I Favor the Villainess

255. Parents and children

Dollar = François perspective.

"Okay, dollar. I'll handle the rest."

"Thank you."

I dropped His Majesty Sein off and broke my hips deep.


"What's the matter, Dollar stepfather Sun?"

Lana is in my office in Bauer's royal castle, helping me plan a replenishment for the finalists.

The room is filled with paperwork.

Now I'm busy enough to borrow a cat's hand.

That's when the news arrived.

Lana is very helpful because she doesn't look light and can do her job.

But I can't just throw it away.

"Give me a joke. I can't be your stepfather."

"Ahhn, that's tough.I like it there. Raysensei! "

"Holy shit....."

I had no choice but to sigh at Lana, who couldn't bear to be careful many times.

Returning to Bauer, I worked with Rene on a replenishment plan for the Duel Troops to prepare for the duel with the Demon King.

Near the front, Raine, and back in Bauer, I share each one.

His Majesty Sein, who has just left the room, will also vigorously support his troops upon his return.

It seems that Bauer alone, who has not yet stabilized the country, will be able to compete with the Susie and Appalachian leaders.

Experience is shallow, but His Majesty is capable.

Slowly, you may be lined up with the wise King and the glorified His Majesty Roseil.

"So? What's the matter with you? Look sharp."

It looks like my magic was triggered, which I set up with May and Ariel.

Huh? Can you use your magic too?

Lana opened her eyes to surprise.

"It's not much of a combat magic, though.It's an installation magic that acts on the mind, called "Fantasy Magic."

"That's cool!"

Lana sparkled her eyes.

Fantastic magic, my inner soil attribute magic, is like a trap that drags an opponent into an eternal dream.

The place of installation is in my mind.

It is usually placed in me as a surgeon, but it can also be placed in the mind of other humans.

I set it up for Ray and the others.

The Mae and Ariel plants inside of them were activated.

The magic effects of Dream Magic are powerful, but the triggering conditions are extremely severe.

It only works against certain magic of certain people.

In other words, we need to configure the object of activation and the key object magic in a precise way.

There is also a limit on the number of people who can be installed simultaneously.

In order to tackle Saras' suggestion, we needed to know more about his magic of suggestion.

But Saras kept it secret.

With the cooperation of former Cardinal Lily, the analysis was progressing, but it was only after analyzing the Katyusha magic equipment provided by Lana that it was fully decoded.

Suras was never a good memory for Lana, but she was happy to help.

I had Lana analyze Saras' suggestions before she left the Imperial Capital and set them up with some members of her family before she stood up for Zulu.

And now the trap has been activated.

"Apparently, Saras had an affair with me during my surgery."

"... is that...?"

"That's how far Saras has gone."

Lana smiled forcibly for a moment, I said.

"Oh yeah... Dad, it's over."

"... hmm"

Suras is my only enemy, but Lana used to be my father's replacement.

The mind will be complicated.

As I was watching Lana, she opened her mouth and said after a while of silence.

"What are parents and children?"

It was a very simple but difficult question to answer.

Lana continued her words as I answered.

"Atashi and Dad are other people in red, but Lily and Dad were blood connected parents and children.But my dad thought that neither Atashi nor Lily were his tools. "

It was a monologue, a way of putting together ideas.

"But even though there's no blood connection between Raysense and Mae, it seems to be more than a real parent-child bond."

When I think of my daughters and grandchildren, I can only nod that Lana is right.

"After all, what is the blood connection?What are parents and children? "

Lana's question stuck deep into my chest.

I looked for words slowly.

"... you know I'm a former aristocrat, right?"

"Yeah. You were the finance minister, right? It's amazing."

"Well, that's fine, but beyond being a nobleman, lineage meant a lot."


Lana hasn't said anything, and she keeps pushing for it with her eyes.

"Now I confess, I was opposed to Claire and Ray dating at first."


It must have been an accident.

Lana rounded her eyes.

"But, Dear Dollar, Atashi, did you ask Raysense?The dollar never complained about their relationship. "

Yeah, that's right.

"... what do you mean?"

When asked, I wanted to talk about what I had always kept inside.

"Until I saw the relationship between those two, I kept thinking like this.Family is blood, and parent-child is blood. "

Well, isn't that usually the case?


I was so educated that I had no doubt about it.

Until I met her, Ray-Taylor.

"When I met Ray, Claire changed.I started laughing and getting angry. "

"I've heard that Clairescens has always been unattended?"

"That's true. But all of Claire's feelings back then were the reverse of her dissatisfaction with the situation."

Losing her mother, being pushed into a closed space called the aristocratic society, and living a molded life along the rails laid by her parents - that was all of her life.

"But Claire is different now.My daughter laughs from the bottom of her heart and gets angry from the bottom of her heart.Claire now expresses herself honestly. "

For the sake of a country called Bauer, my daughter, who once tried to force herself to scatter herself, is now so free.

Nothing makes Claire laugh like that, thanks to Ray and Mei and Ale.

"I want Claire to be happy.And now Claire looks happy.I can't tell them that.I didn't want you to pick up your son-in-law and have a baby. "

"Do you still want Clairesense to inherit?"

After a few thoughts about Lana, I shook my head to the side.

"Me, Lana. I wondered what I wanted Claire to inherit.Was it really blood?I wonder if it would have been good if only the blood had remained. The answer is no. "


Lana listens silently.

I went on.

"What I want to inherit is my values, my thoughts, my will.They are definitely passed down to Claire.Even if there is no blood, it will be passed on to May and Area.Changing shape little by little to the times and offerings. "

I'm fine with that.

No, what more do you want?

"This is what I think my parents are.I don't know if I could answer your question. "

"... no, Dear Dollar, I understand very well, but..."


"But I don't think I'm going to inherit that part of my dad... yeah, I don't want to inherit it it."

Lana laughed powerlessly.

It's not impossible.

Inheriting such human thoughts is harmless and unprofitable.

"Of course.You're not a parent, you're a child. "


"I'm sorry I said that in a confusing way.Earlier I was talking about my parents, not my children.Except for the kid. "

"What do you mean?"

Lana is putting a question mark on her face.

"Parents want their children to inherit many things.But the child can refuse it. "


"Yes, children have child values, thoughts, and aspirations.The only thing a parent can do is hope that he or she will inherit it it, and he or she can't force it. "

"Do I... do I... do I...?"

"Lana should know how to live Lana.Parents can sometimes be negative role models.Ah, I don't want to be. "


Lana seemed to be thinking about it.

I don't want to get in the way of thinking, so if I've been working on my work for a while,

"Dear Dollar, I don't know what's so difficult."

"... I see."

"But... but!"

Lana's voice was shaking.

After I managed to put together the feelings that were overflowing, I said:

"But I wonder if I can make you happy...!"

Oh, I thought maybe this kid too.

Those who survived the war in which so many people died feel guilty that they survived at times.

Lana must be feeling it, too.

"Oh, of course. Lana avenged many of her compatriots.Redemption will be enough. "

Unfortunately, the victims of the Saras experiment have not returned.

But if we can still beat him with the help of Lana, who is still alive, I wonder if we can do something about it.

I thought about it as I gently hugged Lana, who couldn't even shed tears.

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