Chapter 135 – Circle Meeting (3)

“First of all, the first thing is to find the distribution route of the berserk potion.”

A word that came out after slowly clearing his throat.

At the proposal, the eyes of the members who were looking at it with anticipation quickly cooled.

The same goes for Ji Yoon-jae, who was slightly shaken at first.

He quickly regained his composure in a position that seemed relieved.

It was as if I was thinking, ‘Could that be it?’, But the reaction was like, ‘It’s really like that.’

[Berring Potion], Which was the only evidence of the spies.

Let’s find out the distribution channel of that item.

It was because they all knew how absurd this was.

“Chairman. That is too unrealistic.”

Yoon Ji-ah, who was sitting right next to me, spoke up.

Recently, she was busy preparing to join 〈 Judgment of Fire 〉, but she attended today’s meeting with a sense of responsibility as the Vice President of the Circle.

She calmly started persuading me.

“Perhaps the president knows, but… In the case of global illegal items such as berserk potions, they are not traded through normal trade. It is different from simply purchasing items from the association or buying and selling items through individual transactions.”

Of course I know.

You probably know better than any other member here.

I nodded and answered her words.

“I am aware. The production of illegal items is usually carried out in a third country abroad, and distribution also comes to Korea through several countries, so it is not easy to catch the tail one by one. It’s like… “

After blurting her words for a moment, Jia Yun answered with her hard face.


“Yes. I think it’s similar to how drugs are distributed.”

In the previous world, and long ago in this one too.

‘Drug distribution’, which was a big success.

After production is finished in a third country that specializes in drug production, the results are distributed to each country through illegal and abnormal trade.

Cocaine, methamphetamine, fentanyl, etc…

Countless drugs have been circulated here and there, and they have been traded secretly for a long time in Korea as well.

Drugs are in Korea as well as in the US.

It was an illegal trading item that has always been a headache worldwide.

‘Although it was soon sold out.’

However, monsters and rune holders were created, and the world entered an era of irreversible destruction.

The drug market is much smaller than it used to be.

This is because drug addict treatment has become too easy since the appearance of ‘sacred-type holders’ who can cure all kinds of diseases and addictions, and some special items that can be obtained in dungeons or fields boast an awakening effect that surpasses drugs.

‘That’s why the target has changed.’

Drug cartels that lost their business.

They soon reorganized their forces and tried new businesses.

It is an ‘illegal item’ that is banned worldwide.

It was a business that distributed, sold, and even produced them.

These items included all kinds of illegal weapons and special items, starting with the awakening items mentioned earlier, as well as the [Berser Potion] That we are dealing with now.

Illegal drug possession arrest that used to come out once in the news…

That has now turned into an arrest for possession of an illegal item.

Recalling those facts, I spoke slowly.

“There are countless countries producing illegal items in the world, but if you multiply them by the largest cartel… It will be Colombia, too.”


A country famous in the previous world as a world-class drug power.

If you look at the cartel, it is the country with the largest scale.

Their drug and crime cartel has grown stronger since Holder appeared.

It has been transformed into a stronger and bigger organization than before by calling various criminal holders into a cartel.

In Korea, it is a kind of 〈 Villain 〉 clan.

Of course, it’s embarrassing to compare it because it’s much larger than that and the purpose of the group as a whole is clear, but it tells me that it’s a vicious criminal organization.

The country with the cartel that handles the most illegal items worldwide.

Of course, there was also a [Berser Potion] In it.

“I am trying to investigate illegal items that are circulated from Colombia to Japan and then smuggled into Korea from Japan.”

In the course of that distribution channel, I will look for those who have purchased the [Berser Potion].

There, I will look for clues to the insider spy again.

That was my plan

Of course, not all illegal items distributed in Korea come from Colombia.

There are many items that come from Mexico, another cartel in South America, and from nearby Southeast Asian countries.

But the number coming from Colombia is overwhelming.

Compared to other distribution countries, it is several times higher.

As the number of illegal items handled by 〈 Villain 〉 could not be ignored, it was possible to find clues by investigating them.

Even after explaining this far, the expressions of Yoon Ji-ah and the other members did not lighten up easily.

I knew very well why.

“How could we, at the level of a circle, conduct such a large-scale investigation….”

The plan is good, but the size is too big.

Although they put up the title of 〈 Anti-Villain 〉, they are in the academy circle after all.

A group formed by only students.

Not a clan unit, but a circle unit, would you do that level of investigation?

It will probably sound absurd to anyone who hears it.

But I smiled and relieved my worries.

“It’s okay. This investigation does not proceed simply through the activities of our circle.”

