I Favor the Villainess

249. What makes a person suffer

The Pope's boundaries bounce off the plateau.

Misha's serene echoes when her posture collapses and stops moving for a moment.

When Yu-sama slashed it with an ice sword, blood came out of Plato's body.

The battle is advantageous to us.

(This is for me and Cardinal Yu, in Misha.Please save your strength.)

There was a voice echoing in my heart.

It is a memorial to the Pope.

(The opponent is one of the three demons, right?Shouldn't we avoid releasing power to powerful opponents?)

Claire objected.

I agree with Claire.

(I don't know why, but the plateau is depleted.I have a bad feeling)

Indeed, Plato lacks excitement in battle.

I don't feel overwhelming power like before.

(Do you think the demons have a plan?)

(I don't know about that, but you should keep your strength in case you fight Lattes or Demon Kings.Do not neglect to be vigilant)

(I understand.)

Unlike Plato, who couldn't challenge in perfect condition, Lattes and Demon Kings, who couldn't stand their teeth in perfect condition, are still holding back.

If we can save our strength here, we can't beat it.

(But if you think it's dangerous, let me do it.)

(Yes, then please)

As he nodded to Manaria's words, the Pope began to chant the heel of the area.

I'll let you!

Did you realize that the border had vanished and remember that you had to retreat from it during the previous raid? Plato rushes in aiming at the Pope.


"I won't let you."


Yu-sama stood on the rays and stood in front of him with a magic wand transformed into an ice sword.

Immediately behind that, Misha refrains.

"I'm in the way!"

Plato tries to take advantage of the giant and jump the two.

You and Misha would weigh less than half of Plato.

The two are as different as dump cars and bicycles.

"Ice Blade!"


Temperatures dropped rapidly around.

Yu-sama produced countless long swords of ice and slashed herself towards the plateau.

I thought everything was reckless.


It was Plato who fell down with a sluggish blow.

I saw that my leg was sewn by an ice sword and I couldn't move.

Well, that's Misha's support.

What are you talking about, onee-sama?

"Take a good look. The swords you unleashed were vibrating in detail.I'm sure it's adding more sharpness. "

I see.

Is it like a radio frequency blade that often appears in SF or something?

"It's over, Plato!"

Yu-sama tried to stab her with a sword.

"... don't lick me!"

Plato shook his arms to the ground and jumped forward with just the strength of his arms.

It doesn't matter if the stitched feet get ripped off.

The unexpected Yu-sama quickly took a defensive stance.


Plato used his centrifugal force to knock the club when he twisted his body dexterity in the air.



Yu-sama and Misha jumped backwards.

The Plato guy is as stupid as ever.

How about that!

Fill it up.

The Pope's Area Heel activates to pour cold water on the delightful plateau.

Not only did you and Misha recover, but also the wounds and fatigue of other soldiers.

"Haah... haah... shit...!"

The plateau on the other hand is full of wounds.

It doesn't even seem to be in good shape, but my whole body is already covered with scratches.

Especially since the wounds on both feet were deep, it seemed that they could not move as agile as before.

There will be no alternative but to say that there was an earliest battle for wounds so far.

Plato, surrender.

"... what?"

"I've decided to win or lose. It's no good anymore."


The Pope recommended surrender with his usual faceless expression.

"You're telling me to admit I lost."

"Yes, even though it's a demon tribe, it's a waste of life."

"... what a pity! We demons seek destruction!Death is not the object of fear, even if you want it! "

Plato turned his evil gaze on the Pope.

"I've always wanted to ask you demons.Why seek destruction?It should be the same as the demon tribes that suffered in this world.What is this psychology that seeks destruction? "

The Pope asked calmly at length.

There is even mercy and compassion in that voice.

"Life is a curse.If you hadn't come even when you were born, you'd have suffered.How can you not understand such a simple thing? "

"It can be hard if you're alive.But the joy is only as long as it is alive. "

"We say that happiness is more important than happiness!"

Plato continues to attack the Popes while contaminating the ground with blood.

Shake the stick, shake the ground, and shake sharp nails.

But all this was hindered by the Pope's kingdom, or was done to Yu-sama, or scattered before the magic of Misha.

"Damn it....."

"If you're still alive in search of destruction, is there something important to you?"

"I live because the Demon King gave me the mission of returning everything to nothing.I was born for it, and I live for it, and I die for it. "

Both sides insist on parallel lines.

There was an inexhaustible separation between the demons who sought nothing without suffering and the humans who sought happiness even with suffering.

"Would you surrender?"

"Piss off."


The Pope looked up at Yu and Misha after lying down sadly for the first time.

Yu-sama and Misha's vibrating sword once again stitched Plato's body to the ground.

"Ugh...! What are you going to do..."

"Bless you. I hope that this time you will be reborn into something that will affirm life."


The Pope, Yu, and Misha stood in a triangular position surrounding Plato.

Congratulations flow out of each mouth.

Plato's gigantic body is wrapped in visible light.

I saw the body gradually decompose into light from the terminals and disappear into a void.

Probably a spiritual trick.

Spiritualism, which has long opposed the Demons, must have other moves to destroy the Demons.

"Holy be Thou, Thy Plato, by the mercy of the Spirit God."

"... heh, no."

Blood danced after a spitting voice.

"Plato... you..."

"I'm a demon... can't stand being blessed..."

Plato was piercing his chest and pulling out the nucleus.

Kofu, red and black blood spills out of your mouth.

"Now, go. Give the Devil his last strength."

When Plato said so, his core disappeared into the Imperial Castle.

"Devil King... save the world..."

That said, Plato fell on the spot.

The massive demonic body that lost its nucleus collapsed and vanished without trace.

It was the spectacular end of the demon tribe who sought nothing until the end and continued to bow to the demon king.

"... poor thing. You are contradictory.If you were to come so proudly and regretfully, you would have found meaning in living...? "

The Pope looked at him without expression - no, he looked a little sad.

"If you were a samurai on the human side... no, it wouldn't matter what you think."


"Ray-Taylor, I think.One step wrong, I might have been like them. "

It was an unexpected confession.

"You know, I'm like a failed work that was born to create you.Unlike the other spiritual strays, I know the background and why. "

"... yes"

"I resented you once.I sometimes lost sight of my raison d 'être.If so, they might have been possessed by vanity like me. "


I had no words to multiply.

It was my fault that the Pope came to think of such a thing.

As I lost my words, I heard a clear voice blowing away the dark sunken air.

"Still, the Pope didn't.That's everything. "


It was Claire.

She continues to speak without hesitation.

"It's more or less everybody's way to ask themselves why they were born."

"Do you have one too?"

"Yeah, well, but I think it's a good way to stop there and make people human."

"Dear Claire...."

"Some people choose to curse life and seek vanity.They don't know how they feel at all. "


But Claire made the tone stronger.

"If you want to deny life, you can do it alone.There is no reason to keep others company.Besides, there's no way you can force someone who affirms life to die. "

If you die alone, Claire assures you that there is no room for sympathy.

"Pope, you stood still and did not force it on others.You're not a demon. "

"... yes, you're right."

That said, the Pope had an unusual smile.

It was a clear smile that seemed to have completely fallen into possession.

"Regardless of the past, now I affirm myself, affirm life, and deny nothing.I don't resent Ray-Taylor.I am who I am. "

That's right.

"Thank you, Claire-François. You're still a wonderful person."

"I told you the truth."

Claire was lifted up by the Pope and, in spite of her words, seemed less satisfied.

"Now, let's move on.It's the Imperial Castle at last. "


The party entered the Imperial Castle.

It is time for the final battle against the Demon King.

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