This is about the Rod-Bauer perspective.


During the reign of the Nar Empire.

While watching the fierce battle that could be fought there, I was surprised.

"Rod-sama, I told you not to wake up!"

"If you don't stay still, there's nothing more to do!"

Uh-uh, uh-uh

Mei and Area beat me, but my heart wasn't so bad.

(Then Ray and the others will lose)

My carelessness broke Maggie Chibray, who was our trump card.

Besides, they say the Demon King's defense barrier is stronger than last time.

Ray and Claire are still trying something, but it doesn't seem to be working either.

Then we'll be poor.

"Something... you don't have a hand..."

I rotate my head desperately, proud that it's never bad, but all the conclusions that come out are dark.

At best, I can only think of Magi Chibray's parts to scatter that magical wall, like he did on the latte.

Nevertheless, that was a surprise, so it was a successful solution.

The Demon King was watching the current battle.

Probably the same hand won't get through twice.

"I don't know what to do...."

I felt frustrated by my helplessness.

This is not the first time this has happened.

When the Sassal erupted in Bauer, I was badly injured.

I went to the village at the foot of the volcano to ask for shelter, where I fell.

Until then, I thought there was nothing I couldn't do.

But I was badly wounded, I lost one arm, and my magic was exhausted.

Fortunately, the evacuation was almost complete, so there was no damage to the villagers.

However, there are no satisfactory medical facilities in a small village.

As I heard later, I've been wandering around for quite some time.

It was the dedication of the villagers I was supposed to save who saved my life.

Although the villagers saved their lives, they almost lost their homes and were in a difficult state to eat tomorrow.

For them, I was nothing but a leg and a hand.

But the villagers didn't abandon me.

I wonder why.

Because I was the prince of Bauer.

The village was a place where conservative values still lingered.

That's why he tried to help me.

If I had been just a traveler, I would have been abandoned.

I was saved by the values I despised.

That brought me a strong conflict.

I was slow.

It was my assumption that I could do anything.

I am alive by the people.

And the people are not the only ones who have the values I think are good.

The people are made up of countless values.

Thinking about it, it seems that Sein was aware of it early on.

He was often not as good as he thought.

That's why I was sensitive to others and heterogeneity.

Yu is... a genius skin, so I think he is somehow aware of it.

I was the only one who was ignorant.

He was a naked king.

I abandoned my royal registry because I read the fashion that Sein should be king.

But the biggest one was because I felt like I wasn't fit to stand on top of the people.

(Is there anything I can do...?)

After the revolution, I joined the army.

Because I thought it would suit me best.

Military training was intense.

In a fight without magic, the knocked up soldiers licked the ground many times.

But I finally saw the limits of what I could do.

(Think. Don't give up. They haven't given up yet.)

Ray, Claire, Manaria and Lily - women who were once just objects to protect, are fighting for the future of humanity.

Not if they're not giving up, but I'm the guy who's whispering.

(Too bad I can't fight anymore.Then why are these two...? (You idiot)

I saw a small figure who treated me desperately.

If it's true, it's not good to be in a battlefield like this, a toddler who can't be called a child.

But there's nothing I can do now.

(No, it's not a bad idea, Rod-Bauer)

Suddenly, there was a voice in my head.

It was an uninhibited, flat voice.


(Yes, I'm calling you directly because I can't borrow Lily Lillium's body right now.)

(Nothing to write. What can I do for you?)

I urged him to go ahead.

(Replace Maggie Sibley with a twin)


(The magic collected is still accumulated in the Magic Stone.All you have to do is convert it and focus it.)

When they told me to look at you, the magic stone was still alive.

Buried in shattered debris, but not lost in shine.

It's like Bauer's guys,

--Not yet, let's go.

But it seemed to say that.

(It's just about converting and focusing, but that's the hardest part.How much to finish this?)

(Both of them can do it)

Time promised.

I doubted my ears.

These two can reproduce what I conceived and completed with the wisdom of many magicians...?

(Please explain to both of us.Then we can do it with the magic sword)

That's all, I can't hear you anymore.

As always, he only says what he wants to say.

I got lost.

But I wanted to bet if I had a chance.

It's a shame I had to rely on such a small child, but I had no boring pride now.

If it had been me before, I might have given up without relying on them.

Enough with Mei, Alla, and me.Instead, ask for one. "


"What is it?"

"This magic tool is called Magi Chiblai..."

