Chapter 166 – All-Out War (2)


Arriving at Gijang Island was an instant.

The distance between Seongmodo Island and Gijang Island at the tip of Ganghwa Island is about 400m.

It is an embarrassingly short distance to travel by boat.

I was worried that there would be 〈 Villains 〉 people waiting, but when I arrived, the island was quiet.

“I’ll go all the way to the center like this.”

Yoo Eun-seol, the party leader, gave a brief instruction.

From now on, it’s all-out war.

Even if there were traps on the island, they had to go through them.

“Is Moon Ga-eun the holder?”

“Yes, yes!”

Moon Ga-eun quickly responded to Yoo Eun-seol’s call.

Even if he is an academy instructor, archer-types rarely run into Yoo Eun-seol.

Because of this, it was the first time Moon Ga-eun had a conversation with Yoo Eun-seol, and of course, her attitude had to harden as if she was ordered.

I got closer to Yoo Eun-seol because of my teacher relationship, but to Moon Ga-eun, I’m just an S-class holder like the sky.

And not only Moon Ga-eun, but most of the holders who participated in this operation must be in a pretty bewildered mood.

Working with an S-class holder was a rare opportunity for any holder.

“From now on, the role of the archers is important. I don’t know what kind of trap the villains might have made. Don’t let go of your tension, and keep using magic detection.”

“Ah, I see!”

“Don’t be too nervous. Ahn Seong-hyun holder will help you well. Seonghyun Ahn holder?”

“Yes. You can leave it to us.”

Class A holder Ahn Seong-hyun, who came as a reinforcement, answered lightly.

He is an archer-type holder belonging to Clan 〈 Sunset Flower 〉.

Considering that class A holders are by no means common among domestic archers, it was clear that 〈 Sunset Flower 〉 is an emerging powerhouse.

In addition, Yu Eun-seol gave detailed instructions to each affiliate.

‘He’s really good at it.’

I was a little amazed at how it looked.

S-rank holders are a grade that can be achieved only by accumulating great skills and a lot of experience.

For the holders, it is the sky that they reach out to every time, and it is a monumental tower that is hard to reach.

Yoo Eun-seol is an independent holder without a clan…

As if he didn’t pick up the rank of S class in vain, he showed a skillful and knife-like appearance in leading the party.

I usually only saw him in a strict way when he taught me, but seeing him so serious in his main job gave me a different feeling.

Chuck- chuck-


The sound of equipment moving cuts through the silence.

Our party carefully searched the interior of the island.

The search direction is straight across the center from the starting point, then right again.

It is a direction that goes around the island.

10 minutes, 20 minutes…

Time continued to pass as we entered the island, but no other threatening traps appeared.

But the more that happened, the more tension within the party increased.

To lighten the mood for a moment, Yoo Eun-seol stopped his search and asked Ahn Seong-hyeon, an archer.

“Archer series. Is it still?”

“Yes, party leader. It seems that there are no special pitfalls. But… “


Yoo Eun-seol asked back at Ahn Seong-hyeon’s words.

Moon Ga-eun received those words.

“There seems to be a structure in the center where mana is concentrated.”


“Yes. I could feel it from the entrance of the island, but the more I came to the center, the stronger the energy. It’s an overwhelming amount of magic power. I don’t know if this is the home of the villains, but I’m sure there’s something with concentrated magical power.”

The mood of the party changed once again.

A structure made up of an overwhelming amount of mana.

In other words, it was the same as saying that the location Professor Kang Dong-wook pointed out through the bug was almost accurate.

As Moon Ga-eun said, I don’t know if it’s the home of 〈 Villain 〉, but it was certain that there was something here on Gijang Island.

“Then… “

Yu Eun-seol nodded and was about to give another order.

It was as if he suddenly felt a powerful vibration.

Ahn Seong-hyun and Moon Ga-eun raised their heads at the same time.

“Party leader… !!”

“…… !!”

And that wave wasn’t only felt by archers.



All of the warriors in the front row had their own weapons, and the wizards in the back row began arranging their magical powers.

Other series also prepared for battle in their own way.


Ready for battle.

We are all ready for battle.

The reason was simple.

In the center of the quiet island…

Suddenly, the ‘enemy’ appeared.

“Wow, wow… Gee, it’s real. Tongue, just like hyung said, everyone is here….”

In that tense confrontation.

A voice that was hard to hear came from somewhere.

Forward direction for the party.

It was a short man with dark brown hair that hung down to his eyes.

Chuck- Chuck-

And that wasn’t all.

Along with the sound of heavy machinery moving, countless holders appeared.

The seats of the holders were varied.

Where the man in the front was, of course, he was there, next to him.

Next to it and diagonally.

Even to the back of our party, holders were seated.

‘… Fuck.’

Involuntarily, swear words come out.

Our party is under siege.

Countless holders are appearing around us.

After arriving at Gijang Island and starting a search…

It was the biggest crisis.

‘There was another unlicensed warp gate.’

A group of holders suddenly appeared.

These were most likely 〈 Villain 〉 Clan members who came over through the [Warp Gate].

Until now, there had been no traces of magical power, but it was clear from the sudden appearance of it.

‘Still, it’s less than I thought.’

I felt that the situation was not completely hopeless.

