Chapter 148 – Last Sub-Dragon (3)

What I felt when I first entered the dungeon was embarrassment.

In the ‘Sea Ghost Habitat’, there are mainly water monsters.

As the name suggests, there are monsters in the form of fish that live in the sea, and monsters that appear in the interior of uninhabited islands also possess water-attribute magic runes.

Therefore, I thought that the double dungeon located in it was naturally related to water, and the monsters would also come from that category.

“It’s hot around here.”

“… Iknow, right.”

However, the double dungeon was completely different from the ‘Sea Ghost Habitat’.

The inside of the dungeon was narrow and closed, and all kinds of flames were swirling around it.

The type is a cave-type dungeon similar to the ‘Academy Underground Dungeon’.

Especially considering the information window in front of him and the heat around him, it was clear that the monsters that appeared would also have fire attributes.

And as we reasoned to that point, Kwon Oh-joon and my expressions were stained with embarrassment at the same time.

“The compatibility is not good.”

Needless to say, it’s because our party’s supporters, wizards and monsters, don’t have a good match.

Kang Joo-yeon and Yoon Ji-ah have fire attributes.

Kim Seongcheol has the wind attribute.

Only three mages were all of the same attribute or were hard to hit.

“I can’t help it. Because you can’t always meet effective compatibility.”


It is not uncommon to encounter monsters of nullity during hunting.

In most cases, information about the hunting grounds is collected and prepared in advance, so only holders of valid properties need to be included as party members…

Like now, when you find an undiscovered dungeon or face a special situation such as a boss monster with a gimmick, invalid compatibility inevitably occurs.

In that case, there is no particular way.

In the end, you have to hit it with your skills.

However, in preparation for all special situations, it is not possible to bring a wizard class by attribute.

As Kang Joo-yeon has already shown a few times, compatibility was meaningless in the face of overwhelming power.

“I will reorganize the party roles.”

I looked around at the party members and started talking.

As the scattered 10 people gathered again, it was necessary to relocate the personnel.

“First of all, Mr. Akiba and Joo-yeon will be part of the search team. As a result of watching, I think Jooyeon has the best magic power detection in our party. I even found this dungeon right away.”

I looked back and forth between Kang Joo-yeon and Akiba.

“So, although I am not an archer, I will entrust you with a search mission. The two of you should focus on the unlicensed warp gate and field evidence in the back row.”

In response, Kang Joo-yeon quietly nodded her head, and Akiba also replied that he knew with his characteristic hard tone.

But for some reason, the reaction of the team members was strange.

“… The lead role?”

“Huh- You just praised it for nothing while entrusting the mission, right? Did I hear you right?”

“Sumi Lee holder. Put on some clothes or something. It’s embarrassing to see.”

… They whisper among themselves, but they can all be heard.

What delusions are you having?

In addition, Kim Seong-chul’s criticism to put on clothes up, I caught my eye on Lee Soo-mi’s outfit without realizing it.

… It’s embarrassing.

I can’t get used to it even if I look at it.

Is that person really a divine holder?

“Concentrate. An important operation is in progress, and Do Jae-hyun is the current party leader. Everyone is too distracted.”

“… Sorry.”


Fortunately, Kwon Oh-joon, the de facto leader of the party, set the mood again.

I thanked him lightly and continued.

“The rest are all dungeon raiders. Since we do not know how far the influence of smuggling criminals extends within the dungeon, we will continue to attack the boss room if we can.”

There is a lot of space in the cave-type dungeon.

Even on the way to the attack direction, outlying spaces come out one by one, and of course, they are a kind of ‘room’ where you can store things or items.

The reason why 〈 Villain 〉 and the smuggling criminals targeted this dungeon was probably because of the ease and freedom of space.

“Instead, Shin Yuna Holder, please take care of escorting the search personnel in the rear. The advanced opponents of the monsters that could not be caught should be Shinyu or the holder.”

“Yes! Okay.”

That’s how we started attacking and searching for the double dungeon.

Shortly after the raid began, strange monsters attacked us.

Kwa, kwaaang-!!

Caen- Caen-

“Wizard support attacks faster! Focus on tying the spot rather than hitting it! Catch them with physical attacks as much as possible!”

Among the party members moving in perfect order, I gave the order to have my throat explode.

Double dungeon… The difficulty of the tentatively named ‘smuggling cave’ was never easy.

The level of monsters appearing was much higher than expected.

The monsters that appear most often are Akaoni (Red Ghost) and Hell Hound.

