
Claire glanced back at the Demon King with her hostile expression.

The opposing Demon King answers calmly.

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"It's huge! I promised Ray, May, and Allear!?We're all going home! "

"But as it stands, that fool will die, even to Manaria and Lily."

"I don't know yet!None of us has given up yet! "

Really? Isn't that enough?

That said, the Demon King raised his right hand above his head.

An unparalleled number of black blades appear.

The number blocks the light of the sun, the darker the area.

Claire, a runner stone, was also distracted.

"Now, what do you want to do?"

This is a threat.

If we don't hurt ourselves, we'll get hurt.

"If I die, how long will this world end?Then no matter how difficult it is, I will resist you... "

"It's the end of the world, but does Claire really know what it's like?"


Claire looks like she's been poked in the face by the Demon King's quiet inquiry.

"It's like... killing all mankind..."

"I won't do that.What I do is the end of human history.I mean, just stop the loop. "

It's not the same thing.

"Absolutely not. I will not kill in vain, and this world will continue to thrive to the limits of the coming human race.The loop that was created unnaturally just disappeared before it was destroyed.We will free this world from the cursed circle. "


Claire was upset by the sight.

She is lost.

Is that really bad?

"Claire, don't listen to me!There's no guarantee that he's telling the truth. "

"I'm talking to Claire now."

The black blade that was tracking me gained momentum and attacked me all at once.

I used magic bullets and magic arrows to wipe out as many pairs as I could, but still dozens of black pierced my body.

"Ah... ku..."


"Think carefully, Claire."

As Claire screamed, the Demon King continued in a tone that felt even mercy.

"If you hurt yourself here, the world will just return to its original form without a loop system."

"... what if I don't?"

"One by one, your loved ones will die in front of you."

"... this...!"

"You shouldn't leave anger to yourself.Think calmly. I don't think it's a good choice. "

The Demon King pressed Claire to answer with his right hand raised overhead.

Claire chewed her lips and thought about it.

I wonder if you're lost.

The end of mankind, as the Devil said, was shaking because it didn't seem worse than I thought.

"Dear Claire... no..."


I managed to squeeze out the words as I crawled through the ground.

"That's... the survival of human history... is not up to us...If you do that... what's different from what he's trying to do...! "

"Shut up."

About a dozen black blades above the Demon King fell on my body.

"Ah... gu...!"

"Ray! Demon King, stop! Shut up, Ray!"

"No... I won't shut up. Demon King... you're wrong.Your choice is... there's nothing you can do about it, but the last thing you can do is... embrace everything yourself... and try to do something by yourself... "

My body was screaming at the pain, but I didn't stop moving my mouth.

I mean, that's all I can do.

"Eternal love..."? It makes me laugh...For you, love... is something you do alone...While saying you think of Claire... you were all alone after all.I decided on my own... I despaired on my own... what kind of love is that...! "

"You... what do you know!"

The demon king changed his complexion for the first time.

He began to curse me sharply by dyeing his face with hatred.

"Do you know how I feel about losing someone I love for the first time in front of my eyes, and how my love will be crushed by eternity?"

Her thoughts about Claire are probably urgent to her.

But that's what I'm talking about.

"I don't know... I don't even want to know.But still, there's only one thing I know. "


"I made the same mistake.At the time of the revolution. I decided on my own, just before I perished. "

While saying it was for Claire's sake, I couldn't trust Claire.

I tried to hide everything and move on, fearing that I would be rebelled if I told you everything.

The result is the scandal of November 10, 2015.

"Demon King, you can't be alone.No matter how much power you have, no matter how much logic you have, no matter how much ideal you have, you can't do it alone. "

"There's a lot of beauty!"

"Beauty is not something that is easy to live for.Didn't you tell Claire?Don't run from ideals to reality. "

The moment I heard that, the Demon King was relieved.

Claire, whom I know, and Claire, whom he loved, are strictly different, but Claire certainly said the same thing to him.

"No matter how painful you are, you should have told Claire everything, no matter how painful Claire will suffer in front of you.I should have told you everything, both of you - no, we should have thought about it. "

It was the devil's biggest mistake to be left alone without it.


"! Dear Lily....!"

Looking at the Demon King's mind on this side, Lily slashed it.

The Demon King hurriedly prevented it with his opposite hand from raising it above his head.

"Lily can't preach to Ray... no, I can't preach to you... but...!"


"Still, Lily thinks you're wrong!'Cause you don't look happy at all! "

Lily flips the stopped first blade and tries to cut it further with the second blade.

"Me! That's enough!"

The black blade over her head was struck and Lily backed down.

Immediately thereafter,

"Let me tell you one thing, Demon King.I agree with Ray. You made a mistake. "

"Dear Manaria... are you going to line up the bullshit too?"

Manaria-sama slashed it from the other side.

The sword flash is no better than that Dorothea.

With a gentle and elegant sword flash like a dance, I cut with the Demon King.

"One word is enough, not a word.You're the one who truncated everything but Claire, and Ray didn't give up anything. "

"I don't know, Manaria!"

The Demon King struck Manaria with a black blade.

Manaria took advantage of the momentum and retreated without going against it.

Back to me, he held the sword with one hand, while applying healing magic with the other.

Can you do it?


That's my Ray.

It's Claire's.

Rise and shine with jokes.

"... you're just a shopkeeper without knowing...I'm sorry, Claire.I didn't do anything to hurt myself right now. "

The sign of the Demon King became steep.

What will you do next?

"Hey, Ray."

"Dear Claire...?"

Someday Claire came to me.

Tell me with a ready face.

"I promised you we'd all go home."

"Yeah, what's that?"

"Will you believe me?"

"Of course."

"No, then I'll apologize for making you feel a little sad first."

"... Claire?"

"But I will keep my promise."

That's all, laughing at me, Claire walked out.

--Throw me a magic wand.



"Ku, Claire!?"

Claire walked straight to the Demon King.

"... what are you doing, Claire?"

"I see."

"What is it?"

"How can I stop you?"

"I won't stop."

"Demon King... no, the other Ray. Listen carefully."

That said, Claire was already in front of the Demon King.

The demon king opened his eyes in dismay.

Claire roughly hugged the Demon King.

I stroked the Demon King with my hands around my back.

"Everyone wants to make that love last forever.But people can't fall in love forever. "

"Claire...? What the hell are you... doing...?"

Claire still holds the demon king tightly.

The bewildered Demon King.


― ― Claire produced a magical spear behind her and pierced the Demon King's body.

"Ah... gu...? Claire...?"

"Still... I love you, Ray."

The voice of the demon king and the compassionate voice of Claire echoed quietly before our dazed eyes.

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