Perhaps they arrived in a hurry, but fortunately the number was not far off.

Even if you add up all the siege numbers from the front, back, and side…

About 40 people?

Considering that the currently estimated 〈 Villain 〉 only has close to 200 clan members, this is definitely an insufficient number.

Even so, it is still a burdensome number, but it was a scenario that we had predicted so far.

‘I have to drag out my time.’

The anti-〈 villain 〉 sweeping operation is carried out simultaneously on Ganghwa Island and uninhabited islands near Incheon.

A structure in which a party of at least 15 or more raids and searches the islands, and when an unexpected situation occurs, they gather together again.

Therefore, our party must take time here on Gijang Island.

Until reinforcements from other parties arrived, they had to deal with them while reducing damage as much as possible.

“Uh, how did you know, oh, did you come?”

The dark brown-haired man who spoke first spoke up.

“Probably because of the item.”

Then the man next to him spoke up.

Similar appearance and hair color.

However, the opposite is the tall stature and the large, dark sword that hangs over the shoulder.

An overwhelming atmosphere took over his surroundings.

‘Seongyeon Hwang.’

It’s the first time I’ve seen him, but I recognized him right away.

Setting aside everything else, Hwang Seong-yeon was the only holder with that ominous magic sword.

Then I called him brother…

That short man is probably the clan master Hwang Dong-yeon.

The Clan Master and Vice Master of 〈 Villain 〉 gathered together and stood in front of our party.

“Oh, an item?”

“Okay. The order of harmony or something. Nothing else can determine our location.”

“Yeah, that’s right. These, humans, are also, quite, smart. Uh, if you die anyway, it’s over, it’s over..Hehe.”


Hwang Dong-yeon, who stuttered to the point where it was uncomfortable to hear, looked at us while spitting strange words.

We looked around nervously.

Now they are talking nonsense, but…

It wasn’t strange when the battle started.

“Um-eum- Hwang Seong-yeon. Do Jae-hyun, I will kill that bastard. I told you beforehand.”

A familiar voice was also heard.

A sharp-looking woman standing next to Hwang Seong-yeon and Hwang Dong-yeon.

Just yesterday

It was Cha Soo-yeon, who was mortally wounded and ran away.

I can vividly see a hole in her chest and her blood spilling out…

He was standing in front of us in a normal state.

‘It’s nice to be back.’

Seeing her, I clicked her tongue as if it was a waste.

In that moment, she recovered from her injuries and joined us.

That’s why I should have killed him yesterday.

She gnashed her teeth at me, sending her hateful eyes.

Apparently, there was a lot of anger built up on me yesterday.


The key executive of 〈 Villain 〉 was almost killed in one second by Holder, an academy student who was just called a promising prospect…

It just hurt my pride.

“Aren’t you saying respectful things like before?”

“You don’t need to be more formal, do you? Now this clan is over.”

“… What a boring story.”

Hwang Seong-yeon and Cha Soo-yeon are overheard chatting.

I clicked my tongue again inwardly.

‘… Crazy bastards.’

How could you say such a thing in front of an enemy?

It’s pretty easy to relax.

No, maybe there was no need to rush.

As they said, the 〈 Villain 〉 clan itself is in crisis, so they may have become aloof from the urgency of the situation.

Anyway, the enemy’s attitude…

For us, it was an opportunity.

Koo, Kuuuuung-!!

Blah blah-

“What, what?”

“The land… !!”

The quiet ground suddenly vibrates.

Soon, with an intense roar, the ground began to crack.

It was because I had finished preparing and used the skill.

‘Power brake.’

[Power brake].

[Garden of the Cracked Earth] Derivative skill, now a sub-rune of [Elemental Master].

A powerful skill that completely cuts through the middle of the ground, changing the surrounding terrain and completely changing the battle plan on the ground.

I have this skill

Used to split the ‘left’ of our party.

If it’s a normal composition, it’s correct to split the back.

Anyway, we’re surrounded, and we need to block the access road to the rear to ensure the safety of the rear personnel.

But it’s an extremely defensive strategy.

Once the skill was used like that, it could no longer create an aggressive composition.

And the strategy we had in advance before coming here was…

From the beginning, it was an ‘attack’.


“Well… !!”

After I was ready, I gave the signal and Yoo Eun-seol immediately moved.

Through the Bobeopryu rune, she entered the gap in the cracked ground.


Exactly ‘entered’.

The ground cracked, and a crevice like a kind of cliff was created… Yoo Eun-seol went inside and tried parkour.

For the Assassin class, which reached its peak in the use of Bobeop-ryu runes and magic power, climbing that level of wall was a piece of cake.

‘If you go inside… It’s hidden from view for a moment.’

Hidden from view

This means that you can use the [Stealth] Rune.

And the Assassin class when [Stealth].

You will be able to use your natural abilities to the fullest.

I through [Power brake].

I made a space where I can hide in the now open seat.

Yoo Eun-seol goes into it and [Hides].

This is…

It was an optimal environment to ‘assassinate’ someone.

“Huh… !!”

In an instant, Yoo Eun-seol heads for the leadership of 〈 Villain 〉.

Change the terrain and somehow assassinate the opponent’s main character.

This is the reason why ‘S-class assassins’ were put in our party… It was Plan A when an unexpected situation occurred.

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