I Favor the Villainess

225.................and every bit as caustic.

This is the story from Dorothea-Nar's point of view.

From an early age, I had realized that I was different from those around me.

That did not mean that I was a member of the Imperial family, but simply a matter of ability.

What most people in the world may or may not be able to do over the course of a few years, I was able to do in the blink of an eye.

In academia and martial arts, it was no different.

From an early age, I was expected to be an emperor, and I took it for granted.

Many would not know that being able to do anything is boring.

Everything was just a way for me to pass the time.

I was certain that I would eventually succeed to the throne, but that certainty did not move me in any way.

By the time I can remember, I was already tired of life.

To others, it would be called an extravagant affair.

But for me, this world was a very boring place.

That all changed when I encountered that demon king.


One by one, my vassals were dying before my eyes.

Others, far weaker than me, had scattered their lives to protect me.

There was nothing I could do about it.

I was too helpless.

I'm not going to kill you. "I won't kill you, because killing you would change history too much.

The Demon King said that and left the place.

All that was left behind were countless corpses and one stupid clown.

I was reminded of my fear.

And from that point on, life was only going to eradicate that fear.

'Well, wait! What do you want? If you're on the throne, as soon as you're old enough--

I killed my father, the Emperor, when I was seven years old.

He was seven years old.

My father had planned to abdicate as soon as I came of age, but I thought that would be too late.

Quickly, as soon as possible.

In order to defeat the Demon King, I'll have to create a powerful empire.

No, an empire is not enough.

Unless humanity stood together as one, it would not be able to match that disaster.

From then on, they strived to make the country bigger.

They repeatedly invaded and tried to force the human race to become one.

That may have been too forceful a method.

No matter what the cause, there was no justification for such an act as invasion.

He knew that he had no justice.

Nevertheless, I knew I had to do it.

'Your Majesty, you should be more aware of people's pain. If you continue as you are, no one will understand you, Your Majesty.''

My grandfather has been preaching this to me at every opportunity.

I don't need your understanding.

I seek only power.

Without power, you can't do anything.

Power is everything to me.

When I realized that, when I was done, there was no one left around me.


You must be getting tired by now, don't you?

It's not just a matter of time before you get to the point where you'll be able to get your hands on it.

I'm not going to be able to get the same thing for you.

But well, ....... I'm honestly impressed, even though I'm an enemy. I'm honestly impressed, even though I'm an adversary, that you're still standing after all this money you've burned.

When I was told to look around, countless corpses of demons and demonkind were scattered around me.

I don't know how many of them I've already cut down.

Still, there are countless more demons and demonkind waiting in front of me.

''How about giving up? No matter how strong you are, one man against this many is reckless.

That's true.

I was the only person standing around anymore.

The soldiers of the unit that served as Tono all seem to have passed away before I did, leaving me behind.

I don't think I can cut down all the attackers by myself.

But not yet.

You can't go down yet.

The reason for this is because of the fact that it's a good idea to be able to have a look at it. I'll deal with you in person. You'd be honored.

That's not a funny thing to say after you've sacrificed your men to wear them out.

He holds his sword.

My beloved twin swords are spilling their blades all over the place, but they've fought their way to this point without breaking.

I'm going to show you how to endure a bit more.


He exhales sharply and closes the distance between him and the demon race.

This is the Sword God Dorothea's stepping in, I'm so slow that I'm amazed at myself.

Even when I had to deal with one battalion of Soos, I didn't get this much wear and tear.

Hopefully, I'm hoping that I'm able to buy a little more time for my team to fight.

It looks like you don't have ...... much time to slash at me head on. This is the end, Sword God.

Beyond Yu's sword flash, I can see the claws of the demon race.

If this is the case, it will end in a sobering effect.

The head of me is going to be bounced off the head before I can return the sword.



Perhaps to Aristo, it must have seemed as if Yu's body had disappeared.

With a speed that was impossible with the remaining strength, I got behind Aristo.

This is my last hidden sphere - my living armor.

This jet-black armor that I wear is a living magic tool.

This magic tool, the only one that I can use without the ability to use magic, is an inheritance of an ancient civilization found in the ruins of the empire and has been passed down from generation to generation in the imperial family.

This is the only tool that has a will, and it operates autonomously to protect the wearer.

''Your carelessness got you into trouble, demon race.

I used the last of my strength to swing my sword down.

"-Letting down your guard, huh? It's called leeway, Emperor.

The sword, which he swung with the intention of killing, stopped when it bit into something else, not the demon race.

'Not a cowardly ......, I see.

Yeah, anything is possible on the battlefield. Isn't that right?

One ogre had thrown his body in front of the demon race.

Yu's sword snapped off when the ogre's horn was halfway severed.

'You were strong, Emperor. But goodbye.

Aristo's claws pierced through Yu's right chest.

Your body understands without thinking about it.

It's a fatal wound.


What is it? Let's hear the will. I'll make sure your daughter knows it's you.


"? Say it louder than that.

The demon's head, which came with its ears close together, was grabbed by a gathering of fading power.

"You're a companion to ....... Bring me the companion.

"? You!

In the next moment, black flames overflowed from Yu's armor, engulfing the demon race and setting it ablaze.

''Guaaaah! ......!

"A fire said to belong to the old civilization. Come and taste the fire and die.

This flame, which is activated at the same time as the wearer's life burns out, is said to melt even the adamantite that the god has forged.

The black flames entwined with Aristo like a creature's tentacles, burning its body to the ground.

''You aaaaah!

"Hmmm... ...... hmmm... hahaha ......!

I couldn't keep my promise to Philine, but this isn't bad.

I feel not so bad after all.

Forgive me, Philine. You're going to have to laugh at my death.

I've lived a lonely life, and I never thought my last thought would be of my daughter, whom I couldn't say I loved.

I'm not going to be able to say that I'm not going to be able to say that I love you.

--I'm going to go now, Christophe.

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