I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 438 Flower of the Underworld

Master, the Jinlaihua Kingdom has completed its harvest!

Due to the planting model here, there are fewer perpetrators and only 75 points were obtained, which is far less than expected.

In addition, more than 2,000 villains were burned, and more than 300 people managed to survive.

Inside the spaceship, Gelis gave a detailed mission report to Chen Qi.

At this time, every corner of the entire spacecraft was already filled with golden flowers.

Chen Qi was admiring it with great interest.

Gliss, you did a great job, I'm very satisfied!

You've worked hard on these hundreds of golden flowers!

Looking at the golden lines on the Jinlai flower, as well as the experimental instruments and experimental materials piled up like a hill.

How could Chen Qi not know that Gelis had completely moved out the original blood consortium's laboratory.

In this regard, besides praising him, what else can Chen Qi say?

Master, there are too many survivors left in this harvest, and the noise is too great.

I think it won't take long for the Original Blood Consortium to realize that we are targeting them.

We are afraid that we will encounter some obstacles in the next trip.

Gelis stated her analysis truthfully. She had absolute confidence in her master, but she was worried that the Original Blood Consortium would see something bad happen and become a coward.

It doesn't matter. The Original Blood Consortium is just slow to react and is not a fool. Sooner or later, it will find out that we are targeting it.

As for how they will react, I can guess.

Next, the Original Blood Consortium will order all the major stations to guard and defend us to the death.

If we can't bear it, someone will come forward to make peace.

And if the peace talks fail, then they will take serious action.

This is how they dealt with Feng Zining back then.

From the beginning to the end, Chen Qi was not worried that the Original Blood Consortium would be cowardly and cowardly.

It didn’t happen then, and it won’t even happen now!

After all, the Blood God Palace has passed the [Disaster Star] auction and climbed to the fifth-ranked middle power in the inner ring world, the [Kingdom of Libiis].

They are more confident now than they were back then.

These golden flowers are really ugly and unique!

Gliss, why do you think they have such a powerful hallucinogenic effect?

Chen Qi picked a golden flower and used his [Fairy Eyes] to observe it carefully.

At the same time, various experimental materials were constantly read by Chen Qi, and all kinds of information flowed in Chen Qi's heart.

I have to say that Chen Qi's aesthetics is very consistent with that of Gelis.

If it weren't for the purpose of seeking knowledge, Chen Qi would not take a second look at these donkey dung eggs.

Master, I have tortured the memories of those experimenters, so I know their conclusions.

As to why Jinlaihua has such a powerful hallucinogenic effect, after hundreds of years of research by the major forces in the Jinlaihua Kingdom, they have finally come to a conclusion.

That is because Jinlai Flower can absorb [Spiritual Elements], react with trace elements in the body, and produce some wonderful substances.

Even when facing Jin Laihua, whom she hated, Gelis still showed her dignity and elegance in front of Chen Qi.

Now, after some transformation, not only does she look as good as Cyndia, she even has a slightly better temperament.

Against her background, even those donkey dung eggs with gold rims still looked dull and colorless.

Can you actually absorb spiritual elements?

It's really incredible!

Chen Qi was a little surprised. He hadn't seen this record yet.

Lingsu is the product of spiritual decay after death.

But unless there is some special extraction and preservation method, such as the [Dream Gemstone] that Chen Qi saw in the Dream Duel Arena.

Otherwise, the spirit element will only react with the surrounding world at the moment of birth and be completely annihilated.

Ordinary humans lose their spirituality all the time, and those lost spiritualities are like bubbles, constantly floating in the world.

More than 90% of spirituality will directly decay, turn into spiritual essence, and then be completely annihilated.

Only a very small number of spiritual beings can come together and flow continuously.

If you think of the world as a desert, think of the lost spirit of life as a flood.

When flood water flows through the desert, most of the water will of course be directly swallowed and absorbed.

Only after reaching a certain saturation can a meandering river form in the desert.

In Chen Qi's past experience and knowledge, what life used was the small river flowing in the desert.

For example, magnetic field beings use the vast spiritual torrent (sacrifice) to grasp the power of authority, complete transformation, and become gods.

The golden flowers in front of him opened another window of life for Chen Qi.

However, the existence time of spiritual essence is extremely short, and it is difficult for ordinary extraordinary people to capture it.

How did Jinlaihua do it?

Master, Jinlaihua's ability is indeed incredible. It is simply unreasonable and does not look like something that life in the real world can evolve from.

So there is another saying about Jinlai flowers, that is, they are not human beings at all, but come from the [underworld].

This is the flower of death sown in the world by the [Death Gods of the Underworld].

According to the research of Jinlaihua Kingdom, Jinlaihua appeared on a large scale during the Siren Age, hundreds of thousands of years ago.

After the end of the Draco era, this world community fell into disputes.

In the end, the Kraken civilization stood out and took the lead.

Unfortunately, because the Siren civilization originated from the sea and has limited control over the land, it cannot treat all the intelligent races as slaves like the Celestial Dragons and treat them like Sun Tzu.

