I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 628 Rebellion breaks out! The war has begun! 【4500】

To be honest, after learning that Aoto had promoted Iwasaki Yataro Zhai to the newly elected president of the Chamber of Commerce, Takeichi Hanheita had a "joke" mentality.

He never believed that a mere underground rogue with no previous official position or any achievements could have any outstanding abilities, let alone that he could take on the important task of "leading the Chamber of Commerce".

As the leader of the Tosa Kinou Party, Takeichi Hanheita, who oversees hundreds of people under his command, knows very well how difficult it is to manage an organization, and it is even more difficult to manage an organization of a commercial nature.

Without a keen business sense, superb management skills, and suitable business opportunities, it is impossible to achieve success in the numerous business paths.

Not to mention getting rich, just allowing the Chamber of Commerce to run smoothly without making a profit or losing money is already very difficult. If you are not careful, you will lose everything.

Therefore, he determined from the beginning that it would not be long before Iwasaki Yataro would come to an end due to position fighting.

[Position attack: Deliberately giving the opponent power beyond his ability to cause him to perish on his own. 】

As for the newly selected chamber of commerce, it will also fall into the dilemma of "on the verge of bankruptcy as soon as it opens" due to Qingdeng's improper employment.

However... the reality that appeared before his eyes was not only exactly the same as what he had expected, but it could also be said to be completely different.

Yataro Iwasaki was not in dire straits.

The newly elected Chamber of Commerce has not dried up as he expected, but has risen rapidly in a very short period of time!

The huge flow of customers and the popularity of this event are comparable to those of the Gion Festival. Any businessman would be greedy to see it!

[Note: Gion Matsuri: This festival is held annually in Kyoto and is considered the largest and most famous festival in Japan. It is one of the three major summer festivals in Japan. (The other two major festivals are the "Tenjin Festival" in Osaka and the "Kanda Festival" in Edo)]

Although the influx of customers to the Xinsheng Chamber of Commerce was terrifying, there was never any chaos at the sales site.

Whether it is supplying goods behind the scenes or selling goods in front of the stage, everything is carried out in an orderly manner.

This only means one thing: the person responsible for leading the newly elected chamber of commerce is very clever! The management skills are very clever!

At this moment, Takeichi Hanheita suddenly remembered the day when Aoto personally came to ask him to restore the reputation of Iwasaki Yataro's father and move the Iwasaki family's household registration out of Tosa Domain.

Scenes from that time flashed quickly in his mind.

Finally, a picture was frozen in front of his eyes——

When he asked, "What kind of person is it that makes you sit down like this?" Aoto replied, "Well...it's hard for me to explain it to you in just a few words. In short - Iwasaki Yataro It’s really worth me doing this for him.”, while showing a meaningful smile.

Aoto used an IOU of 100,000 taels of gold in exchange for Yataro Iwasaki...

At this moment, Empress Dowager Wu Banping suddenly realized that she seemed to have lost a treasure much more valuable than 100,000 taels of gold...

Thinking of this, his complexion looked like it had been painted with cyan paint... so green and white that it glowed.

Kyoto, Mibu Township, Shinsengumi camp, Aoden's study——

Qingdeng crossed his legs and leaned casually on the elbow rest beside him.

Yataro Iwasaki sat in front of him solemnly, holding a thick account book in his hand.

"Lord Nioh! I..."

As soon as he started speaking, Qingdeng raised his hand and made a "pause" gesture and said:

"Iwasaki-kun, before I get down to business, I have to tell you something very important."

Yataro Iwasaki was stunned for a moment, and then asked quickly:

"What's up?"

"It's time to change the way you call me, right?"

As he said this, Qingden showed a helpless expression.

"One mouthful of 'Nioh-sama'...it sounds tiring and raw."

"If an unfamiliar stranger calls me that, then that's it."

"You and I are now comrades who share weal and woe and will work together for a long time in the future."

"It feels inappropriate to keep using such a strenuous title. No matter how you think about it, it's inappropriate."

"So, you'd better call me a more friendly name."

After hearing this, Iwasaki Yataro hesitated and continued:

"But...I can't call you by your first name..."

Qingden smiled:

"If you have to use honorifics for me, just call me 'Mr. Tachibana' like Nagakura, Harada, and Toudo did."

After thinking for a while, Yataro Iwasaki nodded vigorously.

"Then...Mr. Tachibana, please allow me to report on the current situation of the newly elected Chamber of Commerce!"

Qingdeng nodded lightly.

"The operation of the production workshop is very stable, and there is no need to worry about the output."

