I Favor the Villainess

193. Sexual crossing

"... Ray, where the hell are you going?

"Fine, fine."

"Shut up and come here. I won't make it worse."

One day, about two weeks after the trial.

Master Claire and I were aiming to get some news and take Yoel somewhere.

"Well, you two owe me. I hear most of it."

Joel grinned powerlessly.

Him - No, I guess what she's saying is about the trial the other day.

"I'm not grateful. In the end, Joel was going to be sent back to Bauer."

"That's right. I'm sorry for what I did to Joel."

Not only me, but even Master Claire made a faint voice.

Master Claire seemed to regret not being able to save her godson.

"Don't say that. I still feel refreshed. That's what I've been waiting for."

That's what makes me laugh again, Yoel.

"So, isn't it time you told me where you're going?


"Right here."

What we arrived at was a treatment center at the Spirit Church.

"What are you doing here?

"Let's go inside first"

"Apparently it's on"

We pulled Yoel's hand and went inside.

This treatment center in the Imperial Room was more spacious than the one that was co-located at Bauer's College.

There are people in the waiting room waiting to be treated for injuries and illnesses, waiting for the order of examination.

The interior seems to be kept clean and well cleaned.

"Hey, you're here."

"It's late."

It was Master Yu and Misha who welcomed us.

Besides studying at the Academy as an international student, the two also hit the service of attending this treatment center as spiritualists.

I was asking them to have it.

"What about her?

"This way."

When I asked, Master Yu took the lead.

Follow the directions and walk inside the treatment center.

Master Yu stopped in front of one room.

"Julia, can I come in?

"... yeah"

We waited for a response, and then we all went inside.

Inside lay a knowledgeable child in bed.

"Julia, how are you?

"... it's good to see you, Claire"

The patient was Julia.

It's one of those monastic children that Lady Claire and I sometimes go to comfort.

He doesn't quite miss me, but he's open minded to Master Claire, and from what I hear, he was close to the Pope when he was replacing him.

"Is this child...?

Yoel is confused.

Things didn't seem to swallow.

"I was supposed to suffer from a certain disease and be treated. But this disease is a little special. Ray asked me to let him know if there was a patient suffering from this disease."


"Heterosexual disease."

When I heard his name, it seemed that Yoel had come with a pin.

That's right.

I was looking for a heterosexual patient for Joel.

In the world of the twenty-first century, doctors must not divulge information about patients, but this world is still loose around it.

Although I was surprised that it was Julia, a familiar person, who suffered from heterosexual diseases.

"Ray, are you kidding...?

"Yeah. Yoel, why don't you have a heterosexual disease?

Some of you will forget, so let me explain.

Heterosexual disease is, as its name suggests, a disease that turns into a heterosexual body.

The entity is like a kind of curse, but the details around it are discounted.

It's not a stylish disease for normal people, but it could be hope for Yoel, who wants to get a woman's body, I thought.

"Let's just say, just because you have a heterosexual disease doesn't mean you can be the ideal woman's body. Because Joel was originally masculine."

It is raised that Yu-sama's case settled without problems that Yu-sama originally had a feminine face and that in her case she was originally a woman.

You should also be aware that on a full moon day you will return to your original gender body.

"If you don't mind, I'll put Yulia's heterosexual disease on Yoel."

"That's... can you do that?


"As always, I guess we shouldn't ask how Ray has that knowledge, should we?

"It would be helpful if you did so, Master Yu."

"So, what do you do, Yoel?

Joel is thinking.

As he also said during the trial, Joel is a child of a soldier's house.

I have been raised as much as possible by soldiers in the future, and that is how I have been hoped for.

Though some female soldiers, it is inevitable that if they become female bodies, they carry quite a handful.

Still, do you want to be a woman?

"... please. No, please, Dr. Ray."

When Joel corrected his posture, he bowed his head deeply.

"I get it. Well, here we go."

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In conclusion, Yoel's feminization went well.

"... I can't believe you're such a beauty..."


"... don't..."

Return from the treatment center.

We were in a hurry to get back to the Bauer dormitory.

"You're a different type of beauty than I am."

"Please don't call yourself beautiful, Master Yu"

It is, of course, Misha who embarrasses the dull laughing Tanuki.

"Yoel, how do you feel about getting the body of a woman in memorial?

"... I want to dream something. I still can't believe it."

Looking at his thinner fingers, Yoel still doesn't seem to feel it.

But that face is still a little loose.

I looked at it and thought it was a good place to be in a world where magic, curses and other wonders existed.

In the case of gender dissonance in the world I was in, gender crossing has never been so easy.

Whether men become women or women become men, those who succeed in crossing the border were rather rare, and the reality was that many had no choice but to cry and fall asleep.

It would be quite different if treatment could be started before the second trait, but if not - especially if the body had been completed as its original gender - it would have been almost impossible to change it later, no matter how much the person wanted another gender.

Misaki, a friend who had gender disagreements, started treatment after secondary sexual traits, so her height and skeleton were luxurious for a man in her case, and her voice didn't get very low.

As a result, you will have difficulty communicating interpersonal, and the results are as you all know.

I'll say no once and for all because I have to be misunderstood, but I don't want to say that I wouldn't have crossed gender borders unless I was a beauty otherwise.

Originally, it would be best for a society to live happily in the person's appearance, not according to the ugliness of beauty.

That's natural.

But the ugliness of appearance really exists, and it is strongly involved in the ease of life.

That's not true when it comes to whether anything is easier for Aesthetics, and in fact, on Earth, there were research findings such as job interviews that make Aesthetics more difficult to appreciate.

Nevertheless, it is important to have an affinity with the gender of the transboundary destination where appearance is more than constant.

In idealism and beauty, people can't live.

"... it doesn't make anything convenient because it's a different world, but I guess I'm just thankful this time"

I hope Misaki, who died, is reincarnated into some other world, for Christ's sake.

"Thank you, Dr. Ray. I will never forget this grace."

"I exaggerate. I'm not making a big deal of it. Besides, Yoel's going to be in trouble, so good luck."

"Oh. Convincing my parents is a little melancholy, but I'll let them do something about it"

The bitterness that is floating is also softer than before feminization.

Yeah, I thought the body fit the gender of the mind.

"That's right, Ray. I'll keep this."

Master Yu offered me something, so I took it.


"After gender crossing, a lot of unforeseen things tend to happen. In case anything happens to Yoel's body, use this, once you've cursed the heterosexual disease."

It was the tears of the moon that were given to Master Yu.

"Is that okay?

"Of course. I'm familiar with the gender misery. I'd be happy to help at all."

Saying so, Master Yu grinned.

"Thank you. I'll keep it."

By the time I got to Bauer's dorm, the sun was setting abundantly.

I'm sure it wasn't my fault the sunset looked kind of very pretty.

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