174 – Ceres Reinhardt’s Wish

The third day since I fell into this hell.

“… It’s comfortable.”

“Yes, really.”

I was enjoying a comfortable life more than anyone else.

Gae-gae, who was sitting in the corner, sighed loudly as he yawned on the bed like Ciel, chewed the chewing gum I had brought, and soon started blowing a balloon.

Even if I think about it, I think it’s a ridiculous daily life, but now I’m enjoying my daily life more than anyone else.

“Why am I enjoying my daily life in a place like this?”

“It seems the world is determined to force you down.”

“If you dig it out, it will be God, not the world… .”

And it’s strangely peaceful here, perhaps because the god died once and came back to life so he can’t use his power properly.

If you ask what makes it peaceful in a zombie world, let’s just say it’s because I’m with the devil.

Unlike me, Ciel, who originally brought that status, is so strong that it is impossible to compare him to anyone now, and even dead zombies do not even come close to this school where demonic spirits are spewing out.

“Anyway, can I stay still like this?”

“Yes why? no?”

“No, it’s not that I hate it… I wonder if this is right… .”

I thought so too at first.

But when I can rest like this, I have to rest… Anyway, after returning to the original world, the road to hell spreads out.

Gae-Gul looks at me as if he is anxious about something, but I believe that this time I have a chance to rest.

When I was in this world, God roughly told me that the flow rate in the world I was originally in was one second per day.

If something happened in the 15 seconds I was gone, what would happen?

“Then would you like to go out on a date?”

“Is that so?”

“… Why are you accepting this!?”

Even as I said that, I burst out laughing when I saw Ga-gae taking the spear I gave her, and started devising a plan to rob a nearby convenience store.

The fourth day in a different world in a peaceful daily life was passing by.


The first hope Lucifer gave me was a new magic circuit.

The power of Lucifer, who tore off the magic circuit of one archmage and achieved the implantation of a perfect magic circuit that was impossible even with magic, even Aaron, who was watching from the sidelines, was amazed.

“The magic… The magic works!!”

Beginner magic was natural, and in addition to intermediate magic, the magic circuit was transplanted so that even advanced magic that could not be used with the original magic circuit was used like flowing water.

They said that it would be possible to invest in a few doctors who can use magic, medicine, and divine power… She had completely implanted the magic circuit by herself.

Calling it a miracle was no small feat.

No, it was a miracle.

If this is not a miracle, what is called a miracle!

Lucifer, who had restored the magic circuit, said it was nothing and lightly stroked Ceres’ head. The plan was going so well that the smile didn’t leave Lucifer’s face, but Ceres thought differently.

It must have been a mistake that Rian killed Lucifer then… Called.

Ceres, who is lacking in stupidity, does such things because she does not even have faith.

If you doubt the opponent who gave his life for you, you have a problem as a person before you lose your intelligence.

Rather, it was a good thing for Lucifer, so the smile did not leave.

“therefore? What is your next wish?”

“What is your next wish?”

Ceres and Aaron opened their eyes wide at Lucifer’s words.

I thought it was a deal with the devil, but when I came back, I asked what another wish was.

Aaron was slightly suspicious and tried to restrain Ceres, so Ceres’ desire did not stop.

“Well, then can you return my womb to its original state?”

“Will that be enough?”

He nodded vigorously at Lucifer’s words.

It was a question just in case, but Lucifer said that it was a simple matter, and a curse emanated from Lucifer’s hand and hovered around Ceres.

“no way… ?”

The first doubt came from Aaron’s mouth.

infertility treatment. Of course, it is a chronic disease that is impossible to cure among many diseases, and it is known that the only solution is to transplant another woman’s womb.

It is on a different level from the magic circuit transplant.

It was possible for very few of the very few, but infertility had already been confirmed.

that it is impossible

Healing a place where new life is created with divine power is an act similar to creating a new life, so divine power does not grant permission.

However, it is unreasonable because medicine has not developed to that extent.

“… Ahh.”

swarm… was

Another miracle happened before my eyes.

Ceres’ appearance changed in an instant.

Her hair, which had been dyed pure white, was dyed a sunflower-like yellow color and became shiny.

Like a dead corpse, the skin gradually becomes bloody and turns into a tang like a baby’s skin.

It wasn’t that her body shape had gotten smaller, but rather that she had grown, so her breasts swelled even more, and her waist, which was already thin, went in even more, like the waist of an ant.

Literally, a miracle happened again right before my eyes.

“I can’t believe it… .”

Even if infertility has not been cured, just being able to regain youth is a sufficient merit. In particular, if you can change the appearance so easily, it will be useful in your own plans.

This made it a little easier to solve the successor problem.

“Then what else?”


Ceres, whose eyes twinkled at all, pushed herself into Lucifer’s question.

Aaron almost frowned at the appearance that was not like a duke’s daughter, but since there was something he had shown so far, he decided to teach him later and think about Bill Ceres’ wish afterward.

“I want revenge next time!!!”

“… Ho-oh, revenge?”



As soon as the word came out of Ceres’ mouth, the mood of the spirit changed in an instant.

Ceres, who had abandoned his eyes somewhere, tried to ask Lucifer for something, but Aaron was able to notice.

I’ve lived by eating for decades.

Ceres, who has undergone a regression, will not have a big difference in age, but it is ridiculous that Ceres, who has lived for decades as a plaything and toy for the crown prince and Aaron, who has fought against ugly people while hiding the ugly side of humans in the political arena, spent the same time. .

“Ceres, that’s all… !!”

Before the words to stop there came out, the curse that had flown toward Aaron blocked Aaron’s mouth, and he quietly listened to the transmission from Lucifer.

[You are the one who goes there. After enjoying it moderately, I will take this bitch with me, but I will especially save your family.]

At Ju-ryeong’s words, Aaron nodded his head without worrying.

There is no favor without a price. All the things that have been done in vain have met karma, and you shouldn’t do anything after the coming-of-age ceremony, just hoping without doing anything.

What I am doing now is Ceres’s arbitrary act.

He arbitrarily entered into a contract with the Lord. After that, the lord took Ceres with him, and they fought hard against the lord.

As a result, the Reinhard family suffered unreasonable damage, and Ceres Reinhardt, who summoned the spirit, died at the hands of the spirit spirit summoned at that time.

Would this be enough?


Seeing Lucifer smiling at Aaron so much that his mouth was torn apart, Aaron swept his chest, thinking that he had made a good choice, and Ceres finished all preparations to sweep away the lump in his chest.

“Now, tell me the revenge you want to do?”

“I want to kill the bastards of the academy newspaper club first.”

Is that the end?

Cursed words burst out of Ceres’ lips before Lucifer could ask.

Yes, this is a greedy human being.

It doesn’t matter what other people’s lives are for the sake of their own interests and feelings.

Seeing that Ceres was breathing heavily after saying the names of the academy students, including the newspaper club, Lucifer tied his hair up in a ponytail and asked if there were any more.

“that… The most useless looking bitch at Rihanna’s party… Don’t kill me, make me a half asshole.”

Lucifer laughed and left at the words whose intention was obvious.

Aaron and Ceres saw off Lucifer.

Ceres smiled brightly, and Aaron sent her off thinking about what happened after this, and within a few days, all but one of Ceres’ wishes came true.

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