After three rounds of wine, Shi Jian stood up and said to Long Ting: "Long family head, this king is invincible, he went out to blow the hair and came back later."


Long Ting saluted Shi Jian and watched Shi Jian leave.

After a long time, the sovereign of Fuyu Kingdom still did not return. Instead, the ministers of Fuyu Kingdom had been eating and drinking.

Zhou Ran's face sank, saying: "There are differences here, or go the best way."

Long Ting didn't believe: "Master Zhou, you're worried! If the Lord Fuyu really wants to be against us, these ministers are afraid that they will also suffer the pond fish."

Zhou Ran said coldly: "How can the lord be a good man and a feudal woman to help Yuyu go on fighting again and again? In order to achieve his goal, these ministers may become abandoned sons!"

"Not like this."

Long Ting still didn't believe it.

As soon as the words fell, an exception occurred suddenly in the National Banquet Hall.

The whole venue shook violently.

The ministers of Fuyuguo panicked.

"What's the matter, is there an earthquake?"

"Where has the earthquake happened in tens of thousands of years in Fuyu?"

The ministers had discussions, and Zhou Ran immediately pulled Long Ting to stand up.

"Run away! The situation is a bit bad!"

Zhou Ran looked dignified, he already felt an ominous breath.

This breath, even if he is in the same realm, is also trembling.

What is it?

Zhou Ran was stunned. The floor of the National Banquet Hall was cracked by a huge gap. Those ministers who did not respond in time were all caught in the gap.

"The ground cracked?"

Long Ting was stunned, but did not expect the power of the earthquake to be so great.

Zhou Ran smiled bitterly: "This is not a gap!"

With that said, Zhou Ran took Long Ting to jump up and wanted to get away.

However, a huge gravitational force suddenly appeared in the huge gap, and even Zhou Ran couldn't get rid of it.

Zhou Ran and Long Ting were drawn into the gap, and Long Ting exclaimed suddenly.

"Master Zhou, the gap has moved! One by one, like a mouth!"

Zhou Ran smiled bitterly and said, "This was originally a mouth..."

Before the words were finished, Zhou Ran and Long Ting were sucked into the gap, and the gap closed immediately, leaving no one out.

All the ministers of Fuyu State who were sucked in were sincere and fearful, and had no idea what happened.

"What was it just now? Was it really an earthquake?"

"Are we under the ground now?"

"How do I get out?"

Everyone was anxious, and some people even wanted to use force to break out.

Zhou Ran scolded: "No one is allowed to move! If we angered the beast, we will definitely die!"

Everyone looked at Zhou Ran in amazement, no one believed.

One person laughed: "What a joke? How could there be a beast here? Just now there was an earthquake, the ground cracked, and we all fell into it."

Zhou Ran sneered: "This is not an earthquake! In my opinion, this is the body of the beast, we can't go out for the time being! You only need to listen carefully to know."

The people were shocked and began to listen with their ears raised, and they really heard the heartbeat.

The ministers of Fuyu Kingdom are all accomplished. Naturally, they know what this heartbeat sounds like. They are indeed beasts, and they are quite high-level beasts.

A minister asked: "Why are we eaten by mythical beasts? Who the **** is it?"

Zhou Ran said lightly: "Who else? Naturally is the sovereign of Fuyu Kingdom! You ministers, but he is the abandoned son who framed me!"

Where are the Ministers of Fuyu State willing to believe?

"Bullshit! How could the lord of the country harm us?"

"You gentiles, don't be alarmist here!"

Zhou Ran didn't refute what everyone said.

The facts speak louder than words. Zhou Ran pointed to himself and said, "Here we can hear the above situation. If you don't believe it, you can come and listen."

The crowd gathered and listened carefully.

Above ground, Shi Jian, the sovereign of Fuyu, is talking to people.

"Lord Tudor, you are awesome! Every small plan, let Zhou Ran die without a burial place! Swallowed by mouthless gluttons, it won't take long for his primordial spirit to be swallowed by the beast!"

Shi Jian was smug and arrogant.

Tufang sneered and said, "If it wasn't Lord Shi Ji, why would I, the Shimen rudder master, come to the outer realm in person? Shi Jian, the snake sect is attached to the Shimen, and although the Shiwang was expelled from the Shimen, he was also in the Shimen People, the two of them died in the hands of Zhou Ran, plus Master Shi Ji’s Yuanshen was injured by Zhou Ran, she would order me to shoot."

The Turkish dialect was proud and called its name to the lord of Fuyu.

Naturally, Shi Jian did not dare to make a mistake, and said, "This guy has caused me a lot of damage to Fuyu's troops. Since then, he has no way of attacking the soldiers. This king can't dispel the hatred of his head, so he asked Shimen for help! Thanks to Master Shi Ji, I have a great hatred. From today, Fuyu State is affiliated with Shimen!"

"This is the best way." The earthwork said coldly, "Since Zhou Ran has been eaten by gluttony, as long as he is gone, I won't stay here for long."

Shi Jian sighed and said, "Shimen is really Even the gluttonous one of the four gods of Zhenwu can be summoned, I am afraid that no one is the opponent of Shimen in the whole Zhenwu world!"

"This is not the case." The earthwork said again, "Even with the power of the stone gate, I can't call the gluttonous real body. What I just called is just a gluttonous avatar! Although it is a avatar, it is enough to deal with the area. It must be buried in the gluttonous body. No one can spare Shi Jian, the ministers of Fuyu Kingdom."

Shi Jian chuckled and said: "The entire Fuyu Kingdom, except me, can be overthrown. What are the lives of several ministers? Let them accompany Zhou Ran to be buried!"

The dialogue between the Lord of Fuyu Kingdom and the Lord of Shimen Rudder spread word by word into the ears of everyone in the glutton.

The ministers were immediately excited.

Some are angry, some are frustrated, some are sad.

"The sovereign is so kind to us! It is tolerable, which is unbearable! If I can go out alive, I must kill him!"

"How to go out alive? This is gluttonous, one of the four martial beasts of the real martial arts! The gluttonous, poor, chaotic, 杼杌, all are terrifying! Especially gluttonous, there is no mouth, after being swallowed, the Yuanshen will be destroyed, and there will be no more. The reason to escape!"

"I'm loyal to Fuyu, I didn't expect to be abandoned by the owner this time!"

Everyone was filled with indignation, only Zhou Ran looked quiet.

Zhou Ran looked at the surrounding environment, which was the body of the gluttonous animal, which was airtight.

Although I am okay now, the gluttonous power is constantly rising. If this power is raised to the extreme, no one here can survive.

There is no other way to live than to escape from yourself.

Zhou Ran looked dignified, carefully thinking about the method of escape from birth.

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