I have a Gameboy

Chapter 508 - Air and sky fall!

The props provided by Doraemon are free, and he only needs people to praise him a few words of awesome, and his beard will be able to buckle to the sky.

Du Laosan naturally did not spare overflowing words, put him a meal to praise, while Yan Chong also symbolically praised him a few words.

At this time, if he took out a bunch of goodies, it would soon be like stealing Doraemon's thunder?

And Doraemon's peach meal looks like a self-help pot, but the actual taste is much better than the usual self-help pot, quite a bit of freshly fried and ready to sell.

After eating, Miyoko took everyone on a tour of the interior of the flying carpet.

Everyone then realized that it was not a mere plane.

Only then the interior of the flying carpet, there seems to be a vast space like a spaceship, and there are enough rooms for everyone to rest.

Mayuzi said, according to the current speed, it will take about five days to reach the Devil's World Star, I hope everyone is not anxious.

Yan Chong was not really in a hurry, but at the subsequent dinner, he brought out some other delicious food.

Everyone can now see that Yan Chong and Doraemon is basically the nanny inside the two groups, the others are the role of care.

So over time, if Yan Chong and the others have nothing to talk about, they will take the initiative to chat with Doraemon.

Anyway, Doraemon's IQ is not much higher, basically and elementary school students are not much different, Yan Chong think they snubbed him a couple of words, may be able to get what powerful props.

In fact, he did have fun haha, can't wait to show Yan Chong all their own take advantage of the treasure.

But this copy can't be that simple, he also just let Yan Chong take a look at it, there is no way to give it to Yan Chong yet.

Even the bamboo dragonfly was not shown to Yan Chong for the reason that he had no concept of air in outer space, so he could not use the aerodynamic props.

"You stingy ghost!" Yan Chong said in his heart, "There is no air here, aren't we all going to suffocate?"

But there is no way, after all, Doraemon's props are all causal law weapons.

There are many things, such as the arbitrary door, time cloak, if the phone booth, time travel machine, etc., just take out can cause irreversible effects.

Especially if the phone booth, Nobita Daioh is just a casual remark, it created this parallel world.

How powerful his doctrine, Doraemon heart is aware of.

But because Nobita Nobita is the male lead, according to the plot needs, so he will sometimes still allow Nobita Nobita to use some props to create the story.

But Yan Chong is, after all, an outsider, and are rumored to have killed him, even if the other party is just a female demon, not really human, Yan Chong's aggressiveness is far greater than the other teenagers.

So before fully believe in Yan Chong, Doraemon will not lend any props to Yan Chong.

A few days passed, and they were finally about to reach their destination.

Only then did everyone realize that the place where the scrolls were hidden was the legendary Magic World Star.

The outer layer of the Devil's Realm Star was wrapped in black flames, and only a hollow located at the south pole point could allow flying objects to enter.

"Everyone, pay attention! I'm going to accelerate!" Miyoko warned.

Then she maneuvered the flying carpet, rushed up, and then quickly drilled along that hollow.

The black flames instantly ignited the protective layer on the outside of the flying carpet, and even the crowd inside felt a little hot.

But Miyoko did not reduce her speed, surprisingly, she accelerated again and kept rushing downward, finally passing through the barrier of the Demon World Star, but the flying carpet was also burned away because it could not withstand the heat of the black fire.

Everyone had to escape the flying carpet in mid-air, and then quickly fell downward.

Doraemon this time there is no way to hide private, in order to protect everyone's life, can only quickly send the bamboo dragonfly to everyone.

Bamboo dragonfly is one of Doraemon's most conventional props, placed on the head can provide downward airflow, allowing people to fly as if a miniature helicopter, and in the process of flight, will not produce a variety of negative effects due to excessive wind pressure.

Unfortunately, the number of bamboo dragonflies is obviously not enough, only close to two people can use a top bamboo dragonfly.

His bamboo dragonflies are rated weight, although in normal times, even fat tigers use without any problems.

But fat tiger fat again, he is also an elementary school student, height is only 1 meter 3, weight is also 100 to pounds, than a normal adult is a little lighter.

Yan Chong's side is fine, panic under the natural choice to hold Xue Shu Tao, but Doraemon pulled the strong man is a weight of more than 200 pounds of giant.

Not to mention Doraemon's arm can pull him, the bamboo dragonfly aerodynamic force is obviously not enough.

So the bamboo dragonfly on Doraemon's head issued a fluttering sound, the strong man dragged Doraemon straight down.

Yan Chong did not want to see Doraemon and the strong man die, so the bamboo dragonfly on his head pressed on Xue Shutao's head, said: "Pay attention to safety!"

Then jumped down at full speed.

Yan Chong's greatest fear is to fall from a height such things, his heart has a shadow, and more horrible is surrounded by glaciers.

Not only the distance is far and the ice wall is very smooth, there is no way to use the grappling hook.

He even remembered the last time he fell from mid-air with Liu Chuxia, sweet and frightening experience.

Fortunately, Yan Chong still had a bulky propulsion system, that is, the single flying machine that Duan Fei broke Hong gave him.

As he descended, he quickly changed it in the air and activated the device.

Yan Chong's ability was fireproof, but he was not coldproof.

The temperature was also very low at the south pole of the Devil World Star.

Yan Chong almost didn't get frozen through during the high-speed descent.

That single flyer was still hot because it had been put in the pasture before, and it hit at once.

The high temperature from the burning diesel fuel immediately made Yan Chong feel very comfortable and his whole body was refreshed.

He hurriedly maneuvered the single-person flying machine down to accelerate, can be considered to catch up with Doraemon and the two of them.

Doraemon is also frozen at this time, forgot to let go, also that strong man afraid of death, grabbed Doraemon hard, anyway, the two of them are almost stick together.

"Just let go of your hand!" Yan Chong was busy saying, "He left to me!"

"Can you do it?" Doraemon still seems a little unsure.

"No and what can you do?" Yan Chong was a little angry.

Can't you see I'm wearing a simplified version of the Iron Man suit?

If you drag on like this for a while, none of us will survive!

Doraemon warmed up for a while, the IQ is finally online, suddenly said: "We two together to drag him bad?"

"That's right!" Yan Chong nodded his head.

But because Doraemon's Bamboo Dragonfly large load running for too long, this time has risen black smoke, suddenly stopped turning.

The situation soon turned into Yan Chong himself pulling them both ......

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