I have a lot of wives

My Wife Is Very Many Chapter 296

The love between her and Lu Cheng, their love, was once considered by Xuexiaxuenao to be the only "real thing" she witnessed in her life.


She subconsciously wanted to continue to ask Lu Cheng this question-that is: "In this case, why are you breaking up?"

This problem has troubled Xuexia Xuena for a long time.

It's just that Xuexia was about to ask this question.

Of course, it didn't.

Because it disrespects people.

Whether it is classmate Lu Cheng or her sister.

"Is it all right?"

Yukino under the snow: "..."

"If it's okay, just read the book for a while. Sleep when you're sleepy. When you get to Binghai Port, there is still a long way to go."


"Ice Harbor..."

Xuexia Xuena nodded, and then picked out two books from the book Lu Cheng gave her.

One is "The General History of Varangi" and the other is "Geography of the Western Continent".From it, specific information about the ice seaport was found.


The northern part of the empire is a large area, a wild land covered with snow and ice all year round.

From this land to the north, there is a large ocean with floating ice and harsh weather.People call this ice sea.

This is the land of the Varangians.There is very little land that can be cultivated, and the population is naturally scarce.

But there are always exceptions,

Ice Harbor is one of the exceptions.

The Ice Harbor, located in the Longboat Fjord, is the most important port for the Varangians and one of the most important ports in the northern part of the western continent.

The water is deep, not freezing all year round, and the geographical position is superior, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The combination of these series of advantages has allowed Binghai Port to develop rapidly.From a small fishing village to a prosperous free city state.

The commercial atmosphere here is strong, and the population is large enough.

Varangians, empires, Slavs, dwarves, and even elven merchants from Albion gathered here.


Next, is a series of data about the ice port.Its population size, specific charts of economic output and so on.Xuexiaxue is dizzy when I see all this.A little dizzy, she finally chose to close the book, pull the blanket to wrap herself up, and close her eyes to sleep.

I have to say that Lu Cheng's method is really effective.For students, the method of "reading if you can't count, and sleepy looking at it" is really an essential medicine for treating insomnia.


But Yukino under Xuexia still had too many doubts.

If possible, I would like classmate Lu Cheng to explain more.

"Let's talk about it when you have a chance..."

With this thought, Yukino Yukoshita fell asleep.


Then the next day.

Xuexiaxue Nao was awakened by bursts of noisy sounds.

She opened her eyes and found that the surroundings had become very lively.

In addition to the sleds that he and Lu Cheng rode, there are a large number of sleds moving around.

Some are pulled by horses, some are pulled by dogs, and some are pulled by reindeer like Lu Cheng.

They are not walking on the snowfield now, but on a wide river.

The river is completely frozen.Because the frictional resistance of the ice surface is small, it is regarded as a natural highway by all people who ride on sledges.

If the content of the book I read yesterday is correct, then this river should be a very famous blue river.

One of the largest and most important rivers in the Holy Faro Empire.It originated from the glorious mountain range of the southern glorious peninsula, passed through the entire Faroese Empire, and finally poured into the ice sea.

The flow of the river is gentle, and at the same time there is enough water.It has always been one of the most important communication routes in the empire.

The empire even established a navy specifically for the Azure River, as well as a department to manage river transportation.

In the north of the empire, this river would freeze in winter.So the transportation on the river has changed from a large number of ships to a large number of sledges.

Most of these sleds carry cargo.It was tied up with ropes, surrounded by mercenaries with half-length plate armor and armed with crossbows or muskets.A small number of sleighs, which are smaller and look more beautiful and exquisite, ride on aristocratic men and ladies in beautiful furs.

Yukoshita Yukino also saw dwarf warriors holding beer mugs and cheering and laughing on some sledges.And the gray elf with gloomy eyes in a white cloak just like yesterday.

As you saw from the books before, Binghai Port is an international city.There are all kinds of people going north and south.

The team of sleds rolled forward like this.Their targets are the Ice Harbor, one of the largest and most important trading centers in the north of the Western Continent.

"Woke up?"

When she thought this way, she heard Lu Cheng's voice again, and then Lu Cheng handed over the hot chocolate in the cup.


"Thank you."

After struggling for a few seconds, Yukinoshita thanked him, and took a sip from the cup.

The fragrant hot chocolate immediately dispelled the chill and warmed Yuukishita's body.

"It will be here soon." Lu Cheng calmly said to her: "The emperor suffered a small loss. In a short time, he will probably not pursue it again. We can relax a bit."

"Want to take a stroll in Binghai Port?" Lu Cheng asked, "By the way, you can buy something and take a rest."


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