152 – Will you raise it?

“… It was surprisingly simple.”

To be honest, I thought it would be quite a struggle to defeat the Hydra, but it didn’t have nine heads as the legend says, and the power was low due to the characteristics of Dokdo’s warriors, so there wasn’t much to struggle with.

He cut off his head with a combination of curse and magical power, and stabbed his heart with a skill-enhanced scythe attack inside his body, and he died instantly.

“Anyway, where the hell did these guys come from?”

Even after searching from previous lives to previous lives, there is no memory of fighting the Nemean Lion and Hydra. Let’s say you were born on such a remote island because of the damn gods.

Then, if you were born, shouldn’t you hear rumors that someone killed you, or that a monster lives on this island?

Even if Cerberus and the Nemean Lion are not strong enough to cross the sea, Hydra would be able to?

[‘Invincible if you have knowledge and power’ suggests that it might be because of the holy sword.]

Why is he suddenly popping out of here?

No matter how much I dislike him, he seems to come out of nowhere.

[‘I didn’t want to remain as a virgin goddess’ predicted that the divine power became the source of energy that was lacking only with nectar and this monster’s womb.]

“Energy supply and demand?”

… oh, maybe not

In any case, the leap is severe. Even if I hate holy swords, I can’t do something stupid like that… .

[‘Film fun’ then asks what this divine power is flowing out now.]

“… .”

I was thinking it was a bit odd.

Even if it was the same holy sword, when I was looking for a thorn, I didn’t notice that it was a holy sword until I saw it with my own eyes, even if it wasn’t my holy sword.

The condition of each of the holy swords is a little strange, but originally, it was a sword that could not be defeated by only a few famous swords in the world.

And unlike other swords, it has the characteristic of having divine power.

“Oh, please. It really isn’t.”

And that divine power is poison to demons and monsters. It has the property of causing resistance to those who have demonic power enough to call it extreme poison, but just as it is possible to use extreme poison for medicine, it is not impossible for demons to use divine power as an energy source.

Of course, if you don’t have it as a characteristic like me, you need skill enough to draw a spell or magic circle to transform, durability to withstand divine power, and finally wisdom enough to do what I said.

How many demons or demons can do this?

Everyone is busy avoiding divine power, but there’s no way there’s such a thing… I would like to say, but Echidna is a monster that has existed since ancient times.

“Besides, I heard that you had a relationship with God too?”

[‘I want to sleep with all women’ says that if they are also gods, then they are gods.]]

A monster that has a relationship with God. It would be natural to have a countermeasure against divine power, and if there was such a thing, it wouldn’t be strange to exchange divine power for energy if there was time.

And if my hypothesis is correct, I can understand why divine power is flowing all over the island like this.

“Isn’t there anything else you can do besides causing a nuisance? My holy sword in this life.”

Grabbing his throbbing head, he moved forward.

It’s good that you stayed by my side for the past 6 lives. Yes, it could have been specially +-0. It was possible to take the best of the best, but for some reason, the more you go, the more your perception of the holy sword falls into the abyss.

“ha… Let’s go ahead and pull out the holy sword. If I hear what the holy sword did any more, I think my mind will be exhausted.”

The world almost collapsed once because of my holy sword… .

I wanted to deny it, but for some reason, the evidence all pointed to my holy sword.

I’m not the only one who feels like my Holy Sword has become a villain.

I’ll stab you… .

“eww… .”

Red water was pouring out of the small room he entered after cutting off the sticky flesh wall.

not blood I scooped it up lightly with both hands at the sweet smell of alcohol and let the wine flow into my mouth.

“Wow… .”

It’s really disgustingly delicious.

There is no need to mention the soft throat, and even if you put a little bit in your mouth, the subtle scent of wine does not disappear in your mouth. And your head tells you to take another sip right now.

Reason blocks it, but instinct calls out to indulge in that drink right now.

“I can understand why it was called Shinju.”

The same goes for the statue of the goddess Aphrodite obtained in the dungeon the other day, are there any normal things made by the gods… The same goes for the bonfire.

[‘Firemeong is fun’ tells you that it’s not bad with his own brazier.]

Yeah, the brazier isn’t bad. But you who made a brazier for fire with something that could fit in a holy sword are bad.

[‘Film fun’ is dying.]

[‘I didn’t want to remain a virgin’, sighs, pats her on the shoulder, and kindly advises me not to do that again.]

