226 – Moon Ga-eun riding a fox (4)

[You have obtained a new rune, ‘Valkyrie of the Battlefield’.]

[Acquires all normal stats by 3 with the inclination of the rune.]

[You have obtained a new rune, ‘Valkyrie’s Horse’.]

[Acquires 2 magical power and 3 leadership with the rune’s tendency.]

[Special abilities are activated in holder information.]

[You have obtained a new rune, Spiritualism.]

[Gain 3 divinity with the rune’s inclination.]

<Rune information>

◎Name: Valkyrie of the battlefield

◎Rating: Legendary

◎Level: 1

◎Engraved part: Chest

◎Special effects

: The ‘Female Warrior’s Armor’ effect is always applied. Even if you do not wear armor that protects your body, such as armor, helmet, or shoes, you can use the abilities and effects of the armor.

: The understanding of divine power increases rapidly. You can draw an additional 20% of the performance of all items touched by the power of a god, including mythical items. Also, the power of all runes related to divinity increases by 10%.

: Valkyrie punishes those close to death by order of the apostles. All stats increase by 20% when facing undead or spirits.

◎ Derivation skill

[Blessing of Valkyrie]

: Valkyrie shines even more next to the hero. If you set the hero you want to protect and participate in battle with the target, you can grant the hero 20% of your own ‘endurance’ and ‘speed’. There is no cooldown, and if you set a new hero, the existing hero cannot receive the effect.

*Current set hero: – (0/1)


: The power of a holy and valiant female warrior who roamed the battlefield with God a long time ago. The source of its power is revealed only when it is qualified and meets special conditions. If you continue to trace Valkyrie’s power and memory, you may regain all the abilities of the brilliant people who made up the ancient myth.

*This rune can only be used by women, and has no effect on men.

A luxurious room in the Atsuta Shrine.

I had already booked a place to stay in Nagoya, but it was a bit late at night and since I stayed at the shrine for a long time, it was definitely comfortable to come to my room.

Fortunately, thanks to the consideration of Akiba, the senior shrine maiden here, there was no problem with us outsiders in the room.

And here, I said with a rather embarrassed face.

“No, Ga-eun… It’s okay if I don’t tell you all of that.”

The main character who put me in trouble was Moon Ga-eun.

It was my girlfriend who was sitting right in front of me, laughing and talking.

Is it good to meet after a long time?

Or is your growth good?

She was very excited and was telling me about the newly acquired rune information.

3 runes including [Battlefield Valkyrie].

All of them were runes with overwhelming performance.

“Why- Jaehyun gave me strength because you told me about it.”

“That’s how I told you. It’s because you deserve it and you’re lucky.”

“Heh- is that so?”

Moon Ga-eun smiles once again.

Seeing that, I also laughed out loud.

She was the one who seemed downcast these days.

Even though he had top-notch skills in the archery class, he thought his skills were lagging behind because of his peers, and he seemed to feel impatient about that…

I felt good when she regained her confidence.

And once again, I admired her growth.

‘It’s really amazing.’

I pushed it a little bit, but in fact, I didn’t know that Moon Ga-eun would achieve such tremendous growth.

[Valkyrie on the battlefield].

It’s rune information that makes my head wander even if I listen to it again.

From divine-related stat correction and additional item performance, to the undead opponent’s additional stat effect, and a derivative skill with special power [Valkyrie’s Protection].

In line with the prestige of the legendary rune, none of them were effects that could not be discarded.

In addition, the effect of ‘female warrior’s armor’ boasted such a powerful effect that I wondered if I really had such a fraudulent ability.

If it weren’t for the condition that only women could handle it.

It was probably the power he tried to bring to [Rune Hunter] somehow.

‘… Among the legendary runes, it has particularly good performance.’

Legend runes and myth runes have different powers depending on the power of the story.

The [Battlefield Valkyrie] that Moon Ga-eun got this time is probably a legendary rune that contains a fairly famous and solid story.

Maybe that’s why, compared to other legendary runes, it seemed to have particularly good performance.

“Heh- But I wanted to tell you because I need to tell you to set up a hero.”

Of course, Moon Ga-eun used [Valkyrie’s Protection] on me.

Even though she was a member of the <Royal> clan, anyway, at this point, the most battles were with me, so choosing me was more efficient.

Of course, even if there were no such circumstances, she would have insisted on writing to me unconditionally, saying, “Of course I should call my boyfriend!”

I continued to listen to Moon Ga-eun’s explanation of the runes, and asked about the amazing sight I had just seen.

“Then that giant fox… ”

“huh! I made a contract thanks to the rune of Valkyrie’s horse.”

