in [King’s Game] and [Ascension Island], the bronze dice didn’t even pop up.”

Could it be because of the points?

Could it be that the [Points] involved in the [Magic Eye] ruins are higher than those of Zhou Jiuyou back then?

Zhou Jiuyou back then threw 15 points the first time.

Of course, that was his final peak.

The bronze dice spun around and then disappeared again.

It seemed as if it was just a passive touch and not a reminder to Chen Qi.

But its appearance made Chen Qi's mentality completely different.

If Chen Qi was interested in the [Magic Eye] ruins before, it was passive.

Then Chen Qi is really attracted to the [Magic Eye] ruins at this moment.

Anything involving bronze dice is worthy of Chen Qi's vigorous research.

What if you can find wool?

Even if you can't, it would be good to get a glimpse of some of the mysteries of bronze dice and gain a deeper understanding of them.

For example, those restrictions engraved on the dice.

Chen Qi, who was completely tempted, no longer bothered to say hello to those two families, and went straight to the [Magic Eye] ruins.

Of course the other two families were very dissatisfied with this and were just waiting to see Chen Qi's joke!

How long has a mere young boy been in the other world?

The total number of years they have been together in the other world is tens of thousands of years.

We can't figure out the mystery, how about you?

Chief Lu, Tianwu Conjuration Academy has officially entered the school.

Chen Qi from Nantian Society has entered the [Magic Eye] ruins!

According to the data, this person has a good relationship with us. Do you need to remind me?

High in the sky, a spaceship floated quietly.

What's incredible is that it exists so openly.

The humans below are completely unable to detect its existence.

Don't be troublesome!

Our mission is to monitor the ruins of the [Demon Eye]. Once the [Eternal Sleeping Snake] shows signs of losing control, we will call on the [Sword of Judgment] to come and kill it completely.

I really didn't expect that after so many years of cleaning up, this level of life can still exist in the inner world.

Lu Mingke retracted his gaze and looked at the big black snake. That guy was the Snake of Eternal Sleep in his mouth.

This is the name of the Kingdom of Chrollo, and it has to be said that it is very appropriate.

After all, that guy has been sleeping for hundreds of thousands of years.

Otherwise, how could we have escaped the thousands of years of suppression by the World Government?

But shallow water cannot hide big fish after all. After the water in the inner ring world was almost drained, it was still exposed.

Lu Mingke is a deputy section chief of the abnormal life cleanup department under [Sword of Judgment].

This level is much higher than that of captain Tie Xinyan.

Especially the latter who has just been promoted.

Normally, Lu Mingke usually sits in the office and distributes tasks, drinks tea, and rarely goes out in person.

After all, after a long period of cleaning up in the inner world, there were not many things worthy of his own hands.

Once he takes action, he will not fight the opponent for hundreds of rounds.

He would only call upon the Sword of Judgment and chop the opponent directly to death.

This is not because Lu Mingke is lazy, but because the inner world should try to avoid battles of his level.

If more than a dozen countries were destroyed because of one mission, he would be the one to be struck by the sword of judgment.

When the [Demon Eye] ruins first appeared, they did not attract much attention from the [Sword of Judgment].

It's just a relic of an ancient civilization. The big black snake is indeed eye-catching, but it will be exhausted at a glance, and its life will not be long.

With the Chrollo Kingdom rushing in front, there won't be much trouble.

As a result, these bastards from the Chrollo Kingdom were so daring that they discovered such an important thing and didn't take the initiative to report it.

If it hadn't been for the induction of the Sword of Judgment, they would have been kept in the dark.

In order to prevent the worst situation from happening, Lu Mingke could only come here personally to take charge.

As for why not strike first and kill the eternally sleeping snake?

Do you really think that the Sword of Judgment can be used easily?

Lu Mingke just made a request, and the Sword of Judgment itself had a judgment mechanism.

Not only that, even if the sword of judgment is used, Lu Mingke will have to be examined and write a report afterwards.

This is not a fuss, but the Sword of Judgment is too powerful.

This kind of mass murderer must not be used indiscriminately.

What's more, there are thousands of people missing in the [Magic Eye] ruins!

Even if Lu Mingke doesn't care about Chrollo Kingdom and Tianwu Conjuring Academy.

But these thousands of lives alone were enough to demote him.

Do you really think that the Sword of Judgment will not form cliques and will be easy to get along with?

human nature!

We don't need to worry about that Viscount Chen, there is someone behind him.

As long as he doesn't seek death and enters there, there will be no danger.

Believe it or not, if you remind him now, he will look up and see you immediately!

That one's attainments in the art of heaven are very powerful.

We have spent a lot of effort [shielding the secret] this time, and we must not lose the big for the small.

The reason why Lu Mingke stayed in the sky so arrogantly that no one could detect it was because he [applied for celestial shielding].

In the inner ring world, the one who has mastered the largest remnant of Tianji, the [Sword of Judgment], is the real overlord of Tianji.

But with Lu Mingke's authority, the power of heaven that can be called upon is also limited.

Based on his understanding of Chen Qi who was on the white list, he would really be discovered if he wasn't careful.

Lu Mingke just wants everything to be safe and nothing happens.

It would be best if Chrollo Kingdom's plan could succeed and everyone would come out safe and sound.

Even if the plan fails, as long as the Eternal Sleeping Snake sleeps to death peacefully, it can be considered a blessing for the [Sword of Judgment].

Therefore, the Bloodline Family's plan made Lu Mingke very unhappy.

If we hadn't reached a compromise with some guys back then, why would we have allowed these cancers to stay in the inner ring world?

But it's fast. In recent years, these guys have gone further and further on the road to death.

Their good news will come soon.

Is this the remains of an ancient civilization?

This is my first time in person!

