Now that the dialogue box has been opened, the Antarctic fairy tells Zhou Ran about himself and the Donghua fairy.

"Donghua Xianren fled to Jingyin Fanyin Mountain, and has been in seclusion since then, without asking about the world. I have worked hard for more than ten years to find her whereabouts. She has given birth to a child and is alone. raise children."

"I sent someone to observe the Fanyin Mountain. Although Dongli is small, it has been polluted by turmoil. Once he grows up, the consequences are unbearable. This child inherited the blood of me and Donghua Fairy. Over time, the strength must be above us. ."

   "I negotiated with the Donghua fairy, hoping that she would hand over my son, but she refused to do so, but in desperation, I sent a master to go to Fanyin Mountain to fight the Donghua fairy."

   "Donghua Immortal is defeated, I took Dongli to Qingguo, hoping to use his own power to purify the turbid breath in Dongli's body, and if he can't purify, kill him!"

   "I tried various methods, but I was still helpless. The power of the turbid breath in Dongli's body was no longer under my control, so I was determined to take advantage of my parents."

"However, I was caught in Dongli's plan. It turned out that Dongli had already colluded with Shimen and borrowed the animal beast gluttons from Shimen. As expected, I was swallowed into my abdomen by gluttons, and the spirit of gluttons was strong. , I can’t even cope with it, the spiritual power absorbs my body, and even the soul of the spirit is still a trace."

   "With the last trace of my soul, I constructed a too illusory realm. In addition to protecting this trace of my soul, I also entrusted with heavy tasks in order to wait for the destiny."

  The Antarctic fairy told Zhou Ran the ins and outs of the matter, and after Zhou Ran heard it, he was very emotional.

   is just a side word of the East China Fairy, it is easy to believe that the South Pole Fairy is a sinful and evil person.

  But when he knew the truth, he knew the benevolence of the Donghua fairy woman, and he did not hesitate to abandon the world for the sake of the children in his womb.

   After the death of Donghua Fairy, he still asked for his son to find and protect her. The so-called mother-in-law has many defeats, which is probably the case.

  The Antarctic fairy saw Zhou Ran's expression dignifiedly, and said: "Earth man, after knowing these, do you still plan to reject me?"

"I promise you."

   Zhou Ran's emphasis on the head is related to the destiny of the earth, but of course he is disrespectful.

   "Good kind!"

  The Antarctic fairy smiled and injected a ray of consciousness into Zhou Ran's mind.

   Zhou Ran suddenly knew a lot of things, including everything the Antarctic Fairy did to resist the turbid breath.

  The **** consciousness gave Zhou Ran that the only surviving soul of the Antarctic fairy was no longer sustainable. His body became weaker and weaker, and he was about to disappear.

The Antarctic Fairy looked at Zhou Ran and said seriously: "Earthman, I will disappear, too illusory will collapse, after you go out, you will make the gluttonous sleep again by the method I taught you, and when that time, you will be able to Escaped."

   During the speech, the voice of the Antarctic fairy became smaller and smaller.

  Zhou Ran knew that this fairy strongman was about to collapse, no more words, just silently watching the Antarctic fairy.

  The body of the Antarctic fairy completely disappeared, and Zhou Ran was once again in darkness.

   This is the gluttonous body, which is full of gluttonous aura, which is like a blade, stab at itself.

   Zhou Ran didn't dare to neglect, and even the strong fairy could not resist, so he naturally couldn't sit still and die.

Fortunately, the Antarctic fairy consciousness also includes the methods of dealing with gluttony that have been explored over the years.

  Zhou Ran released the real element in his body.

  After the call of the Antarctic Fairy, Zhou Ran's strength has entered a new level, and has reached the peak of feathering from the peak of the joint.

  True Yuan is powerful and domineering enough to resist the spirits of gluttonous body.

   But this is not enough, Zhou Ran must also cast spells.

  The Antarctic Fairy teaches his own technique, which is a brand-new seal method. Zhou Ran follows the Antarctic Fairy's technique and chants words.

   "Yin, Shu, Yin, Si, ugly, Wei, Hai, Wei, Zi..."

Although the technique is complicated, for Zhou Ran, it is like pediatrics.

Between   , the technique was formed, and the gluttonous body suddenly emitted a strong light.

  As the Antarctic fairy consciousness said, this technique can only seal gluttonous but not kill it.

   After the glare, the blood mouth of this mythical beast opened again, as if yawning.

  Zhou Ran once again saw the scenery outside and immediately escaped from the gluttonous body.

  The host of Qing Guoguo saw him from the east and was shocked.

   "Champion, how did you escape? Impossible, no one can get out of the gluttonous body, what the **** did you do?"

   Dongli couldn't believe his eyes.

   was devoured by the gluttonous one of the four great beasts, and came out unharmed. Where is this person really sacred?

   Zhou Ran did not answer, but looked at the gap on the ground.

   The gap gradually disappeared, and the gluttonous aura disappeared.

   The technique of the Antarctic Fairy is really effective, this **** beast has been sealed, and in a short time will not come out and hurt people again.

   Dongli also noticed and said angrily: "You actually sealed the gluttonous gluttons, how did you do it?"

Zhou Ran gave Dongli a light glance and said, "I didn't do it, but your father taught me. Dongli, your parents fought for the real martial world and resisted the invasion of turbid breath. You are two The son of a fairy, but he did the wrong thing, and it really disgraced the name of the son of the fairy!"

"I don't need you to manage my affairs!" Dong Li said angrily, "Zhenwu World shouldn't have existed, only war and killing are eternal! Therefore, I killed the heir of Qingguo's sovereign and replaced it by myself. Once one of the twelve nations of Inland Realm is able to control the entire Inland Realm! I will kill everything, destroy everything, and let the whole world reshuffle!"

   At this time, Dongli has lost his mind.

   During the speech, a steady stream of black gas overflowed from Dongli's body, and Zhou couldn't help but look pale.

   These black gases are probably what the Antarctic Fairy said is the turbid breath. The whole person of Dongli is controlled by the turbid breath, and it cannot be judged by common sense at all.

  Dizziness not only makes Dongli lost his mind, but also makes Dongli's power surge.

   When Zhou Ran played against him for the first time, Dongli's strength was feathering triple, but this time, his strength had already entered the feathering sixfold.

   Faced with such opponents, Zhou Ran will not be neglected. .

  Mother Donghua Xianren's legacy ordered himself to protect Dongli, but his father Antarctic Xianren let himself kill him.

   Zhou Ran couldn't help but smile bitterly, saying: "Donghua Fairy and Antarctic Fairy, the death of you two is self-contradictory, you can't do both. Kill or not, let me decide!"

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