[‘Firemeong is fun’ burns his passion, saying that he will make a brazier for firemeow that can defeat even the holy sword.]

[‘I didn’t want to remain as a virgin’ gave a strong blow to the back of the head of the goddess in front of me.]

“Then, should I just find the holy sword now?”

Once the quest is successful… ?

Come to think of it, why didn’t the quest success window pop up?

I found the nectar in Echidna’s womb as per the quest’s content, but as I was about to ask why the quest wasn’t cleared, something popped out of one of the walls.

I’m stung… .


The muscles that look like a monster’s mouth move and spit out something, so I hurriedly raise my nemesis and stare at something protruding from the flesh wall.


And it wasn’t long before I found out that it was a lion.

It doesn’t have a lion’s distinctive mane, but it was the same for female lions, so it was easy to recognize that it was a lion. And if you think about what’s written in the quest, you don’t have to think long about what kind of monster that monster is.

“The Nemean Lion.”

Were you just born?

I grabbed the back of the slightly damp Nemean Lion and lifted it up. Seeing the Nemean Lion sleeping as if it were dead, I raised my sword.

“Hydra hasn’t grown yet, but he gave me more than 1,000 coins, so he’s going to earn quite a bit too, right?”

The moment he was about to swing his sword towards the heart of the Nemean Lion.

<Hey, wait!>

I stopped attacking at Nemesis’ words that suddenly intervened and stared at Nemesis.

“What’s up?”

Nemesis shimmered and took up the Nemean Lion in the now familiar human form and quietly closed her eyes.

I wondered what I was doing, but as I kept my mouth shut and waited for the divine power emanating from me, Nemesis opened his eyes sharply and handed me the Nemean Lion.

“This is not a monster.”

“What are you talking about?”

Hydra, Cerberus, Nemean Lion.

To those who are the ancestors of well-known monsters, suddenly they are not monsters?

As I frowned, Nemesis hurriedly poured divine power into the Nemean lion, and I quietly nodded.

Yeah, it looks like you noticed that you said it wrong too.

As the divine power emanating from Nemesis’ hand spreads throughout the body of the Nemean Lion, the monster, the Nemean Lion, will of course die.

It should be.

“Wow… .”

But why don’t you die?

Even though the lion was receiving divine power, far from dying, it even let go of the impression it was frowning on as if it were comfortable, and started digging into my arms more and more.

uh huh

why is he like this

“… Perhaps, even though I was born as a monster, I think this is because all the things I accepted in the process of growing up were related to divine power.”

Echidna’s egg, nectar, and the sacred power of the holy sword.

In terms of ratio, it has a narrowly divine power, but does that mean it is like this?

“Wake up!”

The lion who woke up before I knew it was staring at me with bright eyes.

If it’s a monster, it’s right to kill it. Whether it’s a baby or an adult, a monster is a monster.

By the way… He’s not a monster.

Rather, more like a victim. Because of the goddamn holy sword, originally, it was a life that did not have to be born in another world.

Unlike the previous monsters, this lion of Nemea is a spirit beast.

It’s not demonic, it’s an animal born with divine power in its body, so if you’re going to argue, it belongs to this series.

“Then why were the monsters before us monsters?”

“It’s because of the warrior.”

Is it my fault?

As Nemesis lifted the lion of Nemea from my arms, little by little the divine power flowed into its body.

“Unlike the previous two, this lion is a life created since the hero came to this land. That’s why the hero, Prin, and even the divine power of Rirke flowed in little by little, so it became this kind of life.”

To Nemesis’ words, I couldn’t answer simply.

“No, why do you know that?”

“That’s because my divine power has gone a little too… Unlike the others, the divine power was perfectly controlled inside the Holy Sword, but I spilled it a little… And I feel a little bit of my divine power in this child.”

I couldn’t really feel it, but Nemesis said he could feel the divine power.

Well, it’s not a monster, so there’s no need to kill it.

“So that’s what I mean… Warrior.”


Nemesis, who had straightened his back proudly until earlier, bent his back again and held out the Nemean Lion to me.

“this child… is a child in which the warrior’s divine power and mine are mixed… .”


I heard this line somewhere.

I heard it once when I stopped by the count’s house, where I used to enjoy going to pleasure houses.

“Would you like to raise it?”


*The heroine of the object name <Sacred Sword: Nemesis> has been completed!

*Heroine route [Hero’s Companion Sword] is confirmed.

*The title <Lian Primal’s Sacred Sword> is stolen from the individual name <Love>.

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