I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 454 Life Elements

The big boss is coming, be alert!

At this important moment, we can't let anything go wrong again!

In the Kingdom of Clyde, on a certain barren mountain, Zheng Junxiong and other eight people were feeling quite anxious.

They have received notification of Big Boss's entry, and the day has finally arrived.

Hey, I'm probably the unluckiest among all the team leaders!

Zheng Junxiong looked at the other seven members beside him. Two of the original 10-member team had died.

The reason for this is of course not that they acted rashly and attacked the surveillance target.

But they were actually targeted by others and treated as prey.

About a week ago, Zheng Junxiong and others monitored the target as usual.

As a result, this time, the target actually made a deal with a mysterious figure.

Originally, there was no problem. Zheng Junxiong only needed to ensure that the target did not run away. As for what they were busy with, he could slowly find out.

Unexpectedly, the other party to the transaction was aware of their prying eyes.

Not only that, they also traced back and launched a surprise attack.

After a battle, if Zheng Junxiong hadn't made a breakthrough during the battle, he would have completed the second round of evolution.

Their entire combat team was afraid that they would be wiped out.

Even so, two members still died, and even their bodies were snatched away.

What he experienced this time was exactly the same as when he lost his position as captain.

How could Zheng Junxiong be so f*cked up in his heart!

Captain, don't worry too much!

The big boss is kind-hearted. All this is an accident, and we can't blame him.

What's more, we also made up for it and completely figured out the other party's identity.

The team members around him comforted Zheng Junxiong. In their eyes, Zheng Junxiong was definitely a qualified captain.

Not only do you take the lead in doing things, but you also stand up for danger.

It can be said that Zheng Junxiong completely conquered the entire team by virtue of his personal charm.

Hey, I hope so!

Zheng Junxiong sighed. What he didn't tell the team members was that he had a private contact with Zhou Liqiong about half a month ago.

The latter told him the bad news that Gelis had won the favor of the big boss and became the leader.

That woman was petty and vengeful, targeting the Blue Whale Bandits at every turn.

A former prisoner became his immediate boss, and Zheng Junxiong happened to have a problem. It would be strange if he wasn't worried.


The wind howled and the clouds moved.

Along with a bird song, the sky of Clyde Kingdom, which was originally covered with dark clouds, suddenly cracked with a golden light.

The sunlight shone down, covering the world below, as if it had opened up a sacred channel.

What it is?

What a scary, huge bird. Hey, it's also dragging a spaceship.

Is there any big shot visiting our Kingdom of Clyde?

Such a huge momentum, not to mention the senior officials of Clyde Kingdom, even ordinary people were alarmed.

Soon, relevant news began to spread on the Internet.

But faster, all web pages are 404.

The Kingdom of Clyde is a rather stubborn feudal kingdom, and the various domestic regulations are extremely strict.

Even after entering a new era, the king and the royal family still possess absolute power.

As long as they don't allow it, no negative news can spread on a large scale.

Chen Qi's arrival, in the eyes of the Clyde Kingdom's senior officials, was something that could cause turmoil in the kingdom.

If it weren't for the huge logo of the Tianwu Conjuring Academy hanging on Chen Qi's spaceship, he would never have thought of entering the country.

Even so, when Chen Qi arrived at the border of the Kingdom of Clyde.

Ten fighter jets from the Kingdom of Clyde have already been hovering here, intending to escort them.

And this was the reason why Xiaohong flapped her wings impatiently and tore apart the sky of Clyde Kingdom.

The whining of these mechanical flies is really annoying to the birds.

The terrifying air wave was like a stormy sea, directly sweeping away the buzzing flies.

As for where they went, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, Xiaohong is in a much happier mood.

Interesting, the attitude of the Kingdom of Clyde is very subtle!

If the countries we have experienced before are all neutral, then the position of the Kingdom of Clyde is on the side of the top middle powers and is very resistant to the top ten super spell academies.

