I have a Gameboy

Chapter 202 Mysterious Ritual!

Yan Chong quickly went underground, which had been arranged into a strange space.

Under the dim candlelight, you can see the talisman papers on the wall that are threaded up with a rope, just like those posted outside the deserted temple in the copy of "Sekiro".

Generally, such spells are used to seal evil spirits, and so many spells at this time illustrate the evil of their ritual.

In the middle of the room, there is a coffin-shaped altar. A five-pronged candle is lit in front of the wide section of the altar. The main light source in the whole room comes from this.

On the altar lay a little girl, wearing a white dress.

Yan Chong didn't know if she was a student at the School for the Deaf and Mute, but she must be dead now.

At the position of her heart, a simple dagger is inserted, and the handle is a huge mouth with fangs.

The blood drenched the clothes on her chest, the bright red against the pale white, making the whole picture even more weird.

In the corner of the room, there were four or five girls with similar dresses. They were tied up with their hands and feet and could not move, but their mouths were not blocked.

But even when they saw Yan Chong coming in, they didn't shout for help, but struggled vigorously a few times to prove that they were alive.

They look like a bunch of crabs tied up in a fresh supermarket.

Thinking about it this way, they may indeed be students in this school because they can't speak.

In addition to them, there are three people who can move freely in the room.

One of them is the reincarnation who has transformed into the image of a young beauty.

There was a mage or priest who was wearing a black robe and could not see his face.

He held a staff in his hand and was muttering words in his mouth, thinking that he would be the host of this cursing ceremony.

Next to him, there is a strong man with Kong Wu, who should be equivalent to the role of a bodyguard.

Yan Chong looked at the list of summons. Well, he was sure that these three people were all samsara.

The life value of this mage is not as good as that of the transfiguration. His summoning cost is only nine, which is the lowest point in Yan Chong's list, and it is even not as good as the weak Veronica.

Yan Chong is now more and more sure that this cost is the life value of the reincarnation, because no matter how you look at it, this mage is the strongest among the people, and his cost is the lowest.

The brawny man is obviously stronger, and the cost is as high as twenty-four, but he is still far behind Zhao Yiliang!

Yan Chong and his party consist of five people, so the other reincarnation teams are also likely to have five people.

Except for the mysterious leader, these three people should be the main force of this team.

Regardless of what you are going to do, Yan Chong's current goal is to destroy their ritual!

The two easiest ways to destroy the ceremony are one is to kill the errand person, and the other is to blow up the venue.

Yan Chong felt that these two things could actually be done together.

Not only will he kill these people today, but he will also turn this place upside down!

Yan Chong changed into a stone form, shouted, and rushed to the big man quickly.

When the big man saw the troublemaker, he had already prepared for the battle, and rushed towards Yan Chong.

He thought that what was coming was a duel of strength and strength, and then he was shoveled to the ground with a sliding shovel by Yan Chong in the form of a rock, and then made up a three-sword flow.

Not to mention that he only has more than 20 drops of blood. Even if he doubles his blood volume, he will die here after eating this set of tricks!

He didn't seem to have any strong abilities, but his strength was relatively large, so he was directly eliminated by Yan Chong.

Then Yan Chong rushed directly to the mage, trying to interrupt his casting.

This mage is now at the critical stage of casting spells, and is fully focused. Even if Yan Chong rushed in, he never stopped talking, but his singing speed increased several times.

Yan Chong was worried that his running speed might not be enough, so he directly called the Phantom Butterfly submachine gun and hit him with a shuttle.

Although facing a person with only nine health points, hitting him with a whole shuttle is a bit wasteful, but Yan Chong has no better way.

And the consumption of bullets is nothing more than some paper people, he doesn't care.

It turns out that Yan Chong got it right.

This mage even had shield-like protective measures on his body. When the bullets were about to hit him, they automatically deflected, as if hitting the gas shield, they were bounced off one after another.

However, some of the bullets attached to the illusion can penetrate his barrier.

There is no need to be too many, nine shots are enough.

Therefore, the spirit of the mage was quickly shocked, and he had to pause the singing.

Although he didn't die directly, he fell to the ground with a "ah" and then spit out a mouthful of blood with a "wow".

The disguised person didn't look good, and turned around to try to escape. Shui Sheng Ah Lin had already followed him, stabbed her directly from behind, and stabbed her to the ground.

The disguised person fell to the ground, blood was flowing violently, his body twisted violently, and he quickly returned to his original appearance.

His original appearance was very ordinary, and he belonged to the kind that would not be seen in the crowd.

Only such people are good at disguising, tracking, and hiding themselves from the crowd.

But I'm sorry, when he was discovered, it meant the end of his life.

Yan Chong saw that the wizard's casting was interrupted, and he was seriously injured, but he did not die, so he did not directly end him.

Although he had sacrificed many young girls in order to perform sorcery and had to use his blood to pay for it, Yan Chong still had something to ask him before he died.

"Do you want to die faster or miserable?" Yan Chong asked.

He had already withdrawn from the stone state at this time, and he suddenly felt that it was a little too much to deal with these three "chickens" and entering the stone state.

So he switched to the summoning mode, looking at them while looking at the summon list.

Although the heads of the strong man and the transgender did not disappear, they all became black and white, representing their deaths.

The head of the mage in front of him was still lit.

"Let's talk about it, who else is your partner? Where are they?" Yan Chong asked.

"I, no partner..." After a long breath of breath, the mage could finally say a complete sentence.

"No?" Yan Chong smiled, "Don't lie to me!"

After all, Yan Chong began the cruel punishment of cutting meat with a knife, and cut a piece of meat directly on his thigh.

That mage was not a strong person. There was not much meat on his leg. When such a piece was cut off, he could no longer hold it.

"Our team does still have a master." He smiled bitterly, "But he is not my partner, his ability is so strong, how can he care about our life and death."

"What's his name?" Yan Chong asked, "What ability does he have?"

"He said, his name is Zhao Yiliang..." the mage said.

Yan Chong: "!!!"

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