I Favor the Villainess

219. Intermittent rest

After a brief conversation with the Apostle, we spent time with our family.

The four of us played in the lake, cooked dinner with everyone (except Claire), and enjoyed a relaxed time for the first time in a long time.

I did not forget to tell them to be careful when using their power to dispel Claire's fears, and also for May and Rare themselves.

I explained to myself that it was easy to attract malice, such as not using force improperly, never pointing it at friends or acquaintances.

It should still be difficult for Mei and Alea to talk about, but they nodded in a serious way.

They have had similar experiences with the blood curse in the past, so they may know what is at stake for Claire and me.

After a difficult conversation, we had plenty of fun.

Mei and Alea prefer to play with their bodies rather than toys, so Claire and I are always in trouble with each other.

But if you're so tired, you're welcome.

It is certainly more meaningful fatigue than at least fighting demons and wearing them out in political diplomacy.

"May and Alea are asleep."

"Yes, you've been here a long time today."

Were you tired of playing all day long, the two began to sail over the boat in the middle of dinner.

I hurried to brush my teeth, and by the time I got out of the bath, I was almost in a dream.

When they carried my children to their bedrooms, which had recently become heavier, they were already refreshed.

"It's been a long time since I've been with Claire, so I'm sure they were both happy."

"If you say so, so is Ray, right?

"What about me?"

I am confident that I love you, but I may not be very confident that I am loved.

"That's rude to May and Area. We both really admire Ray. Dinner would have sparkled your eyes, right?

"Well, I think you'll like the rice."

I wonder.

Today, I'm feeling so self-abusive.

I don't mean to think this through my heart.

"... fufu, that's how Ray can be."

Claire giggled.

"What's that like?

"You're sweetening me. Whether it's relationships, parenting concerns, politics, diplomacy, demonic warfare, I was a little fresh because I was more sweet to Ray."

Welcome, and Claire spread her hands.

While feeling a little uncomfortable, I don't hesitate to jump into his chest.

"You've always been sweet enough.

"No, Ray - especially since he came to the Empire - has been very nervous. Protecting our family is the first thing that has not shown us our weaknesses."

"Really? When May and Area were taken away, I had a pretty disgraceful memory."

When I think of the ugliness of that time, I feel like I want to unravel it now and for no reason.

Black history.

"That was the same for me. It would have been natural if that had happened. If Ray seemed calmer to me at that time, it was because Ray was unusual and completely disturbed."

"I'm so sorry about that passage."

"Fufu, that's fine. I'm usually supported by Ray. We must be the type of people who calm each other when they lose their cool."

Claire gave me a hug.

It's warm and pleasant.

I kissed Claire from her arms.

"A lot has happened since we came to the Empire."

That's right.

"Visit Dorothea, enter the museum, meet Philline and the others."

"The Pope's luck was tough, wasn't it?"

I didn't think you could replace me.

"You've improved the Imperial cuisine before. And the ball."

"I never thought Alea would be a disciple of Dorothea."

"May also helped me open the forbidden box."

"Once the empire failed, Philline was banished."

"It was tough on Joel, Eve, Lana and the others."

It was really dark in front of me when May and Area were exposed.

"And there was a summit, and Philline gave Dorothea the lead - and now. It's been months of rage."

"Thank you very much."

"Ray, it's you."

You two laugh and kiss each other again.

"This is not what the Apostle says."

"I'm sure it will. As always, I have no idea why this would be a countermeasure against the demons."

"Is that it? Do you think love works when you want the world to die?

"I wouldn't have had much trouble with that."

Whatever you do, we'll be happy if you don't like it.

"... I wonder if we can make it through the fight against the demons."

"Of course. Once this is over, let's go back to Bauer - to our house."

In order to do so, we must manage to stop the attack of the demons a few days later.

"Dear Claire, I'm worried about what the Demon King said."

"The history of the example is a nasty statement?


It seems that the Demon King and Dorothea made a statement to the effect that they would not kill because history would change.

Isn't that like me with my unsigned and revolutionary knowledge?

"Wouldn't the Demon King... be a lost spirits like me?

"The Devil is a human being? But the demon king is the king of the demons, isn't he?

"I don't know, but...."

Among the novels I read before the reincarnation, there were many stories that the Earthlings would be reincarnated as demon kings of other worlds.

If the Demon King of this world were such a reincarnated person, the Dialogue of the Demon King would somehow fall into his heart.

But I still don't know why he's trying to destroy the world.

"... Ray, are you trembling?

Claire tells me to be confused.

In fact, she was right.

"I'm scared."

"The Devil King?

"Yes, if the Demon King can see the history ahead, it is a great power. Knowledge of my prophecy has already ended where I came down with the Dorothea. We can only fight by hand."

Having preliminary knowledge of previous developments and relationships was a big advantage.

It is very much based on original knowledge that people like me have come to this world without regard.

That will hardly work in the coming battle.

"It's good that I die. But if something happens to Claire, May, or Allear..."

"Hey, Ray."

Claire lightly decompressed me.

We can't afford a reward in our industry right now.

"You told me when May and Area were kidnapped and going to get it back, right? I said," All four of you have to go home. "

"... yes"

"Now I'll tell you. No one is missing. The four of us will definitely go home."

That said, Claire smiled like a large rose.

"You have no enemies, Claire."

"Of course. Who do you think I am?

"My darling darling, my lover."

Fufu, that's correct.

Embrace each other and kiss each other without hesitation.

"I wonder if the Apostle is watching this sight."

"You can do it, right? Let me show you."

"I don't have such a sexual habit!?

"Saying that, Claire is thrilled when she kisses people where they have eyes, which is three times more than usual.

"Ugh, that's a lie!

"Yes, it's a lie."


Claire slaps me.

Yes, it is a reward in our industry.

Dear Claire,

"... it is. It was a nice atmosphere."

"I like it."

"... already. Sluggish people."

"Doesn't Claire tell you?

"Yes, it's not enough to say that I like it."

That said, Claire hugged me and put her mouth around her ear.

I love you, Ray.

I feel a similar feeling to intoxication in that whispered word.

Time to get some rest.


One night I stopped the demon clan from attacking.

This is how I lowered the curtain for a short holiday.

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