If their national power hadn't been a little weaker, I'm afraid they would have been even more rude to me!

On the spaceship, Chen Qi looked at the information about the Kingdom of Clyde, thoughtfully.

All countries in the inner ring world can be divided into three categories from a standpoint.

Those who are close to the top ten super spell academies, those who are close to the top middle powers, and then those who remain neutral.

In terms of quantity, the neutral camp naturally accounts for the vast majority.

The remaining two camps were barely evenly divided.

In terms of influence on ordinary human beings, the top ten super spell academies are ultimately weaker than those of the top mid-level powers.

And these four or six are the result of continuous efforts in the past hundreds of years.

The top ten super magic academies that advocate democracy and human rights have finally stepped on the trend of the times.

I believe that as long as the wind blows stronger and stronger, 5:5 will eventually arrive.

Boom, the spacecraft landed slowly.

Zheng Junxiong's eight people, who had been waiting anxiously, quickly came forward to greet him.

The cabin door slowly opened, and Zheng Junxiong expected to see Gloria's figure.

However, unexpectedly, a strange man appeared in front of him.

This is how the same thing?

It's here, it's finally here!

Damn, what should I do?

In the Kingdom of Clyde, in a luxurious palace, the third prince Debixi looked anxious.

As the most favored son of the king, it is rare for him to be so restless in the kingdom.

The reason for this is of course because of the arrival of Chen Qi!

Of course, Debsy did not know Chen Qi before and had never dealt with Chen Qi.

But he just did something stupid recently.

As early as more than a month ago, the news that the Original Blood Consortium was targeted by the Heavenly Witch Conjuration Academy had spread throughout the major kingdoms.

Although the Kingdom of Clyde is a bit hostile to the top ten super spell academies, it does not want to get into trouble with this kind of thing.

After all, this is a matter of great justice. If the Academy of Magic and Magic gets caught and is implicated, the Kingdom of Clyde will not be able to reap the benefits.

Therefore, the old king ordered to completely cut off all dealings with the Original Blood Consortium and clean up his own affairs.

As for the experimental base within the kingdom, ignore it, pay no attention to it, and will not expel it.

If you drive them away in a hurry, wouldn't you look cowardly and guilty?

Where else should the kingdom put its face?

As the king's favorite son, Debussy naturally received orders early.

Although he is usually domineering and does all kinds of evil, he still knows the importance of things.

However, not long after Debisi cleaned up his mess, Prince, who had always been close to him, suddenly contacted him.

Prince is the head of the 13th Laboratory of the Original Blood Consortium, which is located in the Kingdom of Clyde.

Perhaps because they have similar odors, the two have been working together and have a close relationship.

Debisi still remembers that night.

Prince, this bastard, is selling out everything. He talks about leaving a way out for himself, putting him to death to survive, clearance sale, people who don't care for themselves will be punished by heaven and earth...

Anyway, after a round of deception, Debussy finally agreed to the deal with Prince.

The things traded by both parties are naturally shady.

Everything was going smoothly at first, everyone just got what they needed.

I never expected that someone would witness the transaction.

What can Debisi do?

Of course he wants to kill people and silence them!

As a result, this was the beginning of greater trouble.

Asshole, this guy Prince must be trying to trick me on purpose!

This bastard just wants to drag me into trouble!

This was something Debisi only realized after the fact, but it was already too late.

He killed everyone and sold their bodies.

At that time, Chen Qi had not even arrived at Moyang Kingdom.

His escort has not yet made a name for itself.

It was only after watching the live broadcast that Debisi realized that he was in big trouble.

Damn Prince, that bastard swore that they had many enemies, and those monitors were sent by other criminal groups, ready to take advantage of the situation and take advantage of others.

In the end, everything was a lie and a trap.

This bastard actually dared to stab him in the back. If he hadn't been hiding in the experimental base all this time, Debixi would have really wanted to hack him to death.

Hahaha, the bloody massacre has finally arrived!

Debisi must be dumbfounded now!

