"Claire, it's time to take a look around... what are you looking at?"

When the tour duty arrived, which also served as the final check to prepare for the final match, Claire went to pick him up in the room and looked at the thin rectangular things with love.

"Oh, Ray, yeah, a little bit."

"Is that...?"

"Yes, Pipi and Loretta gave it to me.Make the flowers we grew together in the flower beds of the academy. "

Heh, huh?

I'm not jealous.

So, when we first met, did you have a vase of margaret on my desk?

"Yeah, yeah."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!If Claire had raised flowers, they wouldn't have been pushed flowers, but eaten them and turned them into flesh and blood!! "

"I'm sorry about that time...?"

Oops, I ran wild.

"When the battle is over, I want to see you both."

"Yes, this happened, and I'd like to have a cup of tea and talk."


It's about time, let's go.

◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

The final confirmation and the soldiers' farewell greetings were held here in Zuluk, to avoid leaving tomorrow for the final battle with the Demon King.

Saying goodbye didn't make me pessimistic, it was mostly for reprimand and encouragement.

"Don't lose. Make sure you get your empire back."

"Ah, I'll give them a hard shot."

"Don't push me. I hope you come back safely."

Oh-san, good luck.

Claire and I are walking together, looking at the town of Zuluk.

May and Alea were in the dormitory with the maids and escorts.

"... we must return the soldiers to their families."

"Yes, including Claire."

"I know. I don't want to orphan May and Aleia again."

You two probably remember when they cried.

Sacrificing one's life to mischief, as in the time of the revolution, is not the case with Claire now, who has the place to protect and return.

Are you here, Dr. Claire, Dr. Ray?

"Oh, Dr. Tridd."


It was Dr. Tridd who looked for us.

The teacher is plain clothes, not dressed for war.

Because he won't join the final squad.

"I received a letter from Bauer.From the students. "

"From Lana and the others?"

Mr. Tridd took out three letters from his bag and gave them to Claire.

"You wrote in a hurry after you received the final report.For those three, the letters on the addressee are distorted. "

That's Dr. Tridd.

I've been watching.

"Well, I'll do it now."

"Thank you, Dr. Tridd."

"Thank you."

Mr. Todd left in silence.

The teacher does not participate in the finals, but he has a lot of work to do.

"Thank you so much, but you still don't know much about your teacher."

"When I get back, I'll talk to you a lot. And of course, thank you."

And this is the story of coming back alive.

Claire, what did you say in the letter?


Claire removed the seal and changed the contents of the letter.

The first one came from Lana.

I heard about the battle between Reisense, Clairesense, and the Devil King.I'm sorry I can't help you in times of trouble. "

The writing began with an apology that was not feminine to him.

"I'm worried, but I'm sure if my favorite raysense and my favorite raysense are Clarissence, they'll be fine."

It seems to be Lana's usual place.

There is still a lot to learn from the doctors.That's why I'm sure you'll come back safely. "

The brief letter was thus closed.

"Looks like you're worried about Lana."

It seems so. But Ray is mine. "

"Oh, are you in a delirious period?"

That's right.

What? What?

Isn't she cute?

The next letter came from Joel.

In a short row,

I'll wait for you to be safe. Good luck. "

The texts that were more concise than Lana, and even less sophisticated, seemed like Joel.

"But it must have taken more than an hour to write this sentence."

Yeah, I think so too.

That's what Joel has.

Even though the output is small, there are many emotions and thoughts up to that output.

The last is Eve's letter.

Her letter was the longest.

"Dr. Ray, to Dr. Claire."

That's how the letter begins.

It's not something I can say that caused a lot of trouble, but I'd like to ask you something.Please help Manaria-sama.

The letter continues.

Manaria-sama is very strong, but on the other hand, she is soft in unexpected places.Please be careful not to let him accidentally die. "

I was surprised.

Does that perfect Superman Manaria look that way from Eve, who was a close servant?

Especially Dr. Ray, the teacher is a weakness to Manaria.Please protect yourself as you see Manaria. "

There are no words.

If this letter had arrived before the four-nation talks, how good would it have been?

Dr. Claire, I'm not worried about you.Please take care of Manaria-sama and Dr. Ray.

That is how the letter ended.

"I don't trust you or Manaria."

"I'm worried about you.That's all they care about. "

Regardless of Manaria, what about me?

Though I feel like a person, Eve may not hate me so much now that the brainwashing has been solved.

I hope so.

"We've been blessed to have sent you this letter on purpose."

"Absolutely. I have to thank you when I get home."

After nodding to each other, Claire took care of the letter and put it in her bag.

