I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 324 Qingdeng's first kiss was stolen from Tianzhangyuan's kiss to Qingdeng? [Leopa

As early as when Tianzhang Yuan threatened to teach him archery in person, Qing Deng felt very strange.

Logically speaking, for a big shot like Tianzhangyuan, finding an archery teacher who has strong personal strength and is willing to teach Qingdeng carefully is just a matter of moving his fingers and opening his mouth.

The main job of Odaisho was to assist the shogun in managing Ooku, the harem of the shogun.

Although this work is not so busy that it is so busy, it is not so leisurely that you can have a lot of time for fun and various side jobs.

All in all, this question has puzzled Qingdeng for a long time.

Qingdeng has always wanted to find an opportunity to ask Tianzhang Yuan a good question, but he suffered from the fact that the right time to ask questions has not come—until this moment.

At the moment, I am drinking tea and chatting with Tianzhangyuan shoulder to shoulder. Tianzhangyuan seems to have a lot of time at present, and there is no better opportunity to ask questions than now.

Regarding Tianzhangyuan's answer, Qingdeng thought of many kinds of answers—but he never expected that the facts he heard would be so explosive, so unexpected, so... so distracting.


Qing Deng couldn't help blurting out a low exclamation.

Head into a kind of chaos.

Can't...or dare not understand what I just heard.

Qingdeng blinked, but no matter how much he blinked, Tianzhang Courtyard was always in front of his eyes, looking at him with a smile, unchanged.

What on earth did I hear—Qingdeng couldn't help asking himself this question.

For Qingdeng who was obviously shaken enough to show such an expression, Tianzhangyuan smiled brightly, and said in a tone that seemed a little more curious and teasing:

"What's the matter? Didn't you hear what I just said? Then I'll say it again."

Tianzhangyuan stretched out his upper body in the direction of Qingdeng, and the round big Taozi left the legs that were closed together because of kneeling.

Two pure white elbows were resting on the low table between her and Qingdeng, palms one left and one right propping up the tight but surprisingly sensual soft face.

The cheek meat is so soft that it can be reminiscent of cotton candy, which is very cute.

"Tachibana, I like you, I want to be alone with you as much as possible."

The moist peach blossoms in Tianzhang Courtyard are rippling and soft.

This pretty widow already had a "naturally charming" face.

To give an image metaphor... The facial features of Tianzhangyuan match very well with words such as "dance hall", "ultra-short hot pants", "big waves" and "low-necked vest".

The look in her eyes made her face even more charming. Just looking at her, I feel my bones softening immediately.

The current Odaisho of the Edo Shogunate, whose body and appearance are not inferior to Sanako's, Tianzhangin Atsuhime said that she likes me...

Qingdeng felt a "hum" sound in the depths of his mind, and there was an unquenchable chaos in his heart.

At this time, Qingdeng was startled: it seemed that this was the first time he had been confessed to a woman face to face since time travel.

Before this, even Kinoshita Mai, who had the best relationship, and the current relationship with each other is very ambiguous, never heard her say "like" herself - but this is also a matter of course.

As for Kinoshita Wu's common name called Qingdeng, she has to be shy for a long time, and it took a long time to finally get used to the shy and introverted character of this name. She has the habit of saying "I like you" to Qingdeng face to face. Courage is a ghost.

"Uh...Your Excellency Tianzhangyuan...I..."

Qingdeng felt that his voice sounded like someone else was speaking.

He himself didn't know what to say at the moment, he just opened his mouth subconsciously, trying to say something instinctively to relieve the bewildered and overwhelmed emotions in his heart at the moment.

Just when Qingdeng hesitated, like a goldfish constantly spitting out bubbles, repeating meaningless words——


Qingdeng suddenly heard the sound of giggling from the opposite side.

Qingdeng looked up.

On the other side of the low table, Tianzhangyuan still had the cute gesture of holding his face in his hands - but compared to just now, there was a happy smile on Tianzhangyuan's cheeks.

This pleasant color spread and expanded rapidly, and finally covered the entire area from the tip of the nose to the roots of the ears.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha!"

In the end, this pleasant smile turned into a loud laughter that seemed to be unbearable any longer.

"Mr. Orange, your expression is so interesting!"

Laughing to his heart's content, Tianzhangyuan, who was a little tired from laughing, stopped laughing slowly, and then looked at Qingdeng cheerfully. There was an evil smile on his face as if he had succeeded in a prank.

