I Favor the Villainess

229. Demon King Tactics

The damage from the Imperial Capital retreat was considerably less than expected.

Almost only soldiers suffer human damage.

It is done only by some of the soldiers who served as lords.

I think that the public should be pleased given the seriousness of the situation, which has caused little harm.

Still, the fact that there are lost lives is incredibly heavy.

Victims of war, including Dorothea, received a tribute not only from the nationals of the Nar Empire, but also from the surrounding countries.

Not only did they protect the people of the Nar Empire, but they also protected humanity from the threat of the demon kings and demons.

I disagreed greatly with the glorification of martyrdom, but nevertheless did not hesitate to express my condolences to those who risked their lives and performed their duties.

Well, let's talk about the future.

That's what Manaria said and cut the meeting open.

This is Zuluk, a city of the Nar Empire near the border with Bauer.

Originally built by the Empire in anticipation of the war against Bauer, it is now at the forefront of the battle against the Devil.

We were renting a large conference room in the city's administrative facilities to discuss future policy.

Most of the attendees were participants in the retreat.

Claire and I were present, of course, Manaria from Sue, William from Appalachia, Sein and Dollar from Bauer, Philline and Hilda from Rod, Yu and Misha from the Spirit Church, and Lily.

The large conference room around Bauer, which is crowded with dignitaries from major national and religious groups, is a bit spectacular.

"What's happening with the demons?

Let me explain that to you.

It was Hilda who answered Manaria's question.

"Reports from the scouts suggest that the Demons have stopped the army for a while after taking over the Imperial City."

"What happened to the Imperial Capital?

"That... strangely, there seems to be little damage to the city's buildings and facilities. Food seems to be being fished, but no destruction has been observed in the shadows."

"... that's creepy."

His Majesty Shein frowned.

"No, no, no, it's a pleasure that the city hasn't been destroyed. Reconstruction after recovery from the demons is easy."

"Bill, now is the time to think about defeating the Demons. We'll talk about reconstruction later."

The dollar complains of His Majesty's easygoing words.

"What is the end of the demon kingdom?

If the town has not been destroyed, is it still alive?

"No, it looks like it was destroyed by a boulder. It has been reported that all the magical stones installed in each of the Imperial Capital's eastern, western, northern and southern parts have been destroyed."

"Then the demons will also be in the Imperial Capital....?

Claire asked after Hilda's explanation.

"Yes, it appears that the Demon King and Plato now have their presence in the royal castle"

"What about Lattes?

"Unknown. It is possible that it remains in the demonic realm as a trap...."

"... you can't be optimistic."

After all, there is no more Dorothea.

We must take the remaining two of the three demons and the Demon King without her.

"Philline, the Imperial Capital is likely to be a battlefield, but do you mind?


Manaria asked, but Philline did not reply with a blurry expression.

"... Your Majesty Philline"

"Ah... I'm sorry. What is it?"

Hilda shook his shoulders and finally returned to me.

"You just lost your mother... I can feel it in your heart."

The dollar expressed his regret with a painful look.

"Thank you very much. But I can't just be depressed. I am the emperor of the Nar Empire now. Your mother will laugh at you for blocking things like this."

Philline laughed with a good smile, but she couldn't see it anyway.

For her, the presence of Dorothea would have been so great.

"The Imperial Capital will be a battlefield, but we have no choice but to accept it. Rather, I think we should be delighted to bring the land to life."

Filine says generously.

It's about her who loves her people so much.

It must be really hard to get cut, like staining their place of life with blood.

"Apart from the empire strategy, the problem is the demon king."

Manaria-sama said with a deep sigh.

"It is reported that Ray is the identity of the Demon King, but I don't understand the meaning. What are you talking about?

His Majesty William asked me for an explanation.

I don't really know, so if you're in the middle of an answer,

"I don't know the details. But first of all, there's no doubt that the Devil King is Ray."

I assure you, Claire said.

"No, but Ray-chan is there. Or something? Ray, are you telling me there are two of you?

"That's probably what I think."

"... no, no, no"

William smiles bitterly.

The dollar raised his eyebrows to Claire,

"If you say so, you may be pointing to one end of the truth, but it would be impossible to say that there are two of the same people."

"Certainly not. But the demon king is definitely Ray."

I know, Claire won't give up a step.

"... how did Ray feel?

His Majesty the King is pointing water at me.

I don't care what they say.

"Honestly, I don't know. His face and voice were similar. That's enough for me to say. However, according to Manaria, the enchantment and the composition of the magic used are different from mine. Maybe it's just a likeness..."

"Impossible. That's Ray."

Claire stubbornly denies the possibility that I have spoken.

"I'm in trouble. No, honestly, I don't care who the Devil is. As long as we take him down. However, it is extremely difficult to defeat the Demon King from the front. I need information to take him down."

Manaria said that the identity of the Demon King would depend on it.

"Does anyone else have information about the Devil King? What about the church?

William asked Yu.

"I don't think the existence of the Devil King was even communicated in the church. Isn't that right, Misha?

"Yes, I had the opportunity to read the church's ancient literature, but I don't think it mentions the existence of the Demon King, although there are detailed descriptions of the Demons."

"... can't you see that the church has been in conflict with the demons for years?"

Sein looked steep at Misha's words.

We couldn't see the solution, and we all kept silent.

"Let me explain. I don't know how many people understand."

The voice suddenly resounded in the conference room.


The Lord of the Voice was Lily.

"It's about time. Finally, I was able to drag the Demon King to the front stage. We can talk about it now."

Lily said in a tone that could be said to be innocent.

"The Church doesn't know the Devil."

"No, Ray. I'm not talking to Lily right now."

"... ah"

Well, she probably is now.

"Right, Apostle?

The apostle, questioned by Claire, smiled and affirmed his words.

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