235 – City of Excommunicated Wolves (3)

A brown mane stretched out smoothly and a rugged body.

A form that looks more like a beast than a human.

It was clear that it was a Class A monster, Werewolf.

Werewolf is a monster with clear limits for a werewolf.

All stats and runes are focused on hand-to-hand combat, and his intellect is not very high, so he lacks a sense of battle.

There are some of them that use magical attacks, but that’s a really rare case.

Most entities have similar abilities and similar powers.

It was a characteristic that was in stark contrast to ‘Lycanthrope’, which had different grades for each individual rune and ability.

‘It doesn’t work.’

Besides, the language is not developed, so I can’t communicate.

That’s why they want to attack us immediately.

They weren’t Lycans, the core of this dungeon, namely ‘Baraten’ or ‘Karak’.

It’s not much different from other mass-produced monsters we’ve hunted so far.

And that means…

In hunting them, it meant that there was no need to hesitate at all.

The appearance of the monster has already been predicted through the search of archers, so the preparations are over.

I started conducting while watching the six werewolves appearing in front of me.

“Team A starts the battle first!”

As soon as he shouted lightly and gave instructions, Team A, which had been prepared in advance, jumped into the battlefield at the forefront.

Before raiding this dungeon, I organized the raid into 3 teams.

A simple team composition of A, B, C.

It was easy to distinguish the number of people for each class as they were divided into just three teams, except for the special class.

The reason for the division is simple.

For the distribution of physical strength of the members, the increase in combat efficiency, and the convenience of command.

In particular, when facing A-class monsters like now, the difficulty level itself is very low, so it is much more effective to fight in teams.

“I take two of each of the warriors!”

Park Jin-woo, who is in charge of Team A, gives instructions in a slightly awkward voice.

The team leader was assigned to each team in a reasonable way.

Team A’s team leader is Park Jin-woo, the vice-captain.

Team B is me as the engineering leader.

Team C has experienced veteran Lim Hyeon.

I slightly avoided giving a certain position to Lim Hyun-Holder, but there is no talent to be entrusted with except him this time.

The team leader is a type that can directly command the front line.

And it’s because a person with a certain skill in the relevant field should be in charge.

Besides, being so reluctant to outsiders didn’t look very good in terms of a raid that was all together with one goal.

Kruu… !!


Pat- Pavabat-

aaa… ?!

Werewolf’s scream resounded, and the battle with Team A began.

Each of the warriors is in charge of two werewolves, and as if assisting them, silver arrows are poured in bundles.

And the bombardment of magician-type holders that was placed on top of it like paint.

The dungeon was covered with a tremendous roar and the sound of weapons, to the point where I couldn’t even remember the screams of the werewolves.

‘He fights much better than I thought.’

I watched the battle without letting go of tension.

I was a little worried because it was the first battle in the dungeon and Park Jin-woo’s first command…

Team A’s sum was outstanding enough to put all concerns aside.

Three warriors line up in the forefront to take charge of tanking, and based on that, the support staff pours out intensive deals.

In particular, the silver arrows of the archer series effectively bound the werewolf’s feet as expected.

S-Kang! Cagan-!!

Boom- Kwa-Ga-Gang-!!

aaa… !!

‘… Those two are overwhelming.’

Among them, there were members who stood out.

Camilla Flores and Angela Gremville.

A foreign holder with only 3 people including Akiba.

There were only two holders narrowing it down to American nationality.

At the time, they were selected with a little bit of anticipation, but when they opened the results, their abilities were even more outstanding.

‘It’s the standard of a shield warrior.’

Camilla Flores was the standard of defensive warriors.

Moving a shield larger than her body, she easily blocked the attacks of werewolves, and her shield skills and secondary thrusts mixed in between showed how relaxed she is in combat.

no gaps are visible

Any attack will be blocked.

It does not shake no matter what obstacles unfold.

Even if it’s probably not an A-rank monster, but an A-rank holder…

I thought it would be hard to break through her defenses easily.

That’s how strong the defense system was.

From what I heard from Park Jin-Woo before, he was one of the best prospects in the California Holder Academy, and it seemed like he could understand such a luxurious evaluation.

‘… And Angela.’

Angela Gremville is Camilla’s friend.

A wizard-type B-class holder with impressive red hair.

However, he unleashes very excellent magic one after another, to the extent that his grade of B is colorless.

Intensely burning fire magic and auxiliary magic put in the right place.

Her magic, which had destructive power and stability at the same time, was the nucleus of unparalleled support from the point of view of leading the raid.

In some ways, it seems to show more power than other A-level holders such as Kang Joo-yeon and Kim Chae-eun.

‘Juyeon was right.’

There was a strong recommendation from Kang Joo-yeon for Angela’s selection.

The interviewers who were in charge of consulting for the final interview thought she was reluctant because she was a foreign holder, but Kang Joo-yeon told me with confidence that she was a fire magician.

And the performance Angela is showing right now…

Undoubtedly, the most outstanding performance in the current team A battle.

At the time of selection, Kang Joo-yeon’s positive evaluation was proved with her skills.

Kung, Koo-Woo-!!

big… .

The battle was over in an instant.

Although the Werewolves are quite strong among A-class monsters, it was not easy to block our raid group composed of skilled high-ranking holders.

In particular, there are two special series in this raid composition.

One is a training-type holder, and the other is a spirit-type holder.

Team B, where I am, has so many special abilities, so I divided them into A and B teams, respectively.

As the few trainers in Korea summoned monsters and carefully dispersed aggro, the warriors of Team A were able to fight comfortably without being particularly exposed to danger.

Even if it seemed that the three teams were roughly divided, they were teams that had their own manpower distribution.

“The battle is over!! A total of 6 werewolves, the A-class monster, all hunted!”

Park Jin-woo, who was in the lead, shouted with a brighter voice.

Even though I have the overall responsibility for commanding the raid, it is also true that the role of the team leader is very important in team battles.

He seemed very happy that his first battle as the team leader and vice-captain ended very successfully.

‘young. While doing well.’

Watching another inner growth of my friend, I felt good for no reason.

I tried to hide the smile spreading across my lips and told the crew.

“I’ll clean up the by-products for a while and move right away.”

There was no time to be held captive by werewolves.

As soon as possible before the day is over.

He had to find the ‘base of Baraten’.

* * *

A-rank holder Lim Hyun doubted his own eyes.

It’s already been 1 hour since the dungeon raid of <Ripple Raid> started.

Only dozens of werewolves he met along the way fought several battles.

No matter how easy it is to hunt A-class monsters compared to S-class, in the end they are ‘A-class monsters that run in groups’.

A constant battle and an ongoing hunt.

If this continues continuously, the fatigue of the raid builds up without realizing it.

And this accumulated fatigue…

At some point, it even puts the raid into a decisive crisis.

It comes when you really don’t notice.

The tendency of not noticing this was even more severe for temporary raid groups or new raid leaders.

‘… The operation is so neat.’

However, <Ripple Raid> doesn’t show that kind of thing at all.

The division of roles among the teams in the A, B, and C raids was very neat, and the combat aspect continued to preoccupy the advantageous ground as prepared in advance.

By mobilizing all available physical and human resources, the fatigue of the raid is reduced as much as possible.

This is easy to say, but never easy to put into practice.

Imhyeon also knew this because he was the raid leader of the <Dark Grassland> dungeon raid until last year.

how difficult is that

And at the center of it, Do Jae-hyeon, the engineering chief…

How outstanding his commanding and leadership skills are.

‘I just thought they were students with great potential.’

Last year, Lim Hyeon served as a short-term lecturer at Holder Academy in Seoul along with Yoo Eun-seol and Jung Seon-yeong.

Do Jae-hyun, Park Jin-woo, Kang Joo-yeon, etc…

The holders, who are the core of the current <Ripple Raid>, are the students Lim Hyun taught directly or indirectly.

Of course, I was well aware of their potential and skills.

The golden generation that will lead the future of the holder world.

Lim Hyun also fully agreed with the over-packaged expressions in the media.

‘The times are changing really fast.’

However, it seems that the expression was not excessive at all.

They are not the generation that will lead the future of holder world…

It was the generation that is in charge of the current holder world.

<Ripple Raid> may open a new horizon for dungeon raids.

In this, they displayed their abilities without hesitation, and moved freely among veteran high-ranking holders without being intimidated at all.

As a senior holder, and as a senior holder who dominated an era…

He seemed to realize that the time had come to hand over the baton to his juniors.


“All raids are halted.”

The engineering commander who fought hotly whenever he saw werewolves…

With a cautious face, he gave the order to stop.

The command of the engineering commander who has never given an order that has failed.

The crew also carefully hid themselves, using the protruding rocks as cover.

And look upwards.

A huge hill spread out in front of you.


aaah… !!



A werewolf with a silver mane and dozens of werewolves finally appeared.

They could be seen running towards each other, their ‘kin’.

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