I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 375 Qingdeng who made history! The first man who broke through Huofu Thief's Headquarte

After cutting down the last team member, Qing Deng suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

The terrified faces of Okubo, Kurosawa, Kimura, Hosaka and others came into view.

There is no obstacle ahead!

As if they accidentally ate a fly, Okubo and the others, who were rejoicing at the arrival of the reinforcements a few seconds ago, now had a sudden change in their complexions, with a cloud of consternation and panic filling their brows.

Okubo's reaction was the fastest.

He yelled reflexively... and then retreated without any hesitation.

The commander-in-chief of the first army fled without a fight, which is an extremely dishonorable misdeed both emotionally and rationally.

However, fear... the oldest and strongest emotion of human beings can easily destroy all fighting spirit and reason.

With Okubo taking the lead, Atsuyuki Kurosawa, who was still hesitating whether to fight or flee, let go of his reserve as the "General Commander of Huofu Bandit Kai" and joined the ranks of fleeing.

Followed by Kimura, Hosaka, Tsuchida...

The officers of the world-renowned Huofu Thief Gai didn't even have the courage to fight the enemy, and ran away without drawing their knives...

If Qingdeng remembers correctly, the most primitive camera should already be available at this time.

If you take this picture of "the officers of Huo Fu Thief Kai are defeated", and then post the reflected photos on various places such as Gaozhachang and tile newspapers...

Then, the huge prestige accumulated by Huofu Thief Kai over the past hundred years will be wiped out overnight.

Bandits and bandits will no longer be afraid of Huofu Bandit Kai, and the crime rate in Edo and other regions will soar in a straight line.

At the same time, the power of the Edo shogunate will also be indirectly hit.

Even the troops who have been praised and have the title of "the strongest" have this virtue... What would the samurai think of the shogunate? What would the common people think of the shogunate? What would the Kyoto court think of the shogunate? How would the "three hundred princes" who ruled the Quartet think of the shogunate?

Fortunately, there is no camera taking pictures of them at this time and place - Okubo and others should be so lucky.

Okubo and Kurosawa were not on Qingtou's "kidnapping list", so Qingto simply ignored them.

Qingdeng is like a ferocious beast, launching a brutal pursuit of its prey.

What Qingdeng never expected was that at the moment when Okubo and Kurosawa, who are the chief and commander-in-chief, have lost their fighting spirit, there are still some people sticking to their posts and not fleeing with Okubo and others. This really ate him up Surprised.

And this person who faithfully fulfilled the bounden duties of a captain and an officer was an unexpected role for Qingdeng—the captain of the eighth squad. "Official businessman" who is in politics while doing business: Kazama Masayoshi.

Speaking of which, Qingdeng and Kazama can be regarded as comrades-in-arms who went to the battlefield together.

At the end of last year, during the expedition to Kai, in addition to my grandson's first team, Kanazawa's second team, Qingdeng's third team, Mizushima's fourth team, and Kazama's eighth team.

Because Kazama is not good at martial arts, in the battle with Soma, he never went to the front line and charged into battle like Qingdeng, Kanazawa, and Mizushima.

Therefore, Qingdeng's friendship with him is not as deep as that with Kanazawa and Mizushima.

But no matter what, it is an indisputable fact that Kazama and Qingdeng fought together.

This comradeship, plus Kazama has never shown quite obvious malice towards Qingdeng like Kimura and Tsuchida did, so Qingdeng's impression of Kazama is not bad,

But there is no way, the relationship between Kazama and Kimura is too good, the two are very close.

Adhering to the idea of ​​"just in case" and "would rather kill by mistake than let it go", Qingdeng still decided to kidnap Kazama as well.

Facing Qingdeng who was rushing towards him like a tiger on the mountain, Kazama drew his sword in his hand and made a rather awkward posture.

The tip of the knife pointed at Qing Deng's face obliquely, and the bottom of the handle aimed at his belly button. Judging from the action of holding the knife alone, it is a very standard middle-stage construction.

However, his chin was stretched too far forward, his butt was pushed back too far, and he was in a very awkward, stiff posture.

It is not difficult to see that he must be very nervous now.

Is professional ethics at play? Or is it because the weapon Qingdeng uses is a bamboo sword, so he knows that his life is not in danger, so he dares to fight against Qingdeng?