The images associated with their names and their actual appearances are the same, and they handled the fire attribute magic rune freely and drew the battle structure in a tricky way.


Grrrr… !!

Kong! Kooong-!!

“Fuck. It gets tangled up badly.”

“Park Jinwoo! This time I have to add dildo too. Magical support doesn’t have much effect.”

“I know… !!”

A fierce battle ensued.

Akaoni and Hellhound are both Class A monsters.

Generally, it is normal for a group of A-rank monsters to be caught by a B-rank holder party, but this battle was not common.

The compatibility between the wizards who had to hunt the monsters and the monsters was the same or close to invalid, and because of this, the burden of the front line in charge of physical attacks was added.

In particular, this ‘smuggling cave’ is narrow inside the dungeon itself.

Due to space issues, the battle composition was bound to be limited, and as a result, the number of monsters to deal with at once increased.


Fortunately, the situation was not at all hopeless.

As the magicians’ support has lost its power, the tanks in the front line have to supplement the deal…

We liked the structure pretty well.

I, Park Jin-woo, and Kwon Oh-jun, who were in charge of the front lines.

All three holders were bruisers that doubled as damage tanks, and Choi Dong-wook, an assassin-type, appeared in the right place at the right time and supplemented the damage.

In other words, our physical attacks are eaten by monsters.

Because of this, the battle somehow rolled.

‘And Team Leader Kwon fights so well.’

I looked at Kwon Oh-joon once in a while while accepting the monsters’ attacks.

The only A-rank holder in the party, and the skilled team leader of the 5 hunting teams.

His performance was great.

Kwon Oh-jun, who put down the order and focused entirely on the battle, saved the party from danger several times with his overwhelming skills and flashing senses.

“Huh… !!”

Kaga River-

That’s right-?!

With a spirited spirit, Kwon Oh-Jun’s spear pierced Hell Hound’s head at once.

A sting that doesn’t seem like much.

However, it contained the essence of concentrated magical power and spearmanship.

Thanks to that, Park Jin-woo, who was surrounded by the side, was able to breathe for a moment.

“Oh, thank you.”

“Greetings later!”


As the fierce battle continued over and over again, we continued raiding the dungeon.

* * *

How many hours had passed since the attack began?

Our party was able to overcome the difficulties in the beginning and finish the raid to the end of the middle of the gearco dungeon.

〈 Fire Judgment 〉 5 teams with a lot of experience in attacking high-level dungeons.

〈 anti-villain 〉 members composed of talented people.

With the two teams merging, it was not an impenetrable wall even in high-level dungeon raids.

[You won the duel! Victory is credited due to the high contribution in the duel. Rune Hunter’s arcane power allows him to duplicate one of his opponent’s runes. Please select a rune to duplicate.]

[You selected the rune ‘Fireworks of the Dead’. Since it is a level 8 rare rune, the level will drop and be registered as level 4.]

[You have obtained a new rune.]

[Acquire 1 each of Magical Power and Fire Resistance according to the rune’s propensity.]

I also got a new rune.

A rare rune called [Lion’s Fireworks], A magic rune that assists in handling fire.

It was a rune similar to [Scorching Flame] That I already possessed.

Because I’ve acquired runes from so many monsters in the meantime, runes don’t come out well unless I’m new to the type of monster…

It seemed lucky this time.

“Mr. Akiba. Have you collected all the items?”

“Yes, Jaehyun. A total of 128 illegal items have been collected. There will be a lot more if you add items that were lost along the way or that haven’t been traded yet… It seems that at least all the items in this dungeon have been retrieved.”

As the dungeon raid came to an end, the search was also successful.

As expected, the double dungeon ‘Smuggling Cave’ was the scene of a smuggling crime.

From the few free spaces we passed through while attacking the dungeon, we could confirm that there were traces of transactions and illegal items abandoned, and we passed by collecting and processing them all.

‘There was also a warp gate.’

In particular, there were more ‘unlicensed warp gates’ installed in those spaces.

A top-level dungeon full of A-rank monsters.

I kept wondering how they managed to capture a place like this as a smuggling location, but it seems that they created a [Warp gate] In search of a special space out of reach of monsters.

5 unlicensed warp gates like that.

In addition, a total of 128 illegal items were collected and completed…

We were able to complete the true field survey we were aiming for.


“Now there is only one left.”

My gaze left Akiba and headed towards the front of the dungeon.

Another entrance to the cave where intense magical powers sway.

The end of the dungeon that I had been struggling to clear.

It was the boss room of ‘Smuggling Cave’.

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