No matter how stupid Qingdeng was, he knew what was going on.

"Your Majesty Tianzhangyuan... It's not good to play with other people's feelings..."

Qingdeng let out an "ah" and said helplessly.

"Sorry sorry."

Tianzhangyuan clasped his hands together, with an apologetic look on his face.

"Because I suddenly wanted to see what kind of expression you would show when you suddenly heard me say that I like you, so I accidentally couldn't hold back..."

——What the hell is it that I can't hold back...

Qingdeng couldn't help but slander.

As early as when he first started interacting with Tianzhangyuan, Qingdeng discovered that under the dignified and dignified appearance of Tianzhangyuan, there was a lively heart that loved adventure and novelty.

This is in line with the folk rumors that Qingdeng has heard.

According to various gossip circulating in the city, Tianzhangyuan was a little princess of Satsuma Shimadzu Imazumi's family before she married into the Tokugawa family. friend's wild girl.

It is reasonable for Tianzhangyuan, who grew up in this environment, to have a "little devil" temperament.

—So you were just joking with me...

Qing Deng breathed a sigh of relief silently. The boulder hanging over my heart crashed to the ground.

To be honest, Tianzhangyuan's "confession" just now came too suddenly and without foreshadowing. Other than that, Qingdeng has no special feelings for Tianzhangyuan, and has always regarded Tianzhangyuan as his female boss—that's all.

Therefore, Qingdeng was basically only terrified, and did not feel delighted or complacent about being confessed by "the most beautiful widow in Edo" who made countless Edo men dream of her.

At this moment, Qingdeng suddenly felt the smiling eyes of Tianzhangyuan.

"But...my words are not all lies."

The words of Tianzhangyuan made Qingdeng's cheeks that had just relaxed slightly tense again immediately.

"It's true that I don't have any feelings for you... It should be said, as a monk in the Edo Shogunate Odaisho, it would be too unreasonable for me to say 'like'."

A self-deprecating smile rose from the corner of Tianzhangyuan's lips.

This strange look was fleeting. After only one breath, it was well hidden by Tianzhang Court.

"However, I want to be alone with you is the real truth."

"In the beginning, the reason why I personally taught you the bow technique was really simple. It was just that I was extremely bored for a while, and I admired you very much, so I developed a hidden heart, so I wanted to train you personally."

"But slowly, my mind... the reason why I still insist on being your archery teacher until now, has gradually undergone slight changes."

"Since you asked the question, let me take this opportunity to tell you frankly - I personally teach you archery because I want to be alone with you, and because I feel inexplicably relaxed by your side."

Speaking of this, Tianzhangyuan paused for a moment, as if thinking about words.

After a while, she withdrew her arms from the low table, retracted her upper body protruding towards Qingdeng, and the round peach also sat back on her legs that were closed together, looking at the snow-capped mountains in front of her.

"Mr. Ju, you are incredible. When you face me and Jia Mao, you don't have any stage fright."

"Since I married into the Tokugawa family, outsiders treat me with nothing more than three attitudes."

"One, he was so respectful to me that he didn't even dare to speak aloud."

"Secondly, you are afraid of me. When you get along with me, you are careful in all your words and deeds, for fear of offending me."

"Third, flatter me, try to please me in different ways, want to win my favor, and want to get benefits from me."

A slight smile, with the slight extension of the corner of the mouth, hangs on Tianzhangyuan's cheek again.

"I've seen a lot of these three types of people, but your type is extremely rare."

Tianzhangyuan turned his head and looked into Qingdeng's eyes.

It was different from the playful look he showed when he was joking with Qingdeng just now. The smile on Tianzhangyuan's pretty face at this moment is so pure and sincere.

"When you get along with me, whether it's manners or manners, words and deeds, you are quite natural and generous."

"Because I am the Odaisho of the Edo Shogunate, there is no special treatment for me."

"It's like being with an ordinary good friend."

"Not only me, but also Jiamao."

"You are facing the current general of the Edo shogunate, and you have never shown the slightest timidity or flattery towards Jiamao."

"I like the way you treat me."

The smile on Tianzhangyuan's face became brighter and brighter. Probably recalling the past, her pair of eyes seemed to be looking at the distant world, hidden an emotion called nostalgia.

"This reminds me of the time when I was not the Odaisho of the shogunate, not the princess of the Satsuma Shimazu family, but the ordinary daughter of the Satsuma Shimazu Imawazumi family."

"So staying with you, I often feel very relaxed."

