I Have A Hundred God-level Apprentices

Chapter 1085: Completely degenerate personality

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After entering the fairy realm, Zhou Ran's mind has also improved a lot.

During the battle, Zhou Ran was able to calmly and carefully observe the enemy's flaws.

The powerful force suddenly displayed by the Wing Sheren is related to the pair of wings behind him, so Zhou Ran's next goal is the Wing Sheren's wings.

The plan has been decided, and Zhou Ran is also unambiguous.

Zhou Ran jumped into the air and poured his power into the jade blood sword continuously.

With the help of Chaos tactics, the various forces in the body are constantly merging, and the most powerful one is the power of the dragon.

Even after entering the realm of immortals, the power of the dragon race is still the leader of Zhou Ran's internal strength.

The power of the dragon clan makes the jade blood sword burst into a dazzling light.

When the power of the Jade Blood Sword was raised to its strongest, Zhou Ran fell violently.

This trick is the invincible magical dragon breaking through the sky.

The powerful sword will fall like lightning, and it is aimed at the wings behind the winged man.

Wing Sheren was unavoidable, and was directly hit by the dragon breaking the sky. The wings behind him were torn by the sword, and then became invisible.

After a blow, the entire Soul Hall Lord collapsed to the ground.

"Did you win?"

Zhou Ran's heart was filled with joy, and he slowly fell from the air.

But Yisheren was not so easy to defeat. When Zhou Ran came to him, he stood up slowly.

The wings behind him grew out again.

With the growth of his wings, his strength gradually recovered, even stronger than before.

The strange feeling made Zhou Ran hesitate.

A red light burst into the eyes of the winged man. He gritted his teeth and said, "Want to smash my wings? Don't joke, I also want to destroy it. Unfortunately, I can't do anything at all! After growing up behind me, I became a monster, so I can't tolerate anyone with a smile, I want to ruin everything! Those villagers are all my funeral items!"

Zhou Ran's face sank, and this guy was indeed the main enemy of the moment, but this enemy was a sad character.

It seems that the longevity world is not a good place, there are places full of dirt and dirt.

"Your life is not worthy of sympathy, because you have made more people misfortune, and the pain you are suffering now is all due to sin!"

Zhou Ran wielded the jade blood sword again. People like Yisheren were not worthy of sympathy at all.

Since it was impossible to defeat the wings behind the Wing Sheren, then he shifted his target and no longer attacked the wings, but instead attacked his body.

After making up his mind, Zhou Ran danced the Jade Blood Sword.

The dense shadow of the sword went toward Yisheren.

Each sword shadow is a sword spirit, the sword spirit is extremely sharp, and a dense net is woven in front of the wings.

Wing Sheren was completely wrapped in a large net formed by Jian Qi, avoiding inevitable.

Sword qi gradually gathered, and the large net was getting smaller and smaller. Seeing that the wing sheren were trapped in the net, the wing sheren's body changed again.

It was originally a human with wings behind it, but now, it has lost the shape of a human and completely reduced to a monster.

"what is this?"

Zhou Ran was puzzled, and Kuangsha behind him quickly explained.

"When the strong man in the fairy realm is eroded by turbid breath, he will lose his humanity. Most of the eliminated people will maintain their human form. The monsters in the abandoned land are all human. However, there are exceptions. The mind continues to be lost, the entire body will be completely occupied by the breath, he will become an inhuman monster, and the winged man is completely finished!"

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