“Your Highness the Night God, Neutra can’t complete your mission!”

Thousands of miles away, in the sky of the Dawn Guild, Ye Shenyue, who was partying with the members of the guild, suddenly moved his face, as if he felt something.

At the same time, Ulquiora’s expression also changed slightly, looking at the night god moon.

“President, Neuta …”

“Well, I feel it!” Ye Shenyue put down the wine bowl and said lightly.

From the portrait in his mind, he could feel that Neutra’s aura was a little weak, and it seemed that he should have encountered a strong enemy on that continent.

And Ulquiorra, the broken face of the highest level of the Great Void – “Vastod”, can feel the change in the breath of his companions.

And what makes the night god Moon cry and laugh, Ulquiorra is a cold, but not lacking in caring attitude towards his broken compatriots, simply put, a big tsundere.

For example, he has saved Grimmjow, Yami, Lori and other broken-faced compatriots at critical moments many times, and the night god Moon can feel that since Neutra left, Ulquiorra has been probing the breath in the distance.

Ye Shenyue scratched his head, he had already told Neutra that there were many strong people of the same level as him on that continent, but he didn’t expect to be so reckless.

“Black cavity!”

Ulquiorra tore through the void with one claw, and was about to approach the void, but was quickly stopped by the night god moon.

“If you walk in a black cavity, I don’t know how slow it is, let you bring the soil!” Yoshingetsu said as he captured Uchiha Obito, who was about to escape.

“President, Brother Guild, I… I still have to take care of Rin…” said Uchiha with a sad look.

Night God Moon also scratched his head embarrassedly, and had promised Uchiha to take the soil and summon Harano Rin for him.

It was originally to summon Harano Rin from her youth, but it turned out … mmp…… With a snort, he summoned a baby Lynn who had just turned three months old….

But the price is also cheaper… Of course, it was definitely not intentional by the night god moon….

Who called Uchiha with the soil this guy next to the scum, accidentally bumped his hand, and then the yellow card disappeared, and when Dangdang, Xiaolin baby appeared.

Then…… The scene was awkward for a while.

Uchiha almost vomited blood and almost died of anger on the spot.

These two days it was both a father and a mother. While peeing, breastfeed.

Ye Shenyue doubted that if Harano Lin could speak, should the first sentence be called Dad? :??

“With soil, everything has two sides!” Yoshingetsu put his arm around Uchiha’s shoulder and persuaded, “Look, although Rin is small, didn’t Kakashi rob you of it?” When the time comes…”

Uchiha Obito’s eyes brightened more and more when he listened, and finally he was a little excited, grabbed Ye Shenyue’s hand and said excitedly: “Brother Hui, I didn’t expect you to be so good to me, even this made me think of it, I, I’m so moved!!!! ”

“It’s okay, it’s okay, you go and hand over the baby to the Red Lotus to take care of, let’s go to Neutra’s place, he’s a little dangerous!” Ye Shenyue smiled awkwardly and waved his hand.

It can be seen that Uchiha’s ability to take the soil to tease the ratio began when he was a child, and when he grew up to become A Fei, he has been gradually moving away on the road of tease.

“Well, Sister Hong Lian, you must take good care of Lin!” Uchiha carefully handed a baby to Red Lotus, for fear of bumping it.

Red Lotus has also taken children, and when she sees Wilderness Lin, it is called a distress, so can it not be careful.

“When we leave, will grown-up, Ulquiorra, is there anyone else to go with?” Uchiha slowly turned the three black windmills in his blood-red eyes and said:

“Steel teeth who defecate in the open are not allowed to go, and that bastard of Dida is not allowed to go, who is left to sign up?”

“Fei, don’t you want to live? Kill you!!! Deidara said in a brutal voice.

“Unload his legs, I’ll eat meat!” Steel Tooth said hatefully.

“Isn’t anyone going? Divinity! ”

Seeing that the bad situation was not good, the Uchiha belt earth windmill slowly rotated, gradually connected into a black line, and the atmosphere began to reverse in a spiral in the air.

The figures of Night God Moon, Ulquiorra, and Uchiha Obito slowly disappeared with the spiral pattern.

“Oh, is this your space?”

Ye Shenyue said with some surprise: “This space looks huge and huge!” ”

Ulquiorra also looked in all directions, this pure white place, it looked really good.

“Of course, this is Uncle Ben’s divine power world, a world that no one can enter! Hahahaha!!! Obito laughed a little proudly.

“No one can come in?” Night God Moon muttered and repeated.

I remembered a scene where one day, Kakashi Kiki suddenly used his divine power in battle, and the enemy’s detonation charm disappeared.

Uchiha sat stupidly in the space…

And then…… There will be no then.

“Brother Hui, what are you laughing at? It feels very weird! Uchiha said with some doubt.

Night God Moon quickly shook his head.

Uchiha turned the letter suspiciously and said, “It’s here, get ready, I feel a great power!” ”

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