"Now, this archery field where I meet you regularly has become a refuge for me to temporarily escape from all kinds of troubles and the shackles of the Great Imperial Palace."

Qingdeng raised his eyebrows and laughed dumbfoundedly.

——After all, my soul comes from the 21st century, and I have never been influenced by the feudal ethics of "lord, minister, minister, father, son".

Living in the civilized 21st century since he was a child, Qingdeng has never been interested in the ritual order of the feudal era, and at the same time lacks awe of it. In addition, it is due to Qingdeng's personal character. Therefore, in front of Tenzhangin and Iemo Tokugawa, he was naturally able to behave gracefully and unpretentiously.

The sincerity of Tianzhangyuan's words made Qingdeng feel embarrassed.

He racked his brains, trying to figure out how to respond.

Say "You are welcome"? Something seems wrong.

Say "this is what I should do"? It doesn't seem right either. In fact, Qingdeng did not take the initiative to do anything worth mentioning to Tianzhangyuan. It's just to stay by Tianzhangyuan's side and obediently attend the archery class of Tianzhangyuan.

"Ah! That's right! Take advantage of this rare opportunity when you and I both have time to sit down and chat: Mr. Ju, let's discuss the change of your address!"

At this time, Tianzhangyuan, who spoke again, attracted Qingdeng's attention and interrupted Qingdeng's thinking.

"What do you call me?"

"I've always called you 'Juju Jun'."

"This title is a bit too long. It has 5 syllables. You are now a member of my new imperial family and my direct subordinate. The interaction between you and me will become more and more frequent in the future."

"If you keep using such a troublesome title, it will inevitably cause some inconvenience."

Qingdeng nodded upon hearing the words...so that's the case, change the name...

"Since that's the case, then you can call me 'Qingdeng' from now on, Your Highness Tianzhangyuan."


Tianzhangyuan tilted his head, thinking and confused.

"This title is indeed shortened a lot, but I think it's a bit of a mouthful... Oh! That's right!"

As if Tianzhangyuan had thought of some brilliant idea, he clapped his hands and showed joy.

"I'll call you by your real name: 'Sheng Qing'" That's it! Although this appellation is only one syllable shorter than 'Juju Jun', it is catchy, easy to pronounce and pleasant to hear, and it also has a legacy of peace. I like your real name very much! "

Qing Deng was taken aback.

""Sheng Qing"? "

Qingdeng's full name is "Yuanju Qingdeng Shengqing".

Genshi's surname is Tachibana, commonly known as Qingdeng, taboo Shengqing.

"Common name" is similar to "character" in ancient China, which is specially taken for outsiders to call.

As for "taboo", just like "name" in ancient China, it is a person's real real name.

However, the taboos of ancient Japan are a little bit special.

According to the etiquette rules of ancient Japan, a person's real name can only be called by a person who has a close relationship with his lord, so close that he can wear the same pair of pants.

With such strict conditions, there is often no one around everyone who can call him by his real name.

Take Qingdeng himself as an example, among so many friends of Qingdeng, none of them called Qingdeng "Sheng Qing".

And Qingdeng himself rarely calls others by their real names. Qingdeng is so familiar with Isamu Kondo and Toshizo Hijikata, and has never called these two brothers by their real names: Changyi and Yoshitoyo.

Back then, when Kinoshita Wu called Qingdeng by the common name in full view, it caused a little commotion. Almost everyone believed that there must be some ulterior secret between Qingdeng and Kinoshita Wu.

Even calling out a common name can cause such a fierce reaction from others. If Kinoshita Wu called Qingdeng's real name instead of Qingdeng's common name at that time...then there must be many people who suspect that Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai are secretly married. Even have one or two children.

If you want to call someone by their real name, there are so many rules and troubles—however, these rules and troubles are nothing to Tianzhang Court.

My real name can only be called by my lord and people who are close to me? What a coincidence, Tianzhang Courtyard happened to be the master of Qingdeng!

Qingdeng's current class status is Banner Samurai, a direct minister of the shogun, and his official position is the leader of the Huofu Bandit Gai, and his official position is the Fanshi of the Shintei Ban.

In terms of class status and official titles, Qingdeng is undoubtedly the direct subordinate of Tianzhang Yuan.

Tianzhang Court called Qingdeng "Sheng Qing", which was both in line with the rules and reasonable.

Qingdeng has never paid much attention to what others call him. Since Tianzhangyuan thinks his real name sounds nice and wants to address him by his real name, then do as she pleases.