At the entrance of the giant pyramid, Chen Qi felt a little excited.

Although the ruins of the ancient civilization in front of us most likely have nothing to do with human civilization.

But it is a lost ancient civilization after all!

Chen Qi's first contact with ancient civilization was during his apprenticeship.

At that time, in order to polish his own spirituality, Chen Qi worked hard on fifteen kinds of ancient civilization characters.

At that time, Chen Qi, who was still relatively naive, once imagined that he would search the world and unearth various lost ancient civilizations.

Although I didn’t dig it myself today, I still realized half of my dream.

Tap, step!

Chen Qi stepped into the giant pyramid, which was brightly lit but completely silent.

Chen Qi looked at the extending lights.

This is the lighting facility that the pyramid originally had, but the grease inside has been used up long ago.

In order to restore the original appearance of the ancient pyramid, the archaeological team deliberately added grease with exactly the same composition.

And that was apparently made from the corpse of some kind of large sea monster.

The extraordinary flames released by its burning do not feel any heat at all, but instead have a slight chill.

A bunch of cheapskates.

Previous archaeological records were not shared at all.

It seems I can only rely on myself.

Long before arriving at the Abala Kingdom, Chen Qi asked people to collect various archaeological records of the [Magic Eye] ruins.

As a result, Abala Kingdom watched the excitement the whole time and didn't know anything useful.

Or I dare not know.

Chen Qi sent someone to contact the Chrollo Kingdom and the Bloodline Family, hoping to exchange relevant information.

As a result, they were rejected and the two families were completely hidden.

On the Lingjiu Club side, the big boss only provided some basic things.

Most of the content is the research results of the ancient civilization scientists who were recruited.

As for more inside information, it was not disclosed.

I don’t know if it’s a test for Chen Qi, or if he doesn’t want him to get involved too deeply.

Tap, step!

The lights extend infinitely, but there is no sense of opening up light in the darkness.

On the contrary, it makes people feel like they are entering a deeper darkness.

“This path can have an impact on human spirituality.”

Ordinary humans will fall asleep if they can't walk more than a hundred steps.

Even if a transcendent person can go further, he will still fall into a deeper sleep.

And once you sleep here for a long time, it will be impossible to wake up.

So some ancient civilization scientists believe that these lights are simulating death and simulating the road to the underworld.

Chen Qi walked among the infinitely extending lights, but was not affected at all.

After all, the hypnotic effect is far inferior to the weird aura escaping from the big black snake.

But it is more peaceful and relaxing.

Chen Qi feels that it is possible to develop a sleep aid device based on this principle.

Probably [virtual reality technology] was excavated from similar ancient civilization institutions.

After passing through the infinitely extending lights, a long corridor covered with murals appeared in front of Chen Qi.

The corridor was supposed to be dark, but the murals were covered with various fluorescent substances.

This makes the depicted scene appear more clearly.

These fluorescent substances were also applied later by the archaeological team.

This is the unique technique of an ancient civilization scientist. The fluorescent substance used is not as simple as painting the wall.

Rather, it resonates with the mural itself.

Brush, actinic flow.

As Chen Qi continued to move forward, scenes were clearly interpreted in front of him.

In a daze, Chen Qi thought he was walking in the movie corridor.

In other words, these murals are too much like a movie after showing dynamics.

The content of the mural is very simple. It tells the story of an originally vibrant civilization that suddenly discovered an eye appeared in the sky, staring at it.

Under the gaze of that eye, civilization began to decline and encountered various disasters.

The mural ends here, but the final fate of that civilization is unknown.

Those eyes in the sky always feel familiar.

Is it the one at the top of the pyramid?

It doesn't really look like it. It feels completely different.

But it just feels inexplicably familiar. It couldn't be [Ancestor Virus·Eye of Truth], right?

The more Chen Qi looked at it, the more friendly he felt the eyes in the mural were, so he made a bold guess.

If calculated based on time, the [Ancestor Virus·Eye of Truth] broke out 200,000 years ago.

It directly destroyed the world's dominant civilization, the Draco.

That big black snake has been sleeping for at least hundreds of thousands of years. If we push forward a little further, the civilization that built this ruins may indeed encounter an outbreak of the ancestor virus.

Based on Chen Qi's understanding of the Ancestral Virus, the eye that appeared in the mural did not appear in the sky.

The ancestor virus must have parasitized the bodies of all intelligent life forms for a long time.

The so-called sky represents a kind of overlooking from above.

In other words, dimensionality reduction strike.

And with the ability of the Eye of Truth, if it can completely decipher everything about intelligent civilization, it can definitely do this.

The reason why the Tianlong people failed was because their life and civilization were not complex enough and lost their diversity.

Humanity also learned from the lessons of the Celestial Dragons and placed restrictions on the inheritance of extraordinary bloodlines.

Even the most primitive method of sexual reproduction is still maintained.


If the truth is really as I guess, then this relic is really destined to this Viscount.

The ruins of the [Magic Eye], I originally thought it was the civilization that built this pyramid. It had some kind of eye ability, or it worshiped the eyes of some kind of existence.

The truth seems to be completely opposite!

People have developed a soul-deep fear of the evil eye.

It's right to think about it. From birth to death, you can feel an eye staring at you.

There are very few normal intelligent life forms that can survive without collapse.

The ancestor virus is so terrifying.

The ancestors of mankind are really awesome!

Looking at the [Snake Man] civilization in the mural, which is in panic all day long under the gaze of the evil eye.

An uncontrollable sense of pride spread in Chen Qi's heart.

Humanity also encountered the ancestor virus, but the more mixed it became, the better.

This is the difference!

If the ancestors weren't awesome enough, today it's the Snake Man who comes to visit the ruins of the human magic eye.

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