All in all, no matter what the answer is, the only certain fact is: between "escape" and "fight", he who chose the latter is quite brave.

After Qingdeng entered his attack range, he yelled fiercely and slashed at Qingdeng's body with his knife.

There is more than enough momentum, but not enough skill, speed, and power.

This kind of airless attack certainly didn't make sense to hit Qingdeng.

Qingdeng took half a step to the left and dodged Kazama's knife, and in the next moment, a flashing slash embedded in the opponent's body.

Kazama collapsed on the ground without even making a sound, and lost consciousness after struggling twice.

Qingdeng didn't even look at Kazama who fell to the ground. After adjusting the direction of his lower body and the sword in his hand, he chased after the remaining 3 targets and Kimura and others who were still running away.

Footsteps and pace, these are Qingdeng's strengths.

"Iron Lung +2", "Take the lead", "Bear's Waist +1"...Qingdeng possesses a large number of talents that directly increase the short-distance sprint ability!

In just three or two strokes, Qingdeng caught up with Tsuchida, who was running the slowest.

Tsuchida heard the approaching footsteps behind him, turned his head and looked back, and suddenly the three souls frightened two souls away, and the seven souls did not lose the five souls.

Even though he had exhausted all the strength in his body, he could only watch Qing Deng get closer and closer to him in despair.

Seeing that he could not escape from Qingdeng's clutches, Tsuchida gritted his teeth, a look of sternness flashed in his eyes, he yelled "Wow!", then pulled out the knife at his left waist with a "chuckle", and The moment he drew the saber, he turned around abruptly, facing Qingdeng, with the saber raised above his head.

"go to hell!"

With the sound of breaking wind and shout full of hostility, the cold blade slashed towards the top of Qingdeng's head from the road.

Regarding Tsuchida's knife...Qingdeng's evaluation is the same as Kazama's attack just now: the only thing he can show is "momentum".

No! Tsuchida is worse than Kazama! At least the tendons of Kazama's knife are still very straight, if he hits Qingdeng, it will definitely cause Qingdeng's skin to be ripped apart, his tendons broken and his bones broken.

As for Tsuchida... the tendons of the saber are crooked, and the path of the saber is not straight to the extreme, it looks like a random slash with the saber.

You know, Qingdeng's body is much thicker than that of ordinary people.

Before, there was the "steel bone" copied from Yongcang to improve the strength of the bones, and later there were the "body tenderness" and "body softness" obtained after defeating the double sisters to enhance the toughness of the internal organs and skin,

Tsuchida's self-destructive attack, even if it hits Qingdeng's body, it is impossible to cause great damage to Qingdeng whose physical strength is far beyond ordinary people.

There was nothing to say, Qing Deng rushed through Tsuchida's saber under his left armpit before it fell completely.

When he turned his body, Qingdeng lowered his head, and the hand guard of the bamboo sword was pressed against Tsuchida's waist, and the sword body from the hand guard to the tip of the sword swept across Tsuchida's abdomen!

Tsuchida was "chopped in half".


Tsuchida's head jerked forward, and he vomited up all the remaining things in his stomach on the spot. He vomited until there was nothing to vomit, and then he fell limply forward, with his limbs on the ground.

Although Tsuchida's martial arts is poor, his "resistance to fighting" is good.

He was obviously cut in half by Qingdeng, but he didn't pass out immediately.

But that's all.

Holding on to the last bit of consciousness, he tremblingly tried to get up.

As a result, as soon as he raised his head, he saw a rapidly enlarged bamboo sword...


The back of the neck was hit by Tsuchida who made up the knife, and he "hummed", then rolled his eyes, tilted his head, and followed in the footsteps of Feng Jian.

Qingdeng shook the bamboo sword subconsciously, shaking off the blood that didn't exist on the sword.

The last two targets: Kimura and Hosaka took advantage of the gap between Qingdeng's dealing with Kazama and Tsuchida, and hurriedly fled to the distance.

Their figures had disappeared from Qingdeng's field of vision.

But for Qingdeng, this is not a problem at all.

Eyes have never been the only sensory organ Qing Deng relies on.

Qingdeng closed his eyes and focused his attention on his ears.

The strength of "God Brain +9" is revealed again at this moment!

The extremely sober brain, which seems to have coated the surface of the scalp with a layer of cold mint, has brought about a considerable improvement in Qingdeng's perception.