Ever since, Qingdeng nodded:

"But it's up to His Highness to decide."

"Then it's decided!"

Tianzhangyuan smiled brightly and beautifully.

"Then... from now on, please give me your advice, Sheng Qing~~"

——How to put it like a new wife who just married me...

Qingdeng hesitated again and again, but finally decided to swallow the complaint that had already flooded his lips.

"Please advise, Your Highness"

Qingdeng responded unashamedly.

Suddenly, a trace of wind reminiscent of top-quality silk and satin passed by Qingdeng and Tianzhang's ears.

The wind is not cold at all, carrying a faint fragrance.

Tianzhangyuan gently closed her eyes, raised her chin slightly, and took a deep breath with a strong and long rhythm—she was enjoying the caress and taste of the wind.

"The wind is so comfortable..."

Tianzhangyuan raised her hands above the top, sighed, stretched her waist, and then leaned back, lying on the couch behind her——the pavilion where she and Qingdeng are in has a very rich relationship. infrastructure".

There are not only cushions, low tables, elbow rests, but also crouches for people to lie down on.

"Orange... Ah, no, Sheng Qing, I can always relax unconsciously when I'm with you... Recently, I've been really busy..."

Tianzhangyuan's tone implied deep tiredness.

"Is the Hitotsubashi faction still biting you?"

Qingdeng couldn't help asking.

"They're helping mad dogs..."

Tianzhangyuan smiled wryly.

"I don't know if it's because Mr. Jing Yi suppressed them too hard before, making their hearts a little distorted. After Mr. Jing Yi passed away, they were like rabid dogs out of the cage, catching whoever they were and biting whomever they were."

The "Old Man Jing Yi" mentioned in the mouth of Tianzhang Courtyard naturally refers to Jing Yi Naobi who once had a relationship with Qingdeng, and who has been kind to Qingdeng.

"The people from the Hitotsubashi faction are really annoying, and they accused me in different ways."

"I think they can find at least one reason to impeach me even if I step out with my right foot first."

"Several times, I really wanted to directly order the executioners of the Yamada Asemon family to enter Edo Castle, and execute the annoying flies sent by Hitotsubashi on the spot."

While talking, Tianzhangyuan raised his hand and wiped his thin neck.

Although she used a joking tone, there was a bit of seriousness between her brows.

"Heh... But, if you compare your heart with your heart, it's not that I can't understand Hitotsubashi's hostility towards me."

"Even though it has been two years since Jiamao inherited the position of General, the Hitotsubashi faction still has no memory of the throne of General Zheng Yi."

"I still want to help Hitohashi Yoshi...this nerd who is too stupid to study."

"In the eyes of the Yiqiao faction, someone like me who is determined to stand with Jiamao through thick and thin is completely a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh."

"not to mention……"

Tianzhangyuan's voice paused for a moment, and his eyes flickered.

After a while, a self-deprecating smile gradually came to her cheeks and eyes.

"In the eyes of the Hitotsubashi faction, I am an unforgivable traitor... No matter how cruel the method is to treat a traitor, it is not an exaggeration."

After all, Tianzhang Court fell silent and said nothing more.


Qingdeng also fell silent - such a topic was beyond the scope of "ordinary small talk", and he didn't know how to answer it.

The traitor of the Hitotsubashi faction... a simple statement, but behind it is a heavy truth.

Tenzhangin's father... To be precise, he is foster father: Saibin Shimadzu, the 11th lord of the Satsuma domain, is a hard-core member of the Hitotsubashi faction.

In order to expand the influence of the Satsuma Clan in the Hitotsubashi faction, increase the chances of winning the Hitotsubashi faction, and ensure that Yoshinori Hitohashi can successfully inherit the position of general, he accepted Tianzhangyuan, who was born in a collateral line of the Shimadzu family and was unmarried at a suitable age. For the sake of her adopted daughter, she plans to let Tianzhangyuan marry Edo as the princess of the Satsuma domain, and marry the Tokugawa family of the previous generation of shoguns.

Shimadzu Qibin, an old cunt, doesn't even pretend. In March of the sixth year of Jiayong (1853), a ceremony was held to establish the relationship between father and daughter with Tianzhangyuan.

Since then, Tianzhangyuan has never returned to its hometown, nor has it seen its relatives and friends in its hometown.

Shimadzu Qibin's act of sending Tianzhangyuan to marry in such a hurry, almost wrote directly on his forehead: I just treat Tianzhangyuan as a useful tool, how about it?