“Our two tactics—‘asking geishas to help’ and ‘ordering tile dealers to quarrel with each other’—were both huge successes!”

"Under the leadership of Ms. Ziyang, basically all the geishas in Gion use our new selection lens."

"The influence of geishas is indeed extraordinary."

"Nowadays, almost all women in Kyoto know that the silver mirrors produced by Shinseng Shokai are deeply loved by Gyoge geishas, ​​so they rush to buy mirrors to imitate the geishas."

"The two tile merchants we bribed faithfully followed our requirements and quarreled with each other at the rate of one article a day. They put on a perfect show and successfully attracted the attention of the people of Kyoto."

“The passenger flow attracted by these two tactics far exceeded prior expectations.”

"For this reason, I spent a little more time to finally compile the statistics of the income and expenditure since the opening!"

As he spoke, he opened the account book in his hand.

"So far, we have sold a total of 712 mirrors! Among them, 268 are life-size mirrors..."

He reported to Qingdeng item by item on the operations of the Xinsheng Chamber of Commerce since its opening.

Qingden listened carefully without any sadness or joy, and did not make any reaction.

For a moment, Yataro Iwasaki read to the end and the item that Aonto was most concerned about:

"To sum up, the net income of the newly elected Chamber of Commerce in recent days is... is... is..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly got stuck.

At the same time, a flush of excitement appeared on his face.

After taking several deep breaths, he took a deep breath, his chest swelled, and he loudly said:

"5167 taels of gold!"

After saying that, he seemed to have lost all strength, his waist bent down, and his whole body seemed to be paralyzed on the ground.

He was not the only one whose body fell limply.


At first, Qingdeng acted as he had just now, neither showing any expression nor making a sound - he only lasted five seconds in this calm, calm state.

Five seconds later, as if he could no longer control his body, he let out a long breath and hung directly on his elbows.

"It's really a huge profit..."

He grinned and said this with half joy and half emotion.

The production of silver mirrors does not cost much at all.

Whether it is raw materials or production processes, the cost is extremely low.

It only takes a few taels of silver to make a silver mirror worth more than ten taels of gold.

It would be an exaggeration to say that it is "a big profit".

But if it is said to be a huge profit, then it is undoubtedly there.

Based on this huge profit difference and the influx of customers, earning more than 5,000 taels of gold in just a few days was just a matter of course and a certainty.

More than five thousand taels of gold... It's embarrassing to say that Qingdeng has never owned such a large sum of money.

When he was the richest, his savings were only more than three thousand taels.

And this is just the beginning.

The business scope of the newly selected chamber of commerce is still limited to a corner of Kyoto.

When the reputation of Shinsei spreads and people from all over Japan come to buy Shinseng, the income of the Shinseng Chamber of Commerce and Ayoto's wealth are bound to increase exponentially!

When you have strong financial resources, you can also buy a few steamships, develop foreign trade, and export silver mirrors to Ryukyu, North Korea and other countries.

How much money will be brought in by then... Qingdeng can no longer imagine!

Although as the Shinsengumi continues to grow, selling silver mirrors alone will gradually be unable to support the daily expenses of such a large army, but at this stage, Seito no longer has to worry about money.

——The Shinsengumi's funding problem... has finally been initially resolved!

At this thought, Qingdeng's cheeks were filled with excitement.

When his excitement calmed down a little, he sat up straight and said loudly to Yataro Iwasaki:

"Iwasaki-kun, please take note of this! I will make the following plans for the newly accounted over 5,000 taels of gold!"

"Mr. Tachibana, do you want to use this money now?"

"Does that need to be said? Isn't the purpose of making money just to spend money? Anyway, buy a batch of war horses first! And give all my soldiers new equipment!"

Gyeonggi region, Ise——

On a country road where chickens and dogs meet, a strange-looking sedan is moving quickly.

There were six bearers in total pushing the sedan.

Four people were carrying the four corners of the sedan, one person at the front and one person at the front. The person in front pulled hard, and the person behind pushed hard.

They gritted their teeth and ran with all their strength, regardless of their own physical strength... The speed was frightening, and the sedan they pushed was shaking violently.

Although it is almost April, it is still late winter and the weather is very cold.

However, the cold weather failed to dampen the enthusiasm of the bearers.

The six bearers were all bare-chested, revealing their bodies that were not strong but still healthy. They were all sweating profusely from exhaustion, and there was faint translucent steam steaming out from their heads.

There is no traffic here, so I met many pedestrians on the road.

