I have a Gameboy

Chapter 541 No desires!

In the temperament of just now, the destruction of the teacher has already tried the martial arts of Yan Chong.

In addition to this unspeakable Mongolian, he really has only the heart method and action of Emei.

Even when I met the threat of life, he can use only a set of "floating snowstick".

Only he has intelligent, training is hard, so it can be so skilled.

"Don't learn the movements of Mongolian soldiers in the future." Diji Tutor Tai, "You have a girl's family, use that action, not afraid of a joke."

"I can't help but can't help ..." Yan Zhu smiled, "Master's martial arts, no matter how hard I work, I can't keep up with Master!"

"Well." The destruction teacher nodded too much.

Although she sighs, she is still listening.

"The set of this set of it just now is" embarrassing nine ", do you want to learn?" Diji Taiwan.

Yan Chongli is busy falling to the ground: "Disciple is willing!"

The destroying teacher is too a little bit to tell the martial arts.

This set of Emei is very weird. It seems that there is a left and right, it will need to reverse his limbs first, and then you can attack the enemy's joint.

Yan Chong is not able to master the memory of ordinary memory.

But this set of martial arts is really amazing, and "Tiger Tiger Triad Hand" is not divided.

"Tiger Claws" is more focused on "trial", and "pediced nine" is more focus on attack angle.

Yan Chong can only be upgraded to LV1 with stars, and the brain suddenly suddenly turned over.

"How, do you remember?" The union of the teacher asked too much.

Yan Chong, I really gave the destroyed teacher too much.

After the detachment is too late to read it.

I will teach it!

Do he learn?

This is not a genius, what else is a genius?

"Action you have already mastered, go back and learn." Diji teacher feels that you need to calm down, "I didn't teach others, you don't talk to the division, avoid accidentally injure them."

Yan Chong is busy as it is.

But after he went back, he drifted while he did not have a partner. There were some confused in the brain.

Some movements, he will work, how do you practice?

He is very good because of perception and intelligence, which is very good.

Moreover, because he has realized the top martial arts such as light, it has also rose to LV10, and the eyes of martial arts are actually there.

He feels that "the nine-style", he uses the main problems that are not used to it, basically some useless shoulders, the movement of the back, if it is changed to attack the stem, the small abdomen, seems to be faster Some, the action will be smooth.

I think about this idea, "Tiger Tiger Triads" inside, there are many action irregularities.

In fact, this is because "the nine-style" is the action of Emei sent to the female disciples. Some parts are not convenient for them, so they will change the position.

The "Tiger Tiger Trip Home" is Yu Lianzhou to adapt the movement of "Tiger Tiger". It is originally like a tiger as sharp, there should be so many strange movements, naturally feel awkward.

However, if the two sets of movements are combined, with a wonderful action, attack the "trial" position, Yan Chong suddenly feels a lot.

So he felt like this, and he slowly realized it on the air.

It's like I first sent it to "breathing of light", he suddenly turned up.

"This is a new set of martial arts, combined with the advantages of" Tiger Tiger, "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" " Claw hand "? No, it's too customary! You have a good name, just call" No desire to ask for help "! After you look down, you will not want to see it."

In this way, about a month of time, Yan Chong's "no descendant" level has also improved, and the detachment will call him too much.

"Wild Goose, do you feel how have you improved in martial arts?"

"The apprentices are hard to practice every day, but I don't think there is too much progress." Yan Chong replied.

He didn't dare to say that he invented the new martial arts!

"That is." Diji Tai Sao, "In fact, I have a senior martial art of Emei, I need to have the support of" Jiu Yanyang "of the town."

Yan Chong is big, this is to teach me "Emei Jiuyang Gong"?

The dieters are too late: "But want to learn this kung fu, there is a bargain. I have to go to the mountain. I will punish the evil, and I am very embarrassed. I am quite in the rivers and lakes. Recently, Zhujiazhuang came to come Request, said that he received the harassment of the thief, you should take a look. Remember to uphold the righteousness, raise my Emei school! "

Yan Chong knows, this martial art is not so easy, it must be a task waiting behind.

However, he doesn't care, and it is a strict task to improve the score, and it is not very good!

So Yan Chong immediately agreed, anyway, thief, don't say to use the original martial arts, just use the "backfish Liu Jian" enough.

So Yan Chong took the task, took the true sword, and gave a person in Emei, came to Zhujiazhuang, dozens of kilometers away.

Zhujiazhuang heard that it was an emerald disciple, and suddenly excited.

Of course, Yan Chong is in accordance with the diagnosis of the Diji, can't break the Emei Pai Wei, and the moon of Emei is, it is white to put it in place.

Therefore, Yan rushed to sway, said: "If you don't have to say extra words, the Emei disciples arrived, things are over. If it is determined to be a thief, let me kill one, come and kill a pair! Guaranteed Your Zhujiazhuang's security! "

Zhujiazhuang's Zhuang Zhuang is very happy, and immediately put a banquet and enrolls Yan Chong.

Yan Chong said that there is a courier to sneak at any time, we still don't drink well.

Zhu Zhuang is not a bad thing, and the thief has just been here a few days ago, saying that we will prepare the property, they will take it tomorrow.

Tomorrow's things, I will say tomorrow, as long as I don't have a cup today.

Listening to Yan Chong, in this case, it will not be the face of people's local people, as if the Emei is not in the same personnel.

So Yan Zhuang has a few glasses of water.

However, although this wine is high, it is not a good wine, but also a strange taste.

Yong Chong can only eat some food, press the pressure.

The Emei party is because the Division of the Buddha is too late, it is also a nun.

So it is eating on the mountains, and Yan Chong steals meat, I am afraid of being discovered, I can only hide, I don't want this time you can quickly.

Zhujiazhuang's cook still has two kings, and Yan Chong is very happy.

After eating, he is ready to rest, thinking that tomorrow may have a big arrival ring, he needs to be cultivated.

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