It is reported that the task assigned by Shimadzu Qibin to Tenzhangin is to blow the pillow wind to the Tokugawa family, to persuade the Tokugawa family and his biological mother, Honjuin, to let them establish Yiqiao Qingxi as the heir of the general.

What happened next is known to all passers-by—after Tianzhangyuan married into the shogunate, she did not follow Shimadzu Qibin's order, and she obeyed and disobeyed. On the surface, he was obedient to Shimadzu Qibin, but in reality he stood in the hostile camp: the Nanki faction went to the side, and strongly advocated Tokugawa Iemo, who was still called Tokugawa Keifuku at that time, as the next general.

After Shimadzu Qibin died of illness and the Nanji faction won, Tianzhangyuan didn't even bother to do sloppy work, and unequivocally supported Tokugawa Iemao and assisted Tokugawa Iemao wholeheartedly.

There have always been different opinions on why the Tianzhang Academy took refuge in the Nanji Sect.

The most mainstream view is that Tianzhangyuan deliberately wanted revenge on Shimadzu Qibin who ruined her life by forcing her to leave her hometown and marry a useless man.

All in all, no matter what the motivation of Tianzhangyuan is, in the eyes of the Yiqiao faction, Tianzhangyuan's "defeat" behavior is an unforgivable betrayal.

If you want to understand the stakes, it is not difficult to figure out why after Jing Yi Naobi was assassinated and the Yiqiao faction regained power, why they did not wait to see Tianzhangyuan so frequently, and why they frequently opposed Tianzhangyuan.

The silent atmosphere where neither of them spoke lasted for about two minutes.

Two minutes later, Tianzhangyuan let out a long breath, and then restarted the red lips:

"Sometimes I can't help but think: It would be great if Boss Jing Yi was still around."

"If Boss Jingyi is still here, these stinky people from the Yiqiao faction have to keep their tails tight and be human, how dare they act presumptuously in front of me."

"However... Looking back and thinking about it carefully, even if Elder Jing Yi came back to life, my life may not be better than it is now.

Qing Deng timely asked a rhetorical question:


"Why else?"

Tianzhangyuan shrugged while smiling wryly.

"I don't agree with him."

"Old Ii only wants to revive the power of the shogunate."

"He only has eyes for the shogunate."

"As long as the shogunate can become strong again, he won't bother to care about all other things...the life and death of other feudal states."

"but me……"

Tianzhangyuan bit his red lips lightly, as if hesitating whether to continue talking.

After a while, she gave the answer:

"Forget it, let's stop this topic for now. No matter how much you complain about yourself, it's useless. Anyway, I'm already used to this kind of life of being made things difficult and ridiculed by others, so I just let the stinky people from the Hitotsubashi faction mess around Bark."

"Well... Speaking of being made things difficult and being ridiculed... Sheng Qing, I suddenly remembered that I haven't thanked you yet."

Qingdeng was startled, and turned his gaze back to the distant sky, and turned to Tianzhang Courtyard.

"Thank you? Thank you for what... um...!"

The rest of Qing Deng's words stuck in his throat—the scene in front of him was too fragrant, and his mind and consciousness were swallowed up in an instant.

I saw Tianzhangyuan lying sideways on the couch facing Qingdeng, the priestess clothes on her body became a little messy due to her carefree and informal movements.

The sleeves of the jacket and the two trousers of the purple hakama were rolled up substantially, exposing the dazzlingly white forearms and calves.

Her beautiful eyes are half-closed, and there is a faint, soft smile on her cheeks.

A strand of black hair from the sideburns hangs down and sticks to the corner of the lips.

The black hair, fair face, and ruddy lips together form a magnificent picture that makes people's eyes freeze.

"When I met you for the first time... that is, when Jia Mao and I disguised themselves as members of the 'Third Fan Group' to compete with you, I said a lot of bad things about Tianzhangyuan...you stopped me in time. You Remember this?"

Qingdeng thought for a while, and then quickly remembered: this kind of thing did happen.

At that time, Tianzhangyuan, who pretended to be a member of the third team, said a lot about himself.

Qing Deng, who didn't know at the time that the person in front of him was Tianzhangyuan himself, felt that what this person said seemed a bit too much, so he spoke to stop him.

Qingdeng doesn't like this kind of behavior of talking badly about people behind their backs.

