I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 445 Future Devourer

Canye City, perhaps this city is not well-known in the mortal world.

But in the whole world, no one knows about it.

Because this is one of the 10 most prosperous alchemy cities in the world.

Probably a few days ago, a huge fleet suddenly visited here.

If it weren't for the huge logo of the Tianwu Conjuring Academy hanging on the spacecraft headed by him.

The merchants in the city thought that some medium-power country was going to act as a robber.

There were hundreds of floating spaceships overwhelming the sky, but they were all armed to the teeth, and they didn't look like a good thing.

The arrival of this fleet caused a sensation for three days.

This is not only because of their power, but also because of their terrifying consumption power.

It was a waste of money and extremely arrogant.

That posture is very much like a nouveau riche in the mortal world.

But what Can Yecheng likes most is such big customers.

The rubbers in Canye City thought that this was the limit of Shenhao.

I never expected that each mountain would be higher than the other.

Just today, another spaceship from the Tianwu Conjuration Academy arrived here with great fanfare.

Although the scene is not as majestic as the previous one.

But the shock that his appearance brought to everyone was no less than the former.

After all, using silver lifeforms as coolies to drag a spaceship is the only example of this in the entire world for hundreds of years.

What an eye-opener!

Of course, if it were just like this, the veterans in Canye City would only say with envy, That's all!

But when the spaceship consumed 1 billion spiritual coins in one day, the merchants in Canye City wanted to call them daddy.

Nothing else, because what was purchased on the spaceship was not a peerless treasure or a precious cultivation resource.

But just ordinary daily expenses.

If it's the former, then only a handful of top merchants can make money.

But now, everyone had a good day today.

What is sold on this day is equivalent to a year's turnover.

Gliss, I may have lost a good friend forever!

How can people change so much!

In the past, Wu Daoqi was like an old farmer in the garden, extremely calm, diligent, and hard-working!

It's good now. When we go out, we not only cheer for each other, but also have more than a dozen of my father-in-law.

What kind of man is this?

The Wu Daoqi I knew is dead, and his noble soul has been tainted by the mortal world!

Inside the spaceship, Chen Qi looked at the information in his hand with complicated emotions.

The data records Wu Daoqi's transformation process and his various actions after arriving in Canye City.

Too extravagant, too decadent, sensual and sensual, singing and dancing every night, bah!

Master, for you, so-called friends are always only temporary.

Strong people must enjoy and get used to loneliness. You will inevitably walk on a road without friends, and you don't need to have friends.

Since ancient times, all great men have been so strong that they have no friends.

You only need followers like us to bask in your glory and witness your journey to the ultimate!

Gloria looked up at her master's back with admiration. Her expression was solemn and solemn, as if she was worshiping the eternal sun.

After hearing Gloria's interpretation, Chen Qi was thoughtful, and it seemed to make sense.

Chen Qi took a look at a dozen of Wu Daoqi's confidantes, but their looks were only comparable to that of Katelin.

Looking at Gloria, whose appearance surpassed Katelin by ten, she suddenly felt more balanced.

Come on, follow me to meet this former friend!

Chen Qi sighed and decided to take only Gelis to the banquet.

You should be more low-key as a person!

Ruoxi, how can people change so much?

I'm probably going to lose a friend forever!

The former Junior Brother Chen was humble, studious, and kind to others.

But now he has his hands full of ashes.

“Throughout the journey, I killed everyone I saw and didn’t know how to be kind to others.”

Junior is confused!

At the same time, in a luxurious spaceship, Wu Daoqi was hugging him from left to right and discussing Chen Qi with his first confidante.

He also had in his hand a detailed record of Chen Qi after he left the Tianwu Cursing Academy, which recorded all the killings Chen Qi made along the way.

Although everyone was hunting for points, the juniors actually killed a little too much.

A rough estimate shows that as many as ten thousand people have died tragically because of their juniors.

If it weren't for the prestige of the Tianwu Conjuration Academy, I would probably become a new generation of bloody massacres.

Husband, there are many people in this world who are villains who succeed in their ambitions.

There are very few people who are as enlightened and full of great love for all living beings as my husband.

Lan Ruoxi stared at Wu Daoqi's ordinary face with love in her eyes, as if she was looking at some rare treasure.

He carefully explained Wu Daoqi's frustration at this time.

Husband, I also know a little bit about your junior fellow student's past!

He was born in poverty and grew up in a land ruled by demons.

My past life was full of ups and downs, and I was bound to hate evil and be extreme and stubborn.

But he has great talent, he started too quickly and has not been polished by years.

Once people have great power, they always want to redeem their past selves.

Your current junior is using this to vent the injustice he suffered before.

There are countless such figures in history. Although they are brilliant for a while, they are destined to fall!

My husband, please give me my condolences first!

Lan Ruoxi's words made Wu Daoqi feel sad, but they spoke to his heart.

Among all the confidante, Lan Ruoxi may not be the most beautiful, but she definitely understands him best.

It's a pity that the power behind Lan Ruoxi is a little weaker.

