I Favor the Villainess

236. All Beginnings (6)

Claire-François (first (·) circumference (·) eye (·)) perspective.

"... the manager?

Yes, Claire.

When I was working in my usual lab, I came to the conversation room because I had a zero to talk to.

Zero sat down on the sofa and explained the loop system of the loop of perpetual robbery.

"The system is almost time-controlled, but it can't be fully automatic. Somewhat unmanageable."

So, you're the administrator?

"Yes, given our proficiency in the system, I think it would be Claire or Rene or me."

That being said, Rene is not here.

"Raine has already said no. Because I'm not very good at it."

That's right.

"She has a hard time evaluating herself. He's a capable man."

I agree with you about that.

She is an excellent researcher, but she has no confidence in herself.

Even though self-assertion is strong, I think there is a shake in the fundamental place.

"So, what do you say, Claire? Can you take it?

"Please tell me what you do with the manager first. I can't take it without knowing what it is."

"You're right."

So zero started the holo computer.

It separates the display and makes it visible to me.

"There are three main roles for administrators. The first is to maintain a loop system."

It seems to be the job of controlling the loop system over time and trying to keep humans alive for as long as possible.

This includes exceptions to situations not anticipated by the system, physical maintenance, and adjustments to civilization stages.

"The second is time control. Time is a great artificial intelligence, but sometimes you make mistakes. Administrators must take care of it."

In the unlikely event that time made a decision that would be detrimental to humanity, controlling it with superior authority seemed to be part of the manager's job.

"The third is to determine how long the loop lasts."

"... eh?

I was puzzled by the words of zero.

"What decision can you make to stop the loop? Because that means...."

"Yes, the end of human history."

Zero affirmed my expectations.

"Loop systems are there to keep humans alive, but I think we need to decide if we should repeat them forever."

"Wait a minute. That's not for individuals to judge. At the very least, the political leaders of the time should make a comprehensive judgment. No, I'm not going to make a decision to end human history in the first place."

Zero leaned against my objection.

"Really? This is all hypothetical, but what if an irreparable bug occurs in the system, causing humanity to repeat the loop with great pain and difficulty?

"... uhh..."

In response to the zero point, I could not return the negative word immediately this time.

Her assumptions are similar to those of palliative care and dignified death in end-of-life care.

Should it be affirmed that even though it is possible to prolong life, if the contents of the life are only painful or if it becomes impossible to take a single movement?

People can't just live.

"... but I don't think that decision should be left to the individual."

"That's right. I agree with that. It's dangerous to make decisions with administrator privileges."

I was relieved.

"That's enough about the job description, Claire?

What do you think? Does it mean that I intend to be an administrator?

"Can't you two be administrators?

"It's not a good idea to have multiple privileges. It's chaos in the chain of command."

"Then what do you mean, zero is the manager and I'm the deputy manager?

"... I see, I didn't have that idea."

Zero said surprisingly.

"Maybe you two can endure eternal loneliness."

"Eternal loneliness?

I heard unfamiliar words.

"Yes, by their very nature, administrators will have a sense of independence from the loop. Other humans lose their memory every time they loop, but the administrator… and the deputy administrator will keep the same ego and memory all the time."

Is that... something you can endure on your own?

"One loop is a span of tens of thousands of years, even if you estimate less, right? Do you keep managing it over and over again? I don't think humans can stand it."

After nodding to my concern that zero is the best indication,

"Of course, we administrators also need care. The management work is carried out during the transition of civilization, except in emergencies, during which we also live in civilization as one human being."

This means that you will not be an administrator all the way through the loop.

Then, is it okay?

"What do you say, Claire? Will you be the administrator with me?

Zero raised his hand against me.

I couldn't take that hand right away.

"Let me think about it for a moment. It's too much to talk about, and it's hard to respond right now."

Becoming an administrator - even a deputy administrator - means being responsible for the survival of human history.

It also means carrying the weight of hundreds of millions of people's lives.

Near the zero explanation, human history was about making adjustments from the back of history to trace past history.

Because it's easier to control the loop.

In other words, there will be tragic wars and mass killings in the future loop.

Am I blinded by it? [M]

Even if convinced, the administrator is also responsible for the entire loop system.

It is possible that human history will end with some mistake.

Can my spirit endure this burden?

When I thought about it, I honestly realized that I was scared.

"That's right. You won't be able to do it soon. Well, I'll just set it tentatively, so please let me know when you get an answer."

"What about zero?

"I'll be the administrator, whether Claire will take care of it or not. I don't think anybody else wants to do it."

When I heard that word, I was struck by a fierce guilt.

This study of how to survive humankind was originally imposed on me.

Zero was only brought by me to consult with you on time, and I have no responsibility at all.

Besides, she tried to pull herself out of this job once.

She is still here because I retained her for impure motives.

My mistakes at that time are about to carry a heavy burden at zero.

"Zero, I'm the administrator after all..."

"No, Claire. It's no good."

Zero shook his head in my way.

As if he had seen through my heart.

"I'm not going to be a manager with half-preparedness. You don't have to hurry to answer, so please think carefully before you respond."

That said, Zero left the holo computer and left the room.

All I could do was see his back off without strength.

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