We stopped in that way and there was a voice that could be called.

"Oh, you guys. Can we just hang around here?"

"Uh, um..."

"Good afternoon, Marte. It's been a long time."

Claire offered me a rescue ship when I couldn't remember my name and couldn't return my greeting.

Marte, a middle-aged woman with a plump apron, is the grandmother of the Imperial College.

Along with Lana, she was the one who did the cooking match.

"We're the last of the lookouts.Why is Marte in Zuluk? "

"I'm the supply man for the final squad.Hungry is the key to doing anything.Right, Marco? "


I didn't recognize a fluffy man like Mr Marthe, who was called Marco.


Who are you?

It seems that Claire didn't understand either this time.

"You guys, that's not it!?Come on, come on! Master Chef, do you understand? "


"... you've gotten so... plump...?"

When I had a cooking match in the past, I think it was a more refreshing body shape, but the current chef is a whole.

"No, I don't think so.Shake your hand and eat some delicious monkey.That would make you fat, right? "

"Don't reopen it, you young man!"

Mr. Marthe's lightning struck, and the chef shrugged his head.

"Well, don't worry about food.We'll be there for you.You do your best. "

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.

If these two are in charge of supplies, the soldiers' morale will rise.

It's true that you can't fight when you're hungry.

As they broke up and walked further, they met a familiar face again.


"Well, Pope!?"

Her dress is Sandrine.

He was the Pope's sidekick and poisoner who took care of me when the Pope and I were replaced.

This is also the number one player in my neck strapping play.

"Who is it?"


I accidentally called out to her, but I've only dealt with her as a Pope.

She and I forgot that we were supposed to have no acquaintances.

"... you're not the Pope.So you're Ray-Taylor? "

"You know Ray?"

"Yes, I hope you stood up for the Pope during his assassination attempt.I apologize for the inconvenience. "

That said, Sandrine broke her hips deep.

Apparently, he's already been briefed on the situation.

"Absolutely not! I'm sorry I lied to you."

I lowered my head when I was followed.

"Both of you around here.What is Sandrine doing here? "

"I really wanted to take care of the Pope, but my legs were tied, so I decided to wait for you to come home in this town."

I wonder if it was unintentional.

Sandrine's eyebrows are in the shape of a hat.

"I have no power to fight.Are you two going to join the final squad?Please take good care of the Pope. "

That said, Sandrine shook our hand with tears.

When I'm upset,

"Yeah, I'll take care of it. The Pope will return to you.So please wait with peace of mind. "

Claire returned a loving smile that she seldom showed me.

Leave Sandrine and walk the town of Zuluk.

"Hey, you guys!"

Turning around, she was stopped by a woman's sharp voice, and there was a woman in the form of a soldier.


"Hey, excuse me, Ray. Good evening, Adelina."

"Hmm. As clear as ever, Claire-François."

Adelina is Otto's sister, who was collecting young Imperial soldiers to plan the coup.

The coup d 'état ended in an attempt, but our friendship is by no means good.

"Will Adelina join the finalists?"

"You hate it! There's no way Pepe, like us, can join a flourishing duel squad!"

I don't know.

"Then why are you in this town?"

"This is why amateurs, okay?Troop operations are not only carried out on the front lines, but also on defensive locations while maintaining supply lines for longer and longer lines of battle. "

Adelina talked long enough about military accumulation.

"- You know what I mean?"

"Not at all."

"You're making a fool of me!"

I haven't, but it's a long and difficult conversation.

"I see. So, Adelina has a very important role to play back here in maintaining this duel force, right?"

"Hmm, Claire seems to know quite well.Cheeky, but true.It is your business to leave the final battle against the demons to you, but it is His Majesty Philline's judgment.Do not disobey Your Majesty's expectations! "

Adelina just said what she wanted to say and tried to leave, but she stopped her feet.

"... Otto was worried. Go home alive."

Murmuring so much as a sleigh, I left early this time.

"What is it, that?"

"I know. That's what I call a tundelle."

Claire finally learned the concept of tundelion.

If a tundelion is added to the tundelion, is it more tundelion?

... unfortunately, I thought about something I didn't quite understand.

Afterwards, various people called out to me, and I received reprimands and words of encouragement.

"We're going to fight with all sorts of thoughts."

"... that's right."

Fighting the Demon King didn't stop my other outrage.

It is also a battle to regain the daily routine of the people who live in this world.

I can't lose.


It would be enough to go around for a while.

Claire firmly grasped back the hand that came out of the wipe and we arrived on our way back to the dormitory.

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