I Favor the Villainess

208. Last bullying

"Don't say anything extra, Bill."

The dollar shouted suddenly.

His Majesty William, on the other hand, is laughing with a smile.

I wonder if it's a natural perm, but while playing with my fingers with my shrunk black hair, my burnt brown eyes are loosely pointing towards the dollar.

The height and flesh resembled the dollar, but the atmosphere created was in contrast.

If Dollar is a hardcore politician, His Majesty William is somewhere charismatic - in my impression, he has a nasty con artist atmosphere.

"Dollars are serious. It's supposed to be clumsy, but it's too clumsy to go around."

"Don't make fun of me. We're serious right now, Bill."

"I don't know. I'm serious too, but somehow no one understands."

Ahahah, and His Majesty William laughed lightly.

"What is the relationship between Mr. Dollar and His Majesty William?

I asked Raine.

"Mr. Dollar studied abroad in Appalachia when he was a student. He said he knew His Majesty William there."

According to Raine, the two were quick to get along.

They were both excellent students, and they wanted someone to argue with on an equal footing, and they seemed to recognize each other as a rival.

Since then, it seems that their relationship has continued for nearly twenty years.

"Dollar, you're buying yourself a hater, right? To protect Claire's idealism."

He gazed at His Majesty William in a mocking tone, saying that Dollar had done something extra.

"What do you mean, haters, Bill?

Claire asks if the poison has been completely removed.

"The dollar wants to protect you. That conviction and high aspirations. That's why I'm about to become a dirty man in a situation like this one where it doesn't make sense."

"Father! Father...."


After hearing Claire's ridiculous gaze, Dolor turned his eyes away at random.

It seems to be like a picture star.

Dollar's top priority is a country called Bauer.

There's no doubt about that.

For Bauer's sake, even his own daughter is willing to die.

It has been proven in times of revolution.

But when it comes to why my daughter isn't important, that's not true.

Dollar loves Claire as much as Dollar.

Even if the affection was hard to understand.

"Then... please say that from the beginning. Even if you didn't use such insulting rhetoric against me, you could tell me apart.

"But the facts remain the same. My idea of silencing the coup remains unchanged."

Dollmaster closed his eyes with his arms folded.

I think the stubborn thing about Claire is that she's really a parent and child.

Dollars, don't be so stubborn.

"So, what about Bill?

"Coup d 'état is a boring thing to avoid."

"Dear Bill!

At last, someone who agreed with my opinion appeared, and Claire was full of joy.

"Do you miss this opportunity?

"No, this is not a chance, dollar. Rather, there's a danger that they'll even take my feet."

"What do you mean?

Look, His Majesty William went on ahead.

"The coup happens on the day of the summit, right?

"Oh, yeah. Why don't you bring it to me for responsibility?"

"What if they say we deliberately provoked it?

"No roots, no leaves."


His Majesty, William, tilted his head.

"In fact, we already know about the coup. I know, and I'm trying to leave it."

I don't suppose that's what triggers it.

"That's right. But if it's Dorothea, it feels like the fools who were instigated by the enemy have decided to push through without listening to what I have to say."


"Publish the coup participants to the public as traffickers, and then torture someone appropriately to force Bauer to confess, but if you force him to confess, the blame falls on us."

"No, it's not that easy."

The dollar raised his voice in protest.

His Majesty William nodded.

"I guess so. But it's safe to assume that the coup will remain a diplomatic card in our favor, right?

"... that's..."

"And hey, dollar. Then it's war, what a draughty thing to say about putting milk in your tea. Either way, it's going to be complicated eventually. Then let's choose not to spill something important."

"Something important? You mean Claire's blue-smelling ideal?

"Stupid, dollar. It depends on your life. Look, dollar. It's nice to be surrounded by politics and diplomacy, but if you forget the respect of life, we'll be nothing but cattle.

"... it's beautiful."

The words of His Majesty William, who spoke in vain, were echoed with a smile.

"Dollar, I'm still angry. When the revolution happened in Bauer, without consulting my best friend, you tried to scatter your life to Claire's. You despise life too much for your cause."

"I'm sorry?

"Even if it's bad. Can you show your granddaughter your future with all your heart?

"... Nu..."

I wonder if Mr. Dollar is going to have to admit that.

I am poor in answers.

Is this another push?

"Dear dollar, would you excuse me for saying this?

"Don't hesitate to ask my stepfather. Say it."

"Yes, even if it's a dry diplomatic rush, it's still bad aftertaste. Those who took part in the coup will show their families the best and the worst, to prevent relapse."

"... I guess so."

"It is clear that human claims in other countries are more compelling than those of the Dorothea people. In that way, it could stir up bad feelings about Bauer, but rather lead to increased domestic cohesion."


"If the coup is in Bauer's best interest, perhaps we should use it as Dollar says. But I also think this is a little dangerous."


After a moment of silence,

Claire, I want to hear your thoughts.

"... I..."

Claire lay her eyes down for a moment and looked at the dollar.

"I want to help them. I think they're the kind of power that can change the empire."


"Yes, it was Princess Philline who spread it, but the seeds are growing steadily. It's too bad to be picked like a young bud right now."

"Is that a sentimental decision?


Claire categorically denies it.

"If we can overthrow the Dorothean dictatorship in the Empire, I think it's because of our own people. If the people think for themselves and question it now, the dictatorship will disappear."

"I mean, it's good for Bauer too?

"Yes, if the Empire were to stop hostile diplomacy, it would be in Bauer's undisputed interest. And I'm not going to let them die here."


It seemed that Dollar was carefully reviewing Claire's words.

In his head, there must be all kinds of interests, games, calculations.


"Very well. I will not silence the coup."

"! Thank you, Father!

"It's not too soon to feel safe, Claire."

His Majesty William stabbed Claire with a relieved expression.

"I haven't figured out how to stop the coup, dear. If I don't think of it, the coup will eventually happen."

"That's... still convincing..."

"I don't know if that's bad. Claire and Ray made Princess Philline go into exile, didn't they? I don't think that human words will ever reach those who are ready for the coup."

"... that's true..."

Claire thought about it.

Um, I thought...

"Hmm? What's up, Ray?"

"If our words don't reach us, why don't you convince the people who reach us?"

"I'm sure that's true, but do you have a specific guess?

Yeah, well...

I answered His Majesty William's question, "Who is it?"

"Joseph Gesner. An understander of Princess Philline near the Emperor. I want to convince him."

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