I have a lot of wives

My Wife Is Very Many Chapter 209

Compared with their slightly flattering guys who have taken refuge in the back, the bishop prefers to use his subordinates-that is, those Paladins who always wear helmets and can't even see their faces.

The average level of these paladins is 25th.Among them, the centurion has thirty-five levels.

For a knight, this is quite powerful, terrifying, and even worthy of respect.

To make matters worse, they may also have a considerable degree of non-combat professional level.

Writers, butlers, clerks, accountants, housekeepers... even grooms and clerks.

These guys can do all the affairs of the court, castle, and army.

They can even take on the task of propaganda and evangelism.Holding a sheepskin scroll with a book and a holy word, preaching and propagating in the streets and alleys of Szeqsbaer, as well as the surrounding towns and villages.

Unlike their first impression of wearing helmets and seemingly taciturn, each of these knights who work in propaganda and evangelism has a loud voice, can speak well, and is not as expensive and arrogant as ordinary priests. .

"The great Bishop Lucheng, now the protector of the Countess of Janos, is also the supreme commander of the Principality. He will lead us to practice the Way of the Holy Light! Protect the people of the Principality!!!"

"The great Bishop Lu Cheng is about to lead his army to the east to fight the evil Avar Khan! Under the protection of the Holy Light, we will defeat these evil nomads and protect the people of the Principality!"

"The great Bishop Lu Cheng knows the suffering of the people! He will be exempted from taxes for half a year in the territory!!"

"Listen to the Way of the Holy Light! People of the Principality!"

"The Holy Light doctrine is like this! Please listen to me!"

"The Holy Light teaches us—"


That's about it. These exceptionally capable, active, and enthusiastic Paladins worried the courtiers and nobles of the Principality of Arbas.

Because compared with these Paladins, they are just a group of bad critics.So that they themselves will soon lose their jobs.


The role of cadres is first.In many novels, a large number of subordinates appear with a wave of the writer.It makes people feel unreal and so complain.

Fortunately, I write fantasy novels.

Chapter 25: Acherat Sees the Bishop (one more)

"A bunch of trash."

The courtiers and the nobles were all riveted, ready to perform well in the next battle against the Avars in order to win the favor of Bishop Lu Cheng, not far from them, once again marginalized men Humming coldly.

Or, the male elf?

To be precise, it should be a male half-elf.

Ashelath, the gray elf, was the first to surrender on the battlefield against Zoboya Janos, but it was too easy for Zoboya Janos to lose.So his performance did not arouse much attention from Lu Cheng.

At least on the surface the reason is this.

To make matters worse, with the death of Zoboya Janos.His position on Lu Cheng's side was once again lowered.Reduced to the degree of marginalization of the general gray elf.

This made many of his subordinates feel unbearable, and some even wanted to leave here to find other lord.

Of course, the actions of these people were all suppressed by Asherat.

"Don't be kidding, do you think there will be any difference in other parts of the world?! We are hug here, stay united, and can barely survive. Conversely, if we are scattered, then we are in the slave market as we are now The gray elves for sale will not be any different!"

Asherat's words and the suppression action played a role in stabilizing the gray elves.But Asherat also understands that his people are fickle because of fear, and are not very resistant because of the harsh environment.

He can calm these people temporarily, but he can't keep them calm forever.

He must do something to let his new monarch know his abilities.

He looked forward to an audience.

He already has a plan in his heart to help his monarch win victory and improve his position in the heart of the monarch.

On the way to the Arbach Mountains, he got a chance.

The Guardians and the Holy Knights were busy arranging camps, and the guerrilla knights of the Black Legion were also dispatched to serve as scouts——

A group of Pegasus knights were also dispatched as scouts.Most of them came from the nobles of the Arbas Mountains.Some came from the black army.Riding a flying horse in the pastoral area around Szekeshibai Fort.

Unlike ordinary horses who like flat grasslands, flying horses prefer to live in the mountains.

According to Lu Cheng's estimate, Awar Khan will bring 10,000 to 20,000 nomadic warriors from the prairie straight to Saikshibai Fort.

This made him couldn't help but laugh at Zoboyao Janos again.

If he does not appear, everything will follow the development of Zoboyao Janos.So soon, this pretentious frontier defense commander will be surrounded by the nomadic army in Szekeshibai Fort.

Perhaps the Principality of Arbas will usher in a new master, and a bad nomadic dynasty will be established in the Arbas Valley.

Of course, with the rise of Lu Cheng, the course of history has been changed.

With a cheerful mood, Lu Cheng looked at the opposite side, opened the curtain carefully and walked in, and then knelt on one knee to express his loyalty to the gray elf.

Duke Sayuri is by his side.Always ride with Lu Cheng.Living together.

In addition to sleeping soundly with Sayuri's pillow every day, this is also a way to make the ruled feel at ease——

You see, your duchess is sleeping with the new ruler.Can the bishop ignore the interests of you local people (nobles)?


For the first time, Asherat observed the man on the opposite side closely.

This gray elf, who has lived more than two hundred years old, has a very self-righteous way of "seeing people" that was almost completely fulfilled before.

His eyes are vicious.

Even the guy who met for the first time, he could see what kind of person the other person was just by looking at it.

Smart, stupid, determined, weak, crazy, sensible, strong, weak...

Asherat can distinguish clearly.

This is not a skill, at least not now.It's an intuition.

Before that, he dared to bet on Zoboya Janos.It’s because the latter is the strongest and most kingly person he has ever seen——

Of course, it is not as good as Hunyadi who has died.

But isn't Hunyadi already dead?

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