The meeting hall panicked.

The soldiers on the Imperial side are also confused, as they were not shown in advance.

The other three countries lowered non-combatants and surrounded Dorothea with fighters.

Dorothea holds her sword and does not move slightly.

"Running away is good for those who save their lives," he said, "but not today." I'm sorry, but I'm gonna kill everybody. "

"I thought I could!?

At the very beginning of the opening, Claire threw a flame spear.

It's an extra-large blow like the one I shot at Rare's mother one day.


"Die from you, Claire-François?


Dorothea pushed into the flame spear and stepped straight into Claire's place.


I fell under Dorothea's feet and broke his posture.

The Dorothea sword cuts through the sky just in time.

"Be careful, Claire. Magic doesn't work on Dorothea."

"That's right. What a mess....."

Yes, it is.

Dorothea has no magic.

That means our combat power will be drastically reduced.

Not so long as it's a type of magic that interferes with the terrain, like the pitfalls I've just used, but I don't understand any direct attack magic, such as flamethrowers or ice bullets.

The same goes for Claire's magic ray.

"Protect your Majesty!

"Heal Her Majesty!

The guards move in a hurry, but I can't get near Dorothea.

With a semi-life arm, it ends with a truncation.

Soldiers are intimidating the tip of their swords and spears to surround Dorothea.

"Miscellaneous time... do you think you'll be able to fight this drotaire!

Black light flashes.

Dorothea flashes his dark sword, and dozens of soldiers reduce the number within sight.

"Ray, hurry up your sister's recovery! Onee-sama is the only one against Dorothea's sword moves!

"It's a deep wound! It will take a while!

Dorothea was cunning.

She knew that Manaria was the only one to fight for her.

And her weaknesses.

That's why Dorothea was after me for the first time.

"That's enough. Let me go."

"Dear Manaria, But still....."

"Our soldiers will die like this. As a princess of a country, I can't even look at it."

Manaria stood up with her sword in her left hand.

The right hand, which is a powerful arm, seems to be powerless.

"It's rude, onee-sama! Confront that Dorothea in that state!

"Still, it is, Claire. Dorothea was right, and at that moment, I gave Ray priority over myself. Thinking big, it's a big mistake."

From the point of view of Manaria, Queen of Susie, you should have abandoned me on that occasion.

And yet she didn't.

To protect me.

"This time I can't go wrong. So, Claire, I want you to take care of Ray."


"Take Ray and run. I'll buy you some time."

With a bloody pale face, Manaria-sama still smiled.

He wasn't feminine, he smiled.

"Wait, Mr. Manaria. Too soon to be self-destructive."

"As relentless as ever, Ray. Do you have a plan?

"Yeah, it's a game of time."

I was listening to some news before this meeting.

It's a bad bet.

But I want to bet on it.

"What about the operation meeting?

With those words, Dorothea walks out slowly.

Behind her are countless soldiers - bleeding without bleeding.

Her gaze shifted sideways.

After that, an Empire official was leaving the room.

What is it...?

I don't know, but Dorothea showed a gap for the first time.

"I'm coming, Claire!

"Match it, Ray!

After that, I was already obsessed with it.

I magically and desperately support Claire in her fight against the White Army.

Claire herself has explosive powers in her gait, and spares no effort to use magic to increase the power of her sword.

There was more support from Manaria.


Still, it hasn't reached Dorothea yet.

"You lost. Ray-Taylor"

Dorothea pronounces it as if it were a judge or a reaper.

Both Claire and I were worn out.

There's almost no magic left.

As for Manaria-sama, she's lost consciousness due to the exhaustion of magic.

I didn't think it would hit me.

But we can't let them shut us up.

"Hah... hah... You're strong... admit it, Dorothea."

"I don't need to be told."

"But... if you'll excuse me, you're a third-rate."

"... what?

Dorothea jumped her eyebrows.

"Haah... haah... What Ray wants to say... is this. You are as strong as you are personally. You're one of the most powerful people in history."

"I don't need any compliments."

"But that's just the strongest part. You don't know that strength is more than that."

"The strongest... That's ridiculous. You're talking about strength as a herd? Makes me laugh. I'm weak, so I'll just have to flock."

Dorothea laughs spirally.

"You can only describe people as a crowd. That's your limit, Dorothea."

"You must be losing. I'm not going down."

What she believes is the strength of the pieces.

Dorothea is indeed strong.

But humans certainly have different strengths.

"No, that's what people used to call people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to-people-to

"That was a playful dialogue. Can you beat the rest with a bond?

"What? Have you forgotten?

"... what are you talking about?"

I hold Claire's hand.

Claire gripped me back.

From the connected palms, dusty and warm things flow in.

"You used to fight Bauer internally. So, what happened, Mr. Claire?

"... fufu. You made it through a bond between me, Ray and a lot of people."

A bond is not a dream story or an empty picture.

It is a force that exists in reality.

"It was certainly a mistake. Others should have stepped in and switched their swords quickly."

You're a loser.

Dorothea's eyebrows glittered.

It seems that I regretted being rekindled.

"That's enough. You die here."

Dorothea waves her sword.

From Claire's connected hands, it feels dusty and powerful.

A faint trace of Claire's magic will be transferred to me.

"This is what it looks like in my local area. I don't know the game until the end!

I activated magic.

This is the last real shot that Claire and I managed to make with my remaining magic.

Dorothea played it with a sword and flew over to open the distance.

"Did you leave a hidden ball? Just imitate me...."

The hateful Dorothea turned towards the entrance.

A faint footsteps echo.

It grew bigger and bigger, and it turned out to belong to a group.

That's good.

Looks like we made it.

"Dorothea, have you noticed?

"What are you doing?

"You lost a long time ago when you let her go before this meeting. Fufu, fufufu...."

If Dorothea wants to do that, he's stuck in a flash and he's pointing at the tip.

There is no magic left to resist a run-down body.

You're scared, Claire.

I'm scared, too.

Still, my beloved sounded the laughter of victory softly.


"... what is it...?!

Dorothea whispers frustratingly.


"Haah... hah... We're on time!"

I ran into the meeting room with a rough breath.


Yes, it is.

Filine-Nar, who was supposed to have been banished from the country.

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