We are all good brothers and good friends. Why are we all evildoers, but only I am punished?

That's not fair!

Good brothers should share blessings and share hardships!

The Kingdom of Clyde, in a certain abandoned mining area.

Prince hid in the experimental base, laughing maniacally.

His current mental state is quite hysterical.

Hmph, resist, resist, resist, fight with your life!

What that old bastard Gorkin said sounded nice, but he wasn't the one who died.

What a bullshit level three original blood badge. Why should others take advantage of me after I die!

Damn it, if I couldn't run away, I wouldn't wait here to die!

After Prince threw things for a while, he finally regained his composure.

Now Debisi has fallen into my plan. With all the sins he has committed, he will definitely not be able to escape once he is discovered by the Bloody Hands!

I want to see if that old man from the Kingdom of Clyde can save his son!

Prince's face was full of pride, and of course he chose the time and place of the transaction deliberately.

He even went out of his way to help and let Zheng Junxiong and others escape.

Not only that, but he also revealed Debisi's identity.

The reason why Prince did this was of course to save himself.

Even if he couldn't save himself, he would still have to bring a group of people to be buried with him.

The abominable Original Blood Consortium actually regarded him as an abandoned son.

Prince has decided that he will not delete any data in the laboratory or all the headquarters information he secretly collected.

If I die, you living people won’t have an easy time.

If death was not certain, Prince would really want to surrender.

As for the Kingdom of Clyde, Prince didn't care at all.

He wished that the other party would silence him and destroy his experimental base.

As a result, the points of Bloody Hand Human Massacre will be gone.

This would offend one more than killing two of his subordinates.

The Kingdom of Clyde has to make up for the shortfall in points.

Based on the information Prince collected about the bloody massacre, this is very possible.

Now, Prince is completely willing to be killed to drag his best friend into hell.

It would be even better if the old guy had a brain attack and killed the bloody-handed people.

Zheng Junxiong, 10 people were supposed to return to the team, but there are only 8 left in your team.

Please give a reasonable explanation!

I am [No. 1], and now I will lead you on behalf of Gloria!

On the spaceship, [No. 1]'s bloody eyes turned, scanning and confirming the identities of Zheng Junxiong and others.

Except that Zheng Junxiong completed the second round of blood eye evolution, which made him look at it a few more times.

He glanced at everyone else.

Gliss is actually laid off?

I finally started to move!

But this No. 1 came out of nowhere, it feels so weird!

Seems a little stunned!

After learning that Gloria was replaced, Zheng Junxiong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, his pent-up ambition reignited.

This No. 1 doesn't look reliable, maybe I can replace it.

But half a minute later, Zheng Junxiong didn't think so.

Like a dead dog, he was held in No. 1's hands and carried into the cabin.

Everyone along the way looked at this scene in shock, but no one dared to speak.

Even Zhou Liqiong and Kang Jianfei are the same.


Zheng Junxiong was thrown directly in front of Chen Qi, and at this time, Chen Qi was staring into the void in a daze.

Master, this Zheng Junxiong did not do his job well and lost two members. How should he be punished?

No. 1 looked businesslike, and Zheng Junxiong was a little confused.

This is a new official taking office. Do you want to establish your authority?

Boss, please forgive me. I am indeed not doing my job well, but please give me a chance to make up for it!

I have important things to report here, involving the Kingdom of Clyde...

Seeing Chen Qi's absent-minded look, Zheng Junxiong panicked completely.

He had served the big boss before, but the big boss's current attitude clearly meant that he didn't care about him anymore.

If he doesn't make a change, I'm afraid he will really be left to No. 1 to deal with it at will.

Kingdom of Clyde?

Tell me about it!

Chen Qi's eyes were still staring into the void, as if he was looking at something interesting.

However, the truth is that most of Chen Qi's mind is projected into the sea of ​​information.

At this time, waves of waves were coming towards him in the sea of ​​information.

But the source of the waves cannot be pinpointed at all.