What is quite interesting is that because of the ancestral land of the Tianlong people, the ruling center of the world community at that time was the [Inner Ring World].

That's why the Kraken Civilization occupied 36 abyss in the inner ring world and built a boundless city in the endless deep sea.

As for the outer world, it is not just a wilderness, it is simply a restricted area of ​​life.

If the Golden Flowers were really sown by the [God of Death in the Underworld], considering their love-hate relationship with the Siren Civilization, it is not surprising that the Golden Flowers would appear on a large scale in the inner world of the Siren Age.

[Thing from the underworld], the god of death from the underworld?

I'm more interested in this golden flower!

Gliss, the rest of the trip is up to you!

Chen Qi originally only planned to hybridize sunflowers and golden flowers to create a new flavor melon seeds.

But the magic of Jinlai Flower repeatedly exceeded his imagination.

Chen Qi's desire for research was once again aroused.

Anyway, the difficulty of web-weaving technology is being overcome by the Earth Demon Spider.

Chen Qi just took advantage of this free time to enjoy it.

For Chen Qi, studying and deciphering various magical phenomena and gaining new knowledge is a great enjoyment.

Therefore, his life will not be empty, only knowledge will not betray himself!

The spaceship continued to move forward, and Gloria took complete control.

And not long after Chen Qi left the Jinlaihua Kingdom, even the Jinlaihua citizens had not had time to have breakfast, when an explosive news appeared on the morning news.

[Three large plantations under the Original Blood Consortium were suddenly hit by fire]

[More than 2,000 employees were burned to death, hundreds were seriously injured, and all Jinlai flowers were burned]

Damn it, the sky has eyes, I finally got my retribution!

Daji, I'm bullish, it's going up, it's going up, the price of Jinlaihua is going to increase!

Who is so brave and does such good things that benefit the country and the people?

This bully is a poisonous person and should have been kicked out long ago!

Although the ruins on the TV screen and the survivors who have not yet awakened are very disturbing...

Well, no sympathy at all.

Didn’t you see that everyone is happily buying stocks?

Although these three large plantations were burned, their impact on market supply was not significant.

But it gave all plantations an excuse to raise prices.

The price of Jinlai flowers this year must at least double.

Jinlaihua Kingdom can finally have a good life this year!

Three plantations were burned down, such big news.

Even though all the members of the Original Blood Consortium in Jinlaihua Kingdom died and fainted, they still received the news quickly.

Who doesn’t have a few good friends these days?

Check, check hard!

I want to see who is so bold as to pluck the hair from the tiger's butt.

Find out, kill his whole family, and destroy his five clans!

At the headquarters of the Original Blood Consortium, Deputy Minister of Security Golkin was as angry as a roaring golden lion.

It has been a long time since anyone dared to provoke their original blood consortium so blatantly.

Yes, in Golkin's view, this is a naked provocation.

Otherwise, why should we be kept alive? Instead of killing everyone.

This was definitely not done by professional robbers, although their ability to scrape the land was more powerful than professional robbers.

Damn it, how could you leave nothing behind?

How can I still be greedy for ink?

Gorkin had just dispatched manpower, and new bad news came from the intelligence department.

There has been no contact with the consortium's agency in the Badong Kingdom for more than half a month.

Their intelligence department inquired through local connections, but what they got was relocation and evacuation?

This, this, the intelligence department was immediately confused.

Although it was a bit unbelievable, they didn't dare not believe it.

Could it be that the top management has implemented some new secret plan?

As a result, after verifying the report, the headquarters was relocated and evacuated, and the headquarters did not move at all.

There are only two answers, either all the personnel at that station defected.

Either the station has been completely destroyed by the opponent, and the attack was extremely clean and silent.

So Gorkin could only give new instructions to the investigation team that had just set off.

Let them divert to Badong Kingdom and find out the situation there first.

At the same time, the intelligence department of the Original Blood Consortium also began to operate at full capacity, strengthening the monitoring of major black markets and alchemy cities.

Those bandits have even scraped the land clean, and there is absolutely no way they will not sell the stolen goods.

As long as clues are found, those guys can be completely locked in.

As a result, I spent a week in vain and gained nothing.

My lord, the goods you brought are very good.

Especially Jinlai Flower, the price has skyrocketed and has doubled, and many big forces are stocking up.

It only takes half a day for us to completely sell your goods.

Based on the current market price, a conservative estimate would be 130 million spirit coins!

In a certain alchemy city, the person in charge of Jubao Pavilion, one of the top three merchants here, was entertaining a distinguished guest with great hospitality.

Although the other party did not reveal his identity, it was enough to know that he came through Nantian Society channels.

As for the sudden appearance of such a huge amount of golden flowers, could it be dirty?

What a joke, do you need to care about this kind of thing?

Yes, the price is very reasonable, let's deal with it like this!

Are there any strange seeds of extraordinary plants in Alchemy City?

If you have any, help me buy some of everything!

Gloria signaled Dickens and others behind her to hand over the goods, but she started a buying spree.

130 million spiritual coins seems like a lot, and even for most of the Silver Apostles, it is a considerable amount of wealth.