In Qingdeng's eyes, it is a very stupid behavior to talk about the right and wrong of that person without even seeing someone's face and getting along with that person in person.

"Being ridiculed and ridiculed by others - I have experienced this kind of situation a lot. But it is really rare to be defended by someone... It is too unreasonable not to thank you properly .”

"Sheng Qing, thank you."

Qingdeng raised his hand and scratched his hair, and smiled embarrassedly:

"You don't need to thank me. It's just a trivial matter. There is no need to thank me specifically. You make it so grand, but it makes me very at a loss."

"That can't be done."

A carp in Tianzhang Courtyard straightened up and sat up from the couch.

"You speak for me and defend me face to face. I have to show something, at least I have to give you something to thank you. Well... what can I give you..."

Tianzhangyuan raised his chin, looked at the sky, stretched out his right index finger, resting his right cheek.

"Ah, yes!"

Tianzhangyuan put down the scallion-like jade fingers that supported his head, and met Qing Deng's eyes with a smile.

"Let me kiss you as my thank you!"


Qingdeng reacted slowly, turning his astonishment and disbelief into voices.

He tentatively confirmed to Tianzhangyuan in front of him with his eyes and expression: I must have heard correctly, right? Did you just say something very explosive in an understatement tone?

After only one breath, Qingdeng's question got a definite answer.

"Because I feel a little shy, so please close your eyes for a while when you come down."

Tianzhangyuan stretched out his right hand and covered Qingdeng's eyes.

Her slap was neither big nor small, just enough to cover Qingdeng's eyes completely, not even a ray of light could penetrate.

At the next moment when his eyesight was "robbed", Qingdeng felt a sweet breath and slowly leaned towards him.

Even with his eyes closed, Qingdeng could still feel the shadow of Tianzhang Courtyard covering his body.

At this moment, Qingdeng fell into an unprecedented tension and panic, and the muscles in his whole body were as stiff as if petrified.

What is this woman trying to do? Is she really going to kiss me? Where are you going to kiss me? I just did such a small thing, as for thanking me so grandly?

Before he had time to think and react, Qingdeng already felt his cheeks itch - it was Tianzhangyuan's moist breath hitting his face.

In addition, Qingdeng's skin also began to feel the warmth of Tianzhangyuan.

The pretty face of Tianzhangyuan was close to his face—half a second after Qingdeng's brain confirmed this fact, his lips were covered with soft touch.

Qingdeng's eyes, covered by Tianzhangyuan's slap, opened wide in an instant. His eyes were full of disbelief.

He couldn't believe that Tianzhangyuan turned out to be such a passionate woman.

He couldn't believe that his first kiss would be lost in such a muddle...

However, after only blinking twice, Qing Deng gradually realized that something was wrong.

The touch from the lips is icy and cold, with flour-like powder, it tastes sweet, and it tastes the same as the mochi I ate just now... No! Isn't this mochi? !

At this time, Tianzhangyuan let go of the slap that blocked Qingdeng's eyes.

Qingdeng Dingqing looked forward and found that Tianzhangyuan was holding the mochi with his left hand that he took out from nowhere when he called Qingdeng to come to the gazebo to rest, and pressed the mochi firmly against Qingdeng's lips.

Her red lips were tightly pursed, desperately trying to hold back a smile.

After Qingdeng looked at her, she seemed to finally be unable to bear it any longer, and burst out laughing, showing an evil smile.

"Let me guess, did you really think I was going to kiss you just now?"

"Your Highness... sometimes you really have a really bad personality."

After saying this, Qingdeng seemed to express his protest, "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" he ate the mochi clinging to his lips.

This is the second time he has been teased by this pretty widow today.

Although he said so, in fact, Qingdeng didn't feel angry or annoyed in his heart because he was played a prank by Tianzhangyuan one after another.

"Sorry sorry."

Tianzhangyuan clasped his hands together, smiled and bowed his head to Qing Deng in apology,

"Why is that? When I see you, I can't help but want to play tricks on you."

As soon as the words fell, Tianzhangyuan took a deep breath with a refreshed expression, then jumped off the couch with both legs, and stood up.

"Okay, it's almost time. It's time for me to go to Edo Castle. Sheng Qing, I'll take a step first. Sae, Yae, and Tiancang are all at Tsukimiya Shrine today. If you want to practice Yunliu for a while before going home, You can go to them now."

Qingdeng nodded, and asked half-jokingly:

"Need me to give you a ride?"

"no thanks."

Tianzhang Court smiled.