When pedestrians along the way saw this sedan, their expressions changed drastically, and they hurriedly stepped aside to make way.

The reason for this is because they all understand what it will mean when this sedan appears.

Anyone with a little common sense knows: This is a "express sedan" that will only be dispatched in emergencies!

Japan is a mountainous country, with nearly 80% of its land consisting of hills and mountains.

In addition, the quality of Japan's local horses is very poor. Not only are they short, but their endurance and explosive power are lackluster.

Under such special national conditions, riding a horse is often not the best option for traveling. Many times, riding a horse may not be as efficient as hiking.

As a result, when the shogunate and vassal states wanted to convey important information to a certain place, they often sent out express sedans instead of post horses.

In a sense, the express sedan is a deadly means of transportation.

Its standard specifications are 6 bearers, 4 people carry the sedan chair, 1 person in front pulls the rope tied to the front bar, and 1 person in the back pushes the rear bar.

The people carrying the sedan chairs would replace them with new ones every time they arrived at a post station.

The person in the sedan chair - the messenger - will never be changed and will have to be carried to the end.

On the way, the bearers will not consider the feelings of the people in the sedan, but will run and rush as fast as they can.

Because this way of traveling is really inhumane, the shogunate and the vassal state will only dispatch express sedans in emergencies where every second counts.

Even a modern sedan will make you feel dizzy and nauseous uncontrollably when driving fast or in a hurry, let alone a sedan from the Edo period that has no stability at all?

It is a long journey, the road is complicated, and the sedan must always move forward rapidly... The shock and bumps experienced by the people in the sedan are extraordinary.

Therefore, in order to alleviate the pain and save their lives, messengers riding in sedans must wear a set of outfits called "morning attire" (attire specifically for express travel), with a headband tied on their foreheads, and their bodies covered with a full headband. Wrap the handkerchief tightly in a piece of white cloth (approximately two feet seven feet long and nine inches wide). Hold the rope hanging from the top of the sedan firmly with both hands to stabilize the body and reduce the violent shaking. The handkerchief is biting tightly in the mouth to avoid accidentally Bite your tongue off.

However, even after reaching this point, it is still common to vomit gastric juice. It is not uncommon for the body to be shaken until the internal organs are almost broken, and all the organs in the body are almost knocked out from the throat.

For example - at this moment, the body of this dear man in the sedan is already on the verge of reaching its limit.

"Ugh...! Ugh...! Ugh, vomit, vomit, vomit!!!"

Along the way, the six bearers who were carrying the sedan were used to hearing the sound of people in the sedan vomiting.

However, the sound of vomiting this time was really unusual.

Loud and long-lasting... It's like you want to vomit out all your blood, body fluids, and internal organs...

The bearers stopped in unison.

"Little brother, are you okay?"

The bearer closest to the sedan door rushed forward and pushed open the sedan door.

The moment the sedan door opened, a nauseating stench spurted out.

The bearer who pushed the door was so smoked that he almost fainted.

He took several steps back, away from the sedan, and shook his head several times to barely stay awake.

The other bearers held their breath, leaned over and looked into the sedan... In an instant, panic dominated their expressions.

This is not because the smell is too bad, but because... the scene inside the sedan is really too tragic...

Using the word "messy" to describe it seems too light and inappropriate.

I saw thick layers of vomit and excrement on the floor inside the sedan.

Undigested food, saliva, gastric juice, bile, urine...layers upon layers, layers upon layers, layers upon layers...Both the smell and the visual impact are daunting.

As for the messenger who was tied up and firmly fixed in the sedan... To be fair, from the outside, this person no longer looked like a living creature.

The complexion of a dead person who had just died two days ago might be a little healthier than his.

The eyeballs were filled with red bloodshot eyes.

Nosebleeds were dripping from both nostrils, and the flow kept flowing...

This man, who seemed to be about to die at any moment, glared at the bearers with his lifeless eyes, and said feebly:

"What...? Why do you stop...? Why don't you continue on your way...?"

"Now...is not...the time to rest..."

"Every time we take a break, countless innocent people will be slaughtered...!"

"We must... inform the governor and Higo-sama of the rebellion... the news of the outbreak in Ise... as soon as possible...!"



Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

The Palu seal's eyes were bloodshot, and it exuded a dangerous aura. It seemed that it had no motivation to work, and its pressure seemed to be overwhelming! Staying in bed due to stress! (Crying leopard head.jpg)

PS: I’m finally going to start my best war scene! Leopard Leopard’s debut novel is a war novel! Benbao’s enthusiasm for coding is aroused!

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