“Yes? Then… “

Yoon Ji-ah tilted her head and asked again.

I turned my gaze to Kang Joo-yeon, who was sitting on the other side.

“The Injustice Clan, which has a trade route on the Japanese side, will actively help with this investigation.”

〈 Royal 〉 and 〈 Fire Judgment 〉.

Active support for the 〈 Anti-Villain 〉 Circle of the two large clans was officially decided last Friday.

Among them, the 〈 Royal 〉 clan supported…

〈 Anti-Villain 〉 Guaranteed safety for the members of the Circle.

The academy’s internal escort TF (TaskForce) team was formed, and Seong Na-yeon, a member of the flagship clan, was dispatched as the team leader to help forcefully.

Thanks to that, Gaeun Moon and I were able to go hunting safely with Seong Nayeon escorting us even when we went outside the academy.

“And if Royal provided such forceful support, Injustice Judgment promised financial or manpower support.”

“Ah… !!”

Only then did Yoon Ji-ah clap her hands as if she knew.

〈 Clan Judgment of Fire 〉 is the clan that best penetrated the ‘Japanese trade route’ in Korea through magic stone and item trade.

Of course, in that area, manpower and knowledge are accumulated quite professionally.

If they actively participated in this investigation, they could find a way to search for vague clues.

“Of course, these investigations will be shared with the Injustice Clan. The Judgment of Fire will also have their own countermeasures against the villains… Maybe they’ll do a lot better than we do. But well, that is that and this is this.”

I smiled once and looked at the members.

A quiet circle room conference room.

At first, they were distrustful, but now they were all focused.

“Even though we are just a circle, we just have to go our own way. We have to achieve the will and purpose that we formed in the first place. That’s why we came together.”


At those words, Jiah Yoon let out a small exclamation.

And soon…

She said, nodding her head slowly.

“… Right. It was a circle that felt impossible from the beginning. It must have been a miracle that they came together like this, but I was weighing the possibilities again. Without even trying.”

She said it with a bright smile.

“I’m sorry for the rebuttal. I’m in favor, that way.”

“No, Vice President. It was a fairly reasonable objection.”

As we laughed and agreed, the other members quickly expressed their approval.

“I agree! I don’t think there is a better way than this right nowhehe.”

“Oh. That’s part of acknowledgment.”

“I guess I should prepare the equipment in advance….”

Members who conspicuously actively agree.

“… Our clan doesn’t have such a grandiose countermeasure.”

“Juyeon-ah. Are you still mad… ?”

“Fury? It didn’t happen in the first place.”

“…… ?”

… Members who chatter regardless of methodology.

Besides that, most of the other members were positive about the method I suggested.

First of all, everyone seemed to feel great trust in the fact that 〈 Judgment of 〉, the three largest clans in Korea, was going into collaboration.

Well, this is the same for me too.

As someone who had worked in the clan once, I knew better than anyone how neat and precise the work of 〈 Judgment of Fire 〉 was.

To be honest, the reality was that the cooperation of 〈 Judgment of Fire 〉 was more reliable than the ability of the members of the hastily made circle.

“Then, I understand that everyone agreed, and we will proceed with the first plan as mentioned above. Next, we will discuss the detailed division of roles. Priority… “

After the biggest agenda goes smoothly.

Afterwards, detailed PTs and specific discussions took place.

“Then, the date of the first investigation… “

“Contact with the Fire Judgment side is because the President and Kang Joo-yeon Holder… “

“I will rent the equipment I made in the form of a rental. Probably better than some equipment on the market… “

It was a heated meeting that lasted for almost 40 minutes.

I also satisfactorily continued the meeting.

Even so, he looked at Ji Yoon-jae’s expression once in a while.

Just like before, to try to figure out the guy’s intentions.

But there was still no change in that expressionless expression.

It’s definitely like a career spy, with a knife-like poker face.


It was obvious that he had intended to join 〈 Anti-Villain 〉.

It must have been an idea to obtain information from our circle, and Ji Yoon-jae himself to spread false information and disrupt the circle’s activities.

However, false information did not give a chance to spread in the first place, and it would not mean much to obtain information.

If you come and take any action now, it can be more dangerous because it is discovered.

‘How am I going to catch him?’

Unlike other spies anyway, Ji Yoon-jae and Cha Soo-yeon are spies I know for sure.

Once you catch it, you will be able to secure the physical evidence somehow.

Instead, when is the best time for that?

When should I catch them to completely wipe them out, and then go to the head of 〈 Villain 〉?

This seemed like something I would have to think about a little more.

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