[Valkyrie on the battlefield] was not the end of the rune Moon Ga-eun obtained.

[Valkyrie’s words].

A rune that allows you to contract with the beasts handled by the Valkyries.

[Training Contract] is a high-level compatible rune, and it is said that it has a unique feature that only beast-type monsters can be contracted.

I had guessed from the [Equestrian] runes and closeness with Tirbond, but it seems Moon Ga-eun really had a talent for [training contracts].

From nob le mt l dot com

Just before arriving at Atsuta Shrine.

The first time I saw her riding a fox, I was very surprised.

“It lacks leadership, but it became a limited contract by satisfying special conditions.”

“aha… .”

This part was similar to my [promise made by the dragon].

I can only make limited contracts with monsters with the speciality of ‘A-Ryong’, but Moon Ga-eun can make limited contracts with monsters of the ‘Shinsu’ system.

The giant fox that Moon Ga-eun signed this time, a nine-tailed fox, is a Japanese deity.

I heard that it is a ‘low-gong type monster’ that existed in the <Shady Youkai Den>, and is a special monster regularly managed by the shrine maidens of Atsuta Shrine.

It was the reason I never saw him during the last dungeon raid.

Anyway, at the sight of Moon Ga-eun, who made such an outrageous monster into a contractor at once, Akiba, who went with him, said that he was astonished.

“But actually, they say you have to sign a contract with a wolf to get the true value of runes.”

“A wolf?”

I asked back at Moon Ga-eun’s sudden words.

“huh. Originally, Valkyrie’s words seem to refer to wolves. So, if you make a contract with a wolf-type divine beast, it seems that the performance of the rune and the power of the contractor are greatly increased.”

As soon as I heard that, what came to my mind was <City of Excommunicated Wolves>.

at the end of this school year.

A dungeon that I am planning to attack.

It is the highest level dungeon full of A- and S-class monsters, and it was the first dungeon where monsters that communicated with humans first appeared, and it was also the starting point of future cataclysms.

Originally, I was going to take Moon Ga-eun, but after hearing this, I feel more confident.

Besides, I have to use the [Valkyrie’s Protection] skill as well.

‘… But did wolves come out there?’

<City of Excommunicated Wolves> is a dungeon where ‘werewolves’ appear.

There are various clans of werewolves referred to as werewolves or lycanthropes.

But I couldn’t remember exactly whether there were wolves out there, not in human form.

The last point of the original work I saw was during the raid of that dungeon.

‘Well, if that doesn’t work, I can make a contract with Fenrir.’

If there were no wolves, it was enough to find a place where they were.

In any case, signing a contract with a high-ranking wolf of the Shinsoo system seemed to be the key to further developing Moon Ga-eun’s rune.

“But Akiba-san is also really great. What I did this time was practically the same as robbing the shrine’s relics… You handled it well so that there was no noise.”

At that, I nodded slowly.

[Freya’s Ring], the medium that made Moon Ga-eun reawaken.

At first, it was an item that was nothing more than a bright apricot, but in the end it was an asset owned by Atsuta Shrine.

Since such a ring was turned into junk in an instant, it is a matter that can cause enough problems.

It seemed that Akiba was the first to take care of that.

“Because he is a powerful holder in the shrine. They say she has been active as a combat shaman for a long time.”

“Did he really respect you?”

“… I guess you think it’s too much. But, well, we’re just indebted to each other.”

Akiba thinks that I have fulfilled her wish, but it would not have been easy for me to work in Japan without her.

Miyu Akiba could be seen as the biggest gain among the connections I gained from my dispatch to Japan.

“Chi- is that really all?”

“What are you imagining?”

“Akiba-san, you are very pretty.”

Moon Ga-eun gets up from her seat and approaches me, making a pouty expression for no reason.

It’s cute how jealous you are.

It was hard to hide the smile.

I couldn’t hide my smile and hugged her to the fullest.

“No relation. And you are prettier.”




Moon Ga-eun burst into laughter as if she hadn’t gotten angry.

Is there anything else that comes to your mind…

He said it like a whisper in my ear.



“that… Miko’s outfit, did you order it?”

“… ah.”

… Akiba-san, you asked me to keep it a secret.

I stumbled upon it.

I was taken aback for a moment, but then nodded.

It’s true that I wanted to see Moon Ga-eun’s shaman costume.

But from her.

Unexpected words came out.

“What you wear… Shall I show you now?”

I am at that moment

For the first time in my life, I felt that Moon Ga-eun’s voice was alluring.

I guess she grew up…

It seemed that it was not only his ability as a holder.

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