If the other father-in-laws hadn't threatened him with death, he would have planned to be a man who would live forever.

Let's go and meet my former friend!

Maybe this is the last time we see him. I have to see him off.

Three students have already died in the elimination round.

With this method of killing my junior, I'm afraid he won't survive until next year!

The powerful ones are the top ten super spell academies, not us students.

Junior is too arrogant and arrogant, so he is doomed to this disaster.

Wu Daoqi wiped the sweat from the corners of his eyes and went to the banquet with all his confidante.

This wasn't Wu Daoqi showing off, he just wanted to remember his former friend.

Otherwise, who would he talk to about this memory a few years later?

Ten minutes later, Chen Qi and Wu Daoqi gathered together again in the most luxurious manor in Canye City.

The moment the two met, they all looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes. It felt like they had met a new friend.

But soon, the two regained their familiarity.

After everyone sat down, they didn't talk about anything and just ate first as a sign of respect.

And just as Chen Qi and Wu Daoqi were drinking each other, someone was staring at the manor fiercely on a high-rise building several ten kilometers away.

If he hadn't known that normal attacks were useless, Liu Yiming would have really wanted to launch a missile at the manor.

Behind Liu Yiming, there are more than a dozen other victims.

At this time, everyone's eyes were scarlet and they kept cursing the libertine.

This bastard Wu Daoqi dares to steal my girlfriend. I must destroy him!

Wu Daoqi, this scumbag, dares to steal my fiancée. I will cut him into eight pieces.

Wu Daoqi, this lustful devil, dares to steal my goddess, he is dead!

Hey, Brother Liu is so miserable. His childhood sweetheart and his wife were all taken away!

Liu Yiming was about to explode when listening to the murmurings of all the victims.

Everyone, we all have a common enemy, and this hatred is irreconcilable!

But it's been half a year. We've been following Wu Daoqi for half a year. In addition to our team getting stronger, that bastard has become more and more famous.

How long do we have to endure this?

Liu Yiming vented his dissatisfaction angrily. He thought that there was strength in numbers, but he didn't expect that each one was more timid than the other, and they were all here to hold him back.

Old Liu, the grievances we suffer in our hearts are no less than yours!

But there's no way. That bastard came from the Academy of Magic and Magic and is very strong.

And that kid is so evil. You just joined us, so you don't know many things.

We have designed countless means against him before, but this bastard always manages to achieve good fortune in times of adversity. He is simply the legendary child of luck.

Hey, if we act rashly, we will only add fuel to the fire and make that kid burn even more!

Ma Tianqi sighed, his face as pale as a bitter gourd.

Others also lamented, not because they didn't hate him, but because their enemies were growing stronger with their help, and no one could withstand such a blow.

They were originally the darlings of all forces in the inner ring world, and were the favored sons of heaven.

But all this was shattered after meeting Wu Daoqi.

This guy is like a walking spiritual stone. Women and money-grubbing father-in-laws all regard him as their treasure.


What should we do?

Are we just going to watch and wait like this?

Wu Daoqi has completed the harvest, and it would not be surprising at all if it becomes a true seed.

And once we really wait until he becomes the true seed of Tianwu Conjuration Academy, we will have no chance!

I absolutely can't be a coward for the rest of my life. What we are practicing is a new method.

This bastard didn't steal our women, but cut off our path!

Liu Yiming's words got to the bottom of it. The reason why they were extremely resentful of Wu Daoqi was not just because of women.

Rather, they serve as stepping stones, as villains and clowns, and as tools for this bastard to pretend to be a slap in the face.

If one's future is cut off, one will naturally fight to the death.

Old Liu, calm down, calm down!

If you can't control yourself anymore, you will definitely go crazy!

Wu Daoqi's background is too mysterious and weird. We haven't figured it out until now.

But there is definitely something wrong with this bastard's luck. Ever since we encountered him, everything has been going wrong for us.

This guy's fate may really be that of the legendary Child of Fate, or the Devourer of the Future!

Ma Tianqi scolded angrily in a low voice, finally making Liu Yiming calm down.

In fact, everyone still sympathizes with Liu Yiming, after all, he is greener.

Old Liu, we have endured humiliation and followed Wu Daoqi all the way, not to see this guy proud, but to verify it.

Now I am 80% sure that Wu Daoqi is the legendary [Future Devourer].

And the future this guy devours is all related to women and wealth.

Seeing that Liu Yiming really couldn't hold on any longer, Ma Tianqi could only reveal more of the inside story to him.

Regarding the Son of Destiny and the Future Devourer, these secrets are not accessible to ordinary people.

If it weren't for the fact that Ma Tianqi's ancestor had a powerful Tianji master who successfully obtained the permission of the Sword of Judgment and cultivated to the third level of Tianji master.

He was afraid that he was in the same desperate situation without realizing it.

Throughout the ages, some people have succeeded solely through their own efforts.

However, the success of some people is very inexplicable, which makes everyone feel very incredible.

So the theory of luck came into existence in the world.