"It's broad daylight, and the road back to Edo Castle from the Moon Palace Shrine is very safe, no escort is needed."

"Take care, I'll go first."

After leaving these words, Tianzhangyuan folded the catkins in front of him, and calmly walked towards the path leaving the archery field.

However, within two steps, she suddenly stopped her feet as if recalling something important.

"Oh, because chatting with you is so pleasant, I almost forgot to talk to you about business."

Tianzhangyuan only turned his upper body over and faced Qingdeng again.

"Sheng Qing, 6 days later...the first day of the new year, do you have time?"

"The first day of the new year?"

Qingdeng thought for a while.

"I don't have any plans for that day."


Tianzhangyuan nodded slightly with satisfaction on his face.

"Then—on the first day of the New Year at nine o'clock (2 o'clock in the afternoon), gather at Tsukimiya Shrine. I have an important task for you—in the name of the new Imperial Court Commander."

"This is the first mission you've received since you joined the New Imperial Court, so don't be late.

Mission... After Qing Deng heard this, his eyes froze.

A mission that could be related to a secret mobile unit like the New Imperial Court...Qingdeng naturally thought of words such as "assassination" and "intelligence spying".

Who is it to assassinate?

Or who do you want to collect intelligence on?

Thinking of this, Qingdeng's eyes and expression gradually became solemn.

Tianzhang Court noticed Qing Deng's dignified expression.

"Heck, don't be so nervous."

Tianzhangyuan raised his hand to cover his smiling mouth.

"It's not a very difficult or bitter task. From a certain point of view, this task is quite pleasant and relaxing."

Tianzhangyuan lowered his eyelids slightly, under the eyelashes that were as slender as velvet, the meaningful eyes kept flickering out.

--joy? easy?

Feeling very confused, Qingdeng was about to ask further questions about the specific details of this mysterious mission, but Tianzhang Yuan preempted him and said:

"Anyway—don't be late in 6 days. I'll be waiting for you at Tsukimiya Shrine on time at nine o'clock in 6 days."

After finishing speaking, Tianzhangyuan has nothing else to add or forget to say.

Qing Deng was also not given any chance to speak.

Withdrawing his eyes from Qingdeng's body, he stepped forward again with his feet in purple button wooden clogs.

For a while, only the body fragrance of Tianzhang Courtyard remained beside Qingdeng.



5 days later -

In the first year of Wanyan (1860), December 30 (New Year's Eve)——

Edo, Koishikawa Kohinata Yanagi Town, Dojo——

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Clap!

The air waves from the clashing bamboo swords shook the air in the dojo.

Two figures of almost the same size passed by at a dizzying speed.

At the moment when the two were separated, the bamboo swords in the palms of the two sides clashed 4 degrees at this momentous moment.

The clear sound of the four bamboo swords hitting each other almost at the same time lingered in the ears of the chief commander and his party watching the battle at the dojo.

The soles of the feet slid and the ground creaked.

The two confronting each other on the field, after staggering their figures, ran about seven steps in the opposite direction, and then, as if they had matched their moves in advance, they turned around with their swords at the same time in a tacit understanding, facing each other from a distance.

Neither of them moved rashly.

Both of them are sizing up and observing each other.

I saw this pair of swordsmen confronting each other, one of them was a slender young talent under 20 - it was Qingdeng.

On the other side of the confrontation with Qingdeng, there is a fair-skinned, handsome, and handsome man.

This handsome man was tall and well-proportioned, almost as tall as Qingdeng.

His unshaven hair was black and thick.

She looks a little older than Qingdeng, but not much older, about 25 or 6 years old.

Judging by his appearance, this person does not have the demeanor of a warrior at all.

Fair and clean face, soft and clear facial lines...

Compared to a martial artist wielding knives and guns, this handsome man is more like a scholar who talks about romance.

But... Anyone who has seen this handsome man in battle will never dare to underestimate him! Never dare to have any criticisms against his "scholar face" contemptuously!

It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, after a short period of silence in the duel on the field, the battle started again!

Squeak——The handsome man suddenly spread his feet apart, and the soles of his feet rubbed against the ground with an ear-piercing "squeak".

The next moment, he lowered his waist and rushed towards Qingdeng as if gliding on the ground.

The speed of movement was so fast and the spacing was precisely controlled that Nagakura Shinpachi and others who were watching the battle not far away couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

Lifting the bamboo sword in front of him in the middle and chopping it down—the moves seem simple and unpretentious, but in fact, the sword body contains a ferocious momentum that even Qingdeng can't ignore!