The next moment Qingdeng closed his eyes and listened, he discovered and locked on the positions of Kimura and Hosaka.

There is neither "persistence" nor "explosive" leg strength, and they are fully deployed.

About 7 seconds later, the figures of Kimura and Hosaka came back within sight of Qingdeng again.

"Oh shit……!"

Seeing that Qingdeng was chasing after him, Kimura cursed, pursed his lips thoughtfully, and turned around with his sword in hand.

"Hisaka! The thief's feet are far stronger than ours! We can't escape! Since we can't escape, we might as well give it a go! Let's cooperate! As long as you and I work together, maybe..."

Kimura's voice stopped abruptly.

Because there is no need to speak any more.

Hosaka ignored Kimura's proposal, and continued to flee away from Qingdeng, leaving Kimura far behind.

Kimura, who stayed alone in the same place, stared dumbfounded at the back of Hosaka as he gradually drifted away.

After a while, he came back to his senses, gritted his teeth and said:

"Damn it! Eggless guy!"

At this time, Kimura had already decided to "fight!", so even though Hosaka "abandoned him", he did not put down the knife in his hand.

"Come on! Thief!"

Kimura Mai knife slashed towards Qingdeng.

Qingdeng dodged and dodged, and at the same time, he stepped forward and slashed Kimura's chest. At this moment, Kimura's saber swung from bottom to top, and the saber was unstoppable.

If the weapon in his hand was a real weapon, then Qingdeng could completely parry Kimura's blow.

It's just... It's quite ridiculous to talk about "what if" in battle.

Although it is a pity, Qingdeng can only change his attack to dodge, giving up the precious opportunity to counterattack.

As if being bounced away, the two quickly staggered away.


Kimura breathed out a turbid breath, then spread his feet, and assumed a posture with the blade slanted across his chest. Standing there motionless, his body, neither fat nor thin, seemed to be as hard as a rock in an instant.

It's a little underestimating him...Qingdeng thought to himself. He has never fought against Kimura before, nor heard that he is good at martial arts. He thought he was just a mediocre swordsman, but he did not expect to have some skills.

Qingdeng lowered the tip of the sword slightly, brushed the ground with his toes, shortening the distance between him and the opponent little by little.

Kimura's feet were still firmly planted on the ground, staring at Qingdeng, as if waiting for Qingdeng's attack.

At the same moment when Qingdeng's foot stepped into the range of Kimura's attack, Kimura suddenly moved.

I saw him jumping towards Qingdeng lightly, like a big bird with wings spread.

Almost at the same time, Qingdeng also galloped to meet him.

The distance between the two shortened instantly.

As if attracted together by a magnet, the bamboo sword and the steel knife touched together.

The steel knife cut into the air.

And the bamboo sword cuts the side of the steel knife.

At this moment, Kimura felt as if the knife in his hand had been hit by a fast horse, and Pei Mo Nengyu's ferocious force was continuously transmitted along the blade to his palm and body holding the knife.

If it weren't for Kimura's instinctive tightening of his hands and five fingers, if it weren't for his extraordinary finger strength and grip, his knife would definitely have been knocked into the air by now.

It's just that...although he didn't end up with a weapon dropped, but Qingdeng's slash broke his posture and opened his door wide open!

Oops! Kimura's face changed suddenly, and he immediately discarded the knife decisively, and reached out to pull Wakizawa at his waist.

But it was too late.

Qingdeng stepped forward, and the bamboo sword that had become a Xia Duan structure made a sound against the wind.

At the same time, Kimura pulled out his wakizashi and punched Qing Deng's waist.

The two passed by in an instant.

At the moment when the sleeves intersected, Qingdeng slashed deeply into Mucun's chest. On the other hand, Kimura...his side was far away, and only touched Qingdeng's sleeve.

After running nearly 4 steps in one breath, Qingdeng looked back at Kimura while habitually maintaining his remnant heart.

Kimura stood where he was, still facing Qingdeng, without turning around.

The whole person still maintains the posture of attacking.

But this is only temporary.

Two seconds later, the wakizashi in Kimura's hand fell to the ground, his head and hands hang down feebly, his feet supported his unconscious body, he took two unsteady steps forward, and fell heavily to the ground the next moment .

【Ding! Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied talent: "Skillful Hands\

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