"... I lost"

A few days after the declaration of exile was made to Filine.

We were coming to drop off Filine, who was to be deported from the country.

The drop-off members are: Dear Claire, Hilda, Jiya, my four.

Frieda hasn't come.

They anti-government forces seem to have been recognized by Dorothea for their existence, so they have left a minimum of human beings behind to disappear.

This is the east gate of the Imperial Room.

Similar things happened before when Lehne was banished from the kingdom, but the Imperial Gate is a few steps above what we saw in Bauer.

The size, the stubbornness, the number of people going through there.

The examinations were also several times larger and looked smaller when Philine, who was to be deported, did it.

"What an apology to all of you for your cooperation..."

Filine apologized looking sincerely sorry.

Filine is supposed to go on an outing to the surface peripheral countries.

However, that period is indefinite and does not change that it is de facto expulsion.

There are about five squires.

The luggage is also minimal, and it is not a very royal outing.

"We're sorry we couldn't help you enough. He seemed a little insulted to His Majesty Dorothea."

"No. I didn't think the eyes of surveillance were that tight either. This is my fault."

Lady Claire's follow up doesn't seem to reach the current filine either.

"But what if I say this, but I'm fortunate that it wasn't a capital punishment. There was something about to be cut off in that place."

I may be offended by Lady Philine and Claire, but I do.

Everything is a life-threatening species.

"Life is connected, but what the hell can you do with your exile?"

I'm guessing.

Dear Philine and Claire are totally overnight moody.

"You can do anything. Aren't you free from the empire now that you've been banished? Then all you have to do is do what Master Filine wants."

"Hehe, Ray is positive"

"Ray's too simple."

"It's not a bad thing to be depressed, but it's also important to change your mind. If you get depressed all the way, don't you just go up later?"

Well, I know some of this is character.

"Nevertheless... I am a little disappointed in His Majesty the Dorothea"

"To your mother?


Master Claire is staring at me.

"I thought that even if His Majesty was a tyrant, it was thinking of his country. I wasn't much of a sympathizer, but my abilities still came with origami, and I thought that was one way of being a monarch."

"Oh, is that it? Lady Claire doesn't like the statement that she doesn't know what happened after Dorothea."

"That's right. It's a serious rumor from the money changers."

"Haha...... My mother excused me."

Filine apologized powerlessly to Claire, who was completely angry.

"After seeing His Majesty Dorothea for the first time, we talked about His Majesty's impressions, but apparently Ray was most right in his view. He's a child. He's a child who's too biased in his abilities."

Somehow, but I'm sure Master Claire feels betrayed.

Even if he could not empathize, Master Claire would have seen one complete form of something called a monarch in Dorothea.

But that was a mistake.

I think that's what makes Claire angry.


"You all misunderstand Your Majesty"

He blamed it in a quiet tone. No.

"His Majesty Dorothea is not that short notice. He said he would leave the rest to the later, which was certainly a misleading statement, but His Majesty has his own thoughts."


Filine asked with interest.

It should be noted that Filine has not lost interest in and respect for her mother, even though she has been disposed of as an exile.

"As you are all worried, this country is home to a large proportion by a superman named His Majesty the Dorothea. Your Majesty knows that."

"Then how could you do that..."

"His Majesty had been spilled like this before. I overdid a lot on my own, he said. We leave the rest to the later, which means that when you fall apart, we can all work together to run the country."

Your Majesty doesn't have enough words, Mr. Toya shrugged lonely.

"The same thing about Master Filine."

"About me, too?

"Yes, Your Majesty Dorothea is here to talk to you about Philine."

"Oh no... no way..."

"It's true. His Majesty Dorothea did such a trick by hating that Lady Filine would be involved in politics. Your Majesty is with you."


Filine's expression was complicated.

I couldn't believe it right away, but it was such a face, like I'd like to believe it if I could.

"Dear Philine, What you did wasn't a mistake. I myself think that the Empire is at a time of cutting the helm on reconciliation diplomacy. But I don't like the current policy with His Majesty."

"Then why?

"I don't even know the details. But Your Majesty is in much pain. Your Majesty is not the one who originally said it would be good to shed unnecessary blood."

What Jiya said was hard to believe.

Because it is an indisputable fact that Dorothea has expanded its front and invaded numerous countries.

Besides, even if for any reason, I wouldn't be willing to hear such excuses from the invaded countries.

"It's time to leave, Master Filine"

So said the man of your Lord.

Finally, it's time to break up.

Filine boarded the carriage with a depressing face.

I didn't even have time to exchange words of farewell.

Slowly the carriage moves out.

At that time.

"Claire, Ray, Hilda, Jinya. I've made up my mind."

"Dear Philine!?

Filine faces out of the carriage door and screams hard at this one.

"I, I will try to believe your mother! Believe it, I won't give up the future of this country either! I will definitely be back here again!

In those eyes resided a strong will.

When we just met, she wasn't around anymore, who couldn't do anything on the inside.

The next time I see you, I'm sure you're growing even more.

The carriage quickly gets smaller.

We've been dropping it off for a while.

"You're gone"


"Was Hilda good, though I ended up dropping him off without saying anything"

"Yeah, well. I didn't have any particular words to call. I mean, I thought it was completely ignored."

"I'm messing with you."

I'm sure there were some words you wanted to exchange.

"Operation Imperial Cage is starting all over again."

"You will be."

"... I'd like you to stop talking like that in front of me."

Jiya looks sinister.

"Is that it? Isn't Jiya one of those people who remembers how to empire?

"Yes, but as a general rule, I'm on His Majesty's side, Dorothea."

"I see."

Jiya, you're in a position to only call yourself a hard-worker.

And so on and so on and so on and so on, came a man in a young uniform.

"Master Joseph, did you come here?"

"What's up?

"I have received a letter from the Kingdom of Suse. Your Majesty has already seen it, but Lord Joseph confirms it."


Jiya glanced at it when she received the letter.

The expression is hard.

"Is something wrong?

"Hey, Ray. We won't be able to tell you the contents of the letters that will be exchanged between the country and the country."

"No, I don't mind. Anyway, the same contents have arrived in Bauer's dorm."

With that said, Jiya handed me the writ.

I took it and looked through Master Claire.

Here's what it says there.

- I would like to have a four-country summit: Suse, Appalachia, Bauer and Naar. Manaria-Suss

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