I have a lot of wives

My Wife Is Very Many Chapter 257

"The elven calendar is March 4, 5746. The constructed army we made has received most of the army's praise.

To borrow the words of a general.Although these structures move slowly and respond slowly, their failure rate is also very high.But their combat power and quantity are enough to make up for our army's disadvantages in this regard.

The various corps on the front line strongly demanded more constructs and better constructs.

Everyone in the research institute felt excited and felt that it was time to start the counterattack. It was time for the humans and dwarves to taste the power of the human sea tactics.

For quite a long time, everyone in the Institute has been the favorite way of entertainment to read publicly the battle reports related to our constructs.I imagined the scene where our creatures were killing all quarters on the battlefield."

Kato: "From the results, the elves' plan did not succeed, classmate Lu Cheng."

Lu Cheng: "Yes, as always, elf arrogance."

While he was speaking, the heavenly unicorn screamed in fear.Longwei's coverage has passed.More monsters kept advancing in the direction of Lu Makoto and Kato Megumi, so the shield of the flame of holy light opened again.Lu Cheng and his party continued to move forward.Kato also began to read the next diary:

"The wizard calendar May 2, 5747.

How dare they, how dare they do it."

Behind is a series of elves swearing, which was ignored by Megumi Kato:

"Those dwarves and humans have plagiarized our great invention! Enemy structures have appeared on the battlefield. Those are rougher, more unreliable, and less effective.

They can't match our great invention at all.However, just like the advantages of dwarves and humans, there are too many of them.

Our great army was once again defeated.

This makes many of my colleagues feel sad and even desperate.

Our inventions did not help our country defeat invasions from foreign enemies, on the contrary, they also helped our enemies.

In this case, what should we do?

Is everything we do meaningless?In that case, what about our fate, the fate of the empire, and the fate of the elves?

In this desperate situation, it was General Kuratis Maple Leaf who encouraged us.

——Since the initial constructs cannot produce the desired effect, create more and more powerful constructs, creating a construct whose technology will not be stolen by humans and dwarves anyway.

Victory will belong to the great empire!"

Kato Megumi's reading is over here.

"What's the matter, Kato, are there no more behind?" Lu Cheng turned to look at her, and then asked.

"No, there is still a lot of content." Kato Kee shook his head: "But I always feel that there is something wrong with it. That Kuratis Maple Leaf should be a very famous figure in the history of elves. I remember I have read her name in books."

"Yes, you remembered correctly." Lu Cheng nodded, "The general insisted on carrying out bloody attacks for more than ten years after being attacked by a coalition of humans and dwarves in the eastern part of the Elven Empire.

Her methods were bloody and cruel.Will attack the civilian villages of humans and dwarves without hesitation, and kill the villagers regardless of age.

People at the time gave her the code name Blood Maple Leaf.

This crazy elven supreme racist was finally besieged by the legendary masters of humans and dwarves, completely killed, and ended the terrorist threat to the Western Continent."

"Oh, um, yes, it is true." Kato Kee nodded: "Student Lu Cheng reminded me like this. I also remembered that it was the lady of the blood maple leaf... but I don't remember any historical records saying, She participated in the development of this construct."

"Yes, indeed not. At least there is no record in the history of dwarves and humans." Lu Cheng said calmly, "Presumably something happened."

"Even the elves are reluctant to mention this kind of thing. So much so that they didn't record it, or destroyed the record."

Kato Megumi: "These records must be related to the distortion monsters we are currently facing, right?"

Lu Cheng: "It's very possible."

Kato Megumi: "..."

She did not speak any more, but calmly turned the notebook to the next page.

Chapter 9 Chaos Wizard

"We are the descendants of the great General Kuratis! We will never succumb to the ogres!!"

At the same time, when another door slowly opened in front of Lu Cheng, the elven coalition barracks on the surface let out roars.

The elven warriors from Maple Leaf Village roared and launched a round of assault on the monster coalition.

These naked war dancers, with their upper half covered with patterns and holding double knives, set off waves of bloody storms among a large number of goblins, kobolds, and jackals and other low-level monsters, cutting these monsters like melons and vegetables. All kinds of shameless children temporarily relieved the pressure on the Elf Alliance.

"These guys are really..."

Ying Lili, who had just withdrawn from the front line, looked at these elves with surprised eyes.The smell of blood mixed with the bloody scenes, so that the stomach of Eiri Sawamura was upset again.

"Drink some water, Ying Lili." Shiyu Kasumigaoka who took care of her said with a bit of pain beside her.

She just saw the scene of Sawamura Ying Riri fighting bravely.The child alone defeated two wild ogre warriors.In addition to this, there are a few small monsters like goblins.He did not suffer any harm.

"The combat skills taught by Master Lu Cheng are really good."

After finally retreating, Ying Lili, who fell into Kasumigaoka's arms, said so.

"Take a good rest, Ying Lili." Xia Zhiqiu gave her a tired smile.

In the previous battle, she blessed Ying Lili and other elves with blessing magic, and applied curse magic to giant monsters such as ogres and trolls.He directly blasted fireballs at those little monsters.Her magic power, mental power, and even physical power were about to bottom out.

"Hmm..." Ying Lili nodded.

At this moment, neither she nor Shiyu Xiazhiqiu had the strength to fight.

Of course, even if they have strength, they won't be clamoring in a short time.

This bloody and crazy battle greatly heated up the emotions of Kasugaoka and Yinglili.

"These elves from Maple Leaf Village... seem to be a bit different from other elves."

While resting on the tower behind, Eiri couldn't help muttering like this.

"Yes." Xia Zhiqiu's eyes flickered: "Compared with other elves, he is more combative and more... bloodthirsty."

"Their appearance is disturbing."

Of course, in the last sentence, Xia Zhiqiu just hid it in her heart and didn't really say it.

Even if it brought together a group of soldiers and mercenaries from Arbas.Formed a small force of dozens of people.However, Xia Zhiqiu has not forgotten that this is the territory of the elves.

Lu Cheng experienced his legendary adventure.Transferring these Arbashi troops to protect their safety is already the most that Lu Cheng can do for them.

In this case, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu didn't want to cause trouble.

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