I explained it as I was told in time.

I didn't know what a magical sword was, but it was as easy to understand as possible, including that.

Yeah, I got it!

Okay, I got it.

"... hey, do you really understand...?"

My twins nodded so lightly that I became worried.

"Finally, all you have to do is bump this horseshoe cloud into the beak of the mahogany, right?"

"Ah, ahh...."

Well then, it's us, isn't it?


Time is right, they both know.

"Rod, look here."

"Oh oh...."

Without waiting for my reply, May gently lowered the pochette to the ground.

"Rare was there, too, thinking about May and the others."

I'm coming.

In response to the voice of the twins, the water slime that came out of his face trembled.

Areah, is that nice?

"Yeah, anytime."

May picked up the Magic Stone from between the fragments, held it in both hands, and closed her eyes.

Alea looks ahead at the Demon King with a sword she inherited from Dorothea.


Alea, come on!


Area began to run at a speed that seemed unlikely to be a toddler.

With the sword in its lower position, it approached the Demon King with a smooth motion.

"Hey, this is bullshit!"

Yeah, that's okay!

When I turned around in a hurry to stop her, Mae's body was wrapped in four colors of light.

It is the light of the four main elements of earth, water and wind.

It was proof that she was pulling out and controlling the magic gathered.

"You're lying....."

"Uu...... nh......!"

But Mae's expression seemed to be spicy.

It's not impossible.

The Magic Stone of this Magic Gathering still contains magic gathered from all over Bauer.

Even I was told it was out of standard, but it's not the magic amount that I can keep inside.

Don't be rude!

"I miss you guys!Mei and the others will fight together! "

May shouted.

I know.

I still didn't understand the readiness of women and children.

The time for only men to fight is long over.

"Rod, get out of the way!"

Reflectively, I paved the way with a sharp voice.

At the same time, a pure stream of light flooding from May's body - no, almost indefinitely clear.

"Shut up, alas!!"

Light ran through the battlefield like a meteor.

Beyond that is an alley with a sword.


Light enveloped the alley.

Glare around for a moment like an explosion, and the next moment, the light focuses on the rare sword.

The light becomes a sword, and the rare ones rush into a meteor, leaving all their stunned people behind.


Areal's sword touched the magic barrier of the Demon King.

Light and darkness burst together as if they had been charged with bees.

"Ko... nnh...!"

The light was being pushed back into darkness.

Is it no good?

I wonder if you can't come this far.

Alea changed her complexion in surprise.

Immediately afterwards, Allear subtly changed the position of the sword.

"I see, hey!!"

Alea screamed something.

The next moment...

The roar and flash filled the area.


Unexpectedly defends the head.

Stormy hours were less than a few seconds.


I heard a tall voice right next to me.

Seeing this, Allear is wearing a butt mochi.

"Oops... I'm so fucked up."

"Areah... you...?"

"What are you blurring about, Mr. Rod?Mae and I have taken care of it. "

May told me, and I looked back in a hurry.

And there it is.

"... you did it."

There was a demon king who lost his magic barrier and fell on one knee.

"... seriously, hey"

Alas, good luck!

"May is so annoying."

"Hahaha... fuhahaha...!"

The twins are innocently high-fiving about stunned adults.

I had no choice but to laugh.

Ray and Claire also seem surprised by the boulders.

"He's a great guy, your daughter."

For those mothers, there's this kid.

Neither of them is just a coincidence, I'm sure.

"Hah... I'm so bored..."

"Me too...."

"Oh, if you're tired, go to bed.This is enough.Leave the rest to your mothers. "

I will do it...

"I will."

The twins lay on the ground alone.

Let it out as it is.

It's a big one.

"Oh, yeah, Ale. You changed your stance on the way.What's going on? "

"Hmm... I heard a voice..."


"I'm being chased... by you...It's not like this... "

All that said, it was time for Alea to fall asleep.

"That kind of thing... I wonder...?"

I'm sure Ray, Claire, and I are the ones who learned how to fight, but first and foremost.

For me, it was my father's vengeance, but for Alea, he must have been a good teacher.

"Well... thank you, Dorothea."

I smiled bitterly at the woman who was now called the sword god.

Well, I felt someone's gaze.

I looked around, but there was nobody but the three of us.

"I wonder if I did too...."

When I lay on the ground with my exhausted body, I felt a cool breeze.

Without resisting, I let go of my consciousness and fell into a slumber.

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