Regarding luck, different civilizations and different eras have their own explanations.

For example, in the human civilization of the old days, those who had the power to interpret luck were the diviners.

They believe that luck is favored by heaven and earth, and favored by heaven.

The level of luck depends on God's will.

In the New Calendar Era, the celestial masters had their own explanations for luck.

The secret masters believe that the future is infinite, but everyone's future is limited, with a maximum of 129,600 types.

All living beings that continue to multiply, stretch, and replace old and new form an infinite future.

The essence of luck is the number of futures that humans have.

The higher the luck, the more future you have; the lower the luck, the less future you have.

For example, a person with only 30,000 futures will naturally have lower luck than another person with 80,000 futures.

Fortunately, luck is not fixed and can change due to various factors.

But what really changes is the amount of future we have.

No matter how much luck increases, it is impossible for the future of mankind to exceed the extreme value of 129,600.

Therefore, luck also has its limits.

People with higher luck have more choices when encountering problems.

In other words, they have more options for the future.

Compared with those who have fewer choices, they naturally appear to be smooth.

After discovering this, humans will naturally find ways to increase their luck.

There are no more than two ways to enhance your luck.

Or to enhance one's own strength, mainly to improve oneself.

Or by robbing others to take their future by force.

The former is to open up one's own future, while the latter is to destroy other people's futures.

Generally speaking, forcibly plundering other people's future requires the assistance of various secret methods, which is very difficult and the success rate is not high.

Compared to improving oneself, this is a completely evil path, and no one with a sane mind would choose to take this path.

Unless there is some major benefit, a unique opportunity.

Therefore, those who choose this evil path are all big demons and ambitious people, and one can imagine their fate.

But things in the world are so wonderful. Since ancient times, there have been occasional births of people who are called children of fate.

Incredibly, without any rituals, they can quietly devour other people's futures and use them to grow themselves just by contacting them.

This is why they are called the Devourers of the Future.

And the reason why the devouring of the Son of Destiny is so secretive.

It's because this kind of devouring is selective, triggered, and gradual at the very beginning.

For example, according to Ma Tianqi's research, the prerequisite for Wu Daoqi's ability to swallow up their future is that his luck itself is stronger than theirs.

And in the beginning, not all futures can be swallowed, but only one kind.

The future that Wu Daoqi devoured at first was a woman.

Therefore, all the victims present had conflicts with Wu Daoqi because of women in the first place.

But as their revenge was thwarted time and time again by Wu Daoqi, other futures began to be swallowed up.

For example, wealth and power have even begun to affect the speed of cultivation now.

If this continues, sooner or later they will die completely in the hands of Wu Daoqi, and their entire future will be swallowed up.


Is this the truth?

Then this Wu Daoqi, isn't he more evil and terrifying than the devil?

After listening to Ma Tianqi's detailed explanation, Liu Yiming suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

He seemed to be possessed before, but now he was completely frightened awake.

But if Wu Daoqi is really the son of fate, how can they take revenge?

When my luck was strong before, I couldn't beat that guy. Now that my luck has been swallowed up by him, how can I stand up?

After figuring this out, Liu Yiming was completely desperate.

Old Liu, calm down, calm down, we still have a chance!

According to the family inheritance I received, since the [Tianji] was chopped into pieces, there will no longer be [Children of Destiny] in the inner ring world.

And once it appears, it must have been created!

After Tianji fell, seven inexplicable things were born. Only they can create [Children of Destiny].

But since the three idiots were hacked to death by the sword of judgment for making the [Child of Destiny], the remaining four never dared to create the Son of Destiny again.

So this Wu Daoqi is most likely the [Disaster Star].

As soon as Ma Tianqi finished speaking, Liu Yiming suddenly crawled out of hell and became energetic.

If Wu Daoqi was the disaster star, wouldn't they be able to report it?

Old Liu, Wu Daoqi is a [disaster star] and the son of luck. This is just my speculation and there is no real evidence.

Originally, we could only continue to wait and collect more evidence, but now it is different.

As you just saw, the woman Wu Daoqi met today is stunning.

And according to the information I got, this one hasn't finished harvesting yet, and his luck is definitely not as good as Wu Daoqi's.


Ma Tianqi smiled coldly. There was no need to say anything else, everyone present understood it.

No, we can't just sit around and wait, we have to do something!

Unlike Ma Tianqi and others who were gloating about others' misfortune and waiting for a good show, Liu Yiming really didn't want to endure it any longer.

People still have to rely on themselves, opportunities are created!

Lao Ma, since that guy named Chen Qi can participate in the election, his luck may not be much worse than Wu Daoqi. What if there is no conflict over women?

What if that guy treats women like clothes?

“We can no longer sit back and watch [good people] remain ignorant and suffer quietly!”

We have to tell that guy named Chen Qi the truth!

Liu Yiming expressed his thoughts, and Ma Tianqi and others were stunned. This seems to be okay!

As a result, Chen Qi, who had just finished his meeting with Wu Daoqi, received a letter of report.

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