It was as if the stormy waves rushing toward him were completely natural phenomena in the sea of ​​information.

If Chen Qi hadn't cultivated to the second level of Tianji Technique, he would have believed it.

Boss, the reason why we suffered casualties was because we witnessed a transaction between the third prince of the Kingdom of Clyde, Debisi, and Prince.

Based on the post-mortem analysis, I suspect this is a conspiracy by Prince...

Zheng Junxiong explained all the details in detail, and he even found out the specific items of the transaction between Debisi and Prince.

Well, it is also suspected that Prince actively leaked it.

Debussy traded a living person to get some kind of [life element] from Prince?

This Prince is also a caring person!

After listening to Zheng Junxiong's story, Chen Qi saw through Prince's purpose at a glance.

He is just a hysterical scumbag who wants to drag everyone with him to be buried together in desperation.

But I have to say that he is really good at cheating friends.

That Debixi has fallen under Chen Qi's eyes.

So, what Prince's laboratory is engaged in is extracting certain [life elements] from living people.

It seems that Debisi has been trading with him a lot. This sin value must meet the harvest standard!

In the theory of life alchemy, the human body is composed of particles in the material world combined with the matrix of life.

Life matrix is ​​just a general term that refers to all life elements with extraordinary properties in the human body.

Generally speaking, without a specific life alchemy inheritance, it is difficult to extract a certain life element from a living body.

Even many life elements cannot exist alone at all and can only be mixed into a life matrix.

In the alchemy of life, the matrix of life is a ball of colorful mud.

And each of its light colors corresponds to one or several life elements.

Normally, orthodox life alchemy practitioners would only extract life elements from plants or ordinary animals.

But certain elements of life are unique to intelligent life.

In this case, there will of course be harm in buying and selling.

This is also the reason why life alchemy is quite taboo. Until now, Chen Qi has not obtained a complete relevant inheritance.

What he is proficient in is only material alchemy, and that is only the content before the silver level.

Master, the matter involves the Kingdom of Clyde, what should we do next?

No. 1 asked Chen Qi for instructions in a strict manner. The situation has changed. It does not have the relevant authority to deal with the Kingdom of Clyde.

It doesn't matter, just follow the previous plan!

Don't worry about the Kingdom of Clyde. I believe they will give me a satisfactory answer.

As for Zheng Junxiong, since you are now responsible for leading them, you can just handle it yourself.

Chen Qi withdrew his mind from the sea of ​​information. He probably knew why the sea of ​​information was so choppy.

Because this is the entire Kingdom of Clyde, rejecting him.

This is the manifestation of the attitude of the Kingdom of Clyde at the information level.

And as the wind and waves become more and more violent, a terrible storm is brewing.

However, the storm has not yet taken shape, which only shows that the Kingdom of Clyde is also hesitant now.

If Chen Qi remembered correctly, when he checked the information about the Kingdom of Clyde before.

The Kingdom of Clyde has a canonized national master!

Anyway, let's just use some methods to verify what we got from the Moyang Kingdom.

I hope that the Kingdom of Clyde can make a wise enough choice.

This, how is this possible?

Didn't he come from the Tianwu Conjuration Academy? Why did I only see the demonic flames raging into the sky?

In the palace, on a certain high tower, an old man's eyes widened in shock.

In his field of vision, a terrifying demonic bird was burning like a black sun.

Accompanying it is a gray spider web filled with endless evil aura, and a cruel and violent big spider is swimming on it.

Behind these two groups of monsters, there are two more twisted and squirming lights and shadows.

They continue to spread and grow, but they are crawling in front of endless darkness.

That's right, when the old man wanted to observe the real target, he only saw a mass of creeping darkness.

In the endless darkness, a pair of eyes seemed to look at him for a moment.

But the old man only thought it was an illusion. How could this be possible? He was a national teacher.

Although the Clyde Kingdom is only ranked 132, he is a real national master.

How could the other party see him?

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