The speed of the sword is as fast as thunder, and the power of the sword is as overwhelming as Mount Tai - it is the move of Shinto Wu Nianliu!

Destroying opponents with overwhelming momentum and strength - this is the characteristic of the Shinto Wunian style.

Qingdeng didn't dare to push it too hard, and lowered the bamboo sword in his hand to avoid it.

Qingdeng's dodge hides the preparation for counterattack.

The moment he got out of the way, Qingdeng's slender body leaned forward as if toppled over, pressing down on the handsome man.

call! call!

The bamboo sword flashed two dark yellow afterimages in the air.

Qingdeng first made a move in the next section, picked up the bamboo sword dragged on his right side, and chopped from the lower right to the upper left.

Immediately afterwards, with the help of gravity, he cut the bamboo sword in mid-air above the upper left end back to his right side along the original path, and the tip of the sword almost touched the ground.

Because there is no distinction between the blade and the back of the bamboo sword, when the bamboo sword is "turned back the same way", the action of turning the sword body and turning the blade that was originally facing the sky back to the ground is saved.

The power is impeccable, and the timing of the attack is also perfect-but if you can't hit the opponent, what's the point of these elements?

Only the clanging sound of impact was heard, echoing over the empty dojo. The sound wave lingered for a long time.

Because things happened so fast, people with insufficient eyesight or lack of martial arts cultivation should not have seen clearly what happened just now—when Qingdeng's bamboo sword was about to hit the beautiful man's body, the beautiful man used With ease, he swung two swords in succession, blocking all of Qingdeng's double slashes, and then jumped back, jumping three steps away, widening the distance from Qingdeng.

Looking at the handsome man with impenetrable defenses, Qing Deng frowned slightly.

Instead of chasing the handsome man, he stepped on his heels on the spot, lowered his waist, raised the tip of his sword, and set up a Xia Duan posture, pointing the tip of the sword straight at the handsome man's chest.

Anyone with long eyes can clearly see that all the muscles of Qingdeng's body are tense, and his whole body is like a spring that is pressed to death and ready to go, hiding an astonishing explosive power.


The handsome man raised his eyebrows lightly, and his lips curled up slightly without trace.

"I have heard that Your Excellency Nioh is good at stabbing skills. I am so lucky to meet you today!"

As the handsome man spoke, he set up his bamboo sword—the tip of the sword twitched slightly.

It is the classic posture of Beichen's one-sword style,

"Your Excellency Nioh! Go ahead! Don't be merciless! I, Ito Daizo, will return home having fun today!"



[Sheng Qing] is pronounced as moriharu, which is a very Heian-era style name. The author spent a lot of effort and searched a lot of information before deciding on this name (白罗.jpg)

The author fulfilled the contract perfectly, successfully changing the leopard to 11,000 (leopard smile.jpg)

Isn't it too much to ask for a monthly pass?

Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Hold your head and cry.jpg)

The current update method of the author is to write by hand first, and then scan the manuscript to the computer with a very mentally retarded scanning app, but because the app is too mentally retarded, it always scans "的" into "you" and "粉" into " Wonderful”, so it takes a lot of time to review manuscripts after each scan, but there will always be fish that slip through the net when reviewing manuscripts with the naked eye, so if you find any strange typos or punctuation marks in the future, don’t make a fuss—it’s all artificial Pot of mental retardation.



With a rigorous attitude, the author still reminds me——

This book is a half-overhead sword and halberd essay, so the historical plot in the book is basically "5 points are true and 5 points are false".


Shimadzu Qibin used Tianzhangyuan as a tool. Established a father-daughter relationship with Tianzhangyuan in March, and sent her to Edo five months later to be the wife of the disabled general.

Not long after Tianzhangyuan married into Edo, he betrayed the Yiqiao faction and fell to the Nanji faction.

Tenzhoin likes the young and promising Tokugawa Iemo very much, but hates Yoshio Hitohashi (in Katsu Rintaro’s memoirs, it has been mentioned more than once that Tenzhoin is annoyed by Yoshio Hitohashi).


All of the above are historical facts.

As for the disagreement between Tianzhangyuan and Jingyi Naobi, the Hitotsubashi faction lashed out at Tianzhangyuan, and Tianzhangyuan has the temperament of a little devil...these are all fictional plots fabricated by the author to facilitate the plot of the novel and personal preferences~~

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