But in Gloria's eyes, this is just a bunch of good-looking numbers.

After all, even if the money were doubled tenfold, he still wouldn't be able to buy even one top-grade spiritual stone.

After taking full control of the spacecraft, the first thing Gloria did was adjust the flight route.

Gloria randomly chose an alchemy city and planned to deal with various debris.

Although the space within Poseidon's Ring is vast, it is already half filled.

The next dark laboratory is the top priority. Of course, Gloria must travel lightly and completely empty it out.

As for doing it privately, will it offend the master?

Haha, great masters are too lazy to care about these things.

As far as Gloria is concerned, as long as it is not something that is explicitly prohibited by her master, she does not need to worry at all.

I have to say that the Nantian Society's face ability is really useful, even though the alchemy city that Golis chose does not have a branch of the Nantian Society.

However, Gelisi still found a trustworthy partner through Nantianshe's channels.

Needless to say, after Gelis took out the identity of Nantian Society and took out the pile of goods from the Poseidon Ring, Jubao Pavilion knew that there was a great big shot.

They even closed their doors today just to concentrate on receiving Gloria and others.

Sir, the seeds of alchemical plants have always been controlled by major forces, and not many of them have been spread outside!

But this time it was a coincidence. Just a few months ago, an ancient ruins were unearthed, and many treasures were spread.

We at Jubao Pavilion acquired a batch of lotus seeds that had been sleeping for thousands of years. We tried to wake them up to confirm their species, but the result was a failure.

If you don't mind it, these lotus seeds are just a little gift from us. Thank you for taking care of our business, sir.

Of course, we will also use all channels and do our best to purchase various extraordinary plant seeds in the city.

The person in charge of Jubao Pavilion still feels a little dizzy until now. The impact today is really too great.

This transaction alone has already covered the first half of the year's turnover.

Of course, we must try our best to meet the requirements of such big shots and big customers.

Three hours, I will only stay in the Alchemy City for three hours!

I want that batch of lotus seeds!

The reason why Gloria purchased the seeds of extraordinary plants was because she saw that the owner was interested in them and wanted to please them.

As long as those lotus seeds are alive, it doesn't matter whether they sprout or not.

Anyway, in the hands of the owner, it will bloom.

The seeds of extraordinary plants were just incidental. The real purpose of Gloria's shopping was to decorate the spacecraft and improve its comfort.

The master was too poor and miserable before, and he really wronged himself!

If subordinates like them still watch, can they still be considered human beings?

Gelis kept drawing circles on her shopping list without even looking at the so-called precious cultivation resources.

These things are just garbage to their owners.

What Gloria chose were some decorations and items of enjoyment that were quite luxurious even in the other world.

For example, there are pearls and screens with various strange and extraordinary effects, as well as various different grades of spiritual tea, spiritual water, and spiritual wine.

As for the various luxurious facilities that come with it, Gelis also didn't miss it.

With a casual wave of her hand, Gelis spent another 100 million spirit coins.

The master must not treat guests in a shabby manner in the future.

Witnessing Gelisi's generosity, even the person in charge of Jubao Pavilion, who had been in shopping malls for a long time, was shocked.

Now he finally understands how the big shots consume?

After Gelis finished her shopping, she took Katelin shopping.

As the face of the big boss, they can't dress too tacky.

As for Dickens and others, they don't need to change their costumes.

After all, how much they can survive is still unknown!

Three hours later, the spacecraft started slowly and left the Alchemy City.

At this time, except for the core laboratory, the rest of the spacecraft has completely changed.

Finally, the spacecraft regained its original luxury status and no longer looked like a steel house.

In the laboratory, Chen Qi was very pleased to receive more than a dozen extraordinary plant seeds from Gloria.

Especially the seven lotus seeds made Chen Qi look at them a few more times.

Chen Qi's life authority told him that there was huge vitality hidden in these lotus seeds, and they were by no means ordinary extraordinary plants.

Unexpectedly, Gelis picked up a leak this time.

For the sake of these extraordinary plant seeds, Chen Qi reluctantly acquiesced to the decorations made by Gloria.

Anyway, those are ill-gotten gains, spend them as you should.

It can also promote the economic cycle in the world and achieve rational allocation of resources.

The spaceship flew all the way, and this time the journey was a little bit long.

It took a full 10 days for the spacecraft to reach its next destination.

In this process, Chen Qi also received a double blessing.

First, of course, the Earth Demon Spider exhausted the remaining resources of its ancestors for thousands of generations and finally completed a technological breakthrough.

It successfully extracted the high-level spiritual energy from the top-quality spiritual stone and made it into spider silk.

This is definitely a great and ground-breaking feat in the history of the Earth Demon Spider's evolution.

As for the second joy, of course Chen Qi's research on Jin Laihua was quite successful.

In the future, Xiaohong will not only have more delicious melon seeds to eat, but there will also be a weirder Jinlai flower in the world.

Without him, Chen Qi finally upgraded the Golden Flower